Document Date | | Case |
06/02/2008 | | CAA-03-2008-0159 Consent Agreement and Final Order ($990) (06/02/2008) (C&S Wholesale Grocers) |
06/02/2008 | | RUST-05-2008-0014 Notice of Violation and Compliance ORder/Settlement Agreement. (06/02/2008) (Citgo Gas & Mini Mart (Chicago, IL)) |
06/02/2008 | | CERCLA-10-2008-0064 Consent Agreement and Final Order (06/02/2008) (U.S. Department of Energy, Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and CH2M Hill, Hanford Group, Inc.) |
06/02/2008 | | CAA-07-2008-0005 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company) |
05/30/2008 | | SPCC-09-2008-0015 ESA (05/30/2008) (Chicken of the Sea Samoa Packing Co.) |
05/30/2008 | | CAA-05-2008-0020 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (05/30/2008) (3M Company, Abrasive System Division (Cottage Grove, MN)) |
05/29/2008 | | FIFRA-03-2007-0339 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/29/2008) (Lerro Products, Inc.) |
05/29/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-5505(b) City of Philadelphia (05/29/2008) (City of Philadelphia) |
05/29/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-5002 Shelby Contracting Co., Inc. (05/29/2008) (Shelby Contracting Co., Inc.) |
05/29/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-5192 MFG Chemical, Inc. (05/29/2008) (MFG Chemical, Inc.) |
05/28/2008 | | EPCRA-02-2008-4204 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/28/2008) (Anderson Instrument Co., Inc.) |
05/28/2008 | | EPCRA-02-2007-4007 Consent agreement and final order (05/28/2008) (Brooklyn Bottling Company) |
05/26/2008 | | EPCRA-09-2007-0029 Consent Agreement & FO (05/26/2008) (Rockford Corporation) |
05/23/2008 | | FIFRA-05-2008-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (05/23/2008) (Gardens Alive, Inc. -SEP- (Lawrenceburg, Indiana)) |
05/23/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0054 CONSENT AGREEMENT FINAL ORDER (M&T Development) |
05/23/2008 | | FIFRA-03-2008-0157 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/23/2008) (No Mo, LLC) |
05/23/2008 | | CAA-05-2008-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (05/23/2008) (Brunswick Corporation, Mercury Marine Division (Fond du Lac, WI)) |
05/22/2008 | | EPCRA-03-2008-0161 Consent Order and Final Order ($27,643.50) (05/22/2008) (Albemarle Corporation) |
05/22/2008 | | RUST-05-2008-0011 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement. (05/22/2008) (Village of Oak Lawn, Public Safety Facility (Oak Lawn, IL)) |
05/22/2008 | | CWA-02-2008-3308 Expedited Settlement Agreement (05/22/2008) (Bradley Realty, LLC) |
05/22/2008 | | SDWA-04-2008-1003(b) Tamarack Petroleum Co., Inc. (05/22/2008) (Tamarack Petroleum Co., Inc.) |
05/22/2008 | | CWA-02-2008-3307 Expedited Settlement Agreement (05/22/2008) (Ramey Resort, Inc.) |
05/22/2008 | | RCRA/CWA-03-2004-0061 Consent agreement and final order $25,000.00 (05/22/2008) (Leed Foundry, Inc.) |
05/22/2008 | | RUST-05-2008-0013 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement. (05/22/2008) (Frank Shirey Cadillac (Oak Lawn, IL)) |
05/22/2008 | | RUST-05-2008-0012 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement. (05/22/2008) (Kelly Nissan (Oak Lawn, IL)) |
05/20/2008 | | RCRA-05-2008-0009 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (05/20/2008) (Walworth Foundries, Inc. (Darien, WI)) |
05/20/2008 | | CERCLA-04-2008-2026(b) PolyOne Corporation (05/20/2008) (PolyOne Corporation) |
05/20/2008 | | CAA-05-2008-0018 Consent Agreement Final Order. (05/20/2008) (Specco Industries, Inc. --INSTALLMENTS -- (Lemont, IL)) |
05/20/2008 | | EPCRA-05-2007-0027 Consent Agreement Final Order. (05/20/2008) (Hutson Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Sparkle Pool Service & Supply of Indiana (Indianapolis, IN)) |
05/20/2008 | | EPCRA-04-2008-2020(b) Elgin Fine Chemical, Inc. (05/20/2008) (Elgin Fine Chemical, Inc.) |
05/20/2008 | | TSCA-04-2008-2520(b) Sloss Industries Corporation (05/20/2008) (Sloss Industries Corporation) |
05/20/2008 | | EPCRA-05-2008-0012 Consent Agreement Final Order (05/20/2008) (Farmland Dairies, LLC (Grand Rapids, MI)) |
