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Dockets by EPA Region 10

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Complaint DateStatusCase
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0035) Raft River Energy I, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0036) Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0037) Douglas Fruit Company Inc
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0038) Keller Supply CO.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0039) Empire Lumber Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0044) Pasco Processing, LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0046) Copper River Seafoods, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0063) Don Hasenoehrl d/b/a DJR Farms
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0069) BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0070) Alpenrose Dairy, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0071) Port Townsend Paper Corporation
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0075) Delta Western. LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0090) Calbee North America, LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0093) Central Manufacturing, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0135) Unified Grocers, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0148) Grange Supply Company of Edessa, WA
  Closed  (CAA-10-2019-0149) North Pacific Seafoods, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0009) Kenyon Zero Storage, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0011) Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0013) Kenyon Zero Storage, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0015) JDB, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0017) Blue Bird, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0019) Custom Apple Packers, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0020) Ag Link, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0022) University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0024) Power Products Unlimited Inc. dba. Diesel Power Products
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0035) OXARC, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0036) Pacific Surimi - Newport, LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0041) CPC International Apple Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0042) AmeriCold Logistics LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0044) Alligator Diesel Performance LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0045) Diesel Race Parts, dba Deviant Race Parts
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0069) Wyckoff Farms, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0095) J.K. Merrill & Sons, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0106) Oregon Cherry Growers, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0109) SureCrop Farm Services
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0110) Sherman County Farm Chemical & Fertilizer CO.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0138) Snake River Performance Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2020-0153) D.D.M. Imports, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021--0131) Therral Jackson
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0033) DFI Performance Center, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0039) Premier Performance, LLC; RallySport Direct, LLC; JB Automotive, LLC; and Stage ...
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0040) AmeriGas Propane, L.P.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0058) IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, DISTRICT 6, BUILDING #6108, Rigby, Idaho
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0060) American Freeze Dry Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0066) Adrenaline Performance, LLC.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0077) Royal Ridge Fruit and Cold Storage LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0100) Forrest Paint Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0102) Kraft Heinz Food Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0120) Legacy Fruit Packers, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0132) D.D.M. Imports, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0196) Big Twin Diesel, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0198) Vision Diesel Performance, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0208) Cedar Grove Warehouse, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0209) Dunks Performance LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0817) Ajinomoto Toyo Frozen Noodles Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0157) Congdon Packing Company, LLC and D&H Properties Yakima, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0178) Sorrento Lactalis
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0193) PotlatchDeltic Land & Lumber, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0197) Zirkle Fruit Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0206) North Pacific Seafoods, Inc
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0239) Lamb Weston, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0249) D.D.M. Imports, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0001) Chaucer Foods, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0002) CS Beef Packers, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0005) 1023 Diesel & Fleet Inc
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0010) DANA JOSH “D.J.” CALLOWAY d/b/a DJ’S DIESEL
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0024) Bornstein Seafoods, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0025) Cascade View, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0026) Fruitsmart, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0027) Lineage Logistics, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0028) NewCold Advanced Cold Logistics
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0029) Rite Stuff Foods, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0030) Roy Farms, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0032) Univar Solutions USA, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0035) Outlaw Diesel Repair L.L.C. and Dominic Leigh
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0070) Astoria Pacific Seafoods, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0072) First Team Restoration Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0084) Doyon Associated LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0085) Pure Addiction Diesel Performance, LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0105) Lamb Weston Holdings Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0106) Klamath Energy LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2023-0116) Jens Schkade
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0009) Nutrien US LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0010) Underwood Fruit & Warehouse Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0022) Bellingham Cold Storage Company
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0040) East Side Plating, Inc.
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0134) Dickinson Frozen Foods dba IdaCold LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0146) Welchs Foods Inc
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0152) Solenis LLC
  Active  (CAA-10-2024-0153) Kiva Energy Inc
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0201) Airgas USA LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0202) Bellingham Cold Storage Company
  Active  (CAA-10-2024-0203) Airgas USA LLC
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0204) AG Link Inc
  Active  (CAA-10-2024-0205) Wilbur Ellis Company LLC Fairfield WA
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0206) Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC Oakesdale WA
  Closed  (CAA-10-2024-0208) Wilbur Ellis Company LLC Monmouth OR

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