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Published Decisions: Case Name

By Statute | Alphabetical | Reverse Chronological | Appeal Number | By Citation (467 records in this collection) Click for full-text searchSearch this collection | Search entire database

Decision DateCase NameCitationAppeal No.
03/11/1996, A & W Smelters & Refiners, Inc.6 E.A.D. 302, CERCLA 106(b) 94-14
02/04/1994, Adcom Wire, d/b/a Adcom Wire Company5 E.A.D. 84, RCRA 92-2
09/03/1992, Adcom Wire, d/b/a Adcom Wire Company4 E.A.D. 221, RCRA 92-2
03/11/2002, Advanced Electronics, Inc10 E.A.D. 385, CWA 00-5
05/27/1999, AES Puerto Rico, L.P.8 E.A.D. 324, PSD 98-29 and .....
01/10/2022, AJAX Materials Corporation 18 E.A.D. 572, CAA 21-04
02/15/2001, Allegheny Power Service Corp. & Choice Insulation,...9 E.A.D. 636, CAA 99-4
05/16/1994, Allied-Signal Inc. (Elizabeth, NJ)5 E.A.D. 291, RCRA 92-30
07/29/1993, Allied-Signal, Inc. (Frankford Plant)4 E.A.D. 748, RCRA 90-27
12/16/1992, Alma Plantation, LTD4 E.A.D. 441, NPDES 92-27
02/01/2005, Amerada Hess Corporation, Port Reading Refinery Fa...12 E.A.D. 1, PSD 04-03
09/27/1993, American Cyanamid Company et al4 E.A.D. 790, NPDES 92-18 and .....
05/27/2011, American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. (Star Brigh...15 E.A.D. 342, CERCLA 106(b) 10-02
06/30/2000, American Soda, LLP9 E.A.D. 280, UIC 00-1 and .....
11/23/1993, AMOCO Oil Company Mandan, North Dakota Refinery4 E.A.D. 954, RCRA 92-21
09/28/2022, AMVAC Chemical Corporation (C)18 E.A.D. 769, FIFRA 22-01 and .....
11/15/2018, Anadarko Uintah Midstream LLC17 E.A.D. 656, NSR 18-01
08/01/2014, Andrew B. Chase, a/k/a Andy Chase, Chase Services,...16 E.A.D. 469, RCRA (9006) 13-04
06/14/1999, Arapahoe County Weed District8 E.A.D. 381, FIFRA 98-3
06/26/2012, ArcelorMittal Cleveland Inc.15 E.A.D. 611, NPDES 11-01
06/29/2017, Archer Daniels Midland Company17 E.A.D. 380, UIC 17-05
03/10/2005, Arecibo Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant12 E.A.D. 97, NPDES 02-09
09/01/2016, Arizona Public Service Company Ocotillo Power Pla...17 E.A.D. 323, PSD 16-01
05/21/1998, Arizona Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permits for Ci...7 E.A.D. 646, NPDES 97-3
09/30/2020, Arizona Public Service18 E.A.D. 245, NPDES 19-06
04/17/1996, Asarco Incorporated & Federated Metals Corporation6 E.A.D. 410, CERCLA 106(b) 94-22
10/06/1993, Asbestos Specialists, Inc.4 E.A.D. 819, TSCA 92-3
11/14/1997, ASH Grove Cement Company7 E.A.D. 387, RCRA 96-4 and .....
09/15/1992, Ashland Oil, Inc.4 E.A.D. 235, SPCC 91-1
06/21/1999, Atlantic Richfiled Company8 E.A.D. 394, CERCLA 106(b) 96-1
04/22/1992, Atlas Environmental Services, Inc. and Atlas Power4 E.A.D. 6, RCRA 91-18
01/06/1997, Austin Powder Company6 E.A.D. 713, RCRA 95-9
08/18/2011, Avenal Power Center, LLC15 E.A.D. 384, PSD 11-02 and .....
09/15/1992, Avery Lake Property Owners Association4 E.A.D. 251, UIC 92-1
08/27/2002, Avon Custom Mixing Services, Inc.10 E.A.D. 700, NPDES 02-03
10/12/1995, B & C Towing Site, The Sherwin-Williams Company6 E.A.D. 199, CERCLA 106(b) 94-7
10/20/2003, B & L Plating, Inc.11 E.A.D. 183, CAA 02-08
07/29/2016, Bayer CropScience LP and Nichino America, Inc.17 E.A.D. 228, FIFRA 16-01
06/28/2012, Bear Lake Properties, LLC15 E.A.D. 630, UIC 11-03
03/18/1993, Beazer East, Inc. and Koppers Industries, Inc.4 E.A.D. 536, RCRA 91-25
05/14/1999, Beckman Production Services8 E.A.D. 302, UIC 98-4
01/24/1994, Beckman Production Services5 E.A.D. 10, UIC 92-9 and .....
10/03/2008, Beeland Group, LLC, Beeland Disposal Well #114 E.A.D. 189, UIC 08-01 and .....
12/06/2013, Berry Petroleum Company16 E.A.D. 263, CAA 13-03
05/12/1992, Bethlehem Steel Corporation4 E.A.D. 29, TSCA 92-1
11/17/1993, Biddle Sawyer Corporation4 E.A.D. 912, TSCA 91-5
01/18/2001, Bil-Dry Corporation9 E.A.D. 575, RCRA (3008) 98-4
05/29/2001, Billy Yee10 E.A.D. 1, TSCA 00-2
01/15/1993, Boise Cascade Corporation4 E.A.D. 474, NPDES 91-20
02/11/1999, Bollman Hat Company8 E.A.D. 177, EPCRA 98-4
05/30/1996, Borough of Ridgway, Pennsylvania6 E.A.D. 479, CWA 95-2
07/26/1994, Boyer Valley Fertilizer Co. and UAP Special Produc...5 E.A.D. 440, FIFRA 93-2
06/21/2005, BP West Coast Products, LLC, Cherry Point Co-gener...12 E.A.D. 209, PSD 05-01
12/21/2004, Bricks, Inc.11 E.A.D. 796, EAJA 04-02
10/28/2003, Bricks, Inc.11 E.A.D. 224, CWA 02-09
07/22/1993, Brine Disposal Well, Montmorency County, Michigan4 E.A.D. 736, UIC 92-4 and .....
