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Dockets by EPA Region 10

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Complaint DateStatusCase
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2011-0117) T & K FARMS INCORPORATED
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2011-0151) STOUT FLYING SERVICE
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0007) GRANGE CO-OP
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0048) Wilbur Ellis Company
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0067) Columbia Sportswear Co.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0160) AG Specialties, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0169) AG Specialties
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0174) Ritter Chemical, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0175) Pendleton Grain Growers, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0179) Harms Pacific Transport, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0182) Primeland Cooperatives, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0041) SUPER KAT, INC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0051) Baker Petrolite Corporation
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0057) BASF Corporation
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0069) Larry Boyer Land and Cattle
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0093) Tacoma Ag, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0134) Sure Crop Farm Service, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0136) Skyline Chemical, LLC dba Hefty Seed
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2013-0165) Griffin Bros., Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0018) J. R. Simplot Company
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0030) Cascade Designs, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0054) Primeland Cooperatives
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0060) Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0066) Aldis Manufacturing, Ltd.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0101) The McGregor Company
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0107) Wilco-Winfield, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0112) Columbia Sportswear Company
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0036) CHS Inc. d/b/a Primeland Cooperatives
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0109) Huntons' Sure Crop Farm Service, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0110) Marco Industries, Inc., d/b/a American Agriculture
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0121) Paramount Pest Control, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0128) Environmental Compliance Resources, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0130) Sulphur Mills Ltd.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2015-0139) Cascade Designs, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2016-0106) Pomeroy Grain Growers, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0032) Larry Boyer Land & Cattle
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0033) Oregon Scientific, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0039) Steritech, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0076) General Aircraft Aviation LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0097) Suterra LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0117) Wallowa County Grain Growers
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0120) E.B. Meyer Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0134) MicroBasics, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0137) Nor Pac Pet Products, LLC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0164) RCO International Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2017-0178) Western AG Improvements, Inc
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0199) Wolfkill Feed & Fertilizer Corporation
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0202) Amazon Services LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0204) Concentrates, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0267) Newco, Inc., d/b/a Cascade Columbia Distribution
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0307) Tanada Corporation, dba Farma Tech International Corporation
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0336) Wilbur-Ellis Company, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0359) Varmite Getter, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2018-0364) Chemi-Green Solutions, LLC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0001) Cascade Designs, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0015) FLO-TEC Automation Associates Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0030) Nor Pac Pet Products, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0031) Jim's Fertilizer
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0065) Wood Tec, Inc., d/b/a Wood Care Systems
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0091) Trident Agricultural Products, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0095) Western Ag Improvement, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0096) Wood Care Systems
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0105) E.B. Meyer Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2019-0106) Farma Tech International Corp.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0016) 1,4 Group, Inc. d.b.a. Pin-Nip
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0021) Caribou Trail Pest Control, LLC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0034) Sound Resturant Supply, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0089) CH20, INC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0094) Western Ag Improvement, Inc
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0116) Earth Science Products
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2020-0166) CJ AIR LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0010) OZWEST, INC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0026) UNIVAR SOLUTIONS USA INC.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0107) Esperer Web Stores, LLC d/b/a/ Diatomaceousearth.com
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0141) ASSOC Chemists Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0154) J.R. Simplot Company
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0184) Jim's Fertilizer
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0204) ECOLAB, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0164) Valley Agronomics, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0214) Cesco Solutions, Inc
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0227) Trademark Global, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0229) Grovpure, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0233) Earth Science Products
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0241) ChemStation Seattle LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0242) Silver Sky
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0243) R&T Enterprises LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0018) Cascade Mountain Technologies, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0036) Cascade Designs, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0037) Swanson Bark & Wood Products, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0038) United Farm Service, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0039) Varmit Getter, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0040) Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition, LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0041) Kemira Chemicals Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0057) Grayl Inc
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0086) Farmers Supply Cooperative
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2023-0138) Barnett Air LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2024-0025) Decco U.S. Post-Harvest, Inc.
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2024-0035) Handle Halo LLC
  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2024-0055) TeknibPlex Inc

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