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Administrative Law Judges’ E-Docket Database

Dockets filed in EPA Region: 07

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Date FiledStatusDocket Number 123Case Name
02/08/2024  Active  FIFRA-07-2023-0135 Timothy Wilson d/b/a Wilson's Pest Control
02/01/2024  Closed  CWA-07-2023-0067 R.H. Capital-Beets, LLC
05/02/2023  Closed  FIFRA-07-2022-0133 Emrich Aerial Spraying, LLC
04/11/2023  Closed  CWA-07-2023-0028 Clearwater USA, Inc.
04/10/2023  Closed  FIFRA-07-2022-0142 CBD American Shaman, LLC
01/09/2023  Closed  TSCA-07-2022-0124 Landis Collections LLC
09/28/2022  Closed  CWA-07-2022-0134 Evergreen Development, Inc and Mark Schmidt
09/28/2022  Closed  CWA-07-2022-0141 Michael Zahner and Zahner Management Company, LLC
08/02/2022  Closed  CWA-07-2022-0104 Tom Villegas and Amy Villegas
09/09/2019  Active  CWA-07-2019-0262 Adamas Construction and Development Services, PLLC and Nathan Pierce
09/04/2019  Closed  CAA-07-2019-0260 Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P.
05/07/2019  Closed  CWA-07-2019-0005 Seward Turkey Enterprises, Inc.
03/20/2019  Closed  TSCA-07-2019-0052 BJZ Development and Construction, L.L.C
12/20/2017  Closed  CWA-07-2018-0095 C & S Enterprise, L.L.C.
05/10/2016  Closed  CWA-07-2016-0053 Tony L. Brown and Joshua A. Brown d/b/a Riverview Cattle
03/19/2015  Closed  TSCA-07-2015-0007 Matthew Young
07/24/2014  Closed  TSCA-07-2014-0022 Ryan Reinke
07/09/2014  Closed  CAA-07-2014-0021 and EPCRA-07-2014-0003 Inhance Technologies LLC, formerly Fluoro-Seal International, LP
05/29/2014  Closed  TSCA-07-2014-0029 LHP, LLC
03/06/2014  Closed  CWA-07-2014-0060 Dr. Daniel J. McGowan
09/19/2013  Closed  FIFRA-07-2013-0035 Dr. James Diemer
06/24/2013  Closed  FIFRA-07-2013-0015 HPI Products, Inc.
06/19/2012  Closed  RCRA-07-2012-0020; CWA-07-2012-0029 TNT General Contracting, INC; Webb Minerals, LLC; & Gary & Carol Trump Trust
03/27/2012  Closed  RCRA-07-2012-0014 Collis, Inc
06/16/2011  Closed  CAA-07-2011-0013 DAVIS PAINT COMPANY
09/13/2010  Closed  Docket Nos. FIFRA-07-2008-0035, FIFRA-07-2008-0036, FIFRA-07-2009-0041, & FIFRA-07-2009-0042 FRM Chem, Inc., et al.; Advanced Products; Technology, Inc., et al.; Synisys, Inc., et al.; Custom Compounders, Inc., et al.
08/25/2010  Closed  Docket Nos. FIFRA-07-2008-0035, FIFRA-07-2008-0036, FIFRA-07-2009-0041, & FIFRA-07-2009-0042 FRM Chem, Inc., et al.; Advanced Products; Technology, Inc., et al.; Synisys, Inc., et al.; Custom Compounders, Inc., et al.
