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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
09/17/2014  CAA-01-2014-0048 CAFO (Associated Grocers of New England)
09/17/2014  FIFRA-01-2014-0061 CAFO (Bradford Soap International, Inc.)
09/16/2014  TSCA-03-2014-0266 Super consent agreement and final order (APM Vocational Institute, LLC., TSCA, SCAFO)
09/16/2014  TSCA-03-2014-0266 Super consent agreement and final order (APM Vocational Institute, LLC., TSCA, SCAFO)
09/16/2014  CWA-10-2014-0111 CAFO (Sawdust Supply Company, Inc.)
09/16/2014  CWA-10-2014-0151 CAFO (US Silver - Idaho, Inc.)
09/16/2014  CWA-10-2014-0144 CAFO (Jayo Constructions, Inc. & Jayo Development Inc.)
09/16/2014  CWA-02-2014-3806 Expediated settlement agreement. (AbbVie LTD)
09/16/2014  CWA-07-2014-0085 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Douglas and Renee Sunderman D/B/A/Sunderman Feedlots)
09/16/2014  CAA-07-2014-0024 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (ESA) (Farmers Cooperative Association)
09/16/2014  FIFRA 06-2014-0324 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (Smart Vet USA, Inc.)
09/16/2014  CWA-07-2014-1002 COMPLAINT AND CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (City of Madrid, Iowa)
09/15/2014  FIFRA-03-2014-0269 Super consent agreement and final order (The Mill of Black Horse LLC, FIFRA, SCAFO )
09/15/2014  FIFRA-03-2014-0217 Super cafo (E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, FIFRA, SCAFO)
09/15/2014  FIFRA-03-2014-0217 super consent agreement and final order (E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, FIFRA, SCAFO)
09/15/2014  FIFRA-05-2014-0030 Consent Agreement and Final Order (EZ-Groom, Inc. -CAFO- (Oak Park, Michigan))
09/15/2014  FIFRA-3-2014-0268 Super consent agreement and final order (The Mill of Whiteford LLC, FIFRA, SCAFO, Cardiff, MD)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2013-4830 Consent Agreement and Final Order (M-I L.L.C.)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2014-4816 Consent Agreement and Final Order (CROSSTEX ENERGY)
09/15/2014  FIFRA-05-2014-0029 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Two Guys and a Grow Shop, LLC -CAFO- -Installments- (Lennon, Michigan))
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2014-4330 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (WILLIFORD PETROLEUM)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2013-4833 Consent Agreement and Final Order (M-I L.L.C.)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2013-4829 Consent Agreement and Final Order (M-I L.L.C. HOS Shore Base Facility)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2014-4831 Consent Agreement and Final Order (M-I L.L.C.)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2013-4832 Consent Agreement and Final Order (M-I L.L.C.)
09/15/2014  CWA 06-2014-4331 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (HIGH ENERGY)
09/12/2014  CAA-02-2007-1221 Consent agreement and final order. (INyX USA, Ltd,)
09/12/2014  RCRA-10-2014-0127 CAFO (Kronos Micronutrients, LP)
09/12/2014  CAA-01-2014-0054 CAFO (Lake Champlain Transportation Company, Shelburne, VT)
09/12/2014  CAA-01-2014-0053 CAFO (Lake Champlain Transportation Company, Burlington, VT)
09/11/2014  EPCRA-04-2014-2043(b) CAFO (Bon L Manufacturing Company)
09/11/2014  CWA-02-2010-3358 Consent agreement and final order. (Municipality of Culebra)
09/11/2014  FIFRA-04-2014-3133(b) CAFO (Mytech, Inc.)
09/11/2014  TSCA-02-2014-9273 Expediated settlement agreement (L & D Painting & Lead Abatement)
09/11/2014  CAA-05-2014-0048 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Carbide Technologies, Inc. -ESA- (Fraser, Michigan))
09/11/2014  FIFRA-04-2014-3131(b) CAFO (Caribbean Pool Service, Inc.)
09/11/2014  FIFRA-04-2014-3125(b) CAFO (Alltech Water Company, Inc.)
09/11/2014  FIFRA-04-2014-3127(b) CAFO (Ellis AG, LLC)
09/11/2014  FIFRA-04-2014-3132(b) CAFO (Excel AG Corporation)
09/11/2014  SDWA-02-2014-8402 Consent agreement and final order. (Emerald Beach Resort I Public Water System)
09/11/2014  SDWA-02-2014-8403 Consent agreement and final order. (Emerald Beach Resort II Public Water System)
09/11/2014  CWA-07-2014-0084 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Sisters of Mercy)
09/11/2014  CWA-07-2014-0068 COMPLAINT AND CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (City of Jefferson, Missouri)
09/11/2014  RCRA 06-2014-0912 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Maverick Tube Corporation & Hydril Company & Tenaris Coiled Tubes, LLC)
09/11/2014  EPCRA-09-2014-0002 (AllenCo Energy (Count Three))
09/11/2014  CAA(112R)-09-2014-0003 (AllenCo Energy (Count One))
09/11/2014  SPCC-09-2014-0001 (AllenCo Energy (Count Two))
09/10/2014  EPCRA-02-2014-4204 Consent agreement and final order. (Ametek Inc., Aerospace and Defense Division)
09/10/2014  RCRA-02-2014-7502 Consent agreement and final order. (Morgan Stanley)
09/10/2014  TSCA-10-2014-0149 ESA (Dakota Remodeling LLC)
09/09/2014  TSCA-04-2014-2514(b) CAFO (RussTech Admixtures, Inc.)