05/19/2008 | | EPCRA-02-2007-4210 Consent agreement and final order (05/19/2008) (Brunner International, Inc.) |
05/19/2008 | | CAA-10-2008-0079 Expedited Settlement Agreement (05/19/2008) (City of Hermiston) |
05/16/2008 | | FIFRA-03-2008-0152 Consent agreement and final order $0.00r (05/16/2008) (Novick Chemical Co., Inc.) |
05/16/2008 | | EPCRA-02-2008-4002 Consent agreement and final order (05/16/2008) (Sunoco, Inc. (R&M)) |
05/15/2008 | | RCRA-03-2008-0121 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/15/2008) (R and B Trucking) |
05/15/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-5504(b) Richmond American Homes of Florida, LP (05/15/2008) (Richmond American Homes of Florida, LP) |
05/15/2008 | | FIFRA-07-2007-0024 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Revival Animal Health, Inc) |
05/15/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-4511(b) Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District (05/15/2008) (Loxahatchee River Environmental Control District) |
05/15/2008 | | UIC-09-2007-0001 Consent Agreement & FO (05/15/2008) (Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Co.) |
05/14/2008 | | FIFRA-07-2008-0018 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Cogdill Farm) |
05/13/2008 | | FIFRA-07-2008-0019 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (McCune Farmer's Union Cooperative) |
05/13/2008 | | CWA-10-2008-0033 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (05/13/2008) (Day Oil Company) |
05/13/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0045 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Harold Muschamp) |
05/13/2008 | | RCRA-04-2008-4004(b) Florida Department of Law Enforcement Crime Laboratory Services (05/13/2008) (Florida Department of Law Enforcement Crime Laboratory Services) |
05/13/2008 | | EPCRA-04-2008-2021(b) Reddy Ice, Inc. (05/13/2008) (Reddy Ice, Inc.) |
05/13/2008 | | RCRA-04-2007-4012(b) Carolina Logistics Services, Inc. (05/13/2008) (Carolina Logistics Services, Inc.) |
05/12/2008 | | CWA-10-2008-0059 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/12/2008) (Paul Sayer) |
05/12/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0035 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Lacey Brothers Construction, Inc) |
05/12/2008 | | TSCA-09-2008-0004 Consent Agreement & FO (05/12/2008) (Portable Practical Educational Preparation, Inc.) |
05/09/2008 | | RUST-05-2008-0010 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement (05/09/2008) (Sandhill Wildlife Area (Babcock, WI)) |
05/09/2008 | | SPCC-09-2008-0014 Consent Agreement & FO (05/09/2008) (Bay Area Oil) |
05/09/2008 | | FIFRA-09-2008-0006 Consent Agreement & FO (05/09/2008) (Trees, Inc.) |
05/08/2008 | | CERC-03-2008-0124 Super Consent Agreement and Final order (05/08/2008) (Airgas Specialtly Products, Inc.) |
05/08/2008 | | CAA-07-2008-0013 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (National Beef Packing Company, LLC) |
05/08/2008 | | CERCLA-03-2008-0124 Consent Agreement Final Order (05/08/2008) (Airgas Specialty Pjroducts, Inc.) |
05/08/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3026(b) Brazos International, Inc. (05/08/2008) (Brazos International, Inc.) |
05/08/2008 | | EPCRA-04-2008-2023(b) Pepsi Cola of Florence, LLC (05/08/2008) (Pepsi Cola of Florence, LLC) |
05/08/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3017(b) R.D.T. Business Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a SynergyLabs, Inc.) (05/08/2008) (R.D.T. Business Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a SynergyLabs, Inc.)) |
05/08/2008 | | CWA-04-2008-5506(b) Cress, Gary (05/08/2008) (Cress, Gary) |
05/08/2008 | | CAA-07-2008-0020 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (CIity of Hays) |
05/08/2008 | | EPCRA-07-2008-0003 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (National Beef Packing Company, LLC) |
05/08/2008 | | RCRA-05-2008-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (05/08/2008) (Silbond Corporation (Weston, MI)) |
