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Administrative Law Judges’ E-Docket Database

All Dockets by Complaint Date

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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 | 1978 | 1977 | 1976 | 1975 | 1974

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Date FiledCan be sorted ascending or descendingStatusSorted ascending, can be sorted descendingDocket Number 123Can be sorted ascending or descendingCase NameCan be sorted ascending or descending
09/09/2019  Active  CWA-07-2019-0262 Adamas Construction and Development Services, PLLC and Nathan Pierce
10/19/2023  Active  CAA-02-2024-1201 Homeca Recycling Center Co., Inc.
02/08/2024  Active  FIFRA-07-2023-0135 Timothy Wilson d/b/a Wilson's Pest Control
04/08/2024  Active  CAA-HQ-2024-8443 USA Wholesale Lubricant Inc.
03/28/2024  Active  RCRA-04-2023-2106 Bluestone Coke, LLC
06/13/2024  Active  FIFRA-09-2024-0066 The GEO Group, Inc.
09/17/2024  Active  CWA-03-2024-0036 Frederick-Winchester Service Authority and Frederick County Sanitation Authority dba Frederick Water, Crooked Run Wastewater Treatment Plant
08/27/2024  Active  CWA-10-2024-0154 State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
12/18/2024  Active  CWA-10-2025-0023 Jackson and Son Distributors Inc dba Jackson and Son Oil
12/22/2011  Closed  FIFRA-05-2012-0002 Nestle Purina Petcare Company (St. Louis, Missouri)
05/09/2008  Closed  CAA-08-2008-0016 WASATCH METAL RECYCLING
04/30/2013  Closed  TSCA-09-2013-0004 Veolia ES Techincal Soutions L.L.C.
09/26/2012  Closed  CAA-02-2012-1213 Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority
03/28/2013  Closed  RCRA-02-2013-7102 Sartorius Stedim Filters, Inc.
05/29/2013  Closed  CAA 06-2013-3312 OILTANKING HOUSTON, L.P.
09/27/2007  Closed  EPCRA-02-2007-4006 Zierick Manufacturing Corporation
09/06/2012  Closed  FIFRA-05-2012-0022 Mathie Energy Supply Company, Inc. (Morrice, Michigan)
11/29/2012  Closed  CWA-01-2012-0081 Harbor Fuel Oil Corporation
07/16/2013  Closed  CWA-10-2013-0123 Special Interest Auto Works, Inc. and Troy Peterson, Individual
10/11/2012  Closed  FIFRA-02-2012-5201 Everyday Group
02/01/2013  Closed  TSCA-01-2013-0010 New Hampshire Glass
07/16/2012  Closed  RCRA-02-2012-7501 Amerimart Development Company, Inc., Qual-Econ Lease Co., Inc., Commerical Realty Fund II, MJG Enterprise Inc., and Clear Alternative of Western NY, Inc. (d.b.a G & G Petroleum)
05/10/2011  Closed  FIFRA-04-2011-3020 United Global Trading, Inc.
03/27/2013  Closed  RCRA-03-2013-0039 Aylin, Inc., Rt. 58 Food Mart, Inc., Franklin Eagle Mart, Pure Gas Station, RCRA, Complaint
06/24/2013  Closed  FIFRA-07-2013-0015 HPI Products, Inc.
05/14/2010  Closed  FIFRA-05-2010-0016 Liphatech, Inc. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
06/19/2012  Closed  RCRA-07-2012-0020; CWA-07-2012-0029 TNT General Contracting, INC; Webb Minerals, LLC; & Gary & Carol Trump Trust
03/31/2011  Closed  RCRA-03-2011-0068 Chemsolv, Inc., and Austin Holdings-VA, LLC
09/02/2010  Closed  TSCA-HQ-2010-5022 Elementis Chromium, LP
10/02/2012  Closed  RCRA-02-2012-7108 US Virgin Islands Water and Power Authortiy
06/13/2013  Closed  EPCRA-05-2013-0017 Kahle Company d/b/a K&L Ready Mix, Inc. (Ottawa, Ohio)
08/29/2012  Closed  CWA-08-2012-0025 Nelcon, Inc.
12/13/2012  Closed  FIFRA-02-2013-5102 Daifuki Trading Corp.
09/27/2013  Closed  RCRA-01-2013-0072 United Abrasives, Inc.
09/30/2013  Closed  RCRA-02-2013-7106 Advanced Recovery, Inc.
03/06/2014  Closed  CWA-07-2014-0060 Dr. Daniel J. McGowan
09/25/2013  Closed  RCRA-05-2013-0013 Meleen Corporation (Onamia, Minnesota)
09/26/2013  Closed  FIFRA-02-2013-5111 Mara Shipping Inc.
03/31/2014  Closed  CAA-03-2014-0092 Madonna Enterprises, Inc., and Whitehall Township, 896 3rd St., Whitehall, PA,
06/27/2014  Closed  CAA-HQ-2014-8119 Peace Industry Group (USA), Inc., Zhejiang Peace Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Chongqing Astronautic Basan Motorcycle Manufacturing Co,,Ltd., and Blue Eagle Motor Inc.
03/28/2014  Closed  RCRA-02-2014-7102 State of New Jersey Department of Corrections
05/05/2012  Closed  CWA 06-2012-2712 Paco Swain Realty, L.L.C
08/22/2013  Closed  CAA 06-2013-3351 GOLDEN LEAF ENERGY, INC.
01/27/2014  Closed  TSCA-01-2013-0051 My Van Nguyen and Xem Thi Le
07/30/2013  Closed  CAA-HQ-2013-8050 Geason Enterprises, L.L.C., et al.,
07/03/2013  Closed  TSCA-01-2013-0036 James J. Welch & Co., Inc.
09/26/2013  Closed  RCRA-02-2013-7105 T.C. Dunham Paint Company, Inc.
09/30/2013  Closed  CWA-02-2013-3455 Consolidated Waste Services, Corp.
09/19/2013  Closed  FIFRA-07-2013-0035 Dr. James Diemer
07/22/2013  Closed  CAA-05-2013-0033 Mille Lacs Soil Service Association (Foreston, Minnesota)
09/04/2013  Closed  TSCA-09-2013-0010 Destination Maui Inc.
09/30/2013  Closed  CWA-02-2013-3454 Landfill Technologies of Fajardo, Corp.
09/24/2012  Closed  FIFRA-09-2012-0006 Fry's Electronics
09/06/2013  Closed  EPCRA-05-2013-0025 Revere Plastics Systems, LLC (Clyde, Ohio)
06/27/2013  Closed  TSCA-01-2013-0018 Woodstock Resort Corporation
09/21/2012  Closed  TSCA-10-2012-0188 Kachina Contractor Solutions, LLC
06/21/2013  Closed  CWA-02-2013-3453 Metzgermeister & Research, Corp.
09/05/2013  Closed  CWA-02-2013-3401 Atlantic Funding and Real Estate, LLC and Mr. Alfred Spaziano
09/30/2013  Closed  RCRA-02-2013-7108 City of Buffalo
07/09/2014  Closed  CAA-07-2014-0021 and EPCRA-07-2014-0003 Inhance Technologies LLC, formerly Fluoro-Seal International, LP
06/18/2014  Closed  CWA 06-2014-1769 East Baton Rouge Parish/ City Of Baton Rouge
05/22/2014  Closed  CWA 06-2014-1774 City Of Breaux Bridge
02/27/2014  Closed  RCRA-08-2014-0002 Stockton Oil Company - Battlefield Express C-Store
04/30/2014  Closed  RCRA-10-2014-0100 Edward and Theresa Washines, Da Stor at Lillie's Corner
11/13/2013  Closed  CWA-05-2014-0003 Wayne R. Erickson (Novelty, Ohio)
03/12/2014  Closed  CAA-01-2014-0001 Copar Quarries of Westerly, LLC
09/28/2011  Closed  TSCA-03-2011-0217 James Ikegwu and Martha Ikegwu, TSCA-(Complaint)
Target Housing
05/16/2014  Closed  CAA-HQ-2014-8063 Peace Power Sports, Inc., d/b/a Luxe USA
06/24/2014  Closed  FIFRA-05-2014-0022 Frank Ousley, d/b/a Frank's Flying Service (Morrison, Illinois)
08/15/2014  Closed  CWA-03-2014-0240 City of Portsmouth, Virginia, CWA, Complaint
03/06/2013  Closed  FIFRA 661 Reckitt Benckiser LLC
09/28/2004  Closed  FIFRA-09-2004-0024 RIZING SUN, L.L.C
11/12/2008  Closed  CWA-06-2008-2732 John R. Bufkin
09/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2009-7507 U.S. Department of the Army and Army & Air Force Exchange Service, West Point Garrison
01/22/2008  Closed  FIFRA-09-2008-0001 Venquest Trading, Inc.
09/30/2010  Closed  CWA-09-2010-0003 A Plus Materials Recycling
09/30/2010  Closed  CWA-01-2010-0059 Mt. Tom Generating Company, LLC
03/31/2008  Closed  CAA-03-2008-0148 Diocese of Scranton, PA and PDG, Inc.
09/18/2008  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5301 Crop Protection Program, Office of the Agricultural Services and Development Administration
09/06/2007  Closed  EPCRA-10-2007-0204 FIRESTONE PACIFIC FOODS, INC.
03/30/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3459 Municipality of Toa Alta
08/19/2005  Closed  SWDA-06-2005-5301 RAM, INC.
09/30/2008  Closed  FIFRA-09-2008-0027 99 Cents Only Stores
09/27/2007  Closed  RCRA-01-2007-0152 Derecktor Shipyards
09/29/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6104 Pat Sargent Real Estate
09/27/2011  Closed  CWA-02-2011-3451 Pan American Grain Co., Inc.
06/20/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0011 Rowell Chemical Corporation (Hinsdale, Illinois)
12/24/2008  Closed  RCRA-03-2009-0067 Euclid of Virginia, Inc.
08/27/2007  Closed  CWA-01-2007-0124 C.P. Burdick & Son, Inc.
09/29/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2010-0407 Regina Bennett
06/28/2012  Closed  FIFRA-01-2012-0043 BioSensory, Inc.
03/27/2012  Closed  TSCA-01-2012-0029 Juan V. Hernandez
05/13/2009  Closed  CWA-05-2009-0006 Charles D. Sharp & Associates, Inc. d/b/a Sharp Homes, Hunter's Ridge Development
08/18/2010  Closed  CAA-08-2010-0017 METAL MANAGEMENT WEST, INC.
09/29/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6103 RE/MAX Suburban Real Estate
05/19/2009  Closed  TSCA-01-2009-0059 National Enterprises, Inc. and MA No. 2, LLC
10/29/2008  Closed  EPCRA-05-2009-0005 Pennant Foods Company ( Northlake, Illinois)
06/29/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3405 Landmark at Rahway, LLC
09/27/2007  Closed  RCRA-03-2007-0096 General Motors Corporation
09/27/2007  Closed  EPCRA-09-2007-0028 Arizona Environmental Container Corporation
09/29/2009  Closed  CWA-03-2009-0288 Peninsula Oil Company, Inc., Wilco Bulk Plant, blades Bulk Plant
08/27/2007  Closed  EPCRA-01-2007-0125 C.P. Burdick & Son, Inc.
01/25/2011  Closed  CWA-06-2011-1702 Feather Crest Farms, Inc.
09/27/2007  Closed  FIFRA-07-2007-0024 REVIVAL ANIMAL HEALTH, INC
06/30/2008  Closed  EPCRA-05-2008-0015 Electro-Max, Inc. (Hampshire, IL)
12/14/2007  Closed  RCRA-08-2008-0003 THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES
09/28/2007  Closed  CERC-03-2007-0302 Domino's Pizza, L.L.C.
06/27/2007  Closed  RCRA-02-2007-7111 Deltech Resin Company
06/04/2009  Closed  FIFRA-04-2009-3027 Spring Lake Gardens, Inc.
10/30/2007  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5305 Jose R. Martinez Coello Finca Los Tres Picahos
02/21/2012  Closed  RCRA-01-2011-0124 Rhodes Technologies
09/03/2014  Closed  CWA-02-2014-3401 UTA of KJ, Inc.
07/15/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3404 Robinson Concrete, Inc. d/b/a Franklin Street Ready Mix Facility, Robinson Concrete, Inc., Franklin Street Pit Sand and Gravel Mine, and Vitale Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.
