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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
12/15/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0126 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Corteva Agriscience, LLC)
12/15/2022  CWA-01-2023-0003 CAFO (Boston Boat Works, LLC)
12/15/2022  TSCA-01-2023-0029 CAFO (IDK Ventures, Inc. dba CertaPro Painters of Maine)
12/15/2022  CWA-04-2022-0302(b) Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Sterling Engineering and Fabrication Inc.)
12/14/2022  RUST-05-2023-0005 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs Fort McCoy Military Installation (Fort McCoy, Wisconsin))
12/14/2022  RCRA-06-2023-0902 Consent Agreement and Final Order (WWF Operating Company, LLC)
12/14/2022  RCRA-09-2023-0007 (Keysight Technologies, Inc.)
12/12/2022  FIFRA-03-2023-0003 CAFO (Outdoor Trading, LLC)
12/12/2022  CAA-04-2023-0002(b) Expedited Settlement Agreement (PRE Flat Shoals, LLC)
12/12/2022  CAA-04-2021-0011(b) Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Pellicano Company, Inc.)
12/08/2022  TSCA-07-2022-0105 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Sozo Property Solutions, LLC)
12/07/2022  CWA-02-2023-3801 Consent agreement and final order (Erdner Brothers, Inc.)
12/07/2022  FIFRA-10-2022-0214 Cesco_CAFO_Final Order_CertificateOfService (Cesco Solutions, Inc)
12/07/2022  CAA-06-2022-3332 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Koch Fertilizer Enid, LLC)
12/07/2022  CAA-06-2022-3366 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Nouryon Surface Chemistry LLC)
12/07/2022  CAA-05-2023-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (J Shaw Industries LLC d/b/a Kokomo Opalescent Glass (Kokomo, Indiana))
12/07/2022  UIC-09-2022-0061 (SKS Management, LLC)
12/06/2022  TSCA-02-2023-9101 Consent agreement and final order (PSEG Power LLC)
12/06/2022  CWA-07-2022-0116 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Nixa, Missouri)
12/06/2022  SDWA-02-2023-8401 Consent agreement and final order (United States Army)
12/06/2022  CWA-07-2022-0119 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Lynchburg, Tennessee)
12/06/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0095 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Southern FS, Inc.)
12/06/2022  TSCA-04-2023-3100(b) Consent Agreement and Final Order (Tomas Luis Building Contractors, Inc.)
12/05/2022  CWA-10-2022-0265 CAFO_Mohammad Ali (Mohammad Ali)
12/02/2022  FIFRA-01-2022-0076 ESA (Cavendish Agri Services, Inc.)
12/02/2022  CAA-10-2023-0005 1023-Diesel_CAFO_Final_Certificate of Service (1023 Diesel & Fleet Inc)
12/02/2022  EPCRA-10-2022-0217 ArlingtonFlight_Final Order_Certificate of Service (Arlington Flight Services)
12/02/2022  CWA-10-2022-0260 Eni - Signed Consent Agreement - Final (Eni US Operating Co. Inc)
12/01/2022  CAA-01-2023-0005 and EPCRA-01-2023-0006 CAFO (Maritime International, Inc. and Bridge Terminal, Inc.)
12/01/2022  CAA-01-2023-0007 and EPCRA-01-2023-0008 CAFO (Maritime International, Inc. and Connecticut Freesers, Inc.)
12/01/2022  CAA-06-2022-3302 Consent Agreement (Celanese Ltd.,)
12/01/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0960 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Custom Building Products, LLC)
11/30/2022  CAA-06-2023-3305 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Rio Bravo Drinking Water Plant)
11/30/2022  CAA-06-2023-3304 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Rio Bravo Wastewater Treatment Plant)
11/30/2022  CAA-06-2023-3308 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kaneka North America LLC)
11/30/2022  CAA-06-2022-3380 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Indorama Ventures Oxides LLC)
11/29/2022  TSCA-02-2023-9203 Consent agreement and final order (Natio;nal Railroad Passenger Corporation dba Amtrak)
11/28/2022  CWA-05-2022-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order (PET Processors, LLC (Painesville, Ohio))
11/28/2022  CWA-08-2023-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Red Mountain Truck Lines, Inc.)
11/22/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0122 CAFO_Certificate of Service_Syngenta (Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC)
11/22/2022  FIFRA-07-2022-0121 CAFO-Certificate of Service_Wells Ag Supply (Wells Ag Supply, LLC)
11/22/2022  CAA-05-2023-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Northern Metals LLC (Minneapolis, Minnesota))
11/21/2022  EPCRA-01-2023-0014 CAFO (Twin Rivers Paper Company, LLC)
11/18/2022  CWA-02-2023-3351 Expediated settlement agreement (Aurora's Dream, LLC)
11/18/2022  CWA-02-2023-3352 Expediated settlement agreement (Bellagio, LLC)
11/17/2022  RCRA-06-2023-0901 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lowe's Home Centers, LLC)
11/16/2022  RUST-05-2023-0003 (Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority - Knapp Street (Toledo, Ohio))
11/16/2022  CWA-03-2023-0009 CAFO (Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.)
