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Dockets by EPA Region 10

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Complaint DateStatusCase
07/13/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0186) Washington Fruit & Produce Company
07/13/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0190) TK Hudson, LLC
07/12/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0155) TDY Industries, LLC
07/12/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0150) Standard Restoration LLC
07/12/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0198) Owyhee Enterprises LLC
07/05/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0180) Smith Frozen Foods, Inc.
07/05/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0161) Kline Construction and Assoc LLC
06/28/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0177) Avimor Development, LLC
06/28/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0187) Asbestos Central, LLC
06/22/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0194) Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC
06/21/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0163) McCall River Ranch Company
06/21/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0191) Microchip Technology, Inc.
06/03/2022  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2022-0185) Swanson Group MFG, LLC
06/03/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0192) United States Air Force - Eareckson Air Station
05/17/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0033) Williams Coroporation, NW Pipeline LLC
05/17/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0160) Robert Yundt Homes, LLC
04/29/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0183) Riverside, Inc.
04/29/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0179) OBI Seafoods, LLC
04/28/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0124) Mountain Scape, Inc. and Tricore Investments, LLC
04/28/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0151) Toll Bros, Inc.
04/28/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0156) Border City Lodge
04/25/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0031) City of Pelican, Alaska
04/22/2022  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0165) Walker Emulsions, Inc.
04/14/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0162) Ravn Alaska
04/04/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0215) Thermo Fluids, Inc.
04/04/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0128) City of Tensed, Idaho
03/30/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0034) Space Age Fuel, Inc.
03/22/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0149) Port of Chinook
03/21/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0153) Flight Doctor West, LLC
03/15/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0123) Greasy Greg's LLC, Posey's Mech-Ele Repair LLC, Greg S. Posey
03/10/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0032) Granite Excavation, Inc. & M3 ID Falcon Crest, LLC
03/08/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0125) Kettle Cuisine, LLC
03/08/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0010) Port of Port Angeles
03/08/2022  Closed  (RCRA-10-2022-0122) US Air Force Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson
02/16/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0012) GT Metals & Salvage, LLC
02/07/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0035) Hilcorp Alaska, LLC
02/04/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0018) George Conkel LLC
02/04/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0019) Walther IHA LLC
02/04/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0022) Integrity Remodeling, Inc.
02/04/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0026) Blue Sound Construction, Inc.
02/01/2022  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2022-0120) Griffith Rubber Mills
01/26/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0030) Sundance Lumber Company, Inc.
01/26/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0020) Kustom US, Inc.
01/24/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0027) Cody Karst
01/18/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0023) Forrest Paint Company
01/12/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0017) Five Star Associates Inc.
01/07/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0164) Silverhawk Aviation Services, LLC
01/06/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0003) Western Timber Products, Inc. - Council, ID
01/06/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0005) Western Timber Products, Inc - Weiser, ID
01/05/2022  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0025) Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
01/05/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0016) A1 Asbestos LLC
01/05/2022  Closed  (TSCA-10-2022-0021) Pella Inland Northwest, Inc.
01/03/2022  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0156) Cascade Aircraft Management, LLC
12/22/2021  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0015) Hurricane Diesel Performance LLC
12/22/2021  Active  (EPCRA-10-2022-0024) SGL Composites LLC
12/14/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2022-0001) Challenger Development, Inc. a/k/a Aegean Estates Subdivision No. 2
11/29/2021  Closed  (CAA-10-2022-0014) R. C. Mast, Inc.
11/04/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0207) Toll Bros, Inc.
11/02/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0175) Midfield Aviation, LLC
11/01/2021  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2022-0009) Leading Edge Aviation, LLC
09/24/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0142) AD800, LLC & Brownstone Construction Management
09/23/2021  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2021-0135) Pro-Flight Aviation, Inc.
09/23/2021  Closed  (RCRA-10-2021-0213) United States Air Force: Eielson Air Force Base
09/23/2021  Closed  (RCRA-10-2021-0214) Huntwood Industries, Inc.
09/22/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0195) East West Seafoods, LLC
09/22/2021  Closed  (RCRA-10-2021-0193) ON Semiconductor
09/21/2021  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0056) Riverbend Landfill Co.
04/29/2021  Active  (CWA-10-2021-0097) Astro Auto Wrecking, LLC
04/28/2021  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2021-0067) Kaliber Global, LLC
04/27/2021  Closed  (CAA-10-2021-0087) Columbia Fruit Packers, Inc.
04/27/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0057) ZWJ Properties, LLC, Win Hollow Subdivision
02/11/2021  Closed  (CWA-10-2021-0035) Carl Grissom, an Individual
12/02/2020  Active  (TSCA-10-2021-0006) Greenbuild Design & Construction, LLC
09/30/2020  Closed  (CWA-10-2020-0181) Kirk Wilson, an Individual
08/08/2019  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2019-0123) Multistar Industries, Inc
05/17/2018  Closed  (RCRA-10-2018-0256) Kenneth A. Stedham, d/b/a Bi-Rights Motors Company
04/16/2018  Closed  (TSCA-10-2018-0266) CAFCO
02/26/2018  Closed  (CAA10-2018-0260) Wheeler Rock Products & Trina Wheeler
09/29/2017  Closed  (TSCA-10-2017-0186) Thomas and Judith Murray
05/22/2017  Closed  (CWA-10-2017-0107) The Jerry Brown Co., Inc.
06/20/2016  Active  (CWA-10-2016-0109) Dave Erlanson, Sr, Individual
06/20/2016  Closed  (CWA-10-2016-0111) Robert Paul Rice, Jr. Individual
04/14/2016  Closed  (CAA-10-2016-0044) Tesoro Refining and Marketing Comapany LLC
06/10/2015  Active  (RCRA-10-2015-0108) 76 X-Press, LLC
10/08/2014  Closed  (CAA-10-2015-0008) Seafreeze Cold Storage
09/30/2014  Closed  (TSCA-10-2014-0164) Ronald Edwin Dyer
09/23/2014  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0141) Pacific Air Research, Inc.
09/09/2014  Active  (EPCRA-10-2014-0162) Gly-Tek, Inc.
03/07/2014  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2014-0031) Nufarm Americas Inc.
08/08/2013  Closed  (CWA-10-2013-0117) Wondrack Distributing Inc.
07/24/2013  Closed  (CWA-10-2013-0107) Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
07/24/2013  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2013-0115) Star Ice & Fuel, Inc.
07/16/2013  Closed  (CWA-10-2013-0123) Special Interest Auto Works, Inc. and Troy Peterson, Individual
04/03/2013  Closed  (TSCA-10-2013-0073) Oil Re-Refining Company
03/28/2013  Closed  (CWA-10-2013-0035) Tyree Oil, Inc.
03/28/2013  Closed  (SDWA-10-2013-0046) US Air Force 611th Air Support
02/28/2013  Closed  (RCRA-10-2013-0066) In Suck Yi and Hye Rang Yi
12/12/2012  Closed  (EPCRA-10-2013-0036) General Biodiesel, Inc.
10/15/2012  Closed  (TSCA-10-2013-0018) Residential Property Management of Idaho
09/27/2012  Closed  (FIFRA-10-2012-0208) Gardner-Fields, Inc. and IBC Manufacturing Co.

(1669 entries in this collection)
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