Knauf Insulation (PSD 06-01; 06-02; 06-03; 06-04; 06-05; 06-06)
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| File Date | 06/12/2006
| Appeal No.(s) | PSD 06-01; 06-02; 06-03; 06-04; 06-05; 06-06
| Docket No. | NSR-4-4-4 SAC 03-01 |
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| Statute(s) | Clean Air Act
| Type | PERMIT
| Program(s) | Prevention of Significant Deterioration |
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Index of Filings
- #1 - 06/12/2006 - Petition for Review (Henry Francis 06-01)
- #2 - 06/26/2006 - Letter to Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9, requesting response to the petition for review
- #3 - 06/14/2006 - Petition for Review (Colleen Leavitt, Mary Scott, Celeste Draisner 06-02)
- #4 - 06/26/2006 - Letter to Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9 requesting response to the petition for review
- #5 - 06/14/2006 - Petition for Review (Patricia Jiminez)
- #6 - 06/26/2006 - Letter to Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9, requesting response to the petition for review
- #7 - 06/19/2006 - Petition for Review (Joy Louise Newcom)
- #8 - 06/26/2006 - Letter to Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9, requesting a response to the petition for review
- #9 - 06/19/2006 - Petition for Review (Serafin Jiminez)
- #10 - 06/26/2006 - Letter to Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9, requesting a response to the petition for review
- #11 - 06/20/2006 - Petition for Review (Joanna Caul)
- #12 - 06/26/2006 - Letter ot Nancy J. Marvel, Region 9, requesting a response to the petition for review
- #13 - 06/19/2006 - Request for Time Extension
- #14 - 07/11/2006 - Motion for Leave to File Response Seeking Summary Disposition and Motion to Dismiss
- #15 - 07/11/2006 - Knauf Response Seeking Summary Disposition and Motion to Dismiss
- #16 - 07/11/2006 - Knauf Motion in Opposition to Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition
- #17 - 07/12/2006 - EPA Region 9's Brief in Support of Summary Disposition
- #18 - 07/26/2006 - Petitioner's Objections
- #19 - 07/26/2006 - Petitioner's Complaint
- #20 - 08/01/2006 - Petitioner's letter of Concern
- #21 - 09/05/2006 - Celeste Draisner, requesting remand back to EPA
- #21.1 - 09/05/2006 - Celeste Draisner's attachments
- #22 - 10/13/2006 - E-filed-- EPA Region 9's Motion to File Response; Motion to Strike Filings as Untimely
- #22.1 - 10/13/2006 - EPA Region 9's Motion to File Response; Motion to Strike Filings as Untimely Attachment 1
- #22.2 - 10/13/2006 - EPA Region 9's Motion to File Response; Motion to Strike Filings as Untimely Attachment 2
- #23 - 10/17/2006 - Original --- EPA Region 9's Motion to File Response; Motion to Strike Filings as untimely with attachments
- #24 - 06/14/2006 - Request for Time Extension
- #24 - 06/14/2006 - Request for Time Extension
- #25 - 10/31/2006 - Motion to File Response; Concurrence with EPA's Motion to Strike Petitioners' Untimely Filings; and Motion for Expeditious Summary Disposition Ruling
- #26 - 11/14/2006 - Order Denying Review
- #27 - 11/21/2006 - Domestic Return Receipt (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #28 - 11/27/2006 - Domestic Return Receipt (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #29 - 11/28/2006 - Domestic Return Receipt (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #30 - 11/30/2006 - Domestic Return Receipt (HARD COPY ONLY)
Print Index