11/15/2022  RCRA-01-2023-0013 CAFO (Precise Packaging)
11/15/2022  EPCRA-01-2023-0015 CAFO (National Chain Company)
11/15/2022  EPCRA-05-2023-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Chemtrade Logistics (US), Inc. (Oregon, Ohio))
11/15/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0937 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.)
11/14/2022  CERCLA-05-2023-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (The City of Cincinnati, Operator of Polk Run Wastewater Treatment Facility (Loveland, Ohio))
11/14/2022  CERCLA-05-2023-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cleveland-Cliffs Columbus LLC (Columbus, Ohio))
11/14/2022  EPCRA-05-2023-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Cleveland-Cliffs Columbus LLC (Columbus Ohio))
11/14/2022  FIFRA-01-2022-0082 ESA (Steelcraft, Inc.)
11/14/2022  TSCA-01-2023-0004 CAFO (Town of Southington, CT)
11/14/2022  CAA(112r)-09-2023-0001 (3M Ontario)
11/10/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0912 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Deltech Monomers Op Co, LLC)
11/09/2022  TSCA-07-2022-0137 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Winkler Renovations, LLC)
11/09/2022  CAA-06-2022-3347 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Mitsubishi Chemical America, Inc.)
11/08/2022  EPCRA-08-2023-01 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Dyno Nobel Cheyenne Inc., Plant)
11/08/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0958 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Weatherford Artificial Lift Systems, LLC)
11/08/2022  CAA-06-2022-3373 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Kiolbassa Provision Company)
11/08/2022  RCRA-06-2022-0948 Consent Agreement and Final Order (C&C Marine and Repair LLC)
11/07/2022  CWA-01-2023-0002 CAFO (Scrap it, LLC)
11/07/2022  CWA-01-2023-0001 CAFO (Minichiello Bros,Inc.)
11/07/2022  RCRA-07-2023-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Evergy Kansas Central, Inc.)
11/07/2022  CAA-06-2022-3375 Consent Agreement and Fianl Order (Energy Transfer GC NGL Fractionators LLC)
11/07/2022  CWA-06-2022-4316 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Eagle One Oil)
11/07/2022  CWA-06-2022-4315 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Eagle One Oil)
11/07/2022  FIFRA-04-2022-0729 Consent Agreement and Final Order (UPL NA, Inc.)
11/07/2022  CAA-06-2022-3359 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gulf Coast Growth Ventures, LLC)
11/03/2022  CWA-07-2022-0140 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Kenneth E. Foeste Masonry, Inc.)
11/03/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0132 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Energy Mfg. Co., Inc.)
11/03/2022  RCRA-09-2023-0005 (Ampac Fine Chemicals)
11/03/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0139 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Curries Company)
11/03/2022  RCRA-07-2022-0138 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Bertch Cabinet, LLC)
11/02/2022  EPCRA-01-2023-0013 CAFO (Commonwealth Dairy, LLC)
11/02/2022  CWA-10-2022-0231 ESA_McWilliams Road LLC_Final_Certificate of Service -ProofPayment (McWilliams Road LLC)
11/02/2022  RCRA-10-2022-0264 ESA_Fairbanks Memorial Hospital Final_Certificate of Service (Fairbanks Memorial Hospital)
10/31/2022  RCRA-08-23-0002 ESA (Chemtrade Refinery Services)
10/31/2022  CWA-06-2022-4325 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Moran-K Oil, LLC)
10/31/2022  TSCA-06-2022-6151 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Maplehill Residential)
10/31/2022  TSCA-06-2022-6152 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Daycor Enterprises, Inc.)
10/31/2022  RCRA-06-2023-0903 Consent Agreement (Texas Pneumatic Systems)
10/31/2022  CWA-06-2022-4326 Expedited Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Moran-K Oil, LLC)
10/31/2022  CWA-06-2022-4334 Expedited Spill Prevention Control, and Countermeasure Settlement Agreement (Osage Prairie Resources, LLC)
10/31/2022  CAA-07-2022-0078 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Camden County Road & Bridge Department)
10/31/2022  CAA-07-2022-0079 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Garber Diesel Service, LLC)
10/28/2022  CAA-05-2023-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City Water, Power and Light (Springfield, Illinois))
10/28/2022  CAA-10-2023-0002 CSBeefPacker (CS Beef Packers, LLC)
10/28/2022  SDWA-05-2022-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Lanxess Corporation (Shelton, Connecticut))
10/26/2022  EPCRA-06-2023-0511 Consent Agreement and Final Order (N.E.O. Fabrication, LLC)
10/26/2022  FIFRA-08-2022-0041 Final Order (Airtime Aerial, LLC)
10/25/2022  EPCRA-10-2022-0240 ESA_VigorWorks_Certificate of Service (Vigor Works, LLC)
10/24/2022  SDWA-05-2022-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Omimex Energy, Inc. (Ludington, Michigan))
10/21/2022  CWA-05-2022-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Marquis, Inc. (Hennepin, Illinois))
10/20/2022  CWA-06-2022-4809 Cedar Marine Terminals, LP (Cedar Marine Terminals, LP)
10/20/2022  SPCC-09-2023-0003 (Petrolex International)

(20037 entries in this collection)
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