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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/25/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2525(b) CAFO (Florida-Georgia Windows & Doors)
09/25/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2908(b) CAFO (Merit Construction, Inc.)
09/25/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2529(b) CAFO (Ellis Barbour & Sons, Inc.)
09/25/2018  CAA-07-2018-0288 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Professional Ag Services Inc & Sur-Gro Plant Food Company.)
09/25/2018  CWA-07-2018-0285 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Sense Natural Products)
09/25/2018  CAA-07-2018-0236 Expedited Settlement Agreement (C F Industries Nitrogen, LLC – Port Neal Complex)
09/25/2018  CWA-07-2018-0249 Consent Agreement/Final Order (Cindy Stratman)
09/25/2018  CWA-02-2018-3302 Expediated settlement agreement. (Maple Road Associates, Inc.)
09/25/2018  CWA-10-2018-0334 esa (Brighton Corporation Inc. & Pentalon Construction)
09/25/2018  FIFRA-07-2018-0332 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Village of Walthill
09/25/2018  TSCA-07-2018-0333 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Robbie Michael Schroer d/b/a Robbie’s Home Improvement)
09/25/2018  CAA-01-2018-0042 CAFO (Ronald Blanchard)
09/25/2018  CAA-01-2018-0019 and EPCRA-01-2018-0020 CAFO (Finicky Pet Food, Inc.)
09/25/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0021 (Abcana Industries)
09/25/2018  RCRA-09-2018-0004 (Chevron Corporation)
09/25/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0022 (Argo Chemical)
09/24/2018  CAA-01-2018-0065 Expedited Settlement Agreement (SUEZ-Springfield Wastewater Treatment Facility: Expedited Settlement Agreement,)
09/24/2018  CAA-01-2018-0057 Clean Air Act General Duty Clause - Expedited Settlement Agreement (New England Sports Management Corp. (Marlborough, MA))
09/24/2018  EPCRA-01-2018-0053 Clean Air Act General Duty Clause
Expedited Settlement Agreement (New England Sports Management Corp. (Marlborough, MA))
09/21/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4014(b) CAFO (Zep Incorporated)
09/21/2018  RCRA-07-2018-0224 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PQ Corporation)
09/21/2018  CWA-04-2018-5005(b) CAFO (Ocoee River Oil Spill)
09/21/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0048 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Earp Spray Service -ESA- (Monmouth, Illinois))
09/21/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2515(b) CAFO (Yoder Homes, LLC)
09/21/2018  CAA-07-2018-0305 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Warren Distribution, Inc.)
09/21/2018  TSCA-07-2018-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Mader Enterprises LLC d/b/a Earthway LLC)
09/21/2018  TSCA-07-2018-0299 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Thermal King Windows, Inc)
09/21/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0020 (E.B. Bradley Company)
09/21/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0019 (Ze Lin Chen)
09/20/2018  CWA-01-2018-0056 CAFO (GCA Logging, Inc. )
09/20/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0088 CAFO (Kevin M. Coyne d/b/a Coyne Masonry, TSCA, CAFO)
09/20/2018  FIFRA-04-2018-3014(b) CAFO (Agri-AFC, LLC)
09/20/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2028(b) CAFO (Enkei Florida Inc.)
09/20/2018  CERCLA-EPCRA-03-2018-0156 CAFO (Tyson Poultry, Inc., CERCLA, EPCRA, CAFO)
09/20/2018  CWA-03-2018-0107 CAFO (Clark Construction Group LLC, CWA, CAFO)
09/20/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0142 CAFO (Terry Mantle and Dolores Mantle, TSCA, CAFO)
09/20/2018  TSCA-01-2018-0014 ESA (Bartlett Street Condos)
09/20/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2027(b) CAFO (Arrmaz Products, L.P.)
09/20/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0018 (Ventura Transfer Company)
09/20/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0016 (Arizona's Best Pool Service)
09/20/2018  FIFRA-09-2018-0017 (FGS Packing Services)
09/19/2018  RCRA-CAA-03-2018-0128 CAFO (United States Department of the Army, Tobyhanna Army Depot, RCRA, CWA, CAFO)
09/19/2018  FIFRA-02-2018-5109 Consent agreement and final order. (Modern Day Products, LLC & Mobile Pro Gear, LLC)
09/19/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0046 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Carso, Incorporated - ESA- (Camargo, Illinois))
09/19/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0127 CAFO (MAPRO Builders, LLC, TSCA, CAFO)
09/19/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0045 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Progressive Ag Center, LLC -CAFO- (Stewartville, Minnesota))
09/19/2018  RCRA-03-2018-0153 CAFO (Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, RCRA, CAFO)
09/19/2018  RCRA-03-2018-0148 CAFO (3951 Roosevelt Blvd Realty Corporation and Liberty Tradeplus, Inc.,, RCRA, CAFO)
09/19/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0047 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Legacy Ag Solution, LLC -ESA- (Terre Haute, Indiana))
09/19/2018  FIFRA-05-2018-0044 Conseent Agreement and Final Order (Medline Industries, Inc. -CAFO- (Northfield, Illinois))
09/19/2018  UIC-09-2018-0005 (Honolulu dba Hon Realty)
09/19/2018  UIC-09-2018-0004 (Kloeckner Metals)
09/19/2018  TSCA-09-2018-0006 (True View Windows & Glass Block)
09/18/2018  CWA-04-2018-5003(b) CAFO (Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, LLC)
09/18/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0147 CAFO (Global Home Improvements, Inc., TSCA, CAFO TSCA-03-2018-0147)
09/18/2018  CAA-04-2018-1500(b) CAFO (Hoeganaes Corps., Gallatin, TN)
09/18/2018  CWA-04-2018-5004(b) CAFO (Aircraft Specialists Jet Center, LLC)
09/18/2018  CWA-04-2018-7003(b) CAFO (Aircraft Specialists Jet Center, LLC)
09/18/2018  OPA-09-2018-0005 (Vital Energy Inc.)