06/25/2010  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0105 KEVIN VAUGHAN AND BRYCE ANDERSEN
05/27/2010  Closed  Docket Nos. FIFRA-07-2008-0035, FIFRA-07-2008-0036, FIFRA-07-2009-0041, & FIFRA-07-2009-0042 FRM CHEM, Inc., Advanced Products Technology, Inc., Synisys, Inc., Custom Compounders, Inc
03/31/2010  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0080 MORAN BEEF, INC
01/21/2010  Closed  TSCA-07-2010-0002 KASHFLOW, INC
12/17/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0074 MICHAEL L COLLINS
11/23/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2010-0011 NUSSER OIL COMPANY, INC
09/29/2009  Closed  RCRA-07-2009-0012 SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS, INC
09/23/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2009-0041 SYNISYS, INC
09/23/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2009-0042 CUSTOM COMPOUNDERS, INC
07/21/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0093 STILWELL OIL COMPANY
06/26/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2008-0035 FRM CHEM, INC
06/26/2009  Closed  FIFRA-07-2008-0036 ADVANCED PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY, INC
05/26/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0073 MID-AMERICAN COACHES, INC
03/27/2009  Closed  TSCA-07-2009-0014 TELMA ABATE & HOSSEIN FADAVI D/B/A 5803-07-11 CABANNE, LLC
03/03/2009  Closed  TSCA-07-2009-0011 FIVESTAR REALTY, INC
01/12/2009  Closed  CWA-07-2009-0014 KEN PETSKA
09/27/2007  Closed  FIFRA-07-2007-0024 REVIVAL ANIMAL HEALTH, INC
07/23/2007  Closed  CAA-07-2007-0045 CHEMCENTRAL MIDWEST CORPORATION
02/16/2005  Closed  FIFRA-07-2004-0041 FRM Chem, Inc., a.k.a. Industrial Specialties
05/11/2004  Closed  FIFRA-07-2004-0124 Hillyard Industries, Inc.
04/09/2004  Closed  Docket Nos. EPCRA-07-2003-0324; CERCLA-07-2003-0325; MFA Exchange of Chamois-Morrison
03/26/2003  Closed  TSCA-07-2003-0019 Minor Ridge, L.P. d/b/a Minor Ridge Apartments
01/31/2003  Closed  CWA-07-2002-0059 Green Oil Company
11/19/2002  Closed  TSCA-07-2002-0220 The Landmark Properties, L.C.
09/09/2002  Closed  CWA-07-2001-0067 Wolco, Inc.
09/04/2002  Closed  CWA-07-2001-0067 Wolco, Inc.
08/27/2002  Closed  FIFRA-07-2001-0093 Feeders Grain & Supply, Inc.
06/05/2002  Closed  CWA-07-2001-0052 CERCLA-07-2002-0009 EPCRA-07-2002-0009 Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods
05/20/2002  Closed  CWA 07-2001-0052 CERCLA 07-2002-0009 EPCRA 07-2002-0009 Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods
05/20/2002  Closed  CWA 07-2001-0052 CERCLA 07-2002-0009 EPCRA 07-2002-0009 Iowa Turkey Growers Cooperative d/b/a/ West Liberty Foods
05/01/2002  Closed  TSCA 7-2000-053 Barbara J. Buescher
04/02/2002  Closed  TSCA 07-2001-0044 Tyrone Turner
08/09/2001  Closed  TSCA 7-2001-0001 Mark Brown
05/04/2001  Closed  RCRA VII-98-H-0003 Titan Wheel Corporation of Iowa
02/07/2001  Closed  CWA 7-2000-0015 ALDI, Inc., Kansas
01/22/2001  Closed  EPCRA 7-99-0045 Bituma-Stor, Inc. d/b/a Bituma Corporation and Gencor Industries, Inc.
12/13/2000  Closed  RCRA VII 98-H-003 Titan Wheel Corporation of Iowa
08/28/2000  Closed  VII-98-H-0012 Morrison Brothers Company
06/06/2000  Closed  TSCA-7-99-0009 Billy Yee
04/20/2000  Closed  EPCRA 7-99-0045 Bituma-Stor, Inc. d/b/a Bituma Corporation and Gencor Industries, Inc.
02/23/2000  Closed  EPCRA 7-99-0048 United States Leather, Inc., d/b/a The Lackawanna Leather Co.
