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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/26/2016  CAA-01-2016-0049 CAFO (Johnson Matthey Pharmaceutical Materials, Inc.)
09/26/2016  CWA-07-2016-1231 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Country Club Estates, LLC)
09/26/2016  CWA-08-2016-0013 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (BAYTEX ENERGY USA, LLC)
09/26/2016  CAA-08-2016-0006 Expedited Settlement Agreement with Final Order (GR/RS/SW CO. JOINT POWERS WATER BOARD)
09/26/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0942 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Oiltanking Port Neches, LLC)
09/26/2016  CWA 06-2016-4511 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (McGowan Working Partners)
09/26/2016  SPCC-09-2016-0002 (Golden Gate Petroleum)
09/26/2016  UIC-09-2016-0004 (County of Hawaii (Hilo))
09/26/2016  UIC-09-2016-0002 (County of Maui - Hawaii)
09/26/2016  RCRA-09-2016-0007 (Semiray Inspection Services)
09/26/2016  UIC-09-2016-0005 (State of Hawaii)
09/26/2016  TSCA-09-2016-0020 (Carrington Real Estate)
09/23/2016  TSCA-02-2016-9241 Consent agreement and final order. (VanDeMark Chemical, Inc.)
09/23/2016  CAA-02-2016-1207 Consent agreement and final order. (Jarco-Ul.S. Casting Corp.)
09/23/2016  CAA-05-2016-0042 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Building Materials Manufacturing Corporation d/b/a GAF -CAFO- (Michigan City, Indiana) )
09/23/2016  CAA-05-2016-0043 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Agra Resources, LLC d/b/a POET Biorefining - Glenville -CAFO- (Albert Lea, Minnesota))
09/23/2016  EPCRA-08-2016-0003 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement (VANCE BROTHERS, INC.)
09/23/2016  CWA-08-2016-0014 Combined Compaint and Consent Agreement (WHITING OIL AND GAS CORPORATION)
09/23/2016  EPCRA-08-2016-0002 Expedited Settlement Agreement (OTTO AND SONS, INC.)
09/23/2016  CAA-08-2016-0007 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement (OTTO AND SONS, INC.)
09/22/2016  FIFRA-01-2016-0070 CAFO (Hydro-Photon, Inc.)
09/22/2016  TSCA-03-2016-0151 ESA (Scott Brothers Windows and Doors, TSCA, Expedited CAFO)
09/22/2016  EPCRA-03-2016-0217 SCAFO (Zekelman Industries, Inc., EPCRA, SCAFO)
09/22/2016  TSCA-03-2016-0151 ESA (Scott Brothers Windows and Doors, TSCA, Expedited CAFO)
09/22/2016  CWA-08-2016-0012 CAFO Signed (PHOENIX PRODUCTION COMPANY)
09/22/2016  CAA 06-2016-3373 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hexion, Inc.)
09/22/2016  CAA-06-2016-3373 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hexion, Inc.)
09/21/2016  RCRA-05-2016-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (AK Steel Corporation -CAFO- (Mansfield, Ohio))
09/21/2016  RCRA-07-2016-0032 Consent Agreement and Final Order (US Technology Corporation)
09/21/2016  CAA-03-2016-0163 ESA (The C.I. Thornburg, Co., Inc., CAA, CAFO)
09/21/2016  FIFRA-09-2016-0021 (Dow AgroSciences)
09/21/2016  FIFRA-09-2016-0020 (Mid Valley Agricultural Services)
09/21/2016  TSCA-09-2016-0001 (Rayco Development)
09/20/2016  CWA-02-2016-3401 Consent agreement and final order. (Thomas Electronics, Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1002(b) CAFO (Basin Energy Company)
09/20/2016  CWA-04-2016-5508(b) CAFO (Benny Mims)
09/20/2016  CAA-04-2015-8008(b) CAFO (Kroger Limited Partnership II d/b/a Country Oven Bakery)
09/20/2016  CWA-04-2016-5504(b) CAFO (Ralph Sandeford)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1018(b) CAFO (Coomer Drilling Company, Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1014(b) CAFO (Bretagne, LLC)
09/20/2016  CAA-04-2016-1752(b) CAFO (Envirological Engineering, Inc.)
09/20/2016  CWA-04-2016-4521(b) CAFO (Integra Village at Lake Forest.)
09/20/2016  TSCA-04-2016-2541(b) CAFO (Compass Chemical International, LLC)
09/20/2016  CWA-04-2016-4505(b) CAFO (Cordoba Ranch Lutz)
09/20/2016  TSCA-05-2016-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Matt Miedema -CAFO- (Wyoming, Michigan))
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1004 CAFO (Countrymark Energy Resources, LLC)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1020(b) CAFO (American Natural Gas, Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1013(b) CAFO (Blackhawk Energy, LLC)
09/20/2016  CWA-04-2016-5502(b) CAFO (NC State Natural Resources Foundation, Inc.)
09/20/2016  TSCA-04-2016-2907(b) CAFO (BAE Systems Ordance Systems, Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1022(b) CAFO (John Clendening)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1017(b) CAFO (Steve Combs)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1019(b) CAFO (Del Energy, Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1021(b) CAFO (Core Minerals Operating Company, Inc.)
