The Askins Development Group LLC
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| File Date | 09/26/2022
| Appeal No.(s) | TSCA 22-(03)
| Docket No. | TSCA-07-2019-0280 |
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| Statute(s) | Toxic Substances Control Act
| Type | PENALTY
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Index of Filings
- #1 - 09/26/2022 - The Askins Development Group, LLC Iinitial Decision and Default Order
- #2 - 09/26/2022 - The Askins Development Group, LLC Initial Decision and Default Order Certificate of Service
- #3 - 09/26/2022 - The Askins Development Group, LLC Initial Decision and Default Order Proof of Service 1
- #4 - 09/26/2022 - The Askins Development Group, LLC Initial Decision and Default Order Proof of Service 2
- #5 - 09/26/2022 - The Askins Development Group, LLC Initial Decision and Default Order Proof of Service 3
- #6 - 11/08/2022 - Order Declining to Exercise Sua Sponte Review
- #7 - 11/29/2022 - Signed USPS Form 3811 Domestic Receipt Form adressed to: Orlando Askins 5753-G Santa Ana Canyon Road, #602 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 Received by the EAB on 11/28/2022
- #8 - 01/13/2023 - Signed USPS 3811 Domestic Receipt Form addressed to: Orlando Askins c/o National Registered Agents, Inc. Registered Agent for The Askins Development Group, LLC. 120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 400
Clayton, MO 63105, received by the EAB on 1/12/2023
Print Index