John A. Biewer of Toledo, Inc., et al
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| File Date | 05/21/2010
| Appeal No.(s) | RCRA (3008) 10-01; RCRA (3008) 10-02
| Docket No. | RCRA-05-2008- |
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| Statute(s) | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
| Type | PENALTY
| Program(s) | 1 |
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Index of Filings
- #1 - - Initial Decision Regarding penalty (RCRA 10-01)
- #2 - - Initial Decision Regarding Penalty
- #3 - 05/21/2010 - Complainant's Notice of Appeal and Motion for an Extension of time within which to File a Brief (RCRA 10-02)
- #4 - 05/21/2010 - Complainant's Notice of Appeal and Motion for an Extension of Time within which to file a brief (RCRA 10-02)
- #5 - 05/25/2010 - Letter to Karen L. Peaceman and Gary Steinbauer, Attorneys, offering parties the option to participate in ADR Program
- #6 - 05/25/2010 - Concurrence Sheet - Letter to Karen L. Peaceman and Gary Steinbauer, Attorneys, offering parties the option to participate in ADR Program (HARD COPY ONLY)
- #7 - 05/26/2010 - Order Granting, In Part, The Region's Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Brief
- #8 - 05/26/2010 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Order Granting, In Part, The Region's Motion for Extension of Time to File Appeal Brief
- #9 - 06/03/2010 - Complainant's Identification of Issues on Appeal
- #10 - 08/03/2010 - Complainant's Brief in Support of Its Notice of Appeal, Oral Argument Requested, Confidential Business Information Redacted
- #11 - 08/05/2010 - Complainant's Brief in Support of Its Notice of Appeal, Oral Argument Requested, Confidential Business Information Redacted -- (HARD COPY)
- #12 - 08/12/2010 - Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time within which to file Response Brief
- #13 - 08/23/2010 - Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response Brief
- #14 - 08/23/2010 - Facsimile Cover Sheet - Karen Peaceman et al - Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response Brief
- #15 - 10/18/2010 - Appeal Brief of Respondents-Appellees Oral Argument Requested
- #15.01 - 10/18/2010 - Appeal Brief of Respondents-Appellees Oral Argument Requested - Certificate of Service
- #15.02 - 10/18/2010 - Appeal Brief of Respondents-Appellees Oral Argument Requested - Certificate Regarding Paper Filing
- #16 - 10/22/2010 - Complainant's Motion to File a Brief in Response to Appeal Brief of Respondents-Appellees
- #17 - 10/25/2010 - Response to Complainant's Motion to File a Brief in Response to Appeal Brief of Respondents-Appellees
- #18 - 10/25/2010 - Certificate of Service
- #19 - 11/10/2010 - Order Granting Motion to File Reply Brief and Setting Deadline for Filing Surreply
- #20 - 11/10/2010 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Order Granting Motion to File Reply Brief and Setting Deadline for Filing Surreply
- #21 - 11/23/2010 - Complainant's Reply Brief in Support of its Appeal
- #22 - 12/13/2010 - Surreply Brief of Respondents
- #23 - 12/13/2010 - Certificate of Service
- #24 - 02/21/2013 - Final Decision and Order
- #25 - 02/21/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- Final Decision and Order
- #26 - 02/21/2013 - Facsimile Cover Sheet -- First Page Replacement of the Final decision and Order
Print Index