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06/20/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0015) United Phosphorus, Inc. -CAFO- (King of Prussia, Pennsylvania)
06/20/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0010) Dover Chemical Corporation -CAFO- (Dover, Ohio)
06/20/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0011) Rowell Chemical Corporation -CAFO- (Hinsdale, Illinois)
06/13/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0014) Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC -CAFO- (Decatur, Illinois)
06/13/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0015) Eurand, Inc. - CAFO - (Vandalia, Ohio)
06/13/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0019) Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC -CAFO- (Decatur, Illinois)
06/13/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0020) Eurand, Inc. -CAFO- (Vandalia, Ohio)
06/13/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0010) Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC -CAFO- (Decatur, Illinois)
06/13/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0011) Eurand, Inc. -CAFO- (Vandalia, Ohio)
06/13/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0013) Butterfield Petroleum LLC/BP - NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Aurora, Illinois)
06/06/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0013) Syngenta Crop Protection LLC -CAFO- (Greensboro, North Carolina)
06/06/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0014) Chicago Heights Citgo - NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Chicago Heights, Illinois)
06/03/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0013) Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/03/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0018) Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/03/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0009) Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/02/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0009) Melvin Gaines -CAFO- (Toledo, Ohio)
06/01/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0042) The City of North Chicago Water Treatment Plant - SEP - (North Chicago, Illinois...
06/01/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0012) Giles Chemical-CAFO- (Greendale, Indiana)
06/01/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0017) Giles Chemicals -CAFO- (Greendale, Indiana)
06/01/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0006) Giles Chemical (Greendale, Indiana)
05/24/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0040) The City of Centralia Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant (Centralia, Illinois)
05/24/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0041) Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC formerly known as Tate & Lyle Ingredients A...
05/19/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0012) Trece, Inc. -CAFO- (Adair, Oklahoma)
05/19/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0008) CWB Management Company -CAFO- (Dublin, Ohio)
05/16/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0012) Franklin International, Inc. - NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Columbus, Ohio)
05/13/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0039) NitroSteel Division, Gerdeu MacSteel (Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin)
05/13/2011  Closed  (CWA-05-2011-0006) Caterpillar, Inc. -CAFO- (Joliet, Illinois)
05/13/2011  Closed  (RCRA-05-2011-0009) Carbon Injection Systems LLC -COMPLAINT- NOT CLOSED- (Warren Township, Ohio)
05/12/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0036) Northern County Cooperative Company/Emmons (Emmons, Minnesota)
05/12/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0037) Northern County Cooperative/Alden (Alden, Minnesota)
05/12/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0038) Northern County Cooperative Company/Adams (Adams, Minnesota)
05/06/2011  Closed  (CWA-05-2011-0005) Steuben County, Indiana -CAFO- (Angola, Indiana)
05/03/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0016) Quantronic Corporation -CAFO- (Brooklyn Park, Minnesota)
05/02/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0011) ICL-IP America, Inc. and Clearon Corporation -CAFO- (South Charleston, West V...
04/27/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0011) Eugenio Painting Company and Bill Egolf -CAFO- (Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan...
04/12/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0007) Baerlocher USA, LLC -CAFO- (Dover, Ohio)
04/08/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0010) BZB, Inc. d/b/a Busy Bee Nursey, Inc. -CAFO- (Glenwood, Illinois)
04/07/2011  Closed  (RCRA-05-2011-0008) Terralpha Industrial, Inc., Chao Xia Zhang-Kirkpatrick, and Paul Kirkpatrick -C...
03/31/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0035) C&D Technologies, Inc. --SEP -- (Attica, Indiana)
03/31/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0010) Archer Daniels Midland Company -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Decatur, Illinois)
03/31/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0011) Coops Corner - NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Thornville, Ohio)
03/29/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0034) Schulze & Burch Biscuit Company --SEP -- (Chicago,Illinois)
03/28/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0006) Hanson's Window and Construction, Inc. -OREDER OF DISMISSAL- (Madison Heights, ...
03/25/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0032) Henkel Corporation (Mentor, Ohio)
03/25/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0033) DynaChem, Inc. (Westville, Illinois)
03/25/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0015) VersaCold Logistics Services -CAFO- -- SEP -- (New Ulm and Zumbrota, Minnesota)
03/22/2011  Closed  (RCRA-05-2011-0007) Cor-Met, Inc. -CAFO- (Brighton, Michigan)
03/21/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0010) Wilson's Transportation Inc. -CAFO- -- SEP -- (Brook, Indiana)
03/17/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0009) Grainco FS, Inc. - CAFO- -- SEP -- (Ottawa, Illinois)
03/16/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0005) George E. Goodman, d/b/a Goodman Salvage -CAFO NO PENALTY- (Xenia, Illinois...