02/18/2000  Closed  EPCRA 7-99-0045 Bituma-Stor, Inc. d/b/a Bituma Corporation and Gencor Industries, Inc.
11/08/99  Closed  TSCA 7-99-0009 Billy Yee
08/26/99  Closed  I.F. & R. VII-1320C-98P Meyer Laboratory, Inc.
08/06/99  Closed  RCRA VII 98-H-0003 Titan Wheel Corporation of Iowa
12/17/98  Closed  CWA VII-97-0024 Wallace W. Stone
11/20/98  Closed  IF&R-VII-1309C-97P Bonanza Valley Aviation, Inc and Thomas F. Feifer, Applicator
11/16/98  Closed  VII-98-H-005 Fleisher Manufacturing, Inc. Columbus, Nebraska
10/28/98  Closed  EPCRA-09-97-0013 Mark Fastow and Fiberglass Specialities, Inc.
10/19/98  Closed  IF&R-II-547-C Tifa, Ltd.
09/04/98  Closed  CWA VII-97-0024 Wallace W. Stone
07/22/98  Closed  RCRA(3008)-VII-95-04 Davis Chevrolet-Buick-Cadillac, Inc.
06/29/98  Closed  FIFRA-98-H-02 Albaugh, Inc. (PDF)
06/02/98  Closed  VII-97-CAA-132 Jiffy Builders, Inc.
12/16/97  Closed  VII-93-CAA-112 (Equal Access To Justice Act) L & C Services, Inc
12/12/97  Closed  EPCRA/[CERCLA]-VII-96E-218 CWA-VII-97-W-0008 Morton International, Inc
07/09/97  Closed  CAA-VII-97-100 Lefeber, Russell d/b/a Lefeber Refrigeration
05/07/97  Closed  VII-97-CAA-106 Walker, Arthur
03/26/97  Closed  CWA-VII-91-W-0078 Labarge, Inc
01/29/97  Closed  VII-93-CAA- 112 L & C Services, Inc
01/09/97  Closed  VII-93-T-334 Eastern Electric Apparatus Repair Co., Inc
12/31/96  Closed  TSCA-VII-93-T-068A Environmental Resource Services, Inc.
08/28/96  Closed  EPCRA DOCKET NO. VII-94-T-381-E GEC Precision Corporation
08/28/96  Closed  EPCRA DOCKET NO. VII-94-T-381-E GEC Precision Corporation
06/04/96  Closed  DOCKET NO. RCRA-89-07-R Globe Aero Ltd., Inc., and The City of Lakeland, Florida
05/30/96  Closed  VII-93-CAA-112 L & C Services, Inc.
04/18/96  Closed  Dkt. No. TSCA-VII-92-T-382 Tri-State Motor Transit
04/08/96  Closed  RCRA-89-07-R Globe Aero Ltd., Inc., and The City of Lakeland, Florida
02/29/96  Closed  Dkt. No. TSCA-VII-92-T-382 Tri-State Motor Transit
02/05/96  Closed  Docket Number: CWA-VII-91-W-0078 LaBarge, Incorporated
12/06/95  Closed  IF&R-VII-1193C-93P Monsanto Company and Simpson Farm Enterprises, Inc.
11/28/95  Closed  FIFRA 93-H-02F, FIFRA 95-H-04, IF&R VIII-90-279C, FIFRA 656 Health Care Products, Inc. & Celltech Media, Inc.