09/09/2014  CWA-10-2014-0167 CAFO (NANA OILFIELD SERVICES, INC.)
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-4504(b) CAFO (The City of Anderson, South Carolina)
09/09/2014  CAA-04-2014-1518(b) CAFO (Whitfield County, Georgia)
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-7003(b) CAFO (Certain Teed Corporation)
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-7001(b) CAFO (H & S Fuels)
09/09/2014  TSCA-05-2014-0021 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Holman Brothers Painting -ESA- (Elida, Ohio))
09/09/2014  RCRA-05-2014-0012 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Crane Composites, Inc. -CAFO- (Goshen, Indiana))
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-7006(b) CAFO (Wilkerson Fuel Company)
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-7005(b) CAFO (Kentucky Utilities Company)
09/09/2014  CAA-05-2014-0047 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Central Grocers, Inc. -ESA- (Joliet, Illinois))
09/09/2014  CWA-08-2014-0027 FINAL ORDER (SKOGLUND EXCAVATING, INC.)
09/09/2014  CWA-08-2014-0026 FINAL ORDER (CHRISTOPHER LOVATO)
09/09/2014  CWA-04-2014-7007(b) CAFO (Harrison Construction Division of APAC Atlantic, Inc.)
09/08/2014  CWA-10-2014-0157 CAFO (Ballard Oil Company)
09/08/2014  SDWA-02-2014-8401 Consent agreement and final order. (United States Department of the Army)
09/08/2014  RCRA-10-2014-0163 CAFO (Flint Hills Resources Alaska, LLC - North Pole Refinery)
09/08/2014  CAA-03-2014-0246 Super consent agreement and final order (MarkWest Liberty Bluestone, LLC, Bluestone Gas, Sarsen Gas, CAA, SCAFO )
09/08/2014  SDWA 06-2013-1119 Closure of Administrative Order (LBG Operating Company)
09/05/2014  RCRA-04-2014-4001(b) CAFO (American Esoteric Laboratories)
09/05/2014  EPCRA-04-2014-2021(b) CAFO (Nichirin Tennessee Inc.)
09/05/2014  TSCA-02-2014-9283 Consent agreement and final order (Linear Environmental Corp.)
09/04/2014  CWA-02-2014-3803 St. Croix Renaissance Group LLC (St. Croix Renassance Group LLC)
09/04/2014  CWA-02-2014-3804 Expediated settlement agreement. (Diageo USVI Distillery)
09/04/2014  CWA-04-2014-5002(b) CAFO (Kentucky Utilities Company)
09/04/2014  CWA-04-2014-5003(b) CAFO (U-Save Mart, Inc.)
09/04/2014  RCRA-04-2014-4003(b) CAFO (Southern Industrial Chemicals, Inc.)
09/04/2014  RCRA-04-2014-4010(b) CAFO (Ferry Division of the North Carolina Department of Transportation)
09/04/2014  RCRA-04-2014-4204(b) CAFO (Export PC Store, Inc.)
09/04/2014  CAA-08-2014-0009 Combined Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (GLAXOSMITHKLINE VACCINES, NA)
09/04/2014  CAA 06-2014-3524 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (EOG Resources, Inc. Milton Hub)
09/04/2014  EPCRA-09-2013-0007 (Veris Gold USA Inc.)
09/03/2014  CAA-04-2014-1515(b) CAFO (The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham)
09/03/2014  CAA-04-2014-1514(b) CAFO (The Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board of the City of Montgomery)
09/03/2014  CAA-04-2014-8010(b) CAFO (Jasper Water Works and Sewer Board, Inc.)
09/03/2014  CWA-10-2014-0118 ESA (Coleman Homes - Bellano Creek)
09/03/2014  CWA-10-2014-0119 ESA (Coleman Homes LLC - West Highlands Ranch Subdivision #4)
09/03/2014  EPCRA-04-2014-2038(b) CAFO (F.B. Purnell Sausage, Inc.)
09/03/2014  CWA-10-2014-0139 CAFO (Rim Fire Ranch, LLC)
09/03/2014  EPCRA-04-2014-2042(b) CAFO (Liggett Vector Brands LLC)
09/03/2014  CAA-04-2014-1516(b) CAFO (F.B. Purnell Sausage, Inc.)
09/03/2014  CWA-03-2014-0257 Super Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dennis Powell, CWA-SCAFO, )
09/03/2014  CAA-08-2014-0008 Combined Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (CCI PARADOX MIDSTREAM LLC, LISBON GAS PLANT/CASTLETON COMMODITIES INTERNATIONAL)
09/02/2014  CAA-10-2014-0129 ESA (Washington Fruit and Produce Company)
09/02/2014  CWA-07-2014-0012 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (KLM Exploration Co., Inc)
09/02/2014  CAA-10-2014-0117 CAFO (Pacific Ethanol Magic Valley, LLC)
08/29/2014  CWA-10-2014-0120 ESA #2 (Gardner Mace Ranch & Nampa Paving and Asphalt Co.)
08/29/2014  EPCRA-10-2014-0126 CAFO (Washington Crab Producers, Inc.)
08/29/2014  CAA 06-2014-3316 Consent Agreement and Final Order (RUBICON, LLC)

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 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 
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