West Bay Exploration Company
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| File Date | 05/08/2014
| Appeal No.(s) | UIC 14-66; UIC 14-67
| Docket No. | MI-075-2D-0010 |
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| Statute(s) | Safe Drinking Water Act
| Type | PERMIT
| Program(s) | UIC |
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Index of Filings
- #1 - 05/08/2014 - P. Bormuth, Petition for Review (UIC 14-66)
- #1.01 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 1 -- Anhydrite
- #1.02 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 2, What Lies Beneath the threat from oilfield waste injection wells
- #1.03 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 3, Benzene
- #1.04 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 4, A review of the engineering behaviour of soils and rocks with respect to groundwater
- #1.05 - 05/09/2014 - Attachment 5, Myotis sodalis
- #1.06 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 6, Review of the forest habitat relationships of the Indiana Bat(Myotis sodalis)
- #1.07 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 7, Draft, Investigation of Ground Water Contamination near Pavillion, Wyoming
- #1.08 - 05/09/2014 - Attachment 8, The EPA Draft Report of Groundwater Contamination Near Pavillion, Wyoming; Main Findings and Stakeholder Responses
- #1.09 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 9, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
- #1.10 - 05/08/2014 - Mechanism of gypsification
- #1.11 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 11, The Gypsum--Anhydrite Equilibrium at one Atomosphere Pressure
- #1.12 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 12, Crystallization, Alternation and Recrystallization of Sulphates
- #1.13 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 13, The Dissolution and Conversion of Gypsum and Anhydrite
- #1.14 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 14, Review Paper, Hydrogeology of Sedimentary Basins
- #1.15 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 15, Diet of the Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) on the Northern Edge of its Range
- #1.16 - 05/09/2014 - Attachment 16, Origin and Diagenesis of Gypsum and Anhydrite
- #1.17 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 17, Ground Water, Potential Contaminant Pathways from Hydraulically Fractured Shale to Aquifers
- #1.18 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 18, Investigations on the swelling behavior of pure anhydrites
- #1.19 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 19, Damage to the Historic Town of Staufen (Germany) caused by geothermal drillings through Anhydrite-Bearing formations
- #1.20 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 20, Journal--The Activation effect of K2SO4 on the Hydration of Gypsum Anhydrite, CaSO4(II)
- #1.21 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 21, Swelling Rock in Tunnels: Rock Characterization, Effect of Horizontal Stresses and Construction Procedures
- #1.22 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 22, Geochemical evidence for possible natural migration of Marcellus Formation brine to shallow aquifers in Pennsylvania
- #1.23 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 23, Recent cross-formational fluid flow and mixing in the shallow Michigan Basin
- #1.24 - 05/08/2014 - Attachment 24, Solubility Measurements in the System
- #2 - 05/09/2014 - Fax -- Certificate of Service
- #3 - 05/14/2014 - Notice of Apperance of Counsel
- #4 - 05/14/2014 - S. Yerman Petition for Review (UIC 14-67)
- #5 - 05/16/2014 - Received via Fax -- Regarding UIC Appeal sent by Express Mail (UIC 14-67)
- #6 - 05/22/2014 - Fax -- Motion to Allow Filing of Petition
- #7 - 05/22/2014 - EPA Region 5 Motion for an Extension of Time to File a Response to Petition for Review
- #8 - 05/28/2014 - Received via Fax -- Statement of Compliance (UIC 14-66)
- #9 - 05/28/2014 - Received via Fax -- Petitioner P. Bormuth's Response to EPA Region 5 motion for an Extension of Time to File a Response to Petition for Review (UIC 14-66)
- #10 - 05/28/2014 - Letter -- Requesting the Board to file and docket her UIC Appeal due to receiving an incorrect mailing address
- #11 - 05/28/2014 - EPA Region 5 Response to Motion to Allow Filing of Petition for Review (UIC 14-67)
- #12 - 05/29/2014 - Received via Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Response to Yerman Motion to File Untimely Petition for Review UIC 14-67 (UIC 14-66)
- #13 - 06/02/2014 - Order Granting Extension of Time to File Response to Petition for Review (UIC 14-66)
- #14 - 06/02/2014 - Received via Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Corrected Response to Yerman Motion to File Untimely Petition for Review UIC 14-67 (UIC 14-66)
- #15 - 06/05/2014 - Received via Fax -- S. Yerman, Reply to Response Petitioner Objects (UIC 14-67)
- #16 - 06/12/2014 - Permit Issuer EPA Region 5 Response to Petition for Review (20 additional attachments)
- #17 - 06/13/2014 - Letter to J. Steketee, Region 5, correct appeal number
- #18 - 06/16/2014 - Received via Fax--Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Motion to Strike EPA Region 5's Response to Untimely Petition for Review UIC 14-67 (UIC 14-66)
- #19 - 06/17/2014 - Permit Issuer, EPA Region 5 Response to Motion to Strike Response (UIC 14-67)
- #20 - 06/20/2014 - Facsimile - Notice of Incorrect USPS Mail Address
- #21 - 06/26/2014 - Incorrect Administrative Record
- #22 - 06/30/2014 - Received via U.S. Postal Service -- Incorrect Administrative Record that was also Filed via Fax on June 25, 2014
- #23 - 07/03/2014 - Order Denying Review (UIC 14-67)
- #24 - 07/10/2014 - Permit Issuer EPA Region 5 Response to Petition for Review (26 additional attachments)
- #25 - 07/16/2014 - Received via Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Reply to EPA Response to Petition for Review UIC 14-66
- #26 - 09/22/2014 - Order Denying Review (UIC 14-66)
- #27 - 09/30/2014 - Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Motion for Reconsideration Under 40 C.F.R. 124.19(m) of EAB Order Denying Review (UIC 14-66)
- #28 - 10/01/2014 - Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Motion to Supplement the Record with Existing Attachments 1,2,3,4,7,8,10,11,13,14,17,18,20,21,22,23, 24 & New Attachment #25 (UIC 14-66)
- #29 - 10/08/2014 - EPA Region 5 Response to Motion for Reconsideration and Motion to Supplement the Record (UIC 14-66)
- #30 - 10/10/2014 - Fax -- Petitioner Peter Bormuth's Reply to EPA Response to Motion for Reconsideration Under 40 D.F.R. 124.19(m) of EAB Order Denying Review and Motion to Supplement the Record (UIC 14-66)
- #31 - 10/21/2014 - Order Denying Reconsideration (UIC 14-66)
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