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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/15/2017  CAA/CWA/CERC/RCRA-03-2017-0164 SCAFO (Radford Army Ammunition Plant)
09/15/2017  CAA-09-2017-0006 (Wal Mart Transportation)
09/14/2017  CWA-08-2017-0022 CCCA and FO (PETROLEUM WHOLESALE, L.P.)
09/14/2017  CWA-08-2017-0021 Combined Complaint Consent Agreement (PETROLEUM WHOLESALE, L.P)
09/13/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4004(b) CAFO (Valmont Composite Structures)
09/13/2017  CWA-10-2017-0140 ESA (Trilogy Development Inc. & Liberty Development Inc.)
09/13/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9170 Consent agreement and final order. (Taras Home Designs, LLC)
09/13/2017  CAA-05-2017-0038 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Korff Holdings d/b/a Quaker City Castings -CAFO- -- SEP -- (Salem, Ohio))
09/13/2017  CAA-05-2017-0039 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Bunting Bearings, LLC -CAFO- (Holland, Ohio))
09/13/2017  CWA-04-2017-5506(b) CAFO (City of Lake Wales, Polk County, Florida)
09/13/2017  RCRA-04-2016-4018(b) CAFO (Antennas for Communications, Ocala, FL, Inc.)
09/13/2017  FIFRA-04-2017-3007(b) CAFO (DG Hardware, Inc.)
09/13/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0185 SCAFO (ArcelorMittal Weirton LLC, RCRA, SCAFO)
09/13/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0158 CAFO (Black Butte Construction, Inc.)
09/13/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0154 cafo (BBC Biochemical Corp.)
09/13/2017  CAA 06-2017-3517 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Wylie WTP)
09/13/2017  CAA-06-2017-3512 Expedited Settlement Agreement (George's Further Processing Plant)
09/12/2017  CWA-10-2017-0149 ESA (Snug Harbor Seafoods, Inc. )
09/12/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0163 CAFO (US Coast Guard, Kodiak Base Support Unit, AK)
09/12/2017  TSCA-07-2017-0345 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dana and Lori Schultz
09/12/2017  FIFRA-07-2016-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Monsanto Company)
09/12/2017  CWA-07-2017-0219 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Ronald Fricke)
09/12/2017  CAA-03-2017-0175 Expedited Settlement Agreement (George's Chicken, LLC, )
09/08/2017  FIFRA-03-2017-0172 Expedited Consent Agreement (Customized Distribution Services, Inc., FIFRA, Expedited Consent Agreement)
09/08/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0166 CAFO (Emerald Services, Inc)
09/07/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9269 Expediated settlement agreement. (Bluecrest Construction Inc.)
09/07/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2523(b) CAFO (Chuck Bennett Contracting, Inc.)
09/07/2017  FIFRA-08-2017-0008 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (BIOXY USA, INC.)
09/07/2017  CWA-03-2017-0024 SCAFO (Super Concrete Corporation, CWA, SCAFO)
09/07/2017  CAA(112R)-09-2017-0004 (Unilever NA Distribution Center)
09/07/2017  OPA-09-2017-0006 (Pacific Environmental Corporation)
09/06/2017  TSCA-02-2017-9274 Consent agreement and final order. (Skyline Restoration, Inc.)
09/06/2017  CWA-02-2017-3311 Expediated settlement agreement. (Accurate Builders & Developers of NJ)
09/06/2017  CAA-01-2017-0065 CAFO (INEOS Melamies LLC)
09/06/2017  CWA-01-2017-0066 CAFO (REF Trucking, Inc. )
09/06/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0159 SCAFO (QG Printing II, LLC, RCRA, SCAFO)
09/06/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0160 SCAFO (Quad/Graphics, Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
09/06/2017  FIFRA-09-2017-0009 (Ensystex Inc.)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0145 CAFO (Big State Logistics - Tsina River)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0144 CAFO (Big State Logistics, Inc. Paxson Lake)
09/05/2017  CWA-10-2017-0143 CAFO (Big State Logistics, Inc. - Birch Lake)
09/05/2017  CWA-04-2017-4506(b) CAFO (Hallman Foundry LLC and A. Stucki Company)
09/05/2017  CAA 06-2017-3319 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Alon USA, LP)
09/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0051 Consent Agreement and Final Order (RMR Solutions LLC -CAFO- (Brighton, Michigan))
09/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0052 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Edenz Gardening Center Lapeer, Inc. -CAFO- -- INSTALLMENTS -- (Lapeer, Michigan))
09/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0054 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Sanikleen, LLC -ESA- (Franklin, Indiana))
09/01/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0053 Expedited Settlement Agreement (JD Pest Control -ESA- (Rockford, Illinois))
09/01/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0025 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Dewitt Marine, Inc. (Bellaire, Michigan))
08/31/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0110 ESA (University Of Alaska - Fairbanks)
08/31/2017  CAA-10-2017-0146 CAFO (Russell Vessey)
08/31/2017  RCRA-04-2017-4008(b) CAFO (HK Research Corporation )
08/30/2017  FIFRA-07-2017-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Reckitt Benckiser)
08/30/2017  CAA-10-2017-0147 ESA (E.C. Phillips & Sons, Inc.)
