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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4514(b) CAFO (Town of Red Springs, North Carolina)
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4513(b) CAFO (Holder, Hunt, Russell, Moody, New Atlanta Stadium site)
09/30/2015  RCRA-02-2015-7101 Consent agreement and final order. (ECO International LLC)
09/30/2015  CAA-03-2015-0265 Super CAFO (Hopewell Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, CAA, SCAFO)
09/30/2015  CERCLA-04-2015-2047(b) CAFO (JIT Chemicals)
09/30/2015  CAA-02-2015-1210 Consent agreement and final order. (CEMEX de Puerto Rico, Inc.)
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4510(b) CAFO (NDP, LLC d/b/a New Dixie Used Auto Parts, Atlanta, GA)
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4502(b) CAFO (The Ryland Group, Inc.)
09/30/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0018A Consent Agreement and Final Order (The Curators of the University of Missouri; UMKC Volker Campus and UMKC Dental School)
09/30/2015  RCRA 06-2015-0936 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Flowchem Technologies)
09/30/2015  CAA-07-2015-0020 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (GFG Ag Services, LLC)
09/30/2015  CAA-07-2015-0039 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Flint Hills Resources Menlo, LLC)
09/30/2015  CAA-01-2015-0044 CAFO (City of Meriden)
09/30/2015  EPCRA-01-2015-0045 CAFO (Laticrete International, Inc.)
09/30/2015  RCRA-09-2015-0012 (Clean Harbors Buttonwillow (#2))
09/30/2015  CAA(112R)-09-2015-0008 (South Pacific Petroleum Corp.)
09/30/2015  SDWA-09-2015-0001 (Arvin Community Services District)
09/30/2015  RCRA-09-2015-0010 (East Bay Municipal Utility District)
09/30/2015  CAA-09-2015-0002 Consent Agreement And Final Order (Estes Express Lines)
09/30/2015  FIFRA-09-2015-0015 (Integro Incorporated)
09/30/2015  TSCA-09-2015-0017 (American Vanguard Corp.)
09/30/2015  CAA(112R)-09-2015-0009 (City of San Diego - Alvarado)
09/30/2015  CAA(112R)-09-2015-0007 (Tristar Terminals Guam Inc.)
09/30/2015  EPCRA-09-2015-0003 (National Beef California)
09/29/2015  RCRA-04-2015-4016(b) CAFO (CF Industries, Inc.)
09/29/2015  EPCRA-04-2015-2045(b) CAFO (Protech Metal Finishing, LLC)
09/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0218 Super consent agreement and final order (City of Hopewell, Virginia, CWA, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  CWA-04-2015-4505(b) CAFO (Beazer Homes USA, Inc.)
09/29/2015  CWA-04-2015-4503(b) CAFO (Beazer Homes USA, Inc.)
09/29/2015  CAA-05-2015-0051 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Buckeye Recycling Corp. -CAFO- (Columbus, Ohio))
09/29/2015  SDWA-02-2015-8402 Consent agreement and final order. (Ridgewood Water)
09/29/2015  EPCRA-08-2015-0005 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (NICHOLAS & COMPANY)
09/29/2015  RCRA-04-2015-2014(b) CAFO (Century Aluminum Sebree LLC)
09/29/2015  TSCA-02-2015-9101 Consent agreement and final order. (38 COAH Associates, LLC)
09/29/2015  CWA-02-2015-3802 Expediated settlement agreement. (Virgin Islands Paving, Inc.)
09/29/2015  CWA-04-2015-4504(b) CAFO (Beazer Homes USA, Inc.)
09/29/2015  EPCRA-04-2015-2028(b) CAFO (Purity Dairy)
09/29/2015  FIFRA-03-2015-0259 Super consent agreement and final order (Shore Corp., FIFRA, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  CERC/EPC-03-2015-0119 Super CAFO (Delaware City Refining Company LLC, CERC/EPC- 03-2015-0119, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  CWA-04-2015-4501(b) CAFO (The Ryland Group, Inc.)
09/29/2015  CWA-02-2015-3803 Expediated settlement agreement. (Island Roads Asphalt)
09/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0253 Super CAFO (Tolino's Fuel Service, Inc., CWA, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  FIFRA-03-2015-0193 Consent agreement and final order (Misco Products Corp., FIFRA, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0070 Consent Agreement and Final Order (C&W Harrison Co)
09/29/2015  CWA-07-2015-0034 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Shamrock Food Mart #3)
09/29/2015  CAA 06-2015-3363 Consent Agreement and Final Order (K-Solv, L.P.)
09/29/2015  CWA-07-2015-0035 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (4-H Diesel LLC)
09/29/2015  FIFRA-03-2015-0211 EXP. CAFO (Main Pool and Chemical Company, Inc., FIFRA, EXP. CAFO)
09/29/2015  CWA-01-2015-0033 CAFO (Nexamp, Inc. )
09/29/2015  FIFRA-03-2015-0260 Super consent agreement and final order (AgroChem, Inc., and ChemGro Fertilizer Co., Inc., FIFRA, SCAFO)
09/29/2015  RCRA-01-2015-0069 CAFO (Con-way Freight, Inc. )
09/29/2015  RCRA-03-2015-0221 Super CAFO (US Air Force, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, SCAFO, RCRA)
09/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0037 copy of CAFO (Ft. Lincoln Retail, LLC, a/k/a Fort Lincoln Retail, CWA, Complaint)
09/29/2015  CWA-07-2015-0015 Consent Agreement/Final Order (Audubon Readymix LLC d/b/a Quicksilver Readymix LLC)
09/29/2015  UIC-09-2015-0002 (Vacation Inns International)
09/29/2015  FIFRA-09-2015-0014 (Bird-B-Gone Incorporated)
09/28/2015  CWA-07-2015-0014 Consent Agreement/Final Order (Audubon Materials LLC; d/b/a Central Plains Cement Company LLC)
09/28/2015  RCRA-05-2015-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Actavis, Inc. -CAFO- (Gurnee, Illinois))
09/28/2015  CAA-07-2015-0040 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Kaup Seed and Fertilizer Inc.)