11/27/95  Closed  TSCA-93-H-04 American Cyanamid
11/21/95  Closed  [RCRA] 1094-07-05-3008 (a) U.S. Coast Guard Kodiak, Alaska
11/13/95  Closed  Docket Nos. RCRA VII-93-H-0001, & CWA VII-93-W-0001 City Of Independence, Missouri
07/24/95  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R VII-1088C-91P, IF&R VII-1075C-91P Richard Rogness And Presto-X Company
07/18/95  Closed  RCRA-UST-VIII-90-02 Harley Brown (Brown's Valley Grocery)
07/17/95  Closed  VII-94-CAA-144 Teddy Weddington
07/07/95  Closed  IF&R-VII-1211C-93P Haveman Grain Co., Inc. and Dan Haveman
07/07/95  Closed  IF&R-VII-1211C-93P Haveman Grain Co., Inc. and Dan Haveman
05/26/95  Closed  IF&R VII-1185C-93P David L. Redler D/B/A Tree N' Turf Lawnscapes
05/26/95  Closed  TSCA VII-92-T-372 John E. Childs
05/11/95  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R VII-1088C-91P, & IF&R VII-1075C-91P Richard Rogness And Presto-X Company
05/09/95  Closed  IF&R-VII-1233C-93P Hoops Agri-Sales Company
12/30/94  Closed  IFCR Dkt. No VII-1120C-91P Jeffrey Springer d/b/a Aable Termite & Pest Control
12/12/94  Closed  RCRA-VII-91-H-0037 Harmon Electronics, Inc.
12/01/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1233C-93P Hoops Agri-Sales Company
10/26/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1175C 92-P Farmers Elevator & Supagesly Co., Inc.
10/20/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1231C-93P Skasol, Inc.
09/20/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1191C-92P ICI Americas, Inc. and Dodge City Cooperative Exchange
08/31/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1185C-93P David L. Redler d/b/a Tree N' Turf Lawnscapes
08/09/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1123C-92P Harold L. Thomsen and Thomsen Aerial Spraying Inc.
08/02/94  Closed  EPCRA-VII-91-T-606-E Dempster Industries, Inc., Beatrice, Nebraska
05/31/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1212C-93P Monsanto Company and Tri Valley Cooperative
04/28/94  Closed  IF&R-VII-1212C-93P Monsanto Company, and Newton Feed Center Elevator Inc.
04/07/94  Closed  FIFRA VII-1134C-92P Erisman Spraying Company, Inc., and Gerald P. Schreiner
04/04/94  Closed  Docket Number: IF&R-VII-1105C-91P Northland Helicopters, Inc.
03/25/94  Closed  FIFRA 197 Atlas Chemical Corporation
03/14/94  Closed  RCRA-VII-92-H-0010 Wayne Chaddok d/b/a Wayne's Oil Service
03/01/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1191C-92P ICI Americas, Inc. and Dodge City Cooperative Exchange
02/15/94  Closed  RCRA VII-92-H-0009 Deeter Foundry, Inc.
02/09/94  Closed  IF&R VII-1191C-92P ICI Americas, Inc. and Dodge City Cooperative Exchange
01/24/94  Closed  Docket Number: TSCA-VII-91-T-298 City Of St. Joseph
01/04/94  Closed  VII-91-H-0037 Harmon Electronics, Inc.
12/27/93  Closed  Docket. No. EPCRA-VII-910-T-650E Swing-A-Way Manufacturing Co.
11/16/93  Closed  IF&R VII-1191C-92P ICI Americas, Inc. and Dodge City Cooperative Exchange
08/17/93  Closed  RCRA VII-91-H-0037 Harmon Electronics, Inc.
06/29/93  Closed  RCRA-VII-91-H-0023 David Beachy, John Beachy and Edna Beachy, d/b/a Kalona Battery Company
03/19/93  Closed   Boyer Valley Fertilizer Co., and UAP Special Products, Inc.
02/28/93  Closed  Docket Number: EPCRA-VII-89-T-611 K. 0. Manufacturing, Inc. Springfield, Missouri
12/23/92  Closed  IF&R VII-1132C-92P; VII-1133C-92P Boyer Valley Fertilizer Co., and UAP Special Products, Inc.
11/20/92  Closed  EPCRA-VII-91-T-650E Swing-A-Way Manufacturing Co.
