District Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
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| File Date | 04/12/2006
| Appeal No.(s) | NPDES 06-07; NPDES 06-08
| Docket No. | DC 0000221 |
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| Statute(s) | Clean Water Act
| Type | PERMIT
| Program(s) | NPDES |
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Index of Filings
- #1 - 04/12/2006 - Government of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Petition for Review
- #1.1 - 04/12/2006 - Government of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Exhibits to the Petition for Review
- #2 - 04/14/2006 - Clerk of the Board's Letter to William Early, Region 3, requesting response to the Petition for Review
- #3 - 04/13/2006 - Concurrences Sheet for the Clerk of the Board Letter to William Early, Region 3, Requesting Response to the Petition for Review [HARD COPY ONLY]
- #3.3 - 04/17/2006 - Friends of the Earth and Defenders of Wildlife Petition for Review
- #3.4 - 04/17/2006 - Friends of the Earth and Defenders Exhibits to the Petition for Review
- #4 - 04/18/2006 - Replacement page 1 to the Petition for Review Page --- correct permit number
- #5 - 04/20/2006 - Clerk's Letter to Lydia Isales, Acting Regional Counsel, Region 1, Requesting Response to the Petition for Review
- #6 - 04/20/2006 - Concurrences Sheet for the Clerk's Letter to Lydia Isales, Region 1, Requesting a Response to the Petition for Review (HARD COPY)
- #7 - 05/23/2006 - Fax --- Joint Motions for Stay of Proceedings, Extension of Time and Consolidation of Proceedings
- #8 - 05/24/2006 - Joint Motions for Stay of Proceedings, Extension of Time and Consolidation of Proceedings
- #9 - 05/25/2006 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Consolidation of Appeals
- #10 - 05/25/2006 - Facsimile --- To David Evans et al --- Order Granting Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Consolidation of Appeals
- #11 - 07/18/2006 - Joint Motions for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #12 - 07/18/2006 - Order Granting Second Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #13 - 07/19/2006 - Facsimile -- to David Evans et al -- Order Granting Second Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #14 - 09/21/2006 - Third Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of time
- #15 - 09/26/2006 - Order Granting Third Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #16 - 09/26/2006 - Facsimile to -- David Evans et al -- Order Granting Third Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #17 - 09/27/2006 - Third Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #18 - 11/21/2006 - Fourth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #19 - 11/22/2006 - Order Granting Fourth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #20 - 11/21/2006 - Fax to David E. Evans et al -- Order Granting Fourth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings.
- #21 - 11/28/2006 - Fourth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #22 - 02/12/2007 - Fax -- Fifth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #23 - 02/15/2007 - Fifth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #24 - 02/20/2007 - Order Granting Fifth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #25 - 02/20/2007 - Facsimile -- Order Granting Fifth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #26 - 04/05/2007 - Fax -- Sixth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #27 - 04/09/2007 - Original -- Sixth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #28 - 04/12/2007 - Order Granting Sixth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Scheduling Status Conference
- #29 - 04/12/2007 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Lori G. Kier et al -- Order Granting Sixth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceeding and Scheduling Status Conference
- #30 - 05/22/2007 - Fax -- Submission of Name of Counsel
- #31 - 05/24/2007 - Original -- Region 3 Submission of Name of Counsel (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #32 - 05/24/2007 - Petitioners' Submission of Names of Counsel
- #33 - 06/07/2007 - Received via email -- Submission of Name of Counsel
- #34 - 06/05/2007 - Seventh Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #35 - 06/07/2007 - The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority's Motion for Leave to Withdraw as a Petitioner
- #36 - 06/07/2007 - Submission of Name of Counsel
- #37 - 06/07/2007 - The District of Columbia's and District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority's Motion to Substitute and withdraw Counsel
- #38 - 06/07/2007 - Fax -- Submission of Name of Counsel
- #39 - 06/07/2007 - Fax -- The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority's Motion for Leave to Withdraw as a Petitioner
- #40 - 06/07/2007 - Fax -- The District of Columbia's and District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority's Motion to Substitute and Withdraw Counsel
- #41 - 06/13/2007 - Order Granting Seventh Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #42 - 06/13/2007 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Lori Kier et al -- Order Granting Seventh Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #43 - 06/13/2007 - Order Granting Leave for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to Withdraw as Petitioner and for the District Government to Substitute Counsel
- #44 - 06/13/2007 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Order Granting Leave for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to Withdraw as Petitioner and for the District Government to Substitute Counsel.
- #45 - 06/14/2007 - Transcript for Status Conference on June 8, 2007
- #46 - 06/14/2007 - Transcript Word Index for Status Conference on June 8, 2007
- #47 - 06/27/2007 - Original -- Petitioners Government of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority --- Submission of Name of Counsel (NPDES 06-07,NPDES 06-08) (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #48 - 08/10/2007 - Fax -- Joint Status Report
- #49 - 08/14/2007 - Original -- Joint Status Report (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #50 - 09/06/2007 - Fax -- EPA, Region 3, Eight Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time
- #51 - 09/07/2007 - Original -- Eight Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings and Extension of Time (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #52 - 09/13/2007 - Order Granting Eighth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #53 - 09/13/2007 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Lori G. Kier et al -- Order Granting Eighth Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings
- #54 - 10/29/2007 - Fax -- Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Amendment, Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice and Memorandum in Support Thereof
- #55 - 10/31/2007 - Original -- Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Amendment, Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice and Memorandum in Support Thereof (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #56 - 11/02/2007 - Received via CDX Electronic -- Response of Petitioners Friends of the Earth and Defenders of Wildlife to EPA Region III Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Amendment and Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice
- #57 - 11/06/2007 - Response of Petitioner Government of the District of Columbia to EPA Region 3's Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Amendment and Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice
- #58 - 11/08/2007 - Order Dismissing Petitions for Review
- #59 - 11/08/2007 - Facsimile Cover Sheet to David Evans et al -- Order Dismissing Petitions for Review
- #60 - 11/13/2007 - Response of Petitioners Friends of the Earth and Defenders of Wildlife to EPA Region 3 Notice of Withdrawal of Permit Amendment and Motion for Dismissal with Prejudice
Print Index