05/10/2010  Closed  TSCA-05-2010-0011 Wade Taatjes, a/k/a Dennis Wade Taatjes (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
09/23/2010  Closed  CAA-02-2010-1235 Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
07/16/2008  Closed  CWA-10-2008-0131 David R. Sweezey
09/28/2012  Closed  RCRA-05-2012-0015 Wismarq Corporation
07/23/2008  Closed  EPCRA-03-2008-0379 J.H. Miles and Company, Inc.
12/17/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7104 Tonawanda Coke Corporation
01/03/2008  Closed  EPCRA-05-2008-0005 Libra Industries, Inc. (Mentor, OH)
08/17/2012  Closed  TSCA-03-2012-0226 James Ganoe (Target Housing)
06/22/2009  Closed  CWA-03-2009-0097 Frame and Leany Resources
08/07/2009  Closed  CWA-01-2009-0074 City of Fall River, MA
06/07/2011  Closed  CWA-06-2011-1746 El Dorado Chemical Company
05/22/2007  Closed  FIFRA-03-2007-0154 ERNEST CLAMAR
09/28/2010  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7112 Dana Transport
08/23/2010  Closed  TSCA-01-2010-0046 122 Chestnut, L.L.C.
09/04/2007  Closed  RCRA-03-2007-0279 Shabbir Shaikh and Alishan, Inc. t/a Royal Service Center
09/26/2007  Closed  FIFRA-08-2007-0013 AMERICAN BIOTECH LABS, LLC.
09/08/2010  Closed  UIC-09-2010-0006 Jazmin Family Trust
09/27/2007  Closed  RCRA-05-2007-0015 North American EN, Inc. (Elk Grove Village, IL)
06/29/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2010-0130 Borough of Norristown
09/29/2010  Closed  MPRSA-01-2010-0078 Burnham Associates, Inc.
06/14/2007  Closed  TSCA-01-2007-0093 JULIET ERMITANO
09/13/2012  Closed  CWA-08-2012-0033 Cactus Hill Ranch Company
09/30/2010  Closed  CWA-03-2010-0404 Anne Arundel County
09/15/2008  Closed  TSCA-03-2008-0386 Old Colony Company
10/18/2007  Closed  FIFRA-09-2007-0024 Unified Western Grocers, Inc.
09/30/2009  Closed  EPCRA-09-2009-0016 Lubricating Specialties
09/22/2008  Closed  CAA-05-2008-0038 Wisconsin Veneer and Plywood, Inc. (Mattoon, WI)
12/12/2008  Closed  CWA-01-2009-0004 HOP Energy, LLC d/b/a DDLC Energy
12/31/2007  Closed  CWA-01-2008-0027 Revane Development Company, Inc.
06/10/2010  Closed  CWA-05-2010-0013 Batesville Water & Gas Utility and Don Gunter Excavating, LLC (Batesville, Indiana)
12/22/2010  Closed  CAA-05-2011-0012 Heritage-WTI, Inc. (East Liverpool, Ohio)
09/25/2012  Closed  CWA-08-2012-0035 City of Polson
06/01/2009  Closed  RCRA-UST-04-2009-0001 Dilbag Khera - AM Food and Gas
09/24/2007  Closed  EPCRA-09-2007-0021 Valimet, Inc.
03/21/2006  Closed  TSCA-02-2006-9143 ISOCHEM NORTH AMERICA, LLC
12/29/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2011-3453 Municipality of Mayaguez
09/29/2011  Closed  TSCA-02-2011-9166 Valiant Aluminum Products Co., Inc.
08/25/2009  Closed  FIFRA-04-2009-3023 American Consumer Products
02/22/2005  Closed  CWA-08-2005-0010 SERVICE OIL, INC.,
03/19/2014  Closed  CAA-HQ-2014-7829 Lu Yuan, Inc., and Zhejiang Yongkang Luyuan Industrial & Trading, Co., Ltd.,
03/09/2012  Closed  FIFRA-02-2012-5205 Hong Kong Supermarket,Inc.
10/28/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2012-0001 Cindy Draher (Akron, Ohio)
09/07/2012  Closed  CWA-02-2012-3458 Molinos De Puerto Rico, Inc.
05/08/2012  Closed  RCRA-08-2012-0002 Roosevelt County Road Shop
09/26/2012  Closed  FIFRA-01-2012-0066 Exergen Corporation
09/28/2012  Closed  FIFRA-01-2012-0109 Accu-Care Supply, Inc
07/06/2012  Closed  CAA-06-2012-3319 Plains Gas Solutions, Inc.
04/16/2012  Closed  CAA-10-2012-0054 Empire Lumber
09/27/2011  Closed  CWA-08-2011-0037 PETRA ENERGY INC., and ASHER ASSOCIATES, LLC.
09/08/2012  Closed  TSCA-03-2012-0268 Alfonso D'Amico
01/31/2012  Closed  CAA 06-2012-3444 NUSTAR REFINING, INC.
08/11/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7107 Oil Energy System, Inc.
09/29/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7110 Port of Authority of New York and New Jersey
10/22/2012  Closed  TSCA-01-2012-0110 Allen Enterprises Rental Properties, et al.
01/05/2012  Closed  CWA 06-2012-1730 EXIDE TECHNOLOGIES
05/21/2001  Closed  CWA-03-2001-0022 SMITH FARM ENTERPRISES, LLC
09/30/2014  Closed  CWA-08-2014-0037 BP America Production Company
07/23/2008  Closed  CAA-05-2008-0029 Wolf Paving Co., Inc.
09/25/2008  Closed  TSCA-01-2008-0107 NRT New England LLC d/b/a Coldwell Banker Real Estate Brokerage & Coldwell Banker Real Estate Services LLC d/b/a Coldwell Banker Real Estate Brokerage
10/30/2007  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5302 Javier Quiles Torres Javier Quiles Farm
10/26/2007  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5304 Anibal Torres Sepulveda
10/26/2007  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5303 Gilberto Roman Gonzalez
09/29/2014  Closed  CWA-02-2014-3402 UTA of KJ, Inc.
09/29/2009  Closed  CAA-02-2009-1221 Pueto Rico Electric Power Authority
06/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2009-7106 Supreme Asset Management and Recovery, Inc. a/k/a Supreme Asset Management, Inc.
07/17/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0015 Michael Cannon (Milwaukee, WI)
03/27/2009  Closed  TSCA-07-2009-0014 TELMA ABATE & HOSSEIN FADAVI D/B/A 5803-07-11 CABANNE, LLC
01/20/2011  Closed  CWA-06-2010-1908 Barbara Koricanek d/b/a Koricanek Poultry Laying Facility
07/23/2008  Closed  CERC-03-2008-0381 Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.
06/28/2010  Closed  EPCRA-03-2010-0308 Chemical Equipment Labs, Inc.
04/30/2010  Closed  RCRA-03-2010-0255 Samad Corporation
06/04/2010  Closed  CWA-05-2010-0012 Jack's Septic Service, LLC (Pomeroy, Ohio)
04/24/2008  Closed  CWA-01-2008-0046 Dunham Farm, LLC and Callahan, Inc.
09/27/2010  Closed  CWA-09-2010-0005 Hawaii Stevedores, Inc.
09/29/2010  Closed  CAA-06-2010-3384 ASAA, Inc.
06/28/2008  Closed  CAA-02-2008-1209 Medford Auto Wreckers, Inc.
02/04/2009  Closed  FIFRA-04-2009-3015 Guaranteed Pool and Spa, Inc.
09/27/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2010-0403 Harmony Homes, Inc.
07/31/2009  Closed  CAA-01-2009-0090 JIDDU/SITTU Trust and CRC Excavating, LLC
09/25/2009  Closed  CERCLA-02-2009-2030 Welch Foods, Inc.
09/09/2009  Closed  CWA-03-2009-0156 BFS Petroleum Products, Inc., a division of Bruceton Farm Service, Inc., d/b/a Bruceton Petroleum Co., Inc.
09/30/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6098 Southgate Apartments
03/26/2009  Closed  CERCLA-05-2009-0005 MBH Trucking, L.L.C. (Webberville, Michigan)
01/13/2011  Closed  CWA-02-2011-3404 Henry G. Page, Jr. Development, Ltd.
07/18/2008  Closed  RCRA-UST-04-2008-0001 Kanchanlal Patel
07/23/2008  Closed  EPCRA-03-2008-0381 Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.
10/23/2008  Closed  FIFRA-04-2009-3001 Warehouse99 of Miami, Inc. (d/b/a Dollar Star Logistics)
07/15/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3404 Wilkins Dairy Farm, LLC
06/18/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2010-0323 John V. Kane, IV
09/29/2010  Closed  CAA-06-2010-3383 Strata Enterprises, LLC
06/02/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3452 Caram Construction, Inc.
07/21/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0093 STILWELL OIL COMPANY
07/17/2009  Closed  EPCRA-05-2009-0023 Nicro Finishing, LLC (Detroit, Michigan)
01/11/2010  Closed  CWA-10-2010-0065 Garco Construction, Inc.
12/17/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0074 MICHAEL L COLLINS
09/29/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6088 Kowert Real Estate
03/22/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2010-0249 William R. Oates, Jr.
09/25/2009  Closed  CAA-01-2009-0103 Morrison-Clark, Inc.
09/23/2014  Closed  FIFRA-10-2014-0141 Pacific Air Research, Inc.
12/03/2008  Closed  FIFRA-10-2009-0012 Swanson's Pest Management, Inc.
09/28/2010  Closed  CWA-08-2010-0037 HOLCIM (US), INC.
08/30/2010  Closed  CWA-08-2010-0024 NOVA ENERGY, INC.
03/06/2012  Closed  TSCA-02-2012-9268 CRM Rental Management, Inc.
09/21/2010  Closed  TSCA-02-2010-9266 Proto Property Services, LLC
09/29/2008  Closed  CWA-09-2008-0003 American Metal and Iron, Inc.
09/08/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0016 Ronald R. Underwood (Elmore, Ohio)
09/16/2014  Closed  CAA-06-2014-3304 Citgo Refining and Chemicals Co. LP.
04/22/2011  Closed  CWA-06-2011-2710 David Griffin
08/14/2014  Closed  CWA 06-2014-1832 Chevron Mining Inc.
09/30/2014  Closed  TSCA-01-2014-0065 Rego Realty Corporation et al
04/23/2014  Closed  CWA 06-2014-1751 East Texas Salt Water Disposal Company
01/18/2011  Closed  RCRA-06-2011-5601 RK Distributing,Inc.
05/06/2011  Closed  TSCA-01-2011-0037 Colin Wentworth
09/29/2011  Closed  RCRA-01-2011-0130 Roberts Chemical Company, Inc.
09/28/2010  Closed  CAA-09-2010-0003 Sun Land Materials, LLC
08/05/2010  Closed  CAA-02-2010-1226 Kinder Morgan Liquid Terminals, LLC
09/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-05-2009-0026 Pulsar, Inc. (Franklin Park, Illinois)
02/07/2013  Closed  CWA 06-2013-1736 CLEAN ENERGY TEXAS LNG, LLC
09/30/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6107 Joe Johnson & Associates, Inc.
04/16/2008  Closed  CERCLA-05-2008-0006 Envirosafe Services of Ohio, Inc. (Oregon, OH)
03/31/2008  Closed  FIFRA-03-2008-0168 Paradigm Labs, Inc.
09/28/2011  Closed  RCRA-08-2011-0004 FARMERS UNION OF MCLAUGHLIN
01/16/2013  Closed  FIFRA-02-2013-5301 Technical Industrial Sales, Inc.
03/12/2010  Closed  FIFRA-04-2010-3029 Pan American Growers Supply, Inc.
04/09/2009  Closed  CAA-02-2009-1212 Eastman Kodak Company
02/24/2011  Closed  FIFRA-09-2011-0011 Kama'aina Termite and Pest Control
05/26/2011  Closed  CWA-06-2011-1710 Ram Energy Resources, Inc.
06/12/2008  Closed  CWA-05-2008-0004 Michael Aukerman d/b/a Michael Aukerman Excavating (McComb, OH)
11/27/2007  Closed  CWA-01-2007-0094 South Hadley, Massachusetts
09/30/2008  Closed  FIFRA-08-2008-0029 DIATECT INTERNATIONAL CORP.
