Filing - Facsimile Cover Sheet to Brian Doster, Kristi Smith, Elliott Zenick, Deborah Jordan, Ann Lyons, Patrice Simms, John Barth, Jeffrey Holmstead, Richard Alonso, Louis Denetsosie, D. Harrison Tsosie, Douglas MacCourt, Michael Sandmire, Paul Seby, Marian Larsen, Leslie Barnhart, Eric Ames, Seth Cohen, Nicholas Persampieri, Anne Weeks, Kevin Lynch, Amy Atwood, Kristen Welker-Hood et al -- Order Denying Motion to Participate
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Link to Filing (PDF. 278 KB, 4 pages)
EAB Appeal Number(s): PSD 08-03; PSD 08-04; PSD 08-05; PSD 08-06
Filing Number: 178
Filing Date: 05/21/2009
Case Name: Desert Rock Energy Company, LLC
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