03/30/1999, Britton Construction Co., Bic Investment, Inc., &...8 E.A.D. 261, CWA 97-5 and .....
08/27/1996, Broward County, Florida6 E.A.D. 535, NPDES 95-7
06/07/1993, Broward County, Florida4 E.A.D. 705, NPDES 92-11
08/25/1992, Brush Wellman, Inc. Elmore, Ohio Facility4 E.A.D. 210, RCRA 92-17
02/15/1994, Burlington Northern Railroad Company5 E.A.D. 106, CAA 93-3
04/05/2000, BWX Technologies, Inc.9 E.A.D. 61, RCRA(3008) 97-5
04/23/1992, B&B Wrecking and Excavating, Inc.4 E.A.D. 16, TSCA 92-2
11/18/1998, B&R Oil Company, Inc.8 E.A.D. 39, RCRA(3008) 97-3
06/09/1997, B.J. Carney Industries, Inc.7 E.A.D. 171, CWA 96-2
06/19/1996, Campo Landfill Project6 E.A.D. 505, NSR 95-1
05/20/2011, Cape Wind Associates, LLC15 E.A.D. 327, OCS 11-01
02/02/2016, Carbon Injection Systems LLC17 E.A.D. 1, RCRA (3008) 15-01
03/22/2005, Cardinal FG Company12 E.A.D. 153, PSD 04-04
05/18/1992, Cargill, Inc4 E.A.D. 31, RCRA 92-14
01/28/1993, Caribbean Petroleum Corp.4 E.A.D. 491, NPDES 91-25
02/04/2000, Caribe General Electric Products, Inc.8 E.A.D. 696, RCRA 98-3
09/30/2004, Carlota Copper Company11 E.A.D. 692, NPDES 00-23 and .....
02/28/2001, Carlton, Inc., North Shore Power Plant9 E.A.D. 690, PSD 00-9
07/31/2002, Carroll Oil Company10 E.A.D. 635, RCRA (9006) 01-2
03/24/1999, Catalina Yachts, Inc.8 E.A.D. 199, EPCRA 98-2 and .....
03/07/1995, Cavenham Forest Industries, Inc.5 E.A.D. 722, RCRA 93-2
06/05/2003, CDT Landfill Corporation11 E.A.D. 88, CAA 02-02
10/03/2023, Charles Bridge, LLC19 E.A.D. 8, TSCA 23-03
02/04/2015, Charles River Pollution Control District16 E.A.D. 623, NPDES 14-01
04/29/1996, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., & Chemical Waste Manag...6 E.A.D. 445, CERCLA 106(b) 94-11
01/26/2015, Chem-Solv, Inc16 E.A.D. 594, RCRA (3008) 14-02
10/31/2002, Chem Lab Products, Inc.10 E.A.D. 711, FIFRA 02-01
06/29/1995, Chemical Waste Management Indiana, Inc.6 E.A.D. 66, RCRA 95-2 and .....
08/23/1995, Chemical Waste Management of Indiana, Inc.6 E.A.D. 144, RCRA 95-4
06/15/1992, Chemical Waste Management, Inc. Kettleman Hills Fa...4 E.A.D. 52, RCRA 91-17
05/18/2000, Chempace Corporation9 E.A.D. 119, FIFRA 99-3 and .....
04/27/1992, Chevron Chemical Co. (Richmond, CA Facility)4 E.A.D. 18, RCRA 90-15
03/05/2013, Chevron Michigan LLC of Traverse City, Michigan15 E.A.D. 799, UIC 12-01
09/30/2005, Chippewa Hazardous Waste Remediation & Energy, Inc...12 E.A.D. 346, CAA 04-02
01/28/2008, Christian County Generation, LLC13 E.A.D. 449, PSD 07-01
04/07/1992, Ciba-Geigy Corporation and Hercules, Inc.4 E.A.D. 3, RCRA 91-28
06/07/2010, Circle T Feedlot, Inc.; Morgan Feedlot LLC; Sebade...14 E.A.D. 653, NPDES 09-02 and .....
12/01/2020, City and County of San Francisco18 E.A.D. 322, NPDES 20-01
06/04/1996, City of Ames, Iowa6 E.A.D. 488, NPDES 94-6
04/04/1996, City of Ames, Iowa6 E.A.D. 374, NPDES 94-6
09/15/2009, City of Attleboro, MA Department of Wastewater14 E.A.D. 398, NPDES 08-08 and .....
12/08/1992, City of Denison4 E.A.D. 414, NPDES 91-6
02/07/1994, City of Fitchburg, Massachusetts (East and West Pl...5 E.A.D. 93, NPDES 93-13 and .....
04/05/1996, City of Fort Worth, Texas6 E.A.D. 392, NPDES 95-8
04/14/1994, City of Haverhill, Wastewater Division5 E.A.D. 211, NPDES 92-29
03/21/1994, City of Hollywood, Florida5 E.A.D. 157, NPDES 92-21
07/08/2014, City of Homedale Wastewater Treatment Plant16 E.A.D. 421, NPDES 13-10
07/16/2001, City of Irving, Texas, Municipal Separate Storm Se...10 E.A.D. 111, NPDES 00-18
08/04/1992, City of Jacksonville, District II Wastewater Treat...4 E.A.D. 150, NPDES 91-19
06/17/2022, City of Keene18 E.A.D. 720, NPDES 21-03
06/29/2020, City of Lowell18 E.A.D. 115, NPDES 19-03
08/11/2005, City of Marlborough, Massachusetts Easterly Wastew...12 E.A.D. 235, NPDES 04-13
10/31/2001, City of Marshall, Minnesota10 E.A.D. 173, CWA 00-9
07/27/2001, City of Moscow, Idaho10 E.A.D. 135, NPDES 00-10
09/17/2012, City of Palmdale 15 E.A.D. 700, PSD 11-07
11/01/2000, City of Phoenix, Arizona, Squaw Peak And Deer Vall...9 E.A.D. 515, NPDES 99-2
07/30/1997, City of Port St. Joe & Florida Coast Paper Company7 E.A.D. 275, NPDES 94-8 and .....
