Cameel Halim; Wilmette Real Estate & Management, Company, LLC; WR Property Management, LLC; BCHFARGO, LLC; BCHROSCOE, LLC; BCH5036, LLC; BCH5625, LLC; BCH5633, LLC; BCH5746, LLC; BCH5900, LLC; HCT6026, LLC; BCHTOWER, LLC; BCHCHURCH, LLC; BCHHOYNE, LLC; BCHKENMO 6230, LLC; BCH6300, LLC; BCHSIMPSON, LLC; HCT727, LLC; BCHSEELEY, LLC; HCTJACKSON, LLC; BCH8O1, LLC; BCH817, LLC; BCH5830, LLC; and BCHEASTWOOD, LLC -- Order on Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint with Prejudice -- (Wilmette, Illinois)
- Docket Number: TSCA-05-2011-0020
Status: Closed
Statute: TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/23/2011
Closed Date: 06/15/2012
Disposition: No Further Action Needed
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(10/05/2011) #2 - Respondent Motion for Extension of Time AND - Respondent Appearance and Request for Hearing
(10/06/2011) #3 Order to Participate in a Telephone Conference Call
(10/12/2011) #4 Order Granting Extension of Time to File Answer - January 24, 2012
(01/24/2012) #5 Motion to Dismiss Respondent Cameel Halim for Want of Subject Matter Jurisdiction
(01/24/2012) #6 Respondent Answer -files not included-
(02/13/2012) #7 Cover Letter for Answer
(02/07/2012) #8 Complainant's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Respondent Cameel Halim for Want of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
(02/15/2012) #9 Joint Notice of Complainant's Intent to Participate in Proceedings with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Settlement Judge
(02/16/2012) #10 Certified Post Card/Proof of Service
(02/21/2012) #11 Order of Designation
(02/21/2012) #12 Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply in Opposition to Complainant's Response to Respondent Cameel Halim's Motion to Dismiss for Want of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
(03/01/2012) #13 Respondent Motion to Withdraw Respondent Cameel Halim's Motion to Dismiss for Want of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
(03/05/2012) #14 Order on Respondent Cameel Halm's Motion to Withdraw Pending Motion to Dismiss for Want of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
(03/19/2012) #15 Status Report
(05/25/2012) #16 Status Report
(06/11/2012) #17 Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint, with Prejudice
(06/15/2012) #18 Order on Complainant's Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint with Prejudice
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: TSCA-05-2011-0020