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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
07/20/2011ClosedFIFRA-04-2011-3027(b) Scott Paint Company
07/20/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0020 BP Amoco
07/20/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0022 Easy Car Leasing, d/b/a Budget Rental Car
07/19/2011ClosedCAA-03-2011-0148 Buckeye Pipe Line Company, L.P.
07/19/2011ClosedCWA-03-2011-0193 Berglund Oak Ridge Toyota, (CWA) CAFO, EXP.
07/19/2011ClosedCWA-07-2011-0074 Victor, Iowa
07/19/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-1807 Ellis Thomas d/b/a CSC Oil Company
07/19/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-4325 Zero Street Ethanol Yard
07/19/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0514 SFI of Arkansas, LLC
07/19/2011ClosedSDWA-03-2011-0170 Titusville Oil & Gas Associates, Inc. (SDWA) SCAFO
07/19/2011ClosedSDWA-08-2011-0050 TOWN OF ALBIN, WY
07/19/2011ClosedSDWA 06-2011-1107 Chaparrel Energy, LLC
07/18/2011ClosedCWA-07-2011-0076 City of Mitchellville
07/18/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-2709 MR. HENRY R. STEVENSON, JR. PARKWOOD LAND CO.
07/18/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-4322 Berry Tank Battery
07/18/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-4323 Smith-Grell Tank Battery
07/18/2011ClosedTSCA-08-2011-0002 COLDWELL BANKER COMMERCIAL
07/15/2011ClosedSDWA 06-2011-1110 EAGLE ONE OIL
07/13/2011ClosedCERCLA-05-2011-0016 Superior Ag Resources Co-op, Inc. -CAFO- -SEP - (Richland, Indiana)
07/13/2011ClosedCERCLA-05-2011-0017 Crystal Valley Cooperative -CAFO- --SEP -- (Lake Crystal, Minnesota)
07/13/2011ClosedCWA-03-2011-0167 CNX Gas Company LLC, CNX Center, (SCAFO) (CWA)
07/13/2011ClosedCWA-04-2011-4507(b) City of Plantation
07/13/2011ClosedEPCRA-05-2011-0025 Superior Ag Resources Co-op Inc. -CAFO- -SEP - (Richland, Indiana)
07/13/2011ClosedEPCRA/CAA-03-2011-0138 Chemicals and Solvents, Inc. and Austin Holdings, VA, LLC, EPCRA/CAA
07/13/2011ClosedMM-05-2011-0012 Superior Ag Resources Co-op Inc. -CAFO- -- SEP -- (Richland, Indiana)
07/12/2011ClosedCAA-05-2011-0044 Tanner Industries, Inc. --SEP -- (Inkster, Michigan)
07/12/2011ClosedCWA-07-2011-0078 City of Kearney
07/12/2011ClosedRCRA-05-2011-0011 Anderson Redevelopment Commission, Owner of the General Motors Corporation Delphi Energy & Engine Management System Facility - Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) (Anderson, Indiana)
07/11/2011ClosedCERCLA-04-2011-2058(b) City of North Port
07/11/2011ClosedCWA-04-2011-5133(b) UPS Ground Freight, Inc.
07/11/2011ClosedSDWA-08-2011-0049 SSDA, LLC., and ALAN BYBEE
06/09/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-8009(b) Pirtle Springs Water Treatment Plant
06/09/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-8012(b) Cleveland Utilities Water Treatment Plant
06/09/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-8014(b) Airgas South
06/09/2011ActiveCWA-08-2011-0015 ROBERT GREGG SEASE
06/09/2011ClosedEPCRA-04-2011-2057(b) Pacific Collier Fresh Company
06/09/2011ClosedFIFRA 06-2011-0314 Willowood USA, LLC
06/09/2011ClosedFIFRA 06-2011-0316 Cheminova, Inc.
06/08/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-1512(b) Denbury Onshore, LLC Little Creek Enhanced Oil Recovery Facility
06/08/2011ClosedTSCA-03-2011-0156 Kent County Board of Education Inc., (TSCA) (SCAFO)
06/08/2011ClosedTSCA-04-2011-2510(b) Don Sills Enterprises
06/07/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-1510(b) Denbury Onshore, LLC Olive Enhanced Oil Recovery Facility
06/07/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-1511(b) Denbury Onshore, LLC, Mallalieu Enhanced Oil Recovery Facility
06/07/2011ClosedCERCLA-04-2011-2044(b) Taminco, Inc.
06/07/2011ClosedCWA-01-2011-0040 Knight Oil, Inc.
06/07/2011ClosedCWA-07-2011-0063 Southeast Landfill, LLC
06/07/2011ClosedEPCRA-04-2011-2041(b) Superior Graphite
06/07/2011ClosedFIFRA-04-2011-3018(b) Cleaner Solutions, LLC
06/07/2011ClosedFIFRA-04-2011-3019(b) River City Soap Company
06/07/2011ClosedTSCA-03-2011-0109 Ox Paperboard, LLC, TSCA (SCAFO)
06/06/2011ClosedCWA-01-2011-0017 Rowley Fuels, Inc.