01/11/1994, City of Port St. Joe, Florida5 E.A.D. 6, NPDES 93-9
03/12/2019, City of Ruidoso Downs and Village of Ruidoso WWTP17 E.A.D. 697, NPDES 17-03
01/16/2002, City of Salisbury, Maryland10 E.A.D. 263, CWA 00-1
06/13/2019, City of Sandpoint17 E.A.D. 763, NPDES 18-01
05/03/2016, City of Taunton Department of Public Works17 E.A.D. 105, NPDES 15-08
07/11/2007, City of Wilkes-Barre, A.R. Popple, Inc., Wyoming S...13 E.A.D. 332, CAA 06-03
07/01/1994, City of Yankton, South Dakota5 E.A.D. 376, NPDES 93-2a
03/24/1993, City & County of San Francisco (Oceanside Wastewat...4 E.A.D. 559, NPDES 91-18
07/16/1999, Clarksburg Casket Company8 E.A.D. 496, EPCRA 98-8
05/06/2003, Coast Wood Preserving, Inc.11 E.A.D. 59, EPCRA 02-01
07/30/1998, Commercial Cartage Company7 E.A.D. 784, CAA 97-9
02/22/1994, Commercial Cartage Company, Inc.5 E.A.D. 112, CAA 93-2
02/19/1997, Commonwealth Chesapeake Corp.6 E.A.D. 764, PSD 96-2 and .....
06/02/2008, Conocophillips Company13 E.A.D. 768, PSD 07-02
01/29/2004, Consumers Scrap Recycling, Inc.11 E.A.D. 269, CAA 02-06 and .....
07/07/1998, Cozinco, Inc.7 E.A.D. 708, CERCLA 106(b) 95-5 and .....
01/05/1994, Crown/Vista Energy Project (CVEP) West Deptford, N...5 E.A.D. 1, PSD 93-15 and .....
03/23/1992, CWM Chemical Services, Inc. et al4 E.A.D. 1, TSCA 91-6
05/15/1995, CWM Chemical Services, Inc., Chemical Waste Manage...6 E.A.D. 1, TSCA 93-1
11/17/1992, Cypress Aviation, Inc.4 E.A.D. 390, RCRA (3008) 91-6
12/23/1997, Cyprus Amax Minerals Company, National Zinc Site7 E.A.D. 434, CERCLA 106(b) 96-2
03/05/2021, Dave Erlanson Sr.18 E.A.D. 393, CWA 20-03
11/03/1994, Del Val Ink & Color, Inc.5 E.A.D. 587, RCRA (3008) 94-1
09/28/1994, Delco Electronics Corporation5 E.A.D. 475, RCRA 93-10
06/20/2017, Delta Energy Center17 E.A.D. 371, PSD 17-01
11/13/2008, Deseret Power Electric Cooperative (Bonanza)14 E.A.D. 212, PSD 07-03
09/24/2009, Desert Rock Energy Company, LLC14 E.A.D. 484, PSD 08-03 and .....
09/27/1995, DIC Americas, Inc.6 E.A.D. 184, TSCA 94-2
03/19/2008, District of Columbia Water Sewer Authority13 E.A.D. 714, NPDES 05-02 and .....
05/03/1996, District of Columbia, Department of Public Works6 E.A.D. 470, NPDES 95-9
09/27/2007, Dominion Energy Brayton Point, LLC 13 E.A.D. 407, NPDES 07-01
01/03/2007, Donald Cutler13 E.A.D. 237, EAJA 05-01
09/02/2004, Donald Cutler11 E.A.D. 622, CWA 03-01
12/02/1996, Dos Republicas Resources, Co., Inc.6 E.A.D. 643, NPDES 96-1
03/13/2001, DPL Energy, Montpelier Electric Generating Station9 E.A.D. 695, PSD 01-02
04/08/1997, Ecoeléctrica, L.P.7 E.A.D. 56, PSD 96-8 and .....
06/22/1999, EK Associates, L.P. d/b/a EKCO/GLACO and EK Manage...8 E.A.D. 458, CAA 98-4
03/13/2015, Elementis Chromium Inc., f/k/a Elementis Chromium,...16 E.A.D. 649, TSCA 13-03
02/11/1997, Employers Insurance of Wausau and Group Eight Tech...6 E.A.D. 735, TSCA 95-6
03/26/1999, Encogen Cogeneration Facility8 E.A.D. 244, PSD 98-22 and .....
03/25/2014, Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC 16 E.A.D. 294, PSD 13-05 and .....
10/15/1998, Environmental Disposal Systems, Inc.8 E.A.D. 23, UIC 98-1 and .....
07/18/2008, Environmental Disposal Systems, Inc.14 E.A.D. 96, UIC 07-03
09/06/2005, Environmental Disposal Systems, Inc.12 E.A.D. 254, UIC 04-01 and .....
02/15/2008, Environmental Protection Services, Inc.13 E.A.D. 506, TSCA 06-01
05/13/1994, Environmental Waste Control, Inc.5 E.A.D. 264, RCRA 92-39
02/15/1996, Envotech L.P.6 E.A.D. 260, UIC 95-2 and .....
04/18/1994, Essex County (N.J.) Resource Recovery Facility5 E.A.D. 218, PSD 93-10
07/30/2014, ESSROC Cement Corporation16 E.A.D. 433, RCRA 13-03
03/11/2008, Euclid of Virginia, Inc.13 E.A.D. 616, RCRA (9006) 06-05 and .....
09/27/1996, Everwood Treatment Co.6 E.A.D. 589, RCRA (3008) 95-1
06/13/2019, Evoqua Water Technologies LLC17 E.A.D. 795, RCRA 18-01
05/17/1995, Exxon Company, U.S.A. 6 E.A.D. 32, RCRA 94-8
05/14/2014, ExxonMobil Chemical Company Baytown Olefins Plant16 E.A.D. 383, PSD 13-11
04/03/2000, E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company9 E.A.D. 32, FIFRA 98-2
01/08/1997, Federated Oil & Gas of Traverse City, Michigan6 E.A.D. 722, UIC 95-38
02/10/1995, Findley Adhesives, Inc.5 E.A.D. 710, CERCLA 106(b) 94-10
09/22/2017, Florence Copper, Inc.17 E.A.D. 406, UIC 17-03
09/22/2017, Florence Copper, Inc.17 E.A.D. 406, UIC 17-01
05/17/1995, Florida Pulp & Paper Association and Buckeye Flori...6 E.A.D. 49, NPDES 94-4 and .....