06/30/2011  Closed  RCRA-03-2011-0197 Andrea Simmons, Executrix, The Estate of Roger G. Fussell
03/28/2008  Closed  RCRA-02-2008-7504 United States Veterans Administration, Canandaigua VA Medical Center
08/13/2008  Closed  CWA-04-2008-4535 BBS Builders & Development Company, LLC
04/07/2009  Closed  CWA-01-2009-0046 Bailin & Associates, Inc.
03/31/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0083 Vico Construction Corporation
03/31/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0089 Dominion Boulevard Partners, LLC
03/19/2012  Closed  RCRA 06-2012-0926 Al-Kel Alliance, Inc.
10/31/2011  Closed  CWA-02-2012-3401 Lafarge Building Material, Inc.
06/04/2009  Closed  CAA-03-2009-0189 School District of Dublin, Inc. and Sargent Enterprises, Inc.
09/30/2009  Closed  CWA-03-2009-0292 Andrew and Yvette Hudyma and Mountaire Farms of Delaware, Inc.
05/26/2011  Closed  TSCA-01-2011-0026 Atlas Property Management, Inc., et al.
11/23/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0011 NUSSER OIL COMPANY, INC
01/04/2012  Closed  TSCA-03-2012-0072 Potomac Housing Realtors, LLC
09/24/2007  Closed  CWA-08-2007-0023 MENARD, INC.
09/12/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0018 Babic Rental Ventures, LLC (Believille, Illinois)
05/09/2012  Closed  RCRA-03-2012-0163 REYNOLDS OIL COMPANY, INC.
09/29/2010  Closed  CWA-03-2010-0406 Harford County, Maryland
06/30/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7508 Scmitt Sales, Inc.
02/04/2009  Closed  FIFRA-05-2009-0004 Northern Frozen Foods, Inc. d/b/a Northern Haserot, (Cleveland, Ohio)
06/25/2010  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0105 KEVIN VAUGHAN AND BRYCE ANDERSEN
06/26/2008  Closed  TSCA-03-2008-0333 Mountainside Realty, a Pennsylvania General Partnership; Kevin Weinhoffer & Marshall R. Corbin, General Partners
09/24/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2009-7506 Puerto Rico Air National Guard, U.S. Air Force
05/17/2010  Closed  CWA-01-2010-0033 Promet Marine Services Corporation
08/16/2010  Closed  RCRA-09-2010-0014 TMW Corporation/aka Crown Chrome Plating Corp.
09/21/2010  Closed  CWA-10-2010-0239 ARK Fisheries, Inc. and Lynn Babington
09/22/2011  Closed  FIFRA-09-2011-0021 Carimex International Trading Co, Inc. (d/b/a SHCP Baltimore)
09/30/2010  Closed  CWA-03-2010-0405 City of Baltimore
08/01/2007  Closed  CAA-03-2007-0261 DATOM PRODUCTS, INC., Pocono Environmental Education Center & US Department of the Interior National Park Service
09/24/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3456 Municipality of Catano
09/21/2012  Closed  CAA-02-2012-1222 Johnson Matthey, Inc.
11/06/2012  Closed  RCRA-09-2013-0001 Eiki World, Inc.
10/02/2012  Closed  CAA-02-2012-1210 Compania de la Central Roig, Inc.
03/27/2012  Closed  RCRA-07-2012-0014 Collis, Inc
06/29/2012  Closed  CWA-03-2012-0130 & CWA-03-2012-0078 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, CWA, Complaint
09/28/2012  Closed  TSCA-03-2012-0042 Judith Kime
08/13/2012  Closed  CWA-03-2012-0078 & CWA-03-2012-0130 Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC
10/04/2012  Closed  TSCA-02-2012-9170 PZ Painting
09/28/2007  Closed  RCRA-02-2007-7115 Lifestyle Footwear, Inc.
06/05/2009  Closed  RCRA-HQ-2009-0001 EarthECycle, LLC, d/b/a United Recylers of America, Inc.
07/24/2014  Closed  TSCA-07-2014-0022 Ryan Reinke
09/28/2007  Closed  SDWA-09-2007-0004 American Realty & Mortgage Company, Inc.
12/29/2009  Closed  EPCRA-04-2010-2015 Chem-Way Corporation
05/05/2012  Closed  CWA 06-2012-2710 Paco Swain Realty, L.L.C
11/05/2014  Closed  FIFRA 06-2015-0301 Nova Mud, Inc.
05/20/2014  Closed  TSCA-01-2014-0003 Environmental Services, Inc.
05/29/2014  Closed  TSCA-07-2014-0029 LHP, LLC
09/30/2014  Closed  TSCA-01-2014-0066 Waterway Realty, LLC
03/30/2015  Closed  FIFRA-04-2014-3009 MTJ American, LLC
03/10/2015  Closed  CWA 06-2015-1722 Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority
03/19/2015  Closed  TSCA-07-2015-0007 Matthew Young
04/02/2015  Closed  MPRSA-01-2015-0035 Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Co., LLC
02/24/2011  Closed  EPCRA-05-2011-0012 Columbian Distribution Services, Inc. (Wyoming, Michigan)
09/22/2009  Closed  TSCA-01-2009-0101 PropSys Inc.
04/29/2008  Closed  RCRA-09-2008-0010 Johnson Laminating and Coating, Inc.
09/30/2008  Closed  CAA-08-2008-0030 TRANS-WEST, INC.
11/26/2014  Closed  EPCRA 06-2015-0502 Ludwig, Inc.
09/29/2010  Closed  FIFRA-08-2010-0017 WENDY MEALER and DENNIS STOKEBRAND
11/17/2008  Closed  CAA-05-2009-0002 National Lime and Stone Company (Findlay, Ohio)
01/12/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0014 KEN PETSKA
04/23/2008  Closed  CAA-03-2008-0179 Matthew Bupp, an individual, and d/b/a Lenders Group Mortgage Company, Lenders Group and L & S Recycling, Inc.
03/16/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0005 George E. Goodman, d/b/a Goodman Salvage (Xenia, Illinois)
09/29/2010  Closed  EPCRA-02-2010-4002 MilMar Food Group II, LLC
03/31/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0081 W.M. Jordan Company, Inc.
03/24/2008  Closed  FIFRA-08-2008-0006 CRYSTAL PACKAGING, INC.
10/22/2009  Closed  FIFRA-04-2010-3002 Agrimor Int'l Co.
02/11/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3451 Felix Ayala and Silvette Ayala d/b/a Cantera El Roble
09/23/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2009-0042 CUSTOM COMPOUNDERS, INC
09/23/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2009-0041 SYNISYS, INC
06/30/2008  Closed  CAA-03-2008-0363 Barnsley Square LP and Selvaggio Enterprises, Inc.
08/16/2010  Closed  CAA-05-2010-0058 Lake's Farm Service LLC (Carlisle, Indiana)
06/13/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0152 City of Chesapeake, Virginia
03/31/2008  Closed  RCRA-02-2008-7502 Pueto Rico Army National Guard, Camp Santiago, and the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Camp Santiago, Salinas, Puerto Rico
08/20/2009  Closed  CWA-01-2009-0093 Town of North Providence, Department of Public Works
09/26/2008  Closed  CWA-02-2008-3461 Caribbean Properties Investment, Inc. and VPI Construction Corp.
03/30/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3456 Municipality of Las Piedras
09/24/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3454 Municipality of Anasco
03/31/2010  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7503 United States Postal Service
07/31/2009  Closed  CWA-08-2009-0023 VALLEY REALTY, INC.
09/04/2008  Closed  CWA-01-2008-0089 Peter Galuszka
08/13/2009  Closed  CAA-02-2009-1215 Phildelphia Furniture, LLC
09/24/2009  Closed  FIFRA-02-2009-5302 Lanco Manufacturing Corporation
09/17/2009  Closed  TSCA-02-2009-9243 Ampacet Corporation
03/11/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0004 Rose Real Estate Properties, Inc. (Valdosta, Georgia)
11/21/2007  Closed  CWA-10-2008-0009 Anthony Lerma
09/29/2008  Closed  RCRA-02-2008-7507 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
06/29/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7101 CycleChem Inc.
06/09/2010  Closed  RCRA-05-2010-0017 Sukhjinder S. Virk, Owner -Virks Gas and Grocery (Michigan City, Indiana)
09/28/2010  Closed  CAA-02-2010-1233 Destileria Serralles, Inc.
07/28/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0016 Neil R. Kennedy (Boardman, Ohio)
09/29/2010  Closed  EPCRA-09-2010-0031 Jipangu International
10/01/2008  Closed  EPCRA-04-2009-2001 BASF Catalysts, LLC
07/09/2008  Closed  CERCLA-05-2008-0009 Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
02/10/2011  Closed  RCRA-10-2011-0040 Metro Metals Corporation and Avista Recycling, Inc.
06/27/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0012 Keith Mirman (Akron, Ohio)
07/09/2008  Closed  EPCRA-05-2008-0017 Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
09/18/2009  Closed  FIFRA-09-2009-0013 Bug Bam Product
07/30/2009  Closed  CWA-05-2009-0009 Barton Septic Tank Service (St. Clairsville, Ohio)
09/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2009-7111 Municipality of Toa Baja
10/01/2007  Closed  TSCA-01-2007-0134 Mayo Group Development, LLC, J.M. Realty Management, Inc., Mayo One, LLC, Mayo Three, LLC, Mayo Five, LLC, Victory Road, LLC and 760 Cummings Highway, LLC
08/04/2009  Closed  RCRA-05-2009-0012 Creative Liquid Coatings, Inc. Formerly Creative Coatings, Inc. (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
08/04/2009  Closed  RCRA-05-2009-0013 Elite Enterprises, Inc. (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
03/05/2010  Closed  TSCA-02-2010-9166 Raia & Sirignano Development Co.
12/18/2008  Closed  FIFRA-02-2009-5201 Anabec, Inc.
06/30/2010  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7107 City of Buffalo
09/30/2010  Closed  RCRA-05-2010-0026 Reliable Galvanizing Company (Chicago, Illinois)
04/24/2009  Closed  CAA-06-2009-3374 Service Supply of Victoria
09/30/2009  Closed  CWA-03-2009-0320 NUSTAR Terminals Operating Partnership, L.P. and Support Terminal Services, Inc.
03/20/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0007 Habeeba Shariff (Chicago and/or Skokie, Illinois); and M. Anwar Shariff (Chicago, Illinois and/or Eden Prairie, Minnesota)
09/23/2008  Closed  CAA-01-2008-0105 Bilray Demolition Company, Inc.
12/29/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7101 PSC, LLC
10/19/2009  Closed  CWA-10-2010-0018 MIKE VIERSTRA d/b/a VIERSTRA DAIRY
09/24/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3455 Municipality of Aguas Buenas
12/21/2010  Closed  CAA-03-2011-0055 Datom Products, Inc., and Wayne Highlands School District
09/30/2009  Closed  CAA-02-2009-1228 Commonwealth Oil Refinery Company
09/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-08-2009-0002 FRONTIER REFINING, INC.
03/11/2011  Closed  CAA-02-2011-1209 Eastman Kodak Company
06/29/2009  Closed  TSCA-03-2009-0209 Cycle Chem, Inc.
08/20/2007  Closed  CWA-06-2007-2725 Lafourche Parish
06/08/2007  Closed  CWA-02-2007-3411 Quality Engineers & Contractors,Inc., & Cidra Excavation, Inc.
09/27/2007  Closed  CWA-08-2007-0026 BURKE OIL CO., INC. (CHAMBERLAIN BULK PLANT FACILITY)
03/03/2010  Closed  TSCA-05-2010-0006 Kenneth Kosmoski and Kristin Gillan (Shorewood, Wisconsin)
09/27/2007  Closed  CWA-08-2007-0025 BURKE OIL COMPANY, INC., d/b/a PRESHO OIL CO. (PRESHO OIL FACILITY)
10/01/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2010-7111 USVI Department of Health - Division of Environmental Health - St. Thomas & St. Croix
06/26/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2008-0036 ADVANCED PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY, INC
03/17/2010  Closed  CWA-05-2010-0008 Mr. Allen Barry, Mr. Tim Barry d/b/a Allen Barry Livestock (Leaf River, Illinois)
06/26/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2008-0035 FRM CHEM, INC
05/16/2007  Closed  CWA-02-2007-3410 Palmas Lakes, Inc. & F&R Contractors Corporation
03/31/2010  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0080 MORAN BEEF, INC
12/31/2007  Closed  TSCA-03-2008-0035 Tony Papadimitriou
03/12/2010  Closed  CWA-04-2010-5505 Duvall Development Co., Inc. and Jeffrey H. Duvall
11/27/2009  Closed  TSCA-02-2010-9104 The Okonite Company, Inc.