06/06/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-1731 Sunrise Plastic Enterprise, Inc.
06/06/2011ClosedCWA 06-2011-1794 WATER WORKS DISTRICT #3 OF RAPIDES PARISH
06/06/2011ClosedFIFRA-05-2011-0013 Syngenta Crop Protection LLC -CAFO- (Greensboro, North Carolina)
06/06/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0015 E I Du Pont De Nemours and Company
06/06/2011ClosedRUST-05-2011-0014 Chicago Heights Citgo - NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Chicago Heights, Illinois)
06/06/2011ClosedSDWA-03-2011-0160DU Swamp Angel Energy, LLC (SDWA) (Order and Complaint)
06/06/2011ClosedSDWA-08-2011-0046 TOWN OF BIG PINEY, WY
06/30/2011ClosedEPCRA-05-2011-0023 CHS Acquisition Corporation d/b/a Chicago Heights Steel -CAFO- (Chicago Heights, Illinois)
06/30/2011ClosedFIFRA-03-2011-0201 Alcavis HDC, LLC, (FIFRA) (SCAFO)
06/30/2011ClosedFIFRA-05-2011-0016 ASI Packaging Company -CAFO- (Flint, Michigan)
06/30/2011ClosedRCRA-02-2011-7104 Black & Decker (US) Inc.
06/30/2011ClosedRCRA-02-2011-7106 Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
06/30/2011ClosedRCRA-02-2011-7508 Schmitt Sales, Inc.
06/30/2011ClosedRCRA-03-2011-0197 The Estate of Roger G. Fussell, The Bruce Store (RCRA) Complaint
06/30/2011ClosedRCRA-03-2011-0202 Guttman Oil Company, SCAFO (RCRA)
06/03/2011ClosedCERCLA-05-2011-0013 Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/03/2011ClosedEPCRA-05-2011-0018 Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/03/2011ClosedMM-05-2011-0009 Nitrex, Inc. -CAFO- (Franklin, Indiana)
06/03/2011ClosedRCRA-02-2011-7507 Valvo Convenience and Gas, Inc. and Stephen M. Valvo, Individually
06/03/2011ClosedRCRA-03-2011-0102FC Veterans Affairs Medical Center, (SCAFO) RCRA (FC)
06/29/2011ClosedCAA-08-2011-0016 DYNO NOBEL, INC.
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA-03-2011-0097 American Hollow Boring Co., EPCRA (SCAFO)
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA-03-2011-0211 Steel Management Systems, LLC, (SCAFO) (EPCRA)
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA-05-2011-0022 Etna Products Inc. -CAFO- (Chagrin Falls, Ohio)
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0506 Kentwood Brick & Tile Manufacturing Co., Inc.
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0507 Hydril Company DBA Westwego Manufacturing Plant
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0508 Maverick Tube Corporation
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0509 Maverick Tube Corporation
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0510 Tenaris Coiled Tubes, LLC DBA Precision Tube Technology
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0511 Tenaris Coiled Tubes, LLC DBA Seacat
06/29/2011ClosedEPCRA 06-2011-0512 Maverick Tube Corporation
06/29/2011ClosedFIFRA 06-2011-0307 Safe-T-Products, LLC
06/29/2011ClosedRCRA-02-2011-7101 CycleChem Inc.
06/29/2011ClosedRCRA-03-2011-0178 JP Cerini Technologies, Inc., RCRA (SCAFO)
06/28/2011ClosedCERC/EPCRA-03-2011-0204 Fresh Express Inc., (CERC/EPCRA)-03-2011-0204
06/28/2011ClosedCWA-02-2011-3319 Village of Dansville Wastewater Treatment Plant
06/28/2011ClosedCWA-02-2011-3320 Cinnaminson Sewerage Authority
06/28/2011ClosedRCRA-03-2011-0188 U.S. Airways, Inc. RCRA-03-2011-0188, (SCAFO)
06/28/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0017 Omaha Steel Castings Co
06/28/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0018 Reinhart Food Service
06/28/2011ClosedRCRA-07-2011-0023 KNJ Express Inc
06/28/2011ClosedSDWA-03-2011-0205-EO Kenneth Brockett, (SDWA), (1431) (a)(1) FINAL EMERGENCY ORDER (EO)
06/27/2011ClosedCAA-04-2011-1520(b) Moon Grading and Hauling Inc.
06/27/2011ClosedCERCLA-04-2011-2060(b) Sara Lee Bakery Group
06/27/2011ClosedEPCRA-04-2011-2054(b) SSC Industries LLC
06/27/2011ClosedFIFRA-08-2011-0005 LAKE RIDGE ACE HARDWARE
06/27/2011ClosedRUST-05-2011-0015 Delta Air Lines/O'Hare International Airport -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Chicago, Illinois)

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