09/20/2016  RCRA-04-2016-4004(b) CAFO (Triumvirate Environmental (Florida), Inc.)
09/20/2016  SDWA-04-2016-1016(b) CAFO (Arnold Ridge, LLC)
09/20/2016  TSCA-03-2016-0119 SCAFO (Prince George's County School District, TSCA, SCAFO)
09/20/2016  FIFRA 06-2016-0322 Consent Agreement And Final Order (Helm Agro US, Inc.)
09/20/2016  CWA-08-2016-0017 Expedited Settlement Agreement (KANYON SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS, INC.)
09/19/2016  RCRA-08-2016-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement with Final Order (WES COLOMBE D.B.A ALLSTOP)
09/19/2016  EPCRA-01-2016-0059 CAFO (Lucas-Milhaupt Warwick, LLC)
09/19/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0906 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Whole Foods Company, Inc.)
09/19/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0907 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Whole Foods Market Rocky Mountain/Southwest LP)
09/19/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0908 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Whole Foods Market Rocky Mountain/Southwest LP)
09/19/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0905 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Whole Foods Market Rocky Mountain/Southwest LP)
09/19/2016  RCRA 06-2016-0904 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Whole Foods Market Rocky Mountain/Southwest LP)
09/16/2016  RCRA-10-2016-0080 ESA (American Retail Services-Fresno, LLC)
09/16/2016  CWA-10-2016-0145 CAFO (Pacific Hide & fur Depot, dba Pacific Steel & Recycling, Inc.)
09/16/2016  TSCA-10-2016-0159 CAFO (Hammer and Hand, Inc)
09/16/2016  CAA 06-2016-3358 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Waskom Rail Yard)
09/16/2016  FIFRA-06-2019-0301 Consent Agreement (Seatex, LLC)
09/15/2016  FIFRA-03-2016-0098 Consent agreement and final order (NuChem Corp., FIFRA, Complaint, )
09/15/2016  FIFRA-03-2016-0177 ESA (Case Mason Filling, Inc., FIFRA, Expedited Settlement SCAFO)
09/15/2016  CAA-05-2016-0041 Complaint and Expedited Settlement Agreement (Green Plains Holdings II, LLC -ESA- (Blissfield, Michigan))
09/15/2016  TSCA-03-2016-0159 ESA (Charles Village Apartments, Scafo, TSCA Expedited Consent,TSCA)
09/15/2016  FIFRA-04-2016-3000(b) CAFO (Syngenta Corp Protection, LLC)
09/15/2016  FIFRA-03-2016-0180 ESA (Hot Pepper Wax, Inc., SCAFO, FIFRA)
09/15/2016  FIFRA-07-2016-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC/multi-region)
09/15/2016  FIFRA-05-2016-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order - Region 4 LEAD (Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC -CAFO- - - SEP - - REGION 4 LEAD - - (North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio))
09/14/2016  CAA-03-2016-0169 Exped Penalty Action (MarkWest Houston Gas Plant, CAA, Expedited Penalty Action )
09/14/2016  CAA-03-2016-0193 SCAFO (Hastings Extraction, Inc, CAA, SCAFO)
09/14/2016  RCRA-03-2016-0190 Scafo (Hi-Tech Color, Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
09/14/2016  CAA-03-2016-0169 Expedited Penalty (MarkWest Houston Gas Plant, CAA, Expedited Penalty Action )
09/14/2016  RCRA-04-2016-4019(b) CAFO (Lionheart Industries, Inc.)
09/14/2016  FIFRA-07-2016-0017 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Offerle Cooperative Grain and Supply Company)
09/14/2016  RCRA-02-2016-7702 Expediarted Settlement agreement. (Town of Oyster Bay)
09/14/2016  RCRA-01-2015-0073 CAFO (Specialty Materials Business Trust dba Specialty Materials, Inc. )
09/14/2016  RCRA-03-2016-0213 SCAFO (Dana Container, Inc., SCAFO, RCRA )
09/14/2016  EPCRA-03-2016-0189 Super consent agreement and final order (Hi-Tech Color, Inc., EPCRA, SCAFO)
09/14/2016  CWA-02-2016-3304 Expediated Settlement Agreement. (North Ridge, LLC)
09/14/2016  RCRA-02-2016-7707 Expediated settlement agreement. (Bolla Operating Corp.)
09/14/2016  TSCA-02-2016-9271 Consent agreement and final order. (Ramon Home Corp.)
09/14/2016  CWA-01-2016-0061 CAFO (Shawnee Peak Holding, Inc.)
09/14/2016  CAA 06-2016-3418 Consent Agreement and Final Order (United States Cold Storage LP)
09/13/2016  RCRA-04-2016-4016(b) CAFO (Micro Matic USA, LLC)
09/13/2016  CWA-04-2016-4507(b) CAFO (Waterside Winter Garden)
09/13/2016  CWA-04-2016-4511(b) CAFO (Wiregrass Ranch 1B)
09/13/2016  CWA-04-2016-4527(b) CAFO (The Retreat At Carrollwood)
09/13/2016  CWA-04-2016-4528(b) CAFO (Eagle Lake Subdivision 4B)
09/13/2016  CWA-04-2016-4512(b) CAFO (Wiregrass Ranch 1C)

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 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
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