09/02/2014, Footprint Power Salem Harbor Development, LP16 E.A.D. 546, PSD 14-02
07/11/2006, Four Strong Builders, Inc.12 E.A.D. 762, CAA 05-02
07/22/2022, Frank Alo18 E.A.D. 766, CWA 22-01
06/13/2006, FRM Chem, Inc., a.k.a. Industrial Specialties12 E.A.D. 739, FIFRA 05-01
04/28/2015, FutureGen Industrial Alliance, Inc.16 E.A.D. 717, UIC 14-68 and .....
08/16/1996, Gary Development Company6 E.A.D. 526, RCRA(3008) 96-2
04/13/1993, General Electric Company4 E.A.D. 615, RCRA 91-7
11/06/1992, General Electric Company4 E.A.D. 358, RCRA 91-7
02/08/2022, General Electric Company18 E.A.D. 575, RCRA 21-01
01/26/2018, General Electric Company17 E.A.D. 434, RCRA 16-01
01/26/2018, General Electric Company17 E.A.D. 434, RCRA 16-02
01/26/2018, General Electric Company17 E.A.D. 434, RCRA 16-03
01/26/2018, General Electric Company17 E.A.D. 434, RCRA 16-04
01/26/2018, General Electric Company17 E.A.D. 434, RCRA 16-05
01/05/1993, General Electric Company, Hooksett, New Hampshire4 E.A.D. 468, NPDES 91-13
11/01/1993, General Electric Co.4 E.A.D. 884, TSCA 92-2a
06/20/2008, General Motors Automotive-North America14 E.A.D. 1, RCRA (3008) 06-02
03/06/2002, General Motors Corporation10 E.A.D. 360, PSD 01-30
11/06/1992, General Motors Corporation, Delco Moraine Division...4 E.A.D. 334, RCRA 90-24 and .....
12/24/1997, General Motors Corp., CPC-Pontiac Fiero Plant7 E.A.D. 465, CWA 96-5
07/11/1994, General Motors Corp., Inland Fisher Guide Division5 E.A.D. 400, RCRA 93-5
10/22/1993, Genesee Power Station Limited Partnership4 E.A.D. 832, PSD 93-1 and .....
12/15/1992, Genicom Corporation4 E.A.D. 426, EPCRA 92-2
07/14/2023, Gharda Chemicals International, Inc., and Red Rive...19 E.A.D. 1, FIFRA 23-02
12/17/2002, Glidden Company and Sherwin-Williams Company10 E.A.D. 738, CERCLA 106(b) 02-01 and .....
06/02/1997, GMC Delco Remy7 E.A.D. 136, RCRA 95-11
05/21/1993, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company4 E.A.D. 670, NPDES 92-5
06/09/1994, Gordon Redd Lumber Company5 E.A.D. 301, RCRA (3008) 91-4
02/20/2002, Government of the District of Columbia, Municipal ...10 E.A.D. 323, NPDES 00-14 and .....
10/28/2005, Grand Pier Center, LLC12 E.A.D. 403, CERCLA 106(b) 04-01
08/03/2021, Granite Shore Power Merrimack LLC18 E.A.D. 524, NPDES 20-05
08/03/2021, Granite Shore Power Merrimack LLC18 E.A.D. 524, NPDES 20-06
07/07/1994, Great Lakes Chemical Corp. Main Plant5 E.A.D. 395, RCRA 92-34 and .....
06/29/1994, Great Lakes Division of National Steel Corp5 E.A.D.355, EPCRA 93-3
03/06/1997, Green Thumb Nursery, Inc.6 E.A.D. 782, FIFRA 95-4a
12/29/1992, GSX Services of South Caroline, Inc.4 E.A.D. 451, RCRA 89-22
11/16/2011, Guam Water Works Authority's Northern District Sew...15 E.A.D. 437, NPDES 09-15 and .....
10/05/1992, Hadson Power 14--Buena Vista4 E.A.D. 258, PSD 92-3 and .....
04/12/1994, Hardin County, Ohio5 E.A.D. 189, RCRA (3008) 93-1
11/06/1992, Hardin County, Ohio4 E.A.D. 318, RCRA (3008) 92-1
03/24/1997, Harmon Electronics, Inc.7 E.A.D. 1, RCRA (3008) 94-4
05/19/2005, Harpoon Partnership12 E.A.D. 182, TSCA 04-02
11/25/1998, Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc.8 E.A.D. 66, PSD 97-15 and .....
11/27/2001, Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc.10 E.A.D. 219, PSD 01-24 and .....
07/20/1992, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company4 E.A.D. 95, PSD 92-1
11/06/1992, Hawaiian Independent Refinery, Inc.4 E.A.D. 325, RCRA (3008) 92-2
10/31/2006, HECLA Mining Company13 E.A.D. 216, NPDES 03-10 and .....
10/31/2006, HECLA Mining Company, Lucky Friday13 E.A. D. ___, NPDES 06-05
10/24/2013, Henry Stevenson and Parkwood Land Co.16 E.A.D. 151, CWA 13-01
07/31/2002, Hillman Power Company, LLC10 E.A.D. 673, PSD 02-04 and .....
07/02/1998, Hoosier Spline Broach Corp.7 E.A.D. 665, EAJA 96-2
02/02/1993, House Analysis Associates & Fred Powell4 E.A.D. 501, CAA 93-1
05/24/2007, Howmet Corp.13 E.A.D. 272, RCRA (3008) 05-04
06/21/1999, H.E.L.P.E.R., Inc.8 E.A.D. 437, EPCRA 98-3
04/22/2020, Incorporated County of Los Alamos18 E.A.D. 108, NPDES 20-02
09/27/2006, Indeck-Elwood LLC13 E. A D. 126, PSD 03-04
05/15/1995, Indianapolis Power & Light Company, Petersburg Pla...6 E.A.D. 23, CAA 95-1
01/15/2002, Industrial Chemicals Corp.10 E.A.D. 241, CWA 00-7
03/16/1994, Inter-Power of New York, Inc.5 E.A.D. 130, PSD 92-8 and .....