08/30/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0126 SCAFO (Independent Can Company, RCRA, SCAFO)
08/30/2017  RCRA-03-2017-0165 CAFO No Penalty; perform injunctive relief (Nova Chemical Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
08/30/2017  CAA-07-2017-0213 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Goodland Simplot Grower Solutions)
08/30/2017  CAA-07-2017-0348 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Helena Chemical Company)
08/30/2017  CAA 06-2017-3327 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hexion Inc.)
08/30/2017  CAA-06-2017-3327 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Hexion, Inc.)
08/29/2017  FIFRA-08-2017-0007 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (RENTOKIL NORTH AMERICA, INC.)
08/28/2017  CAA-07-2017-0205 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Iowa Premium, LLC.)
08/24/2017  EPCRA-10-2017-0153 CAFO (Axiom Electronics, LLC.)
08/24/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2527(b) CAFO (Bath & Kitchen Gallery, Inc.)
08/24/2017  CWA-01-2017-0059 CAFO (P.J. Keating Company)
08/24/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2537(b) CAFO (The Environmental Institute)
08/24/2017  RCRA-10-2017-0162 CAFO (Seacast, Inc.)
08/24/2017  EPCRA-06-2017-0515 Consent Agreement and FInal Order (ECO Services Operations Corp.)
08/23/2017  EPCRA-05-2017-0024 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MAHLE Behr USA Inc. (Troy, Michigan))
08/23/2017  CWA-02-2017-3309 Expediate settlement agreement. (Seagis Property Group)
08/23/2017  MM-05-2017-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MAHLE Behr USA Inc. (Troy, Michigan))
08/23/2017  CERCLA-05-2017-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (MAHLE Behr USA Inc. -CAFO- (Troy, Michigan))
08/23/2017  CAA-03-2017-0176 ESA Action (Wako Chemicals USA, Inc., CAA, SCAFO)
08/23/2017  SPCC-09-2017-0001 (Kensington Hotel Saipan)
08/23/2017  CWA-09-2017-0003 (Direct Pack Incorporated)
08/22/2017  CWA-02-2017-3308 Consent agreement and final order. (Miller's Son Shine Acres, Inc.)
08/22/2017  CWA-03-2017-0147 CAFO (City of Philadelphia, CAFO)
08/21/2017  TSCA-01-2017-0046 CAFO (National Construction, LLC)
08/21/2017  FIFRA-10-2017-0137 ESA (Nor Pac Pet Products, LLC.)
08/17/2017  CAA-10-2017-0109 CAFO (HD Power Systems Inc.)
08/17/2017  TSCA-10-2017-0159 CAFO (Diamond Homes LLC.)
08/17/2017  CWA-08-2017-0014 Expedited Settlement Agreement & Final Order (HAMLET HOMES CORPORATION)
08/17/2017  RCRA-08-2017-0001 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (BIG WEST OIL, LLC & FLYING J PETROLEUMS, INC.)
08/17/2017  CWA-08-2017-0015 Expedited Settlement Agreement & Final Order (PERRY HOMES UTAH, INC.)
08/17/2017  CWA-04-2017-5501(b) CAFO (D.R. Horton, Inc., Osceola County, Florida)
08/17/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0049 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Christian County Farmers Supply Company -ESA- (Taylorville, Illinois))
08/17/2017  FIFRA-05-2017-0050 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Mid-Wood, Inc. -CAFO- (Cygnet, Ohio))
08/17/2017  RCRA-05-2017-0022 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec Automotive Systems USA, Inc. (Marysville, Michigan))
08/17/2017  TSCA-05-2017-0005 Consent Agreement and Final Order (CWPILL, Inc. -CAFO- (Irvine, California))
08/17/2017  UIC-09-2017-0002 (Matheson Tri-Gas)
08/16/2017  CAA 06-2017-3362 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Westlake Chemical OpCo, LP)
08/16/2017  CWA-02-2017-3355 Expediated settlement agreement. (General Engineering Corporation, LLC)
08/16/2017  SDWA 06-2017-1227 Consent Agreement and Final Order (St. Martin Parish WW District 4 Catahoula)
08/15/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2536(b) CAFO (Ben Tyler Building & Remodeling, Inc.)
08/15/2017  CWA-02-2017-3303 Consent agreement and final order. (Binghampton Burial Vault Co., Inc.)
08/15/2017  TSCA-04-2017-2520(b) CAFO (Hazelwood Construction Company, Inc.)
08/14/2017  CWA-07-2017-0207 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Benton's Ready Mix)
08/14/2017  TSCA-01-2017-0052 CAFO (Cityside Management Corporation )
08/14/2017  CWA-03-2017-0143 SCAFO (Kingston Borough, CWA, SCAFO)
08/11/2017  TSCA-09-2017-0009 (Ricoh Electronics)
08/11/2017  OPA-09-2017-0004 (SoCo Group Inc.)

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