10/30/92  Closed  Docket Number: TSCA-VII-89-T-262 Thompson Enterprises
09/30/92  Closed  Docket Number EPCRA-VII-89-T-356 Kaw Valley Inc.
09/03/92  Closed  Docket Nos. IF&R-VII-996C-90P, & 995C-90P Terra International Inc., d/b/a Terra Chemicals International Inc., and Brian Smith
09/02/92  Closed  IF&R-VII-1047C-90P Johnny Mrsny
08/17/92  Closed  IF&R. VII-1073-C-91P Jim Young d/b/a Jim Young Aerial Spraying RFD1 Adams, Nebraska
08/04/92  Closed  CWA-VII-91-09-P City of Pierre, SD
07/02/92  Closed  IF&R-07-90 Revere Products Corporation
01/17/92  Closed  CWA-VII-91-W-0078 LaBarge, Incorporated
11/26/91  Closed  IF&R VII-1028C-90P Haveman Grain Company, Inc. Union, Nebraska
09/24/91  Closed  RCRA VII-90-H-0025 Acme Brass and Aluminum Foundry, Inc.
08/08/91  Closed  EPCRA-007-1991 Great Lakes Division of National Steel Corp.
08/08/91  Closed  EPCRA Docket No.VII-89-T-609 Rainbow Paint and Coatings, Inc.
06/07/91  Closed  EPCRA-VII-89-T-356 KAW Valley Inc.
03/06/91  Closed  (CERCLA/EPCRA) EPCRA VII-90-04 Thoro Products Co.
09/11/90  Closed  TSCA-VII-89-T-229 Armour and Company
08/29/90  Closed  IFCR VII-937C-89P Farmers Union Co-Operative Assn. Of Howard County St. Paul, Nebraska
07/14/89  Closed  RCRA-VII-88-H-0017 Bloomfield Foundry, Incorporated
01/25/89  Closed  RCRA-VII-88-H-0027 Silak Company Alton, Iowa; Interchem, Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah; De Nova Industries, Inc. Alton, Iowa, and Jack Odom And Virgean Odom Cherokee, Iowa
01/25/89  Closed  RCRA-VII-88-H-0027 Silak Company Alton, Iowa; Interchem, Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah; De Nova Industries, Inc. Alton, Iowa, and Jack Odom And Virgean Odom Cherokee, Iowa
07/28/88  Closed  TSCA VII-87-T-649 Edward Pivirotto and Josephine Pivirotto, d/b/a E&J Used Tool Company
06/03/88  Closed  IF&R-VII-764C-88P Buerge Feed and Seed
11/24/87  Closed  TSCA VII-86-T-635 Timothy R. Ward
11/05/87  Closed  RCRA Docket No.VII-86-H-0005 Landfill Service Corporation
07/30/87  Closed  FIFRA Docket Nos. VII-719C-86P, VII-739C-86P, VII-740C-86P Co-Operative Grain & Supply Company; Co-Operative Grain & Supply Company and David Wademan
03/03/87  Closed  RCRA Docket No.VII-86-H-0005 Landfill Service Corporation
02/10/87  Closed  IF&R VII-671C-86P Freemont Farmers Union Cooperative Association
08/11/86  Closed  TSCA VII-85-T-146 Mid-Mo Electric Company
06/27/86  Closed  VII-632C-85P Farmers Cooperative Elevator Company
04/23/86  Closed  85-H-0002 A.Y. McDonald Industries, Inc.
03/19/86  Closed  TSCA VII-84-T-273 Garden City Unified School District # 457
02/26/86  Closed  IF&R Docket No.VII-595C-84P Kay Dee Veterinary, Division of Kay Dee Feed Company
11/05/85  Closed  IF&R VII-622C-85P Lortscher Agri Service, Inc.
10/25/85  Closed  TSCA VII-84-T-312; TSCA VII-84-T-323 Mexico Feed & Seed Company, Inc.
09/06/85  Closed  IF&R VII-619C-85P Turner Copter Services, Inc.