12/06/1994, James C. Lin and Lin Cubing, Inc.5 E.A.D. 595, FIFRA 94-2
05/27/1999, Jett Black, Inc., Syd H. Levine & Associates, and ...8 E.A.D. 353, UIC 98-3 and .....
09/30/2005, JHNY, Inc. a/k/a Quin-T Technical Papers and Board...12 E.A.D. 372, CAA 04-09
05/25/1999, Jiffy Builders, Inc.8 E.A.D. 315, CAA 98-2
02/21/2013, John A. Biewer of Toledo, Inc., et al15 E.A.D. 772, RCRA (3008) 10-01 and .....
03/25/2003, John A. Capozzi d/b/a Capozzi Custom Cabinets11 E.A.D. 10, RCRA(3008) 02-01
09/26/1995, Johnson Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System6 E.A.D. 174, RCRA 95-6
02/02/1995, Johnson Pacific, Inc.5 E.A.D. 696, FIFRA 93-4
08/08/2019, Jordan Development Co., L.L.C.18 E.A.D. 1, UIC 18-06 and .....
07/23/2004, Julie's Limousine & Coachworks, Inc.11 E.A.D. 498, CAA 03-06
02/02/1994, J&L Specialty Products Corp5 E.A.D. 31, NPDES 92-22
06/20/1994, J&L Specialty Products Corp.5 E.A.D. 333, NPDES 92-22
06/29/2007, J. Phillip Adams13 E.A.D. 310, CWA 06-06
04/14/1997, J.V. Peters & Co.7 E.A.D. 77, RCRA (3008) 95-2
03/31/1999, Katania Shipping Company & Umpire Investment Corpo...8 E.A.D. 294, CERCLA 106(b) 98-1
04/28/1997, Kawaihae Cogeneration Project7 E.A.D. 107, PSD 96-9 and .....
04/29/2003, Kendall New Century Development11 E.A.D.40, PSD 03-01
05/15/1998, Ketchikan Pulp Company7 E.A.D. 605, CWA 96-7
12/10/1996, Ketchikan Pulp Company6 E.A.D. 675, NPDES 95-6
03/14/2000, Knauf Fiber Glass, GmbH9 E.A.D. 1, PSD 99-8 and .....
02/04/1999, Knauf Fiber Glass, GmbH8 E.A.D. 121, PSD 98-3 and .....
04/13/1995, K.O. Manufacturing, Inc.5 E.A.D.798, EPCRA 93-1
03/14/2014, La Paloma Energy Center, LLC16 E.A.D. 267, PSD 13-10
10/26/1993, Laidlaw Environmental Services4 E.A.D. 870, RCRA 92-20
07/22/2002, Larry Richner/Nancy Sheepbouwer & Richway Farms10 E.A.D. 617, CWA 01-01
08/17/2009, Las Delicias Community14 E.A.D. 382, SDWA 08-07
09/30/1997, Lazarus, Inc.7 E.A.D. 318, TSCA 95-2
05/05/1993, LCP Chemicals-New York4 E.A.D. 661, RCRA 92-25
02/20/2008, Leed Foundry, Inc.13 E.A.D. 600, RCRA (3008) 07-02
05/05/1994, Liquid Air Puerto Rico Corporation5 E.A.D. 247, NPDES 92-1
01/27/1995, Litton Industrial Automation Systems, Inc., New Br...5 E.A.D. 671, TSCA 93-4
03/14/2018, Los Alamos National Security, LLC 17 E.A.D. 586, NPDES 17-05
05/09/2011, Lowell Vos d/b/a Lowell VOS Feedlot15 E.A.D. 314, EAJA 10-01
06/26/2001, LVI Environmental Services, Inc10 E.A.D. 99, CAA 00-8
08/26/1999, Lyon County Landfill8 E.A.D. 559, CAA 98-6
04/01/2002, Lyon County Landfill10 E.A.D. 416, CAA 00-5
01/15/1999, L&C Services, Inc.8 E.A.D. 110, EAJA 98-1
03/17/1995, Marine Shale Processors, Inc.5 E.A.D. 751, RCRA 94-12
09/12/1994, Marine Shale Processors, Inc.5 E.A.D. 461, NPDES 91-22
02/14/2008, Martex Farms, S.E.13 E.A.D. 464, FIFRA 07-01
11/01/1994, Masonite Corporation5 E.A.D. 551, PSD 94-1
09/10/1998, Maui Electric Company8 E.A.D. 1, PSD 98-2
08/23/1993, Mayaguez Regional Sewage Treatment Plant4 E.A.D. 772, NPDES 92-23
03/03/2005, Mayes12 E.A.D. 54, RCRA (9006) 04-01
03/12/1996, Mclaughlin Gormley King Co.6 E.A.D. 339, FIFRA 95-2 and .....
07/20/1992, Medzam, Ltd4 E.A.D. 87, FIFRA 91-1
03/19/2013, Mesabi Nugget Delaware, LLC Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota15 E.A.D. 812, NPDES 13-01 and .....
03/21/1994, Metalworking Lubricants Company5 E.A.D. 181, RCRA 93-4
06/28/2012, MHA Nation Clean Fuels Refinery (Consolidated)15 E.A.D. 648, NPDES 11-02 and .....