03/11/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0004) Rose Real Estate Properties, Inc. -CAFO- (Valdosta, Georgia)
03/09/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0014) Meyer Material Company -CAFO --- SEP -- (McHenry, Illinois)
03/07/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0031) Southern Minnsota Beet Sugar Cooperative (Renville, Minnesota)
03/07/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0013) Interstate Cold Storage, Inc. -CAFO- (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
03/01/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0009) Basic Chemicals Solutions, L.L.C. -CAFO- (Redwood City, California)
03/01/2011  Closed  (TSCA-05-2011-0003) D.A. Stuart Company -CAFO- (Warrenville, Illinois)
02/25/2011  Closed  (RCRA-05-2011-0006) Eagle Electronics Incorporated -CAFO- - INSTALLMENTS - (Schaumburg, Illinois)
02/24/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0012) Columbian Distribution Services, Inc. -CAFO- (Wyoming, Michigan)
02/23/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0008) Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. (Logansport, Indiana)
02/23/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0011) Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. -CAFO- (Logansport, Indiana)
02/23/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0005) Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc -CAFO- . (Logansport, Indiana)
02/22/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0030) Marsulex, Inc. (Oregon, Ohio)
02/22/2011  Closed  (CWA-05-2011-0004) Wilson Excavating, Inc. -CAFO- (Angola, Indiana)
02/22/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0009) Lowell's Tire -FIELD CITATION - (LaPorte, Minnesota)
02/17/2011  Closed  (RCRA-05-2011-0005) Specified Plating Company- CAFO- (Chicago, Illinois)
02/15/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0029) City of Trenton Wastewater Treatment Plant (Trenton, Michigan)
02/14/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0007) Klement Sausage Co., Inc. -CAFO- Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
02/14/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0010) Klement Sausage Co., Inc. -CAFO- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
02/14/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0004) Klement Sausage Co., Inc. -CAFO- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
02/10/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0028) United AG Center (Almena, Wisconsin)
02/09/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0027) Thief River Falls Water Treatment Plant (Thief River Falls, Minnesota)
02/07/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0009) Minco Products, Inc. -CAFO- (Fridley, Minnesota)
02/04/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0008) SipcamAdvan LLC -CAFO- (Durham, North Carolina)
02/01/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0026) City of Grosse Pointe Farms Water Department -SEP- (Crosse Pointe Farms, Michig...
02/01/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0006) McGean-Rohco, Inc. -CAFO- (Cleveland, Ohio)
02/01/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0008) McGean-Rohco, Inc. -CAFO- (Cleveland, Ohio)
02/01/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0003) McGean-Rohco, Inc -CAFO- . (Cleveland, Ohio)
01/31/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0007) Dow AgroSciences LLC -CAFO- (Indianapolis, Indiana)
01/31/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0008) Connelly Gas Purification Materials -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Chicago, Illinois)
01/26/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0021) Lyon County Farm Service J.V. Minneota Plant (Minneota, Minnesota)
01/26/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0022) Lyon County Farm Service J.V. West Branch (Hendricks, Minnesota)
01/26/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0023) Lyon County Farm Service J.V. Ghent Plant (Ghent, Minnesota)
01/26/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0024) River Region Cooperative (Sleepy Eye, Minnesota)
01/26/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0025) Rydman & Fox Inc. (Anderson, Indiana)
01/19/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0020) Briess Industries, Inc. (Chilton, Wisconsin)
01/18/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0018) Patoka Lake Regional Water & Sewer District (Dubois, Indiana)
01/18/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0019) Prairie Farms, Inc. (Anderson, Indiana)
01/18/2011  Closed  (FIFRA-05-2011-0006) Kongskilde Industries Inc. -CAFO- (Hudson, Illinois)
01/12/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0006) Millennium Inorgainc Chemicals -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Ashtabula, Ohio)
01/11/2011  Closed  (RUST-05-2011-0007) Dayton Power and Light Company, J.M. Stuart Station -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Aber...
01/10/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0015) Sunrich Inc. (Hope, Minnesota)
01/10/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0016) Harvest Land Cooperative (Comfrey, Minnesota)
01/10/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0017) Hancock Cooperative Inc. (Hancock, Minnesota)
01/10/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0007) Peterson Farms, Inc. -CAFO- (Shelby, Michigan)
01/07/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0005) BNSF Railway Company -CAFO- (Fort Worth, Texas)
01/07/2011  Closed  (CWA-05-2011-0003) Misch Excavating d/b/a Rooterman -CAFO- -- INSTALLMENTS -- (Downs, Illinois)
01/04/2011  Closed  (CERCLA-05-2011-0004) The Kroger Company -CAFO- (Newark, Ohio)
01/04/2011  Closed  (EPCRA-05-2011-0006) The Kroger Company -CAFO- (Newark, Ohio)
01/04/2011  Closed  (MM-05-2011-0002) The Kroger Company -CAFO- (Newark, Ohio)
01/03/2011  Closed  (CAA-05-2011-0014) Krown Inc. dba Hi Yield Products (Railroad St. Hartland, Minnesota)

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