City of Taunton Department of Public Works
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| File Date | 05/13/2015
| Appeal No.(s) | NPDES 15-08
| Docket No. | MA0100897 |
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| Statute(s) | Clean Water Act
| Type | PERMIT
| Program(s) | NPDES |
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Index of Filings
- #1 - 05/13/2015 - Petitioner City of Taunton Petition for Review (78 additional attachments)
- #2 - 06/12/2015 - EPA Region 1 Cover Letter
- #3 - 06/12/2015 - EPA Region 1 Cover Letter
- #4 - 06/12/2015 - EPA Region 1 Response to the Petition for Review (16 additional attachments)
- #5 - 06/12/2015 - Certified Index to the Administrative Record
- #6 - 06/12/2015 - Notice Uncontested and Severable Conditions
- #7 - 06/30/2015 - City of Taunton Wastewater Treatment Plant Reply in Support of its Petition for Review of NPDES Permit Issued by Region 1 (7 additional attachments)
- #8 - 07/08/2015 - City of Taunton's Motion to supplement the Administrative Record (4 additional attachments)
- #9 - 07/09/2015 - Petitioner Motion for the Appointment of a Technical Advisor Expert (6 additional attachments)
- #10 - 07/10/2015 - Joint Unopposed Motion to Modify the Response and Reply Deadlines for Petitioner Motion to Supplement the Administrative Record and Motion to Appoint a Technical Advisor Expert and motion to Set the Deadlines for EPA Motion to Strike
- #11 - 07/15/2015 - Order Granting Joint Unopposed Motion to Modify and Set Filing Deadlines
- #12 - 07/16/2015 - ADR Offer Letter
- #13 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer Notice EPA Region 1 Cover Letter
- #14 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer EPA Region 1 Motion to Strike Certain Attachments to Petitioner City of Taunton Reply (2 additional attachments)
- #15 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer EPA Region 1 Opposition to the City of Taunton Motion for the Appointment of a Technical Advisor (1 additional attachments)
- #16 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer EPA Region 1 Opposition to the Motion to Supplement the Administrative Record (2 additional attachments)
- #17 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer Notice EPA Region 1 Notice of Filing Amended Certified Index to the Administrative Record (1 additional attachments)
- #18 - 08/06/2015 - Permit Issuer Notice EPA Region 1 Amendment to Certified Index to the Administrative Record
- #19 - 08/19/2015 - Petitioner's Reply in Support of it's Motion for the Appointment of a Technical Advisor/Expert
- #20 - 08/19/2015 - Petitioner Notice Certificate of Service
- #21 - 08/19/2015 - City of Tauton's Response to EPA's Opposition to the Moton to Supplement the Administrative Record (3 additional attachments)
- #22 - 09/09/2015 - Petitioner Response in Opposition to Respondent Motion to Strike Certain Attachments (1 additional attachments)
- #23 - 09/30/2015 - EPA Region 1's Reply to Petitioner's Response to the Motion to Strike
- #24 - 10/30/2015 - Order on Pending Motions and Setting Oral Argument
- #25 - 11/04/2015 - Response to Board Order (6 additional attachments)
- #26 - 11/04/2015 - City of Taunton Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Board Order on Pending Motions and Setting Oral Argument (1 additional attachments)
- #27 - 11/24/2015 - Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration
- #28 - 01/12/2016 - Petitioner Notice of Counsel Presenting Oral Argument
- #29 - 01/14/2016 - Notice Participating Counsel
- #30 - 01/26/2016 - Order Rescheduling Oral Argument
- #31 - 01/27/2016 - Petitioner Unopposed Motion to Allow Use of PowerPoint to Display Excerpts of the Record During Oral Argument (1 additional attachments)
- #32 - 01/28/2016 - Order Establishing Deadline for the Regions Response to Petitioner Motion to Display Excerpts of the Record During Oral Argument
- #33 - 02/01/2016 - Notice of Counsel Attending Argument