07/27/1992, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority Department4 E.A.D. 133, NPDES 91-14
02/23/2001, Microban Products Company9 E.A.D. 674, FIFRA 99-13
05/12/2004, Microban Products Company11 E.A.D. 425, FIFRA 02-07
03/25/1996, Micronutrients International, Inc.6 E.A.D. 352, CERCLA 106(b) 94-1
10/18/1999, Milford Power Plant8 E.A.D. 670, PSD 99-2
04/06/2004, Mille Lacs Wastwater Treatment Facility11 E.A.D. 356, NPDES 03-08
05/29/1992, Miners Advocacy Council4 E.A.D. 40, NPDES 91-23
09/03/1992, Miners Advocacy Council4 E.A.D. 230, NPDES 91-23
08/09/2011, Mississippi Lime Company15 E.A.D. 349, PSD 11-01
09/29/1994, Mobil Oil Corporation5 E.A.D. 490, EPCRA 94-2
02/18/2004, Morton L. Friedman and Schmitt Construction Compan...11 E.A.D. 302, CAA 02-07
02/26/2013, Mountain Village Parks, Inc15 E.A.D. 790, SDWA 12-02
09/02/2020, MPLX18 E.A.D. 228, CAA 20-01
09/25/2014, Ms. Dessie L. Brumfield, d/b/a Brumfield Propertie...16 E.A.D. 579, TSCA 13-04
04/29/1992, Multitrade Limited Partnership4 E.A.D. 24, PSD 92-2
12/07/2012, Munce's Superior Petrolum Products Inc.15 E.A.D. 746, CWA 12-04
03/26/2020, Muskegon Development Company18 E.A.D. 88, UIC 19-02
04/29/2019, Muskegon Development Company17 E.A.D. 740, UIC 18-05
07/10/2002, M.A.Bruder & Sons, Inc. d/b/a M.A.B. Paints10 E.A.D. 598, RCRA(3008) 01-04
07/22/1994, National Cement Company of California, Inc.5 E.A.D. 415, RCRA 94-5 and .....
08/30/2016, Navajo Generating Station17 E.A.D. 312, NSR 16-01
05/01/1998, NE Hub Partners, L.P.7 E.A.D. 561, UIC 97-3 and .....
03/25/1993, Nello Santacroce & Dominic Fanelli d/b/a Gilroy As...4 E.A.D. 586, TSCA 92-6
03/29/2001, New England Plating Co.9 E.A.D. 726, NPDES 00-7
10/20/1994, New Waterbury, Ltd.5 E.A.D. 529, TSCA 93-2
09/13/1999, Newell Recycling Company, Inc.8 E.A.D. 598, TSCA 97-7
12/21/2005, Newmont Nevada Energy Investment, L.L.C., TS Power...12 E.A.D. 429, PSD 05-04
12/21/1994, Norma J. & Frank J. Echevarria d/b/a Echeco Enviro...5 E.A.D. 626, CAA 94-1
02/18/2009, Northern Michigan University14 E.A.D. 283, PSD 08-02
05/06/2022, Ocean Era, Inc.18 E.A.D. 678, NPDES 20-09
05/06/2022, Ocean Era, Inc.18 E.A.D. 678, NPDES 20-08
03/13/1998, Ocean State Asbestos Removal, Inc.7 E.A.D. 522, CAA 97-5
03/19/1993, Odessa Union Warehouse Co-op, Inc.4 E.A.D. 550, FIFRA 93-1
12/01/1992, Ogden Martin Systems of Onondaga, Inc. and Onondag...4 A.E.D. 405, PSD 92-7
11/24/1992, Osage (Pawhuska, Oklahoma)4 E.A.D. 395, UIC 92-2
10/11/1995, Outboard Marine Corp.6 E.A.D. 194, CERCLA 95-1
12/06/1994, Pacific Refining Company5 E.A.D. 607, EPCRA 94-1
10/19/1994, Pacific Refining Company5 E.A.D. 520, TSCA 94-1
10/23/2018, Palmdale Energy, LLC17 E.A.D. 620, PSD 18-01
05/26/2023, Panoche Energy Center, LLC18 E.A.D. 818, UIC 22-01
08/26/1994, Patrick J. Neman, d/b/a the Main Exchange5 E.A.D. 450, TSCA 93-3
01/25/2013, Peabody Western Coal Company15 E.A.D. 757, CAA 12-01
08/31/2011, Peabody Western Coal Company15 E.A.D. 406, NPDES 10-15 and .....
08/13/2010, Peabody Western Coal Company14 E.A.D. 712, CAA 10-01
02/18/2005, Peabody Western Coal Company12 E.A.D. 22, CAA 04-01
03/13/2012, Peabody Western Coal Co.15 E.A.D. 524, CAA 11-01
12/22/2016, Peace Industry Group (USA), Inc. Zhejiang Peace In...17 E.A.D. 348, CAA 16-01
02/28/2024, Penneco Environmental Solutions, LLC19 E.A.D. 13, UIC 23-01
09/13/2018, Penneco Environmental Solutions, LLC17 E.A.D. 604, UIC 18-02
08/21/2014, Pennsylvania General Energy Company, LLC16 E.A.D. 498, UIC 14-63 and .....
05/10/2000, Pepperell Associates9 E.A.D. 83, CWA 99-1 and .....
05/21/2002, Phelps Dodge Corporation, Verde Valley Ranch Devel...10 E.A.D. 460, NPDES 01-07
04/15/2004, Phoenix Construction Services, Inc.11 E.A.D. 379, CWA 02-07
08/02/2013, Pio Pico Energy Center, LLC16 E.A.D. 56, PSD 12-04 and .....
08/05/1992, Pollution Control Industries of Indiana, Inc.4 E.A.D. 162, RCRA 92-3
03/17/2016, Polo Development, Inc., AIM Georgia, LLC and Josep...17 E.A.D. 100, CWA 16-01
05/30/2001, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, & ECDC ...10 E.A.D. 61, CERCLA 106(b) 96-5
08/05/1992, Port of Oakland and Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co...4 E.A.D. 170, MPRSA 91-1
08/13/2010, Power Holdings of Illinois, LLC 14 E.A.D. 723, PSD 09-04
08/24/2006, Prairie State Generating Co.13 E.A.D. 1, PSD 05-05
03/25/2005, Prairie State Generation Station12 E.A.D. 176, PSD 05-02
05/08/1998, Predex Corporation7 E.A.D. 591, FIFRA 97-8
02/09/1994, Production Plated Plastics, Inc.5 E.A.D. 101, RCRA (3008) 92-3
12/11/1995, Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (Cambalache C...6 E.A.D. 253, PSD 95-2
10/23/1992, Puerto Rico Sun Oil Company, Inc.4 E.A.D. 302, NPDES 92-20
06/27/2000, Puna Geothermal Venture9 E.A.D. 243, UIC 99-2 and .....