09/24/2009  Closed  TSCA-02-2009-9148 Oakite Products, Inc. d/b/a Chemetall Oakite, and Chemetall US, Inc.
09/04/2008  Closed  CWA-04-2008-5508 Rodney O. Corr
06/16/2011  Closed  CAA-07-2011-0013 DAVIS PAINT COMPANY
09/25/2009  Closed  RCRA-02-2009-7110 Aguakem Caribe, Inc.
04/23/2010  Closed  RCRA-05-2010-0015 Mercury Vapor Processing Technologies Inc., a/k/a River Shannon Recycling (Riverdale, Illinois)
05/07/2007  Closed  FIFRA-05-2007-0025 Behnke Lubricants, Inc. (Menominee Falls, WI)
09/28/2009  Closed  CWA-09-2009-0006 San Pedro Forklift
05/17/2010  Closed  CAA-01-2010-0034 Promet Marine Services Corporation
05/22/2008  Closed  MM-05-2008-0003 ACH Food Companies, Inc. (Champaign, IL)
09/28/2007  Closed  TSCA-08-2007-0017 TW SERVICES, INC.
12/12/2007  Closed  TSCA-09-2008-0001 Ralph Hovannisian c/o Professional Man Property Management
09/28/2007  Closed  TSCA-08-2007-0015 TW SERVICES, INC.
09/30/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0235 City of Huntington, West Virginia
02/05/2008  Closed  CWA-02-2008-3306 Frank H. Truck Corporation
02/07/2012  Closed  RCRA-01-2012-0019 Bradford Printing and Finishing, LLC
06/15/2011  Closed  CWA-10-2011-0086 Robert M. Loomis and Nancy M. Loomis
09/30/2011  Closed  CAA-02-2011-1216 Municipality of Moca
09/30/2011  Closed  RCRA-09-2011-0012 Fluoresco Lighting and Signs
09/28/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0021 Patick Wilber - YaYa Milwaukee, LLC Sancho Properties, LLC (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
09/22/2011  Closed  CAA-01-2011-0055 Cedar's Mediterranean Foods, Inc.
09/27/2011  Closed  CAA-09-2011-0004 Kilauea Crushers, Inc.
09/06/2012  Closed  TSCA-05-2012-0018 Clinton T. Anderson, Owner CTA Properties (St. Charles, Illinois)
06/03/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7507 Valvo Convenience and Gas, Inc. and Stephen M. Valvo, Individually
04/01/2011  Closed  CWA-02-2011-3601 Dependable Towing & Recovery, Inc., and David A. Whitehill
09/28/2011  Closed  RCRA-10-2011-0164 Joseph Oh and Holly Investment, LLC
08/26/2011  Closed  CWA-05-2011-0008 Joseph L. Bollig & Sons, Inc. (New Lisbon, Wisconsin)
09/29/2011  Closed  EPCRA-09-2011-0004 Barrick Cortez, Inc.
03/31/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2011-7503 Andrew B. Chase, a/k/a Andy Chase, Chase Services, Inc., Chase Convenience Stores, Inc. and Chase Commercial Land Development, Inc.
02/01/2012  Closed  EPCRA-05-2012-0005 McCook Cold Storage Corporation (McCook, Illinois)
02/01/2012  Closed  EPCRA-05-2012-0006 Summit Cold Storage Corporation (Chicago, Illinois)
09/29/2010  Closed  TSCA-02-2010-9271 Dal Realty Management Corporation
09/18/2009  Closed  CAA-02-2009-1220 Bacardi Corporation
09/23/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0020 Cameel Halim; Wilmette Real Estate & Management, Company, LLC; WR Property Management, LLC; BCHFARGO, LLC; BCHROSCOE, LLC; BCH5036, LLC; BCH5625, LLC; BCH5633, LLC; BCH5746, LLC; BCH5900, LLC; HCT6026, LLC; BCHTOWER, LLC; BCHCHURCH, LLC; BCHHOYNE, LLC; BCHKENMO 6230, LLC; BCH6300, LLC; BCHSIMPSON, LLC; HCT727, LLC; BCHSEELEY, LLC; HCTJACKSON, LLC; BCH8O1, LLC; BCH817, LLC; BCH5830, LLC; and BCHEASTWOOD, LLC (Wilmette, Illinois)
03/28/2011  Closed  TSCA-05-2011-0006 Hanson's Window and Construction, Inc. (Madison Heights, Michigan)
12/16/2010  Closed  TSCA-03-2011-0029 Amocetia Beckford and Beckford Rentals, Inc.
07/28/2011  Closed  CWA-02-2011-3454 Tri-Stella Development Group, Inc. and Dynamics Engineers, Corp.
09/18/2008  Closed  RCRA-02-2008-7109 Wallace Silversmiths de Puerto Rico, Ltd.
09/29/2008  Closed  TSCA-06-2008-6092 Oak Hollow Apartments
06/30/2009  Closed  CAA-05-2009-0025 Sauder Woodworking Cogeneration Facility (Archbold, Ohio)
12/29/2011  Closed  RCRA-02-2012-7502 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
09/28/2010  Closed  CAA-03-2010-0408 Thomas Caracio, Leonard N. Zito, Trustee, & Scotta Equipment & Materials Sales, LLC/Former Sandt's Market
06/01/2011  Closed  EPCRA-05-2011-0017 Giles Chemicals (Greendale, Indiana)
06/01/2011  Closed  CERCLA-05-2011-0012 Giles Chemical (Greendale, Indiana)
04/23/2008  Closed  UIC-09-2008-0003 Mountain States Petroleum Company
09/30/2010  Closed  FIFRA-08-2010-0018 MIDWEST FERTILIZER, INC.
09/23/2010  Closed  EPCRA-02-2010-4004 Pan American Grain Manufacturing Co., Inc.
06/01/2011  Closed  MM-05-2011-0006 Giles Chemical (Greendale, Indiana)
12/28/2007  Closed  RCRA-02-2008-7103 Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc.
11/01/2007  Closed  CWA-02-2008-3451 Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, Ponce Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
08/13/2007  Closed  CAA-02-2007-1217 Bil-Jim Construction Company, Inc. and First Lakewood Forest Associates LLC
09/29/2009  Closed  CAA-09-2009-0029 CSC Trading and Rick Barone d/b/a R&B Recycling
09/27/2007  Closed  CWA-01-2007-0149 R.M.Packer Company, Inc.
01/16/2009  Closed  TSCA-05-2009-0003 Mehran Nicholas Valiyi (Indianapolis, Indiana)
09/23/2008  Closed  RCRA-03-2008-0430 Florida Avenue Mid Atlantic Petroleum Properties, LLC and Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Properties, LLC
08/31/2010  Closed  RCRA-01-2010-0026 Hudson Color Concentrates,a division of L&A Molding
08/05/2010  Closed  RCRA-01-2010-0053 Franklin Non-Ferrous Foundry, Inc.
09/30/2010  Closed  FIFRA-02-2010-5305 Oliver Exterminating
11/07/2007  Closed  CERCLA-02-2008-2004 Sunoco, Inc.
09/25/2009  Closed  CWA-10-2009-0232 CHILKOOT FISH AND CAVIAR, INC.
10/17/2007  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0001 John Strong (Grand Rapids, MI)
09/22/2010  Closed  RCRA-03-2010-0398 NORKA Manufacturing, Inc.
05/30/2012  Closed  CAA-08-2012-0006 PACIFIC HIDE AND FUR d/b/a PACIFIC STEEL & RECYCLING
09/28/2009  Closed  EPCRA-02-2009-4002 Eastern Alloys, Inc.
04/24/2009  Closed  RCRA-05-2009-0009 Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Wisconsin Plating Division
11/03/2008  Closed  TSCA-09-2009-0001 Progressive Real Estate, Inc. dba Pro Properties, Inc.
09/23/2011  Closed  CAA-01-2011-0127 Durham School Services, Limited Partnership
06/03/2011  Closed  CWA-01-2011-0017 Rowley Fuels, Inc.
08/12/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0021 David Cohen & Harry Cohen Company, Inc. ( Commerce Township, MI)
03/17/2009  Closed  EPCRA-05-2009-0016 SuperClean Brands, Inc. (Eagan, Minnesota)
06/09/2010  Closed  TSCA-05-2010-0013 Hanson's Window and Construction, Inc. (Madison Heights, Michigan)
09/29/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3462 Desarrollos Altamira I, Inc. and Cidra Excavation, S.E.
04/06/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0139 Henrico County, Virginia
09/30/2011  Closed  CAA-02-2011-1218 Laser Products, Inc.
08/03/2007  Closed  FIFRA-04-2007-3033 E-Z Cleaners, LLC
09/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-03-2009-0322 Chester Aytech and 5631 Corporation
09/29/2008  Closed  FIFRA-09-2008-0025 Abtech Industries, Inc.
08/04/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0019 Mardaph II, LLC; Mardaph III; and Vinnie Wilson (Cincinnati, Ohio)
10/18/2007  Closed  CAA-03-2008-0004 Scranton Products, Inc., Hoffman & Kozlansky Realty Co, LLC and Wyoming S&P, Inc.
04/16/2007  Closed  TSCA-01-2007-0076 EDGEWOOD VILLAGE, INC.,F.O.H.,INC & YEDIDEI HAGAN, INC.
03/18/2008  Closed  TSCA-09-2008-0003 Global Shipping, LLC and Global Marketing Systems
03/30/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3454 Municipality of Cayey
01/07/2011  Closed  CWA-05-2011-0003 Misch Excavating d/b/a Rooterman (Downs, Illinois)
08/12/2008  Closed  FIFRA-08-2008-0025 CHEMSTATION OF DENVER
03/30/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3458 Municipality of Rio Grande
09/27/2010  Closed  TSCA-10-2010-0253 Chilkoot Lumber Company, Inc. and Mr. L. Edward Lapeyri
09/24/2010  Closed  FIFRA-09-2010-0015 Logitech, Inc.
09/18/2007  Closed  TSCA-02-2007-9168 Audubon Communities Management, LLC
09/26/2008  Closed  CAA-02-2008-1220 Stevenson Commons Associates, L.P. and Grenadier Realty Corporation
09/06/2011  Closed  CAA-02-2011-1204 TAPI Puerto Rico, Inc.
09/25/2009  Closed  RCRA-05-2009-0019 1810 W. Grace St., LLC (Park Ridge, Illinois)
10/14/2009  Closed  CWA-08-2010-0002 PARRY FARMS, LLC
09/22/2008  Closed  CAA-05-2008-0037 Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Inc. (Racine, WI)
01/21/2010  Closed  TSCA-07-2010-0002 KASHFLOW, INC
03/30/2009  Closed  CWA-02-2009-3455 Municipality of Hatillo
03/01/2011  Closed  EPCRA-02-2011-4301 Battery Recycling Company, Inc.
09/19/2007  Closed  CWA-06-2007-1923 John William Hannah d/b/a CRM Energy Partners
03/21/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0099 Portsmouth Boating Center, Inc.
06/30/2008  Closed  FIFRA-02-2008-5120 Flexabar Corporation and Flexdel Corporation
03/27/2008  Closed  FIFRA-03-2008-0147 CDG Technology, Inc.
04/06/2011  Closed  CWA-03-2011-0151 Chesterfield County, Virginia
09/14/2011  Closed  TSCA-01-2011-0125 Asnat Realty, LLC and Evergreen Power, LLC
03/03/2009  Closed  TSCA-07-2009-0011 FIVESTAR REALTY, INC
09/30/2009  Closed  TSCA-02-2009-9168 Apartments R Us
09/29/2010  Closed  CWA-01-2010-0050 PRM Concrete Corporation
09/30/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3463 Pepsi Cola Puerto Rico Bottling Company LLC
06/30/2009  Closed  RCRA-01-2009-0081 Lin-Cor Environmental, LLC
07/03/2008  Closed  TSCA-01-2008-0079 The Community Builders, Inc., et al.
