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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0008 Specialty Polymers, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0011 Bellingham Cold Storage Company (Orchard)
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0023 Sysco Portland, Inc
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0035 Raft River Energy I, LLC
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0036 Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0037 Douglas Fruit Company Inc
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0038 Keller Supply CO.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0039 Empire Lumber Company
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0044 Pasco Processing, LLC.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0046 Copper River Seafoods, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0063 Don Hasenoehrl d/b/a DJR Farms
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0069 BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0070 Alpenrose Dairy, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0071 Port Townsend Paper Corporation
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0075 Delta Western. LLC.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0090 Calbee North America, LLC.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0093 Central Manufacturing, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0135 Unified Grocers, Inc.
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0148 Grange Supply Company of Edessa, WA
2019*ClosedCAA-10-2019-0149 North Pacific Seafoods, Inc.
2019*ClosedCERC-03-2019-0051DC Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation/Church Road TCE Site, AOC for Interim Remedial Design, CERCLA
2019*ClosedCERCLA-03-2019--0117CR Fleetwood Residential Lead Site and Hamburg Residential Lead Site, Exide Technologies, Inc,, Administrative Order, 122(h) Settlement
2019*ActiveCERCLA-03-2019-0111LL Chem Fab Superfund Site, Turog Properties, Limited
2019*ActiveCERCLA-03-2019-0120LL Magnate, LLC Site
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0001 John S. Lane & Son, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0002 Middlesex School
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0008 Marblehead Anderson Company
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0009 GBC Metals, LLC dba Somers Thin Strip Brass Group
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0011 Ryan Marine Services, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0012 Old Dutch Mustard Co., Inc. d/b/a Pilgrim Foods
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0014 Patterson Oil Company
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0015 Beverly Port Marina, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0019 Colt's Manufacturing Company, LLC
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0021 Andrew Russo
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0034 Continental Paving, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0035, CWA-01-2019-0036 and CWA-01-2019-0037 Stone Road Energy, LLC
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0040 Wall Street Development Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0042 Nouria Energy Corporation
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0048 Comfort Homes, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-01-2019-0051 A.D. Makepeace Company
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3301 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3302 Fire Island Ferries, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3303 9 Windsor Drive
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3304 Dresser-Rand Company
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3305 ABZCO LLC
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3306 Township of Edison
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3307 Luma Construction Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3308 MR Developers LLC
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3309 Geritrex, LLC f/k/a RIJ Pharmaceutical Corporation
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3310 IWS Transfer Systems of NY, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3311 Camden County Department of Public Works Charles J. DePalma Complex
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3801 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3802 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3803 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-02-2019-3804 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0001 Super Salvage, Inc., CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0002 City of Annapolis
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0007 Perdue Grain and Oilseed, LLC, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0013 Vico Construction Corporation, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0024 4H Farm, LLC, ELF, LLC, Trenton Energy, LLC, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0037 Prince William County Public Schools, CWA, CAFO,
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0049 Riverfront Investment Partners I, LLC, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0052 Rockydale Quarries Corporation, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0053DN Rockydale Quarries Corporation
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0059 Griffith Energy Services, Inc., ESA, CWA-03-2019-0059
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0064 Signature Flight Support-BWI Airport, ESA, CWA-03-2019-0064
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0075 WCS Construction, LLC, CWA.CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0084 Island Watersports, LLC, CWA, ESA
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0088 Librandi's Plating, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0090DN Librandi's Plating, CWA, Administrative Compliance Order on Consent
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0101 Calex ISCS, Inc., CWA, ESA
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0114 BASF Colors and Effects USA LLC, CWA, CWA-03-2019-0114
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0115 Lee Hy Paving Corporation, CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-03-2019-0128 Midland Asphalt Materials, Inc., CWA, CAFO
2019*ClosedCWA-07-2019-0031 Salina, KS (City of)
2019*ClosedCWA-07-2019-0057 BP Products North America Inc. Dubuque Terminal
2019*ClosedCWA-07-2019-0258 WesTech
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0002 Bornstein Seafoods, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0004 Connell Development Company
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0009 Georgia-Pacific Wood Products LLC.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0012 Granite Excavation & Summit Development Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0017 Colaska, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0020 Colaska, Inc, Aggpro
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0026 Petro 49, Inc., Ketchikan Bulk Plant
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0033 Robert Durham Excavation Inc & Gerald Martens
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0034 Kilgore Companies, LLC d/b/a Triple C Concrete, a/k/a Twin Falls Redi-Mix
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0041 Georgia Pacific Consumer Products, LLC, Camas Mill
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0042 Port Townsend Paper Corp.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0045 Northwest Hardwoods, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0048 Woodgrain Millwork, Inc.
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0059 City of Troy, Idaho
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0060 City of Troy, Idaho
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0061 Go Left LLC. & Richard Fritzley
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0089 East Valley Cattle, LLC. and Bill Millenkamp
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0099 Skagit River Steel & Recycling
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0101 Coeur Alaska Inc. Kensington Mine
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0102 Coeur Alaska Inc., Kensington Mine
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0107 Rogue Valley International Airport - Rental Car Facility
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0108 City of Ashland - Municipal Airport Fueling Facility
2019*ClosedCWA-10-2019-0109 Marine Vacuum Service, Inc.

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