09/16/2004, Pyramid Chemical Company11 E.A.D. 657, RCRA (3008) 03-03
07/10/2009, Ram, Inc.14 E.A.D. 357, RCRA (9006) 08-01 and .....
10/21/2003, Ray and Jeanette Veldhuis11 E.A.D. 194, CWA 02-08
03/07/1994, Ray Birnbaum Scrap Yard5 E.A.D. 120, TSCA 92-5
06/24/1992, Renkiewicz SWD-184 E.A.D. 61, UIC 91-4
05/17/2007, Rhee Bros., Inc.13 E.A.D. 261, FIFRA 06-02
07/17/1997, Richard Rogness and Presto-X Company7 E.A.D. 235, FIFRA 95-8
05/30/2001, Robert Wallin10 E.A.D. 18, CWA 00-3
08/03/2004, Rochester Public Utilities11 E.A.D. 593 , PSD 03-03
08/25/1999, Rockgen Energy Center8 E.A.D. 536, PSD 99-1
03/30/2010, Rocky Well Service, Inc.14 E.A. D. 541, SDWA 08-03 and .....
03/26/1999, Roger Antkiewicz & Pest Elimination Products of Am...8 E.A.D. 218, FIFRA 97-11 and .....
11/28/2000, Rogers Corporation9 E.A.D. 534, TSCA 98-1
10/05/2000, Rohm And Haas Company9 E.A.D. 499, RCRA 98-2
08/17/2006, Ronald H. Hunt, ET AL12 E.A.D. 774, TSCA 05-01
04/21/1995, Ross Incineration Services, Inc.5 E.A.D. 813, RCRA 93-3
07/29/2008, Russell City Energy Center14 E.A.D. 159, PSD 08-01
11/18/2010, Russell City Energy Center, LLC15 E.A.D. 1, PSD 10-01 and .....
11/08/1996, Rybond, Inc6 E.A.D. 614, RCRA(3008) 95-3
07/27/1999, Safe & Sure Pesticides Products Inc. & Lester J. W...8 E.A.D. 517, FIFRA 98-4
02/18/2016, Sammy-Mar LLC17 E.A.D. 88, UIC 15-02
07/16/2010, San Jacinto River Authority14 E.A.D. 688, NPDES 09-09
04/22/2013, San Pedro Forklift15 E.A.D. 838, CWA 12-02
07/09/1992, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation4 E.A.D. 75, RCRA 91-14
03/08/1995, Sav-Mart, Inc.5 E.A.D. 732, FIFRA 94-3
06/03/2016, Savoy Energy, L.P.17 E.A.D. 200, UIC 16-02
06/03/2016, Savoy Energy, L.P.17 E.A.D. 200, UIC 16-03
06/03/2016, Savoy Energy, L.P. 17 E.A.D. 200, UIC 16-01
07/07/1999, Schoolcraft Construction, Inc.8 E.A.D. 476, CAA 98-3
02/09/1998, Schoolcraft Construction, Inc.7 E.A.D. 501, CAA 97-1
04/19/2006, Scituate Wastewater Treatment Plant12 E.A.D. 708, NPDES 04-17
01/27/1994, SEI Birchwood, Inc.5 E.A.D. 25, PSD 93-11 and .....
09/22/2009, Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc.14 E.A.D. 468, PSD 08-09
05/29/2014, Seneca Resources16 E.A.D. 411, UIC 14-01 and .....
08/31/1992, Sequoyah Fuels Corporation4 E.A.D. 215, NPDES 91-12
07/23/2008, Service Oil, Inc.14 E.A.D. 133, CWA 07-02
03/14/2011, Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. and Shell Offshore Inc.15 E.A.D. 193, OCS 10-01 and .....
12/30/2010, Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc. and Shell Offshore Inc.15 E.A.D. 103, OCS 10-01 and .....
01/12/2012, Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc. 15 E.A.D. 470, OCS 11-02 and .....
03/30/2012, Shell Offshore, Inc.15 E.A.D. 536, OCS 11-05 and .....
09/14/2007, Shell Offshore, Inc. (Kulluk Drilling Unit and Fro...13 E.A.D. 357, OCS 07-01 and .....
04/10/2014, Sierra Pacific Industries16 E.A.D. 375, PSD 14-01
07/18/2013, Sierra Pacific Industries16 E.A.D. 1, PSD 13-01 and .....
01/07/2003, Sierra Pacific Industries11 E.A.D. 1, PSD 02-13
08/06/1993, Simpson Paper Company et al4 E.A.D. 766, NPDES 92-26
09/29/1999, Slinger Drainage, Inc.8 E.A.D. 644, CWA 98-10
03/16/2011, Smith Farm Enterprises, LLC15 E.A.D. 222, CWA 08-02
11/06/2001, Solutia, Inc.10 E.A.D. 193, CERCLA 106(b) 00-1
10/20/1995, Spang & Company6 E.A.D. 226, EPCRA 94-3 and .....
06/30/2000, Spitzer Great Lakes Ltd., Co.9 E.A.D. 302, TSCA 99-3
05/27/2021, Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, Springfiel...18 E.A.D. 430, NPDES 20-07
05/26/1992, Star-Kist Caribe, Inc.4 E.A.D. 33, NPDES 88-5
04/20/1993, Star Enterprise, Delaware City Refinery4 E.A.D. 642, RCRA 92-9
04/23/2001, Steel Dynamics, Inc9 E.A.D. 740, PSD 01-03
06/22/2000, Steel Dynamics, Inc.9 E.A.D. 165, PSD 99-4 and .....
08/26/1999, Steeltech, Ltd.8 E.A.D. 577, EPCRA 98-6
03/28/2013, Stonehaven Energy Management LLC15 E.A.D. 817, UIC 12-02
06/07/1993, Suckla Farms, Inc. and City of Fort Lupton, Colora...4 E.A.D. 686, UIC 92-7 and .....
09/13/2000, Sultan Chemists, Inc.9 E.A.D. 323, FIFRA 99-7
12/02/1999, Sutter Power Plant8 E.A.D. 680, PSD 99-6 and .....