09/24/2007  Closed  CWA-02-2007-3601 Puerto Rico Land Authority
09/27/2007  Closed  RCRA-01-2007-0153 Amex, Inc.
05/26/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0073 MID-AMERICAN COACHES, INC
08/03/2012  Closed  TSCA-01-2012-0049 290 Pratt Strret, LLC
09/18/2009  Closed  FIFRA-09-2009-0012 Dollar Store
04/21/2008  Closed  CWA-02-2008-3401 Gulf Oil Limited Partnership
10/24/2007  Closed  RCRA-09-2008-0002 Concorde Garment Manufacturing Corporation
12/11/2007  Closed  CAA-05-2008-0003 City of St. Charles, A Municipal Corporation, Operating as Saint Charles Wastewater Treatment Facility (St. Charles, IL)
04/07/2008  Closed  TSCA-05-2008-0008 Aretha Marshall (Detroit, MI)
09/16/2010  Closed  CWA-02-2010-3462 Allied Waste of Ponce, Inc., (f/k/a BFI of Ponce, Inc.)
09/30/2011  Closed  RCRA-03-2011-0284 Oasis Food Mart, Inc. & Y&A Investments, LLC
01/28/2008  Closed  CWA-03-2008-0103 Petroleum Marketers, Inc.
12/08/2010  Closed  CAA-06-2011-3302 American Acryl N.A., L.L.C.
09/29/2010  Closed  EPCRA-09-2010-0029 Rockview Dairies, Inc.
09/30/2011  Closed  CWA-01-2011-0036 Grimmel Industries, L.L.C.
04/29/2015  Closed  CWA-03-2015-0037 Ft. Lincoln Retail, LLC, a/k/a Fort Lincoln Retail, CWA, Complaint
06/04/2015  Closed  EPCRA-03-2015-0127 Eagle Brass Company
05/09/2007  Closed  FIFRA-09-2007-0008 FOUR QUARTERS WHOLESALE, INC.
06/18/2015  Closed  RCRA-08-2015-0002 and CAA-08-2015-0014 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Electric Coil, Environmental Contractors, LLC, and CTA Construction and Environmental, LLC
06/18/2015  Closed  CAA-08-2015-0014 and RCRA-08-2015-0002 The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Electric Coil, Environmental Contractors, LLC, and CTA Construction and Environmental, LLC
Yellowtail Dam Facility
EPA ID No. MT0142390046
09/30/2015  Closed  RCRA-09-2015-0011 Clean Harbors Buttonwillow (#1)
12/15/2015  Closed  EPCRA 06-2016-0500 Apex Tool Group, LLC
09/15/2015  Closed  TSCA-HQ-2015-5017 Nicor Gas
01/11/2016  Closed  CWA-03-2016-0040 Recycled Aggregates, LLC and John Driggs Company
11/12/2015  Closed  CAA-HQ-2015-8065 Taotao USA, Inc., Taotao Group Co., Ltd., and Jinyun County Xiangyuan Industry Co., Ltd.
09/10/2015  Closed  CWA-01-2015-0032 Whipple Construction Company
03/01/2016  Closed  RCRA 06-2016-0914 Sloan Valve Company
02/22/2000  Closed  CAA-09-98-17 Department of Defense Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
07/29/97  Closed  RCRA (3008) VIII-95-10 Wyoming Technical Institute
08/03/99  Closed  EPCRA-III-236 Tebay Dairy Company
01/23/91  Closed  FIFRA Data 169 Prentiss Drug and Chemical Co.
11/19/99  Closed  CWA-III-210 Pleasant Hills Authority
06/12/97  Closed  RCRA-III-162 Babcock & Wilcox Company, Naval Nuclear Fuel Division
01/09/89  Closed  IF&R VIII-221C Colorado Chemical & Fertilizer
05/16/2005  Closed  Docket Nos. RCRA 02-2004-7102 & RCRA 06-2003-0912 Howmet Corporation
03/08/2005  Closed  TSCA-03-2003-0285 Ronald H. Hunt,<emET AL</em
08/20/96  Closed  FIFRA DOCKET Nos. 93-H-02F, 95-H-O4 Health Care Products, Inc./In the Matter of Celltech Media, Inc. aka Health Care Products, Inc. Through its Agent, Meditox, Inc.
03/03/87  Closed  RCRA Docket No.VII-86-H-0005 Landfill Service Corporation
01/12/98  Closed  5-IFFRA-96-017 Chempace Corporation
05/31/94  Closed  TSCA-III-520; TSCA-V-C-93-90; 94-90, & 95-90; TSCA-VI-477C; TSCA-1090-02-14-2615 General Electric Co.
10/12/2001  Closed  CWA 02-2000-3407 J. S. Chem Corporation
09/11/92  Closed  EPCRA-III-032 Cox Creek Refining Company
12/28/78  Closed  IF&R VI-115C Aggie Chemical Industries, Inc.
04/08/88  Closed  RCRA-88-04-R Kimberly-Clark Corporation
02/15/94  Closed  RCRA VII-92-H-0009 Deeter Foundry, Inc.
11/09/2000  Closed  RCRA 5-2000-005 Capozzi Custom Cabinets
08/16/85  Closed  IF&R-V-112-P Arab Termite and Pest Control of Charlestown, Indiana, Inc.
06/04/96  Closed  RCRA-V-W-86-R-45 Gary Development Co.
06/23/97  Closed  CAA-031-1994 Asbestos Abatement Services
11/18/76  Closed  IF&R VII-197C Welco Manufacturing Co., Inc.
03/31/98  Closed  CERCLA & EPCRA-002-95 B.F. Goodrich Company.
11/02/90  Closed  TSCA-09-89-0014 Nello Santacroce
02/28/2003  Closed  TSCA-3-2001-0331 Environmental Protection Services, Inc.
01/18/91  Closed  Docket No.TSCA-V-C-33-89 TRW, Inc.
08/12/2003  Closed  TSCA-05-2002-0004 Harpoon Partnership
11/03/77  Closed  IX-UG-233C Mobil Oil Corporation
05/02/86  Closed  IF&R VIII-150C Harmack Grain Co., Inc.
10/31/95  Closed  EPCRA VI-4498 American Desk Manufacturing Co., Inc.
07/18/97  Closed  5-CAA-96-011 Lyon County Landfill
03/29/2005  Closed  Docket Nos. TSCA-HQ-2004-0016, RCRA-HQ-2004-0016, TSCA-HQ-2005-5001 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
12/27/93  Closed  EPCRA-91-0120 et al. Mobil Oil Corporation
06/25/76  Closed  IF&R VII-189C I.D. Russell Co. Laboratories, Inc.
06/20/2000  Closed  FIFRA-09-99-0005 Eric Tate d/b/a Pretty Baby
03/25/94  Closed  FIFRA 197 Atlas Chemical Corporation
01/15/99  Closed  IF&R VIII-97-02 PERMA-GUARD, Inc.
01/03/97  Closed  II-EPCRA-SUP-95-0203 Pride Solvents and Chemical Company of New York, Inc.
07/13/2001  Closed  FIFRA 10-2000-0061 Jerry L. Korn and Dairy Health
12/01/89  Closed  CERCLA-I-88-1089 All Regions Chemical Labs, Inc.
11/14/97  Closed  5-IFFRA-96-017 Chempace Corporation
08/25/86  Closed  RCRA-VI-503-H Mountain Pine Pressure Treating Company, Inc.
12/01/94  Closed  FIFRA 656; FIFRA 93-H-02F Health Care Products, Inc.; Health Care Products, Inc. (Through Its American Agent Meditox, Inc.)
05/12/83  Closed  IF&R VII-547C-82P Holmquist Grain and Lumber Company
07/18/86  Closed  IF&R VIII-160C Bethune Grain, Inc.
05/27/2004  Closed  TSCA-05-2002-0004 Harpoon Partnership
06/29/2000  Closed  CAA-2000-04-006 Tennessee Valley Authority
06/03/2003  Closed  TSCA-03-2001-0331 Environmental Protection Services, Inc.
11/27/84  Closed  FIFRA-09-0372-C-84-5 South Coast Chemical, Inc.
12/13/76  Closed  IF&R V-331C The World's Products Inc.
09/17/2001  Closed  CWA 02-2001-3404 Starkist Caribe, Inc.
03/28/2000  Closed  FIFRA-8-99-58 Intermountain Farmers Association
01/10/84  Closed  TSCA VII-83-T-191 T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition Company
05/08/80  Closed  IF&R V-604-C Bradley Exterminating Company
06/26/2003  Closed  CAA-03-2002-0159 USA Remediation Services
10/08/81  Closed  III-81-1-NA Airco, Inc.
06/29/2001  Closed  CWA 10-2000-0091 David Eby
11/13/89  Closed  RCRA-87-13-R Southern Pine Wood Preserving Company & Brax Batson
04/30/2004  Closed  CAA-5-2003-0009 Strong Steel Products, LLC
10/19/98  Closed  IF&R-II-547-C Tifa, Ltd.
06/06/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. CWA-VI-92-1623 Delatte Metals, Inc.
04/24/2002  Closed  CAA 3-2001-0004 Asbestex, Environmental Group Co.
08/03/2001  Closed  TSCA 02-2001-9301 Puerto Rico Ports Authority
02/08/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. TSCA-V-C-057-93 Gordon Head and William Spangle
08/31/94  Closed  IF&R-508-C Alfred Chemical Corporation
11/12/2002  Closed  CAA-05-2002-0007 CVS Corp.
04/26/94  Closed  EPCRA-VI-512S Leal Petroleum Corporation
03/28/78  Closed  AH FL 507 N NPDES Permit for Beker Phosphate Corp.
11/12/81  Closed  CAA(211)-138 BP Oil, Inc.
05/26/2000  Closed  TSCA-5-99-015 Ric Temple and Paul Nay & Associates
02/02/98  Closed  EPCRA-09-94-0015 Catalina Yachts, Inc.
09/24/2004  Closed  RCRA-06-2003-0922 Geologistics Americas, Inc.
05/10/76  Closed  IF&R Docket Nos. VII-92C; VII-135C Fleming & Co.
06/02/79  Closed  I UNG-422C Texaco Inc.
01/17/85  Closed  TSCA-IX-84-0013 Transformer Service (Ohio), Inc.
03/29/99  Closed  TSCA VI-736C(L) The United States Department of the Navy, Kingsville Naval Air Station
01/08/2001  Closed  RCRA-UST-99-004 Jerry C. Carter, Inc. and Michael K. Joseph
12/31/92  Closed  FIFRA-90-H-02 Shield-Brite Corporation
03/10/97  Closed  VI-93-1604 Espanola Mercantile Company, Inc
06/28/2006  Closed  FIFRA-05-2006-0010 Microbe Guard, Inc.
04/08/96  Closed  RCRA-89-07-R Globe Aero Ltd., Inc., and The City of Lakeland, Florida
03/25/98  Closed  2-I-97-1017 Borough of Naugatuck
07/24/91  Closed  EPCRA-VIII-89-06 Pitt-Des Moines Inc.
11/12/2003  Closed  EPCRA-02-2002-4201 Ditmas Oil Associates, Inc.
08/16/99  Closed  CAA-III-116 Century Aluminum of West Virginia, Inc.
04/02/96  Closed  V-W-006-93 Recycling Sciences Center
12/03/87  Closed  IF&R 04-8727-C D.L. Matthews Pools, Inc.
06/30/83  Closed  RCRA 82-H-035 Conservation Chemical Company
07/11/85  Closed  RCRA-III-116 Quaker State Oil Refining
02/24/86  Closed  Docket No.TSCA-V-C-407 Substation Maintenance, Inc.
02/06/96  Closed  Docket Nos. [USTI] 11-RCRA-0205, et al. 1833 Nostrand Avenue Corporation
02/01/96  Closed  FIFRA 659 Company, Inc. Airrigation Engineering
07/28/98  Closed  CAA-III-076 First Capital Insulation, Inc.
06/28/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. CWA-A-O-011-93 General Motors Corporation, CPC-Pontiac Fiero Plant
10/26/2005  Closed  CWA-10-2000-0188 Donald Cutler
07/02/2001  Closed  EPCRA 9-2000-0018 Cavco Industries, L.L.C.
08/20/97  Closed  RCRA-III-169 Spang and Company
05/07/92  Closed  TSCA-VI-532C Ensco Inc.
