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Dockets by EPA Region 06

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Complaint DateStatusCase
08/11/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Labortory
08/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Aeropres Corporation
08/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Yoakum Packing Co.
08/09/2016  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Dal -Tile Sunnyvale MFG
08/09/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Dixie Iron Works
08/08/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Dover-Hennessey Gas Plant
08/08/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Vopak Terminals Deer Park Inc.
08/04/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) A. Williams Oil
08/04/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Circle 9 Resources, LLC
08/03/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Nustar Logistics, L.P.
08/03/2016  Closed  (SDWA and .....) St. Martin Parish WW District 4 Catahoula
07/28/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Equistar Chemicals, LP
07/21/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Silver Creek Oil & Gas, LLC
07/19/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Schuetz Container Systems, Inc.
07/19/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) White Operating Company
07/19/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Pumpco Energy Services, Inc. c/o Gerald J. Pels, Partner
07/14/2016  Closed  (CERCLA and .....) U.S. Oil Recovery Superfund Site
07/13/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) A&D Investment, Inc.
07/07/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Mesa Gulf Coast, LLC
07/05/2016  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Kraft Heinz Foods Company
06/29/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) EIG Petroleum, LLC
06/29/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Jetta Operating
06/29/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) New Dominion, LLC
06/24/2016  Closed  (ECPRA and .....) Helena Industries
06/24/2016  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) K-Solv LP
06/23/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) TLMI Corporation
06/21/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Angel Fire Resort Operations, LLC
06/16/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Line Gulf Coast Petroleum Inc.
06/14/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Celanese Ltd.
06/14/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Stolthaven New Orleans, L.L.C.
06/14/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Advant Development, LLC f/k/a SD Labs, LLC
06/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Cornerstone Chemical Company
06/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company
06/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Ineos Nitriles, USA LLC
06/09/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Total Cray Valley-Beaumont
06/09/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Great Southwestern Exploration, Inc.
06/09/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Jetta Operating
06/06/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Chesapeake Operating, LLC
05/26/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) SemGas LP
05/25/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Mr. Henry R. Stevenson, Jr. Parkwood Land Company
05/24/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Motiva Enterprises, LLC
05/24/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Shell Chemical, LP
05/24/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) TPC Port Neches
05/24/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Enterprise Crude Pipeline LLC
05/24/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Spess Oil Company
05/24/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Spess Oil Company
05/24/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Square Mile Energy
05/17/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Murphy Port Hudson Terminal
05/12/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Spess Oil Company, Inc.
05/10/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Invista S.a r.l
05/10/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Lone Star Bakery, Inc.
05/09/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Petroamerica Operating, LLC
05/09/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) WN Operating, Inc.
05/05/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Indus Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Texas Jasmine
05/03/2016  Closed  (CAA-06-2016-3512) GE Betz Inc., Beautmont Plant
05/03/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) GE Betz Inc., Beaumont Plant
04/27/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Flint Hills Resources Houston Chemical, LLC
04/21/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Longview Gas Plant
04/20/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) City of Claremore Water Treatment Plant
04/20/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Diamond Ethanol, LLC
04/04/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Equal Energy US
03/31/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Pressure Pumping, LLC
03/31/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Ashland Inc.
03/31/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Synergistic Environmental Systems, Inc.
03/29/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Diversified Foods & Seasonings
03/29/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Wildcat Caddo Plant
03/29/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Multi Snacks n Food
03/25/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Bottling Group, LLC
03/24/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Biogene Organics, Inc.
03/22/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) ChemTrade
03/17/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Invista S.a.r.l. (d/b/a Invista S.a.r.l, LLC)
03/16/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Gillis Gas Plant
03/15/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) LoneStar Fasteners
03/14/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Archer Western Consruction
03/08/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Shintech, Inc.
03/01/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) CEP Constellation Gilcrease CS
03/01/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Sloan Valve Company
02/29/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Jetta Operating
02/16/2016  Closed  (CAA-06-2016-3346) Huntsman Petrochemical, LLC
02/16/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Huntsman Petrochemical, LLC
02/11/2016  Closed  (RCRA and .....) Reptile Tannery of Louisiana, Inc.
02/04/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) McGowan Working Partners Holly Ridge Field
02/02/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) City of Weslaco Wastewater Treatment Plant
02/02/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Nalco Co., Garyville Facility
02/01/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Argent Energy (US) Holding Inc.
01/28/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Amvac Chemical Corporation and C.H. Robinson International, Inc.
01/27/2016  Closed  (CWA and .....) Regency Intrastate Gas, L.P.
01/26/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Airgas Speciality Products
01/26/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Riceco International, Inc.
01/25/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Magnablend, Inc.
01/14/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Cash S.U.D.
01/14/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Rinchem Company, Inc.
01/14/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Stephens Gas Plant - ONEOK Partners
01/07/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) HWRT Terminal
01/07/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Jones-Blair Company
01/05/2016  Closed  (CAA and .....) Ozburn-Hessey Logistics
01/05/2016  Closed  (FIFRA and .....) Syngenta Crop Protection
12/29/2015  Closed  (CAA and .....) Enbridge Sweetwater Gas Plant
12/22/2015  Closed  (SDWA and .....) McCann Resources, Inc.
12/16/2015  Closed  (EPCRA and .....) Lamberti USA, Inc.

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