08/27/85  Closed  IF&R VII-612C-85P Streeter Flying Service, Inc.
09/08/84  Closed  IF&R VII-538C-84P Nelsen Recycle, Inc.
08/01/84  Closed  RCRA VII-83-H-051 Omaha Steel Casting Co., Inc.
06/22/84  Closed  IF&R VII-498C-83P Stewart Sanitary Supply, Inc.
06/19/84  Closed  TSCA VII-83-T-121 Kansas City Star Company
01/24/84  Closed  IF&R VII-501C-83P Chemco Industries, Inc.
01/10/84  Closed  TSCA VII-83-T-191 T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition Company
12/23/83  Closed  IF&R VII-47 William Myers, d/b/a Gift Sales Company
06/30/83  Closed  RCRA 82-H-035 Conservation Chemical Company
05/12/83  Closed  IF&R VII-547C-82P Holmquist Grain and Lumber Company
02/10/83  Closed  IF&R VII-449C-82P Xentex Corporation
10/01/82  Closed  IF&R VII-442C-82P Robert G. Naumann d/b/a Saunders County Aerial Spraying
09/29/82  Closed  IF&R 408-C-82P Becker Flying Service, Inc.
09/22/82  Closed  IF&R 403-C-81P Ealy Spraying Service, Incorporated
07/06/82  Closed  IF&R VII-428C-92P Aero-Master, Inc.
02/16/82  Closed  IF&R VII-407-C-81-P Panhandle Cooperative Asso.
10/26/81  Closed  VII-383C-81P Exterminators of Fort Dodge Inc., aka Guaranteed Extermination of Fort Dodge, Inc.
12/10/80  Closed  IF&R VII-363C Arthur Nolan Rhoades
10/30/80  Closed  IF&R VII-322C/347C Cole Chemical Company
07/31/80  Closed  IF&R VII-344-C Williams Myers, d/b/a Gift Sales Company
11/14/78  Closed  IF&R VIII-35C Magna Corporation, et al.
10/03/78  Closed  FIFRA 50 Dow Chemical Co. & Uniroyal Chemical Division
07/07/78  Closed  IF&R VII-294C D.A. Robinson, Inc.
01/12/78  Closed  063977 Engles Oil Co.; Laverne Hamann; Amoco Oil Co.
12/20/77  Closed  IF&R VII-272C Schulte Paint & Lacquer Manufacturing Company
12/01/77  Closed  066892 Charles Eaton, d/b/a Chuck's Mobil
11/30/77  Closed  IF&R VII-233C Economy Products Company, Inc.
11/29/77  Closed  IF&R VII-235C Silak Company.
06/28/77  Closed  030383 Phillips Petroleum Company
06/28/77  Closed  059363 Phillips Petroleum Company
05/09/77  Closed  030756 Phillips Petroleum Company
05/06/77  Closed  IF&R VII-18C Wyoming Dep't of Agriculture
04/26/77  Closed  IF&R VII-154C Continental Research Corporation
04/15/77  Closed  IF&R VII-223C Kemin Industries, Inc.
03/27/77  Closed  IF&R VII-261C Mid-American Research Chemical Corporation
11/18/76  Closed  IF&R VII-197C Welco Manufacturing Co., Inc.
06/25/76  Closed  IF&R VII-183C The Parawax Company
06/25/76  Closed  IF&R VII-189C I.D. Russell Co. Laboratories, Inc.
06/16/76  Closed  IF&R VII-181C Industrial Chemical Laboratories, Inc.
05/10/76  Closed  IF&R Docket Nos. VII-92C; VII-135C Fleming & Co.
03/18/76  Closed  IF&R IX-78C Cutting Division of Harvest Industries, Inc.
10/15/75  Closed  IF&R VII-119C Sifers Chemicals, Inc.
09/26/75  Closed  IF&R VII-102C Calgon Corp.

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