05/08/2008 | | RCRA-03-2008-0130 Consent Agreement and Final Order ($929.00) (05/08/2008) (General Motores Corporation) |
05/08/2008 | | CERCLA-07-2008-0009 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (National Beef Packing Company, LLC) |
05/07/2008 | | CAA-07-2008-0014 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (ESA) (Skylark Meats) |
05/07/2008 | | RCRA-03-2008-0163FC CAFO and Copy of Check $150.00 (05/07/2008) (Georgetown Chevron (Expedited Settlement)) |
05/07/2008 | | RCRA-02-2007-7113 Consent agreement and finl order. (05/07/2008) (Crossgates Mall Company, LP, Pyramid Mgmt Group, Inc., & Crossgates Mall Co Newco, LLC) |
05/07/2008 | | SPCC-09-2008-0017 ESA (05/07/2008) (Marty Shoff Trucking) |
05/07/2008 | | TSCA-10-2008-0092 Consent Agreement and Final Order (05/07/2008) (William V. Henson) |
05/06/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0046 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Esselte Corporation) |
05/06/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0043 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (Missouri Department of Transportation) |
05/06/2008 | | CWA-03-2008-0155 SCAFO ( Legal Authority) (05/06/2008) (West Virginia Oil Gathering Corp.) |
05/02/2008 | | EPCRA-09-2008-0004 Consent Agreement & FO (05/02/2008) (Electronic Evolution Technologies, Inc.) |
05/01/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3013(b) ABC Compounding Company, Inc. (05/01/2008) (ABC Compounding Company, Inc.) |
05/01/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3016(b) CitroBio, Inc. (05/01/2008) (CitroBio, Inc.) |
05/01/2008 | | TSCA-07-2008-0016 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Sondra Zearley) |
05/01/2008 | | CWA-07-2008-0039 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Good - Otis, LLC) |
04/30/2008 | | RCRA-05-2007-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (04/30/2008) (South Holland Metal Finishing Co., Inc. (Monee, IL)) |
04/30/2008 | | FIFRA-05-2008-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (04/30/2008) (The Schawbel Corporation (Bedford, Massachusetts)) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-04-2008-8010(b) Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. (04/29/2008) (Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-05-2008-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/29/2008) (Riceland Cabinet Corporation (Orrville, OH)) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-07-2008-0017 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (County Line Ag Service) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-05-2008-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order. (04/29/2008) (TES Filer City Station LP (Filer City, MI)) |
04/29/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3018(b) Wilks Pools, Inc. (04/29/2008) (Wilks Pools, Inc.) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-04-2008-8007(b) AirChem LLC (04/29/2008) (AriChem LLC) |
04/29/2008 | | CAA-04-2008-8011(b) N.E. Alabama Water, Sewer and Fire Protection District (04/29/2008) (N.E. Alabama Water, Sewer and Fire Protection District) |
04/29/2008 | | RCRA-03-2008-0013 Super CAFO (04/29/2008) (SASOL North America Inc.) |
04/29/2008 | | FIFRA-04-2008-3019(b) Euro-Chem International Corporation (04/29/2008) (Euro-Chem International Corporation) |
04/25/2008 | | SPCC-09-2008-0018 ESA (04/25/2008) (Toby's Trucking, Inc.) |
04/25/2008 | | TSCA-02-2008-9105 Consent agreement and final order. (04/25/2008) (PT Maxwell, LLC/Toll Brothers, Inc.) |
04/25/2008 | | CWA-10-2008-0058 Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/25/2008) (Robin S. Behrens, Charles E. Kramer, and C.E. Kramer Crane & Contracting, Inc.) |
04/25/2008 | | TSCA-02-2008-9104 Consent agreement and final order. (04/25/2008) (Cornucopia Cruise Lines, Inc.) |
04/25/2008 | | RCRA-03-2008-0117FC Field Citation Consent Agreement and Final Order (04/25/2008) (Black Entertainment Television (Expedited Settlement)) |
04/25/2008 | | SPCC-09-2008-0016 ESA (04/25/2008) (Shamrock Materials, Inc.) |