- #34 - 02/01/2016 - EPA Region 1's Response to "Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Allow Use of Powerpoint To Display Excerpts of the Record During Oral Argument
- #35 - 02/02/2016 - Petitioner 1st City of Taunton Reply in Support of Petitioner Unopposed Motion to Use PowerPoint to Display Excerpts of the Record During Oral Argument (1 additional attachments)
- #36 - 02/03/2016 - Order Granting City of Taunton Permission to Display Certain Materials by Powerpoint During Oral Arugment
- #37 - 02/08/2016 - Letter received via email -- add one additional name to list of attendees for oral argument
- #38 - 02/08/2016 - Order Rescheduling Oral Argument for February 18, 2016
- #39 - 02/11/2016 - City of Taunton Unopposed Motion to Reschedule Oral Argument
- #40 - 02/12/2016 - Order Rescheduling Oral Argument for March 1, 2016
- #41 - 02/19/2016 - Order Establishing Deadline for the Region Response to Petitioner Motion to Display Excerpts of the Record During Oral Argument, Dated January 28, 2016, addressed to J. C. Hall was "Returned To Sender Not Deliverable As Addressed Unable to Forward"
- #42 - 02/23/2016 - Order Rescheduling Oral Argument for February 18, 2016, dated February 8, 2016 addressed to J.C. Hall was Return to Sender Not Deliverable as Addressed Unable to Forward
- #43 - 02/23/2016 - Order Granting City of Taunton Permission to Display Certain Materials by Powerpoint During Oral Argument dated February 3, 2016 addressed to J.C. Hall was Return to Sender Not Deliverable as Addressed Unable to Forward
- #44 - 02/25/2016 - Petitioner Notice City of Taunton's Errata
- #45 - 02/29/2016 - Petitioner 1st City of Taunton Motion to supplement the Administrative Record (2 additional attachments)
- #46 - 03/04/2016 - Order Rescheduling Oral Argument for March 1, 2016, dated February 13, 2016 addressed to J.C. Hall was Return to Sender Not Deliverable as Addressed Unable to Forward
- #47 - 03/04/2016 - EPA Region 1 Response to the City of Taunton Motion to Supplement the Administrative Record (1 additional attachments)
- #48 - 03/08/2016 - City of Taunton Reply to EPA Region 1 Response to City Motion to Supplement the Administrative Record (1 additional attachments)
- #49 - 03/17/2016 - Petitioner Motion to Strike False and Misleading Testimony on the Record and to supplement the Administrative Record with Deposition Testimony on These Issues (2 additional attachments)
- #50 - 03/22/2016 - EPA Region 1 Response to the City of Taunton Motion to Strike and to Supplement the Administrative Record
- #51 - 03/28/2016 - Petitioner's Reply to EPA's Response to City's Motion to Strike and to Supplement the Administrative Record
- #52 - 04/06/2016 - Petitioner Motion to Remedy Improper Board Member Introduction of New Permit Appeal Issues and Burden of Proof, and Request for Recusal of Presiding Judge Ward Due to Bias
- #53 - 04/07/2016 - City of Taunton Motion to Supplement the Record with the Draft NPDES Permit for Nashua, New Hampshire (1 additional attachments)
- #54 - 04/14/2016 - Region's Cover Letter to Responses filed Apr. 14, 2016
- #55 - 04/14/2016 - Region's Response to Motion to Supplement the Administrative Record
- #56 - 04/14/2016 - Region's Response to Motion to Remedy Bias
- #57 - 04/20/2016 - Petitioner Reply in Support of its Motion to Supplement the Record
- #58 - 04/20/2016 - Petitioner Reply on Motion to Remedy Improper Board Member Introduction of New Permit Appeal Issues and Burden of Proof and Request for Removal of Presiding Judge Ward Due to Bias
- #59 - 03/15/2016 - Oral Argument Transcript held on March 1, 2016
- #60 - 05/03/2016 - Order Denying Review
- #61 - 05/13/2016 - Petitioner/Appellant Motion for Reconsideration of NPDES 15-08 ~ City of Taunton Department of Public Works (1 additional attachments)
- #62 - 05/26/2016 - Domestic Return Receipt - J. Hall
- #63 - 06/16/2016 - Order Denying Reconsideration
- #64 - 06/20/2016 - Domestic Return Receipt - J. Hall
Print Index