05/26/93  Closed  II RCRA-91-0104 Del Val Ink & Color, Inc.
04/15/92  Closed  TSCA-8(a)-88-0228 Wego Chemical and Mineral Corp
04/11/90  Closed  RCRA-SHWPAW-IV-01-87 North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program
11/19/2004  Closed  TSCA-HQ-2004-0016, RCRA-HQ-2004-0016 E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
09/24/2004  Closed  RCRA-06-2003-0922 Geologistics Americas, Inc.
11/09/76  Closed  IF&R V-329-C Applied Biochemists, Inc.
06/06/97  Closed  CAA-96-004 DMC, Inc. and Southern Environmental Services, Inc
08/09/91  Closed  TSCA-V-C-61-89 The C.P. Hall Company
08/29/96  Closed  CWA-IX-FY94-47 ICPC ETCHED Circuits, Inc.
09/09/2005  Closed  TSCA 02-2004-9143 LG Chemical America, Inc.
03/06/98  Closed  II-RCRA-95-0306 Petro West, Inc.
08/24/2000  Closed  CAA-8-99-11 Lake County
07/24/98  Closed  5-CWA-97-041 City of Traverse City Wastewater Treatment Plant
04/23/2001  Closed  RCRA V-W-14-93 City of Athens, Ohio
08/17/92  Closed  IF&R. VII-1073-C-91P Jim Young d/b/a Jim Young Aerial Spraying RFD1 Adams, Nebraska
04/10/90  Closed  Docket No IF&R-III-380-C Murd Company, Inc.
06/12/95  Closed  CWA-VIII-94-21-PII Persona, Incorporated
08/19/96  Closed  FIFRA-09-0864-C-95-03 Scotts-Sierra Crop Protection Company
05/26/2005  Closed  CWA-10-2004-0067 Colleen Tillion, Rick Richards, and Patricia Richards
04/05/94  Closed  NPDES Permit No, TX0085570 Formosa Plastics Corporation
06/06/86  Closed  RCRA VIII-85-02 Central Paint and Body Shop, Inc.
09/01/93  Closed  II RCRA-UST-91-0402 Frank Mustafa
03/27/91  Closed  IF&R-04-907001-C Beach-O-Rama Sales, Inc.
06/05/2002  Closed  CWA-07-2001-0052 CERCLA-07-2002-0009 EPCRA-07-2002-0009 Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods
06/29/98  Closed  FIFRA-98-H-02 Albaugh, Inc. (PDF)
07/31/96  Closed  IF&R-04-94F044-C Andrew J. Allen d/b/a Allen Chemical Company
10/26/92  Closed  Docket NO. EPCRA-II-89-0103 Crown Metal Finishing Company
04/09/96  Closed  DQCKET NO. CWA-111-091 S. PAUL HOBBS
08/10/83  Closed  IF&R VIII-91C Agland Incorporated, Co-Op
10/31/89  Closed  1084-0-12-2615P Leonard A. Strandley
02/09/98  Closed  5-TSCA-III-725 Arsenal Associates
06/12/87  Closed  II-TSCA-IMP-13-86-0233 Chematar Inc.
11/08/99  Closed  TSCA 7-99-0009 Billy Yee
07/02/99  Closed  CAA-09-98-14 Phoenix Demolition Company, Inc.
10/22/98  Closed  IF&R-II-547-C Tifa, Ltd.
06/09/87  Closed  FIFRA-09-0439-C-85-18 Helena Chemical Company
10/21/76  Closed  IF&R II-110C and II-111C Alden-Leeds, Inc.
02/23/94  Closed  RCRA-UST-92-0210 Gaseteria Oil Corporation
08/05/93  Closed  FIFRA-09-0691-C-89-56 Johnson Pacific, Incorporated
09/22/82  Closed  IF&R 403-C-81P Ealy Spraying Service, Incorporated
12/23/83  Closed  IF&R VII-47 William Myers, d/b/a Gift Sales Company
07/30/86  Closed  II-RCRA-85-0303 Millipore Corporation
05/23/79  Closed  I UNG-421C Texaco Inc.
12/16/92  Closed  CAA-III-006 House Analysis & Associates and Fred Powell
08/25/95  Closed  CAA R6-P-8/9-TX94014, Docket NO. SARA 6-95-020, RCRA-VI-502-H Phibro Energy USA, Inc.- Houston, Texas
01/04/2000  Closed  CWA 5-99-005 United Septic, Inc.
10/31/95  Closed  TSCA-III-483 Plaza Land Associates, Ltd. Partnership; and Twitchell Wrecking Co.; and DML Corp.
05/04/2001  Closed  RCRA VII-98-H-0003 Titan Wheel Corporation of Iowa
07/10/2001  Closed  RCRA 02-2000-7504 RCRA 02-2000-7505 Raceway Petroleum, Inc., et al.
07/07/99  Closed  IF&R-II-547-C Tifa Limited
07/15/98  Closed  CWA-2-I-97-1084 State of Connecticut Dept. of Transportation, (District 1 Maintenance Service Center)
03/27/87  Closed  FIFRA 613 Rohm & Haas Company
12/14/99  Closed  EPCRA 02-99-4001 Lilly Del Caribe, Inc. (PDF)
06/27/97  Closed  IF&R VIII-95-382C Converse County Weed and Pest Control District
06/25/86  Closed  RCRA-V-W-85-R-002 Elwin G. Smith Division Cyclops Corporation
02/06/98  Closed  5-IFFRA-97-006 Caltech Industries, Inc.
08/03/2004  Closed  TSCA-03-2003-0285 Ronald H. Hunt, et al.
05/14/99  Closed  CWA 5-98-006 Freudenberg-NOK
07/31/2001  Closed  EPCRA 9-2000-0001 Coast Wood Preserving, Inc.
06/19/87  Closed  RCRA-III-127 Municipal and Industries Disposal Company
10/08/87  Closed  RCRA-85-69-R John Boyle & Company
11/21/91  Closed  TSCA-III-389 Hico, Incorporated
08/09/2001  Closed  CWA-9-2000-0008 Tri-County Builders Supply
09/27/88  Closed  V-W-85-R-59 Inland Metals Refining Co.
10/28/99  Closed  10-97-0066-SDWA Sunbeam Water Company, Inc., et al.
10/30/80  Closed  IF&R VII-322C/347C Cole Chemical Company
09/03/2004  Closed  RCRA-05-2002-0003 Federal Cartridge Company
06/14/96  Closed  5-TSCA-95-011 MJP Mangement, Inc.
04/13/84  Closed  RCRA-IX-81-0012 BKK Corporation
04/25/86  Closed  II-TSCA-ASB-84-0207 New York City Board of Education
10/04/82  Closed  TSCA (15(a))-1 Dow Chemical Company
04/13/94  Closed  EPCRA-1-93-1015 Advance Coating Co.
08/06/2001  Closed  TSCA 3-2000-0019 Cas Equity Inc.
05/31/79  Closed  IF&R IV-308-C A-2-Z Termite and Pest Control Corporation of Ocala
03/26/99  Closed  5-IFFRA-98-12 Mole-Med, Inc., Aurora, Indiana
02/08/2000  Closed  CWA-III-219 City of Salisbury, Maryland
07/08/94  Closed  FIFRA 657 Elf Autochem of North America, Inc. and Griffin Corporation
09/26/88  Closed  RCRA V-W-81-R-75 J.V. Peters and Company
10/31/2001  Closed  EPCRA 02-2000-4002 Energy Gases, Inc.
12/05/96  Closed  CWA-404-95-106 Condor Land Company
06/06/94  Closed  CAA-III-025 Dennis Anderson Construction Corporation.
05/25/95  Closed  TSCA-V-C-082-92 Spitzer Great Lakes Ltd. Co.
09/03/92  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R-VII-996C-90P, & 995C-90P Terra International Inc., d/b/a Terra Chemicals International Inc., and Brian Smith
12/10/97  Closed  II-TSCA-PCB-91-0246 Cecos International, Inc
05/27/92  Closed  TSCA-09-90-0019 Amereco Environmental Services Inc.
02/04/98  Closed  5-EPCRA-97-051 Wozniak Industries, Inc.
03/27/97  Closed  CAA-001-94 John W. Darnell, Inc., d.b.a. All Seasons Roofing And Purdue University Respondents
08/13/2002  Closed  RCRA-5-2001-0016 CAA-5-2001-0020 MM-5-2001-0006 Strong Steel Products LLC
11/21/95  Closed  [RCRA] 1094-07-05-3008 (a) U.S. Coast Guard Kodiak, Alaska
09/29/92  Closed  II TSCA-PCB-92-0124 Marine Facilities, Inc.; Marine Movements, Inc.
05/22/95  Closed  RCRA VI-321-H Sloan Valve Company
10/31/95  Closed  FIFRA-09-0824-C-92-41 Mia Rose Products. Inc
09/25/78  Closed  IF&R Docket No.II-186C Contact Industries, Inc.
06/18/96  Closed  FIFRA 93-H-02F, FIFRA 95-H-04 Health Care Products, Inc./In the Matter of Celltech Media, Inc. aka Health Care Products, Inc. Through its Agent, Meditox, Inc.
02/07/92  Closed  TSCA-IV-89-0016 General Electric Company
06/23/98  Closed  CAA-010A-1993 Schoolcraft Construction, Inc.
06/26/85  Closed  TSCA-V-C-264 Freemont City Schools
03/11/97  Closed  FIFRA-95-H-05 Sultan Chemists, Inc
02/18/98  Closed  5-RCRA-97-0005 Cello-Foil Products
02/27/97  Closed  RCRA-UST-KY-93-007 D.B. Grugin Oil Co., Inc
11/21/2001  Closed  5-EPCRA-95-033 Norcross Footwear, Inc., d/b/a Servus Footwear Company
07/13/94  Closed  CWA-VIII-93-03-P-II City of Sioux Falls, SD
01/17/2003  Closed  RCRA-05-2001-0019 Dearborn Refining Company
09/25/95  Closed  CWA-A-0-012-93 Gallagher & Henry
03/15/2006  Closed  TSCA 03-2005-0266 John P. Vidiksis & Kathleen E. Vidiksis
08/09/2002  Closed  CAA 1-2000-0070 The Barden Corp.
09/19/88  Closed  NPDES Appeal No. 88-1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
10/06/87  Closed  RCRA-85-67-R A.B. Carter, Inc.
05/05/98  Closed  5-CAA-96-005 Coleman Trucking, Inc.
08/12/93  Closed  IF&R-04-92F044-C Red Bell, Inc.
03/09/95  Closed  CAA-05-93 Clark Refining & Marketing Corp
05/09/77  Closed  030756 Phillips Petroleum Company
05/19/92  Closed  [CERCLA/EPCRA] EPCRA VIII-90-04 Thoro Products Co
03/07/97  Closed  FL0000876 Buckeye Florida, L.P
04/10/2002  Closed  CAA 02-2001-1253 Gypsum North Corporation, Inc.
12/18/92  Closed  CWA-2-I-92-1001 Decorated Products, Inc.
04/26/91  Closed  PWS-COM-90-059 Tommy A. Trease, d/b/a Bubbling Springs Water Company
05/14/96  Closed  CWA-AO-08-09 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District
08/02/94  Closed  EPCRA-VII-91-T-606-E Dempster Industries, Inc., Beatrice, Nebraska
05/31/77  Closed  IF&R V-331C The World's Best Products, Inc.
03/08/94  Closed  EPCRA-III-090 Salem Tube, Inc. and Salem Liquidating Corp.
01/21/98  Closed  CAA-I-97-1001 Lyons Fuel, Inc.
09/08/94  Closed  CERCLA-VIII-92-20 Arkansas Valley Cooperative Association
07/01/83  Closed  RCRA-VIII-82-4 American Ecological Recycle Research Corporation
07/07/78  Closed  IF&R VII-294C D.A. Robinson, Inc.
07/31/92  Closed  TSCA-PCB-VIII-91-08 Atlas Metal & Iron Corporation
02/21/75  Closed  I.D. No. 104559 Chapman Chemical Co.
12/20/76  Closed  IF&R Docket No IV-167-C Water Services, Inc.
04/04/94  Closed  Docket Number: IF&R-VII-1105C-91P Northland Helicopters, Inc.
12/21/89  Closed  V-W-91-C-123B Koppers Company, Inc.