09/18/2018  CAA-09-2018-0006 (Vivid Distributing LLC)
09/17/2018  CWA-08-2018-0010 Signed CAFO (TOM STUART CONSTRUCTION, INC.)
09/17/2018  CWA-08-2018-0011 Signed Consent Agreement and Final Order (GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC.)
09/17/2018  CAA-08-2018-0011 Combined Complaint & Consent Agreement with Final Order (AMPLIFY ENERGY CORP.)
09/17/2018  CWA-10-2018-0337 ESA (Kenai City Dock)
09/17/2018  TSCA-10-2018-0235 ESA (View Point, Inc.)
09/17/2018  FIFRA-10-2018-0364 ESA (Chemi-Green Solutions, LLC.)
09/17/2018  CWA-10-2018-0310 ESA (City of Newport - Newport Municipal Airport)
09/17/2018  CWA-10-2018-0277 ESA (North Pacific Seafoods Red Salmon Cannery)
09/17/2018  CAA-08-2018-0010 Consent Agreement with Final Order (Halcon Resources Corporation & Halcon Holdings, Inc.)
09/17/2018  CAA-10-2018-0356 ESA (Jdb, Inc. (BrucePac))
09/17/2018  FIFRA-06-2018-0364 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Nu-Way Products Company, Inc.)
09/14/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2509(b) CAFO (BC Improvements, LLC)
09/14/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2528(b) CAFO (Paul Davis Restoration, Inc.)
09/14/2018  TSCA-10-2018-0240 ESA (Renaissance Fine Woodworking, Inc.)
09/14/2018  TSCA-07-2018-0324 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Empire Construction Group, LLC)
09/14/2018  FIFRA-10-2018-0359 ESA (Varmite Getter, LLC)
09/14/2018  RCRA-10-2018-0335 CAFO (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation)
09/14/2018  CAA-07-2018-0295 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sunrise Farms, Inc)
09/14/2018  CAA(112R)-09-2018-0010 (Sunview Cold Storage)
09/14/2018  CAA(112R)-09-2018-0009 (ITW Polymers Sealants)
09/14/2018  UIC-09-2018-0006 (Smith Waterhouse)
09/13/2018  CAA-05-2018-0023 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Liberty Casting Company, LLC -CAFO- -SEP- (Delaware, Ohio))
09/13/2018  TSCA-01-2018-0024 CAFO-ESA (Ricardo Duarte)
09/13/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0140 CAFO (American Heritage Property Management, LLC, TSCA, CAFO)
09/13/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2520(b) CAFO (3V Sigma USA, Inc.)
09/12/2018  FIFRA-10-2018-0336 CAFO (Wilbur-Ellis Company, LLC)
09/12/2018  CWA-10-2018-0344 cafo (Alaska Aerofuel, Inc)
09/12/2018  CAA-03-2018-0141 SCAFO (J&J Snack Foods Corp. (dba MIA Products Company), CAA, SCAFO)
09/12/2018  TSCA-10-2018-0353 ESA (Nu Vu Glass Inc.)
09/12/2018  TSCA-10-2018-0371 CAFO (Stephen Hart)
09/12/2018  CAA-03-2018-0137 CAFO (Kenneth O. Lester Company, Inc., CAA, CAFO)
09/12/2018  CWA-10-2018-0318 ESA (Boise Hunter Homes)
09/12/2018  CWA-10-2018-0322 CAFO (City of Kendrick, Idaho)
09/12/2018  TSCA-03-2018-0063 CAFO (Gregory Mull, TSCA, Complaint)
09/12/2018  RCRA-09-2018-0003 (Anaplex Corporation)
09/12/2018  CAA(112R)-09-2018-0008 (Phoenix dba BEI Maui)
09/11/2018  RCRA-04-2018-4013(b) CAFO (Century Aluminum of Kentucky General Paternship)
09/11/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2013(b) CAFO (H.B. Fuller Construction Products, Inc.)
09/11/2018  TSCA-04-2018-2518(b) CAFO (Axiall Corporation)
09/11/2018  EPCRA-04-2018-2024(b) CAFO (Hexion, Inc.)

(20036 entries in this collection)
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 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 [next]

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