09/28/2015  SDWA-08-2015-0026 Consent Agreement and Final Order (INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL ELECTRIC)
09/28/2015  TSCA-08-2015-0001 Expedited Consent Agreement and Final Order (FORTUNE HOMES, INC.)
09/28/2015  CWA-08-2015-0025 Combined Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (ACME CONCRETE PAVING, INC.)
09/28/2015  CAA-05-2015-0063 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Alton Steel, Inc. (Alton, Illinois))
09/28/2015  SDWA-08-2015-0025 Consent Agreement/Final Order (DEER MOUNTAIN FIRE DISTRICT #3 - COTOPAXI FIRE AND RESCUE)
09/28/2015  CAA-01-2015-0064 CAFO (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory )
09/28/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0023 Order and Consent Agreement and Final Order (Envirotech, Inc)
09/28/2015  TSCA-01-2015-0050 CAFO (Whitney Management and Maintenance Co.)
09/25/2015  FIFRA-02-2015-5101 Consent agreement and final order. (VIP Beauty Group, LLC)
09/25/2015  CAA-05-2015-0062 Consent Agreement and Final Order (I Schumann & Co. LLC -CAFO- -SEP- (Bedford, Ohio))
09/25/2015  CAA-05-2015-0061 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Glenn Hunter and Associates, Inc. -CAFO- EPA-5-15-113(a)-OH-10 (Delta, Ohio) - INSTALLMENTS - )
09/25/2015  FIFRA-02-2015-5015 Consent agreement and final order. (INDCO Inc.)
09/25/2015  CAA-04-2015-1588 Consent Agreement and Final Order (4 Lane Auto Salvage, Inc. -CAFO- -SEP- (Nashville, Tennessee))
09/25/2015  CAA-02-2015-1207 Consent Agreement and final order. (NOCO Energy Corp.)
09/25/2015  SDWA-02-2015-8403 Consent agreement and final order. (Ocean Gate Water Department)
09/25/2015  FIFRA-05-2015-0047 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Industrial Specialty Chemicals, Inc. -CAFO- (Harvey, Illinois))
09/25/2015  CAA-05-2013-0010 Second Amended Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gopher Resources, LLC -CAFO- - SEP - (Eagan, Minnesota))
09/24/2015  CAA-10-2015-0151 CAFO (Unified Grocers, Inc.)
09/24/2015  CAA-04-2015-8000(b) CAFO (Koch Foods, Inc.)
09/24/2015  CWA-10-2015-0138 CAFO (Placer Mining)
09/24/2015  CWA-07-2015-0074 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Iowa Fertilizer Company, LLC and Orascom E&C USA, Inc.)
09/24/2015  CWA-07-2015-0048 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Pink Hills Acres, Inc)
09/24/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Repairs Unlimited, Inc.)
09/24/2015  CWA-07-2015-0070 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Mid-America Sand, LLC)
09/23/2015  CWA-08-2015-0023 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order with Corrected Certificate of Service (KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION - NORTH CENTRAL)
09/23/2015  CWA-08-2015-0023 Combined Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION - NORTH CENTRAL)
09/23/2015  CWA-08-2015-0024 Combined Complaint Consent Agreement and Final Order (CITY OF BURLINGTON, COLORADO)
09/23/2015  CAA-05-2015-0060 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gavilon Grain, LLC (Abingdon, Illinois) Gavilon Grain LLC (Alexis, Illinois) Gavilon Global Ag Holdings, LLC -CAFO- (Joliet, Illinois) )
09/23/2015  CAA-05-2015-0059 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lafarge North America Inc. -CAFO- (Paulding, Ohio))
09/23/2015  RCRA-05-2015-0015 Expedited Settlement Agreement (All-Brite Anodizing Company -ESA- (Northlake, Illinois))
09/23/2015  EPCRA 06-2015-0506 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Toyota Motor Manufacturing)
09/23/2015  RCRA 06-2015-0923 Consent Agreement and Final Order (UHS Of TEXOMA MEDICAL, INC.)
09/23/2015  RCRA 06-2015-0904 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PERGAN MARSHALL LLC)
09/23/2015  RCRA 06-2015-0941 Consent Agreement and Final Order (BADDLEY CHEMIALS, INC.)
09/23/2015  OPA-09-2015-0001 (Safety-Kleen)
09/22/2015  RCRA-03-2015-0202 Super CAFO (MI Metals, Inc., RCRA, SCAFO)
09/22/2015  EPCRA-04-2015-2039(b) CAFO (Eastman Chemical Company)
09/22/2015  CERCLA-04-2015-2030(b) CAFO (Southern States Phosphate and Fertilizer Company)
09/22/2015  CWA-04-2015-4511(b) CAFO (The City of Lewisburg, Tennesse)
09/22/2015  CWA-04-2015-5004(b) CAFO (Petroci USA, Inc.)
09/22/2015  CAA-07-2015-0034 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Alldredge Feed & Seed, Inc.)

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