03/09/1995, Swing-A-Way Manufacturing Co.5 E.A.D. 742, EPCRA 94-1
07/06/1995, Tamposi Family Investments 6 E.A.D. 106, CERCLA 106(b) 94-6
03/05/2020, Taotao USA, Inc. Taotao Group Co.18 E.A.D. 40, CAA 18-01 and .....
06/15/2004, Teck Cominco Alaska Incorporated, Red Dog Mine11 E.A.D. 457, NPDES 03-09
09/15/2000, Tennessee Valley Authority9 E.A.D. 357, CAA 00-6
08/05/1992, Terra Energy Ltd4 E.A.D. 159, UIC 92-3
02/01/2001, The Bullen Companies, Inc.9 E.A.D. 620, FIFRA 99-14
01/14/2009, The Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino Waste Water ...14 E.A.D. 260, NPDES 08-02 and .....
07/27/1992, Thermal Reduction Company, Inc.4 E.A.D. 128, EPCRA 91-2
03/10/1993, ThermalKEM, Inc. 4 E.A.D. 532, RCRA 92-4
06/30/1992, Thermex Energy Corporation & Richard W. Forsythe4 E.A.D. 68, RCRA (3008) 91-3
05/30/2001, Three Mountain Power, LLC10 E.A.D. 39, PSD 01-05
06/05/2000, TIFA Limited9 E.A.D. 145, FIFRA 99-5
06/06/2002, Titan Wheel Corporation of Iowa10 E.A.D. 526, RCRA (3008) 01-3
03/28/2001, Tondu Energy Company9 E.A.D. 710, PSD 00-5 and .....
02/26/2001, Town of Ashland Wastewater Treatment Facility9 E.A.D. 661, NPDES 00-15
08/28/2014, Town of Concord, Department of Public Works16 E.A.D. 514, NPDES 13-08
07/26/2001, Town of Hampton, New Hampshire10 E.A.D. 131, NPDES 01-15
06/27/2002, Town of Marblehead, Massachusetts10 E.A.D. 570, CERCLA 106(b) 97-3
12/02/2013, Town of Newmarket Wastewater Treatment Plant16 E.A.D 182, NPDES 12-05
09/28/1993, Town of Seabrook, N.H.4 E.A.D. 806, NPDES 93-2 and .....
02/08/2002, Town of Westborough and Westborough Treatment Plan...10 E.A.D. 297, NPDES 01-02
04/21/1994, Tri-State Mint, Inc., & Von Hoff International, In...5 E.A.D. 229, EPCRA 92-3 and .....
12/03/2018, Tucson Electric Power 17 E.A.D. 675, PSD 18-02
09/05/1996, T.H. Agriculture & Nutrition Co.6 E.A.D. 555, CERCLA 106(b) 94-20
07/25/1995, Umetco Minerals Corporation6 E.A.D. 127, CAA 94-6
03/31/2011, Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement Distric...15 E.A.D. 297, NPDES 10-09 and .....
05/28/2010, Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement Distric...14 E.A.D. 577, NPDES 08-11 and .....
05/28/2010, Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement Distric...14 E.A.D. 577, NPDES 09-06
02/01/2006, USGen New England, Inc.12 E.A.D. 490, NPDES 03-12
07/23/2004, USGen New England, Inc.11 E.A.D. 525, NPDES 03-12
06/05/2003, U.S. Army, Fort Wainwright Central Heating & Power...11 E.A.D. 126, CAA 02-04
12/28/2022, U.S. Department of Energy and Triad National Secur...18 E.A.D. 797, NPDES 22-01
07/08/1992, U.S. Department of Energy Pinellas Plant4 E.A.D. 72, RCRA 91-3
03/17/2000, U.S. Department of the Navy, Kingsville Naval Air ...9 E.A.D. 19, TSCA 99-2
02/25/2000, V-1 Oil Company8 E.A.D. 729, RCRA(9006) 99-1
07/21/2020, Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC18 E.A.D. 194, CAA 19-01
09/29/2005, VICO Construction Corporation and Amelia Venture P...12 E.A.D. 298, CWA 05-01
04/22/2009, Vidiksis14 E.A.D. 333, TSCA 07-02
12/16/2020, VSS International, Inc.18 E.A.D. 372, CWA 20-02
03/02/2011, Vulcan Construction Materials, LP15 E.A.D. 163, PSD 10-11
07/29/2004, Washington Aqueduct Water Supply System11 E.A.D. 565, NPDES 03-06
01/27/1995, Waste Technologies Industries5 E.A.D. 682, RCRA 93-16
01/23/1995, Waste Technologies Industries5 E.A.D. 646, RCRA 93-11
06/21/1993, Waste Technologies Industries4 E.A.D. 724, RCRA 93-7 and .....
07/24/1992, Waste Technologies Industries East Liverpool, Ohio...4 E.A.D. 106, RCRA 92-7 and .....
12/11/2003, Weber # 4-811 E.A.D. 241, UIC 03-01
02/24/1993, Wego & Chemical Mineral Corporation4 E.A.D. 513, TSCA 92-4
07/26/2016, West Bay Exploration Co17 E.A.D. 204, UIC 15-03
03/10/1999, West Suburban Recycling and Energy Center, L.P.8 E.A.D. 192, PSD 97-12
12/11/1996, West Suburban Recycling and Energy Center, L.P.6 E.A.D. 692, PSD 95-1
01/14/2004, William E. Comley Inc. & Bleach TEK Inc.11 E.A.D. 247, FIFRA 03-01
07/05/1995, William H. Oliver6 E.A.D. 85, CERCLA 106(b) 94-8
08/21/2012, Willie P. Burrell and The Willie P. Burrell Trust15 E.A.D. 679, TSCA 11-05
05/06/2021, Windfall Oil & Gas, Inc.18 E.A.D. 411, UIC 21-01
06/12/2015, Windfall Oil & Gas, Inc.16 E.A.D. 769, UIC 14-73 and .....
07/23/1998, Woodcrest Manufacturing, Inc.7 E.A.D. 757, EPCRA 97-2
07/17/1997, Woodkiln, Inc.7 E.A.D. 254, CAA 96-2
01/30/1998, Zaclon, Inc.7 E.A.D. 482, RCRA (3008) 96-1
03/27/2001, Zion Energy, LLC9 E.A.D. 701, PSD 01-01

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