02/02/95  Closed  IF&R-V-014-94 Green Thumb Nursery, Inc.
08/17/2001  Closed  RCRA 3-2000-0004 Motiva Enterprises LLC
08/09/91  Closed  EPCRA-031-1990 R.C.A. Rubber Co.
01/30/2003  Closed  RCRA-10-2000-0113 Goodman Oil Co. & Goodman Oil Co. of Lewiston
10/12/95  Closed  EPCRA-031-93 Solar Machine Products Company
08/15/2001  Closed  RCRA 3-2001-5001 RCRA 3-2001-5002 Euclid of Virginia, Inc. and Clark Automotive Services, Inc.
11/30/99  Closed  CAA-09-98-17 Department of Defense Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
06/12/2002  Closed  CWA 9-2001-0002 Wayne Vaughn Sr., Wayne Vaughn Jr., & Carriage Homes
02/01/82  Closed  TSCA-V-C-008 Robert Ross & Sons, Inc.
08/05/85  Closed  RCRA-VI-415-H Frit Industries, Inc.
08/14/85  Closed  IF&R-V-128-P Lily Products of Michigan, Inc.
06/14/95  Closed  IF&R-V-017-93 A & V Inc.
10/16/92  Closed  CAA-1091-10-15-113; CAA-1092-05-08-113; CAA-1092-05-09-113 Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
08/28/2000  Closed  VII-98-H-0012 Morrison Brothers Company
09/16/86  Closed  RCRA-IV-85-62-R Landfill, Incorporated
01/16/91  Closed  Docket No.V-W-90-R-16 Testor Corporation
10/01/2002  Closed  CAA-1-2000-0070 The Barden Corp.
07/24/97  Closed  TSCA-94-H-19 Concord Trading Corporation
10/05/95  Closed  CAA-I-93-1054 Ocean State Asbestos Removal Inc. / Ocean State Building Wrecking and Asbestos Removal Co,. Inc.
05/12/97  Closed  5-EPCRA-96-026 Hall Signs, Inc
02/27/2007  Closed  CWA-05-2005-0011 Camp Pubie Hunting Club Partnership, Gerald A. Blomberg, Jr., David A. Braatz, Roger G. Schnieder, Allen W. Blomberg, & Randy A. Bender, Partners
09/11/97  Closed  5-CAA-96-011 Lyon County Landfill
04/22/88  Closed  FIFRA-09-0433-C-85-12 Corson Services, Inc.
12/08/98  Closed  CWA 404-95-106 Condor Land Company
05/01/81  Closed  TSCA PCB-80-03 Big Horn Fracturation
02/17/2004  Closed  CWA-3-2001-0002 Allen Family Foods, Inc.
02/03/83  Closed  Docket Nos. TSCA-V-C-033, TSCA-V-C-034, & TSCA-V-C-035 Bell & Howell Company
07/18/95  Closed  RCRA-UST-VIII-90-02 Harley Brown (Brown's Valley Grocery)
11/19/2003  Closed  RCRA-3-2002-0303 Euclid of Virginia, Inc.
04/28/77  Closed  IF&R VIII-26C Norris and Company, Inc.
07/07/2004  Closed  5-EPCRA-95-033 Norcross Footwear, Inc. d/b/a Services Footwear Company
10/08/82  Closed  V-W-81-R-002 Fisher-Calo Chemicals and Solvents Corporation
12/21/76  Closed  IF&R II-120C Hawk Industries, Inc.
06/22/94  Closed   Dana Corporation-Victor Products Division and BRC Rubber Group
11/15/94  Closed  TSCA-I-92-1062 Capitol Electric Construction Co., Inc. and Donald Sekelsky, individually and d/b/a Sekelsky Enterprises Co.
09/01/94  Closed   General Electric Company
02/29/96  Closed  CAA-016-1994 Linda Coktrill and Danie Cottrill, d/b/a Cottrill Trucking and Wrecking Co., and Asberry-Chamber Asbestos, Inc.
07/11/74  Closed  IF&R IX-4C; 141.7(P) Amvac Chemical Corp.
08/30/94  Closed  EPCRA-09-94-0009 Geron Furniture, Inc.
08/09/95  Closed  RCRA-III-247 Rybond, Inc.
11/28/83  Closed  NPDES No. FL0000655 NPDES Permit for Occidental Chemical Agricultural Products, Inc.
07/02/2004  Closed  TSCA-03-2003-0285 Ronald H. Hunt, et al.
09/26/86  Closed  1086-03-40-012 Cascade Chemical, Inc.,
12/08/86  Closed  TSCA-X-86-01-14-2615 Ketchikan Pulp Company
08/22/2001  Closed  RCRA 10-2000-0113 Goodman Oil Company
07/30/87  Closed  FIFRA Docket Nos. VII-719C-86P, VII-739C-86P, VII-740C-86P Co-Operative Grain & Supply Company; Co-Operative Grain & Supply Company and David Wademan
08/26/97  Closed  5-CAA-95-017 Kronauge, Fred J
04/09/2001  Closed  CWA 10-99-0202 C.L. Butch Otter, Charles Robnett
10/20/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1231C-93P Skasol, Inc.
06/10/92  Closed  RCRA-III-9006-017 Coastline Purchasing Corporation
10/29/75  Closed  IF&R IX-77C 141.28(P) John L. Beaulieu, d/b/a/Beaulieu Chemical Co.
01/26/2000  Closed  CAA R6-P-9-LA-98030 International Paper Company, Mansfield, LA
12/24/96  Closed  EPCRA-IV-95-108 Mulberry Farms, Inc.
04/19/85  Closed  RCRA 84-H-0012 U.S. Nameplate Co.
11/17/97  Closed  TSCA-V-C-66-90 Group Eight Technology, Inc
07/03/97  Closed  FIFRA-95-H-02 E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co., Inc
02/06/2002  Closed  CWA 04-2001-1501 C.W. Smith, Grady Smith & Smith's Lake Corp.
09/05/91  Closed  Docket Number II MWTA-89-0102 MRM Trucking Company
03/22/99  Closed  FIFRA 09-0881-C-98-06 Micro Pen Of U.S.A., Inc.
10/05/94  Closed  Docket. No. CAA-R6-P-9-LA-92002 Phibro Energy USA, Inc.
09/30/99  Closed  EPCRA-III-236 Tebay Dairy Company
05/26/2004  Closed  CAA-03-2002-0144 Chippewa Hazardous Waste Remediation & Energy, Inc. d/b/a Chippewa Hazardous Waste, Inc. et al.
06/10/96  Closed  CAA-95-111-001 WOODKILN, Inc.
07/02/2001  Closed  RCRA 02-2000-7504 RCRA 02-2000-7505 Raceway Petroleum, Inc., et al.
08/13/2002  Closed  FIFRA-9-2001-0017 Hing Mau, Inc.
06/09/97  Closed  V-5-CAA-013 Shawano County, et al
12/20/93  Closed  IF&R III-429-C J.A.G. Industries, Inc.
12/19/96  Closed  CWA-VIII-94-20-PII Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, et al.
11/04/96  Closed  FIFRA 93-H-02F FIFRA 95-H-04 Health Care Products, Inc., et al.
09/18/79  Closed  IF&R III-184C Hygenic Sanitation Company, Inc.
09/10/96  Closed  CWA-A-0-007-92 Harold G.Rueth, Rueth Development Company
06/10/96  Closed  Dkt. No. TSCA-09-92-0014 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII
04/11/85  Closed  FIFRA-09-04007-C-84-40 Sta-Lube, Inc.
01/29/98  Closed  TSCA VI-556C(P) McKinney Smelting, Inc.
07/13/86  Closed  FIFRA-09-0440-C-85-19 Chemical Commodities Agency, Inc.
01/06/87  Closed  IF&R 04-8615-C National Safety Associates, Inc.
03/04/99  Closed  5-CAA-97-008 Henry Velleman, et al.
07/07/2000  Closed  TSCA-5-99-015 Ric Temple and Paul Nay & Associates
05/20/2002  Closed  CWA 07-2001-0052 CERCLA 07-2002-0009 EPCRA 07-2002-0009 Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods
08/14/98  Closed  EPCRA-037-94 Steeltech, Limited
07/17/96  Closed  [IV CWA] 404-93-110 Earl Beeler
11/24/93  Closed  CAA-VIII-92-12 Burlington Northern Railroad Co.
11/04/2005  Closed  CAA-05-2004-0044 Degussa Engineered Carbons, LP
10/22/82  Closed  FIFRA 502 Notice of Hearing on the Application to Use Sodium Fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) to control Predators
05/14/93  Closed  FIFRA-09-0775-C-91-20 World Industries International, Inc.
10/03/78  Closed  FIFRA 50 Dow Chemical Co. & Uniroyal Chemical Division
02/05/85  Closed  RCRA-III-070 Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp.
12/19/2002  Closed  RCRA-05-2002-0001 Brenntag Great Lakes LLC, (f/k/a MILSOLV Minnesota Corporation)
04/20/98  Closed  IF&R-II-547-C Tifa, Ltd.
03/10/97  Closed  II-95-0105 Frontier Stone, Inc
02/10/89  Closed  TSCA Docket 1087-11-01-2615 Western Compliance Services, Inc.
06/16/2004  Closed  TSCA-03-2001-0331 Environmental Protection Services, Inc.
07/11/97  Closed  EPCRA-09-95-0010 Stewart Furniture Manufacturing Co. et al
11/15/2000  Closed  RCRA III-9006-062 U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Air Station Oceana
04/08/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. RCRA-V-W-86-R-45 Gary Development Company
12/06/91  Closed  IF&R-04-8913 James B. Lawrence, Jr. and Discount Pool Supagesly and Services, Inc.
12/02/85  Closed  FIFRA-09-0422-C-85-1 Tierra Verde Co., Inc.
04/12/2002  Closed  CAA-5-2001-002 CWA-5-2001-006 RCRA-5-2001-008 MM-5-2001-001 Consumers Recycling, Inc.
04/05/2002  Closed  CAA 5-2000-012 B&L Plating, Inc.
06/23/77  Closed  FIFRA COMP. 47 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company v. Velsicol Chemical Corporation
11/09/99  Closed  CAA-3-99-0002 Bruce M. Folkins (PDF)
03/31/94  Closed  RCRA (3008) VIII-90-12 ROI Development Corporation
07/01/77  Closed  030770 Texaco, Inc.
08/25/95  Closed  UST6-91-031-AO-1 Jay Harcrow
12/02/2004  Closed  CAA-5-2001-002 Consumers Recycling, Inc.
10/12/2005  Closed  FIFRA-02-2005-5301 Martex Farms, Inc.
08/30/96  Closed  CAA 1-92-1049 et al. Kelem Construction Company, Leitkowski Construction Co.
09/24/91  Closed  [RCRA] 89-04-R, Cypress Aviation, Inc. and The City of Lakeland, Lakeland, Florida
03/28/2003  Closed  CAA-05-2002-0012 VEMCO Inc. d/b/a Venture Grand Rapids
08/31/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1185C-93P David L. Redler d/b/a Tree N' Turf Lawnscapes
04/25/96  Closed  CAA-III-047 Appalachian Power Company and Global Power Company
12/18/84  Closed  NPDES No. KY00027235 NPDES Permit for City of Middlesboro, Kentucky
12/11/84  Closed  V-W-84-R-004 Buckeye Products Corp.
05/20/96  Closed  CAA-95-H-005 Bell Thunderbird Oil
11/14/2006  Closed  CAA-03-2005-0053 City of Wilkes-Barre, A.R. Popple, Inc., Wyoming S&P, Inc.
07/21/99  Closed  EPCRA IV-97-067 Lay Brothers, Inc.
12/20/77  Closed  IF&R VII-272C Schulte Paint & Lacquer Manufacturing Company
12/07/2001  Closed  CWA-5-98-013 City of Marshall
11/19/2002  Closed  TSCA-07-2002-0220 The Landmark Properties, L.C.
05/27/93  Closed  RCRA-V-W-89-R-29 Hardin County, OH c/o Hardin County Commissioners
01/08/98  Closed  OPA-09-95-01 Taylor-McIlhenny Operating Co., Inc.
08/13/87  Closed  II RCRA-85-0301 Commonwealth Oil Refining Co., Inc.
06/04/97  Closed  CAA-II-97-0102 Delco Corporation and TGR Corporation
07/31/90  Closed  RCRA-VI-626-H Basin Refining, Inc.
03/19/93  Closed   Boyer Valley Fertilizer Co., and UAP Special Products, Inc.
11/02/2005  Closed  CAA-03-2005-0053 City of Wilkes-Barre, A.R. Popple, Inc., Wyoming S. & P, Inc.
07/03/2001  Closed  CAA 10-99-0121 U.S. Army, Fort Wainwright Central Heating Power Plant
10/12/95  Closed  EPCRA-VIII-93-06 Titan Steel Corporation
12/14/95  Closed  EPCRA-017-93 Patterson Laboratories, Inc.
05/11/92  Closed  TSCA-09-91-0018 Environmental Management Consultants Inc.
09/27/90  Closed  Docket NO. II TSCA-TST-88-0244 Biddle Sawyer Corporation
11/18/2005  Closed  CWA-08-2005-0016CWA-08-2005-0016 Charles Lindy Daniels & Athalene Daniels
04/11/2003  Closed  FIFRA-04-2002-3034 John Ray Stout & KP, L.L.C.
02/01/99  Closed  CWA-VIII-01-PII Don Aadsen Ford (PDF)
03/18/99  Closed  FIFRA-98-H-13 Champon 100% Natural Products, Inc.
07/02/84  Closed  RCRA V-W-93-R-071 Lifeguard Industries, Inc.
08/01/78  Closed  Docket Nos. (Region VI) A677-0065 and A677-0181 Gasoline Marketers, Inc., & Arkansas Transport Company
03/01/95  Closed  TSCA-III-605 Mobay Corp.
06/15/94  Closed  RCRA-VI-106-H Rollins Environmental Services (TX), Inc.
02/07/94  Closed  IF&R-V-01-91 Sentco Paint Mfg. Co., Inc.
06/03/88  Closed  IF&R-VII-764C-88P Buerge Feed and Seed
11/02/94  Closed  RUST-006-1991 Certified Oil Company
10/26/94  Closed  EPCRA-III-142 John Cornell, d/b/a/ Cornell Fuel Co.
10/29/98  Closed  SDWA-C930033 Mr. Al Jones d/b/a/ Llano Grande Golf Course
08/15/2003  Closed  TSCA-03-2001-0331 Environmental Protection Services, Inc.
04/29/98  Closed  5-CWA-97-021 City of Cambridge, Water Pollution Control Center
10/14/99  Closed  II-TSCA-8(a)-98-0101 Troy Chemical Corp.
12/19/86  Closed  CAA-120-V-84-1 International Harvester Company
08/26/2004  Closed  CAA-04-2002-1508 Julie's Limousine & Coachworks, Inc.
08/28/2002  Closed  CAA-09-99-0004 Morton Friedman & Schmitt Construction Co.
07/11/85  Closed  IF&R VIII-133C B&M Chemicals, Inc.
02/05/85  Closed  IF&R 04-8414-C First U.S. Chemical
01/24/2002  Closed  TSCA 3-2001-0331 Environmental Protection Services, Inc.
07/24/95  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R VII-1088C-91P, IF&R VII-1075C-91P Richard Rogness And Presto-X Company
03/16/84  Closed  IF&R VI-179C Hysan Corporation
12/04/95  Closed  IF&R-04-093F060-C Hillsborough Chemical Corporation
07/23/2001  Closed  FIFRA 04-2000-0042 Orb Industries, Inc.
08/20/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. CWA-A-0-007-92  Harold G. Rueth/Rueth Development Company
08/20/90  Closed  II TSCA-IMP 13-86-0121 Alm Corporation
06/15/98  Closed  5-CAA-95-012 EK Associates, L.P., et al.
08/07/2003  Closed  CAA-5-2001-007 Lu Vern G. Kienast L.G. Kienast Utility Construction Oshkosh, Wisconsin
09/22/80  Closed  TSCA (16(a))-1 Dow Chemical Company
03/22/99  Closed  TSCA-09-92-0014 University of Hawaii Manoa Campus
09/18/2002  Closed  CWA-05-2002-0005 Anthony I. Forster
09/30/92  Closed  Docket Nos. EPCRA-91-0120, EPCRA-91-0122, EPCRA-91-0123 Mobil Oil Corporation
11/20/2001  Closed  CAA 1-2000-0070 The Barden Corporation
10/08/74  Closed  IF&R II-11C Johnson Chemical Company, Inc.
12/14/95  Closed  CAA-III-028 Asbestos Control, Inc.
11/02/90  Closed  RCRA-SHWPAW-IV-01-87 North Carolina's Hazardous Waste Management Program
09/11/85  Closed  TSCA-V-C-302 Madeira City Schools
10/26/98  Closed  RCRA-(9006)-VIII-97-02 George Atkinson, George's British Petroleum
08/15/84  Closed  IF&R-IV-577C Electronics For Industry, Inc.
09/29/87  Closed  RCRA-V-W-86-R-13 Ashland Chemical Company, Division of Ashland Oil, Inc.
10/25/79  Closed  IF&R IV-318-C Theochem Laboratories, Inc.
10/02/2001  Closed  FIFRA-8-99-71 FIFRA-8-2000-41 Chemarmor
05/21/97  Closed  CWA-III-096 Britton Construction Co., et al
04/28/95  Closed  FIFRA-95-H-02 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc.
10/16/97  Closed  RCRA-(3008)-VIII-93-05 Microbial Technology, Inc
10/22/81  Closed  CAA(211)-51 Texaco, Inc.
02/07/96  Closed  IF&R-04-94F044-C Andrew J. Allen d/b/a Allen Chemical Company
05/16/83  Closed  II-TSCA-PCB-81-0105 NOC, Inc., T/A Noble Oil Company
02/28/93  Closed  Docket Number: EPCRA-VII-89-T-611 K. 0. Manufacturing, Inc. Springfield, Missouri
06/29/87  Closed  IF&R-VIII-198C High Plains Cooperative, Inc.
04/02/2002  Closed  TSCA 07-2001-0044 Tyrone Turner
05/27/2010  Closed  Docket Nos. FIFRA-07-2008-0035, FIFRA-07-2008-0036, FIFRA-07-2009-0041, & FIFRA-07-2009-0042 FRM CHEM, Inc., Advanced Products Technology, Inc., Synisys, Inc., Custom Compounders, Inc
05/11/95  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R VII-1088C-91P, & IF&R VII-1075C-91P Richard Rogness And Presto-X Company
10/11/96  Closed  EPCRA-1093-11-05-325 TRA Industries, Inc.
07/28/92  Closed  IF&R III-423-C Bio-Regional Energy Associates LTD.
02/07/97  Closed  5-CAA-96-005 Coleman Trucking, Inc
09/21/87  Closed  TSCA VI-81C Gulf Shore Electric
06/18/2002  Closed  TSCA 4-2000-0130 GCA Chemical Corp.
06/07/91  Closed  EPCRA-VII-89-T-356 KAW Valley Inc.
06/14/92  Closed  EPCRA-III-0160; CERCLA-III-002 Gold Crest Chemical Corporation and Embalmers Supply Company
06/18/94  Closed   Gold Crest Chemical Corporation, Embalmers Supagesly Company
04/08/75  Closed  IF&R VI-23C Stauffer Chemical Co.
08/27/99  Closed  FIFRA 09-0886-98-11 Zoo Med Laboratories, Inc.
07/10/98  Closed  EPCRA-III-165 Clarksburg Casket Co.
06/19/89  Closed  Docket Numbers TSCA-PCB-VIII-88-09, TSCA-PCB-VIII-88-21 Camax Engineering, Incorporated, Stepkan Zbikowski, Sr., & Core Minerals Recoveries, Incorporated
06/28/2000  Closed  CERCLA-VIII-98-11 Department of Energy, Rocky Flats Field Office
01/17/92  Closed  CWA-VII-91-W-0078 LaBarge, Incorporated
07/18/95  Closed  V-W-81-R-75 J.V. Peters and Company
11/23/94  Closed  TSCA-(PCB)-VIII-91-17 Universal Equipment Co.
02/03/94  Closed  II TSCA-PCB-92-0228 Gunlocke Co., Inc. (THE)
02/18/99  Closed  FIFRA-98-H-01 Microban Products Company
05/30/86  Closed  RCRA-84-16-R Brown Wood Preserving Co., Inc.
09/20/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1191C-92P ICI Americas, Inc. and Dodge City Cooperative Exchange
02/12/98  Closed  EPCRA-III-113 Mafix, Inc.
05/09/2003  Closed  CWA-05-2003-0005 CWA-05-2003-0006 CCMS Associates Inc., & William E. Montgomery
02/12/98  Closed  CAA-III-086 Indespec Chemical Corporation, et al.
07/25/95  Closed  RCRA-IV-92-15-R Everwood Treatment Co., Inc. and Cary W. Thigpen
12/29/93  Closed  [CAA X] 1091-06-13-113 Norma J. Echevarria & Frank J. Echevarria. d/b/a Echeco Environmental Services
10/21/2002  Closed  CAA-1-2000-0070 The Barden Corp.
06/29/98  Closed  TSCA-09-92-0014 University of Hawaii
01/25/93  Closed  RCRA-IX-87-0006 Hawaiian Western Steel, Limited, Inc., and The James Campbell Estate
06/20/97  Closed  EPCRA-III-117 Turnbull Enterprises, Inc
04/09/91  Closed  TSCA-III-452 University of Delaware
12/16/2005  Closed  RCRA-03-2005-0191 Marc Mathys d/b/a Green Tree Spray Technologies LLC
06/24/94  Closed  TSCA-III-694 BCM Engineers, Inc.
10/13/98  Closed  97-CWA-III-199 Heating Oil Partners, L.P.
05/27/81  Closed  TSCA VI-7C Allen Transformer Company
09/29/77  Closed  IF&R IX-157C Evergreen Pest Control
09/24/2004  Closed  RCRA-06-2003-0922 Geologistics Americas, Inc.
03/28/95  Closed  CAA-I-92-1061 Testa Excavating Co. Inc. and Thomas C. O’Brien
08/13/2003  Closed  EPCRA-02-2000-4002 Energy Gases, Inc.
11/05/97  Closed  TSCA VI-556C(P) McKinney Smelting, Inc
10/25/2001  Closed  RCRA 5-99-005 M.A. Bruder and Sons, Inc. d/b/a M.A.B. Paints
05/08/96  Closed  EPCRA-007-95 Dominick's Finer Foods, Inc.
09/27/93  Closed  TSCA-III-604 Hutch's Enterprises, Inc.
08/13/92  Closed  TSCA V-C-62-91; TSCA VII-91-T-363A, 414, 424, 425, 447, 450 and 570A; TSCA-(ASB)-VIII-90-26, 30-39; TSCA-09-91-0024 Hall-Kimbrell Environmental Services, Inc.
08/26/99  Closed  I.F. & R. VII-1320C-98P Meyer Laboratory, Inc.
07/21/2004  Closed  FIFRA 06-2003-0318 Four Star Feed & Chemical
06/29/93  Closed  RCRA-VII-91-H-0023 David Beachy, John Beachy and Edna Beachy, d/b/a Kalona Battery Company
08/08/94  Closed  NPDES Permit No. FL0043885 South Florida Water Management District
02/24/99  Closed  CWA-III-210 Pleasant Hills Authority
10/06/94  Closed  Docket No CAA-I-93-1054 Ocean State Asbestos Removal, Incorporated.
09/30/2005  Closed  Docket Nos. RCRA 02-2004-7102, RCRA 06-2003-0912, Howmet Corporation
08/22/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. CAA-93-H-002  Commercial Cartage Company
08/12/98  Closed  II-547-C Tifa Limited
03/11/2003  Closed  CWA-04-2001-1501 Mr. C.W. Smith, Mr. Grady Smith, & Smith's Lake Corporation
06/06/90  Closed  TSCA-I-89-1031 Carol Cable Company, Inc.
06/30/98  Closed  CAA-4-97-012 Valley Chevrolet-Geo, Inc., et al.
05/21/99  Closed  CWA-5-98-021 Advanced Electronics
05/03/89  Closed  IF&R-III-323-C Acton Associates, Inc.
08/25/2006  Closed  RCRA-05-2005-0009 Von Roll America, Inc.
04/10/91  Closed  TSCA-III-451 Exeter Properties, Inc., (Hopewell, Virginia Facility)

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