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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0042 COLEMAN OIL COMPANY
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0043 JACKSON'S SERVICE, INC.
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0044 MAHONEY PETROLEUM, INC.
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0045 STEPHEN BANGS
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0066 AJINOMOTO FROZEN FOODS U.S.A., INC.
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0093 STIMSON LUMBER COMPANY
2011*ClosedCAA-10-2011-0104 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0001 Clorox Products Manufacturing, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0002 Jacobson Distribution Company
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0003 C & G Farms
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0004 Plains LPG Services, L.P.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0005 Lunday-Thagard Company
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0006 Red River Fresh Produce
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0007 Baker Commodities
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0008 Uni-Kool Partners, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0009 Hasa, Inc. (Saugus Facility)
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0010 Hasa, Inc. (Pittsburg Facility)
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0011 Hasa, Inc. (Eloy, AZ Facility)
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0012 Safeway, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0013 Supervalu Holdings, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0014 Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Markets Inc
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0015 Marchem Technologies LLC
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0016 Sunkist Growers - Tipton
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0017 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0018 NGP Blue Mountain I LLC
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0020 Custom Alloy Light Metals, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0021 HP Hood
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0022 MCSD Wastewater Management Facility
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0023 Arctic Glacier Vernon, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0024 Univar USA, Inc.
2011*ClosedCAA(112r)-09-2011-0025 Glacier Cold Storage, LTD
2011*ClosedCERCLA-01-2011-0012 Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site & Ely Mine Forest, Inc.
2011*ClosedCERCLA-01-2011-0033 Former Tombarello and Sons Property Site
2011*ClosedCERCLA-07-2011-0006 Former W&J Lanton Zinc Works Smelter (Mission Clay Products)
2011*ClosedCERCLA-07-2011-0007 Emmett F and Valeria Southard
2011*ClosedCERCLA-07-2011-0008 Radiation - Standard Precision, Inc
2011*ClosedCERCLA-07-2011-0009 Radiation - Standard Products, Inc
2011*ClosedCERCLA-07-2011-0012 Mission Clay Products
2011*ClosedCERCLA-09-2011-0001 Luz Solar Partners Ltd
2011*ClosedCERCLA-09-2011-0002 Chevron USA, Inc.
2011*ClosedCERCLA-09-2011-0003 Vita-Pakt Citrus Products, Inc.
2011*ClosedCERCLA-09-2011-0004 Univar USA, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0010 L&M Company
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0019 CWA-01-2011-0019
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0023 Reliant Aircraft Service, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0024 Tango Yankee LLC d/b/a
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0025 Executive Air Service
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0028 Curtiss Aero LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0030 Entoleter, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0034 Valley Discount Oil, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0036 Grimmel Industries, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0043 Stanley P. Foss Construction Co.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0046 Jay Peak Resort, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0048 Fabian Oil, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0050 Speedwagon Partner, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0052 Mayhew Steel Products, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0053 Mayhew Steel Products, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0061 Killington/Pico Ski Resort Partners, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0075 Goffstown Truck Center, Inc.
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0080 Town of Hampden, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0081 Town of Hopedale, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0085 Town of Chatham, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0087 Town of Mattapoisett, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0088 Town of Newton
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0089 Town of Rowley, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0090 Town of Sturbridge, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0092 Town of Topsfield
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0093 Town of Plainville
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0094 Town of Wareham, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0095 Town of Swansea, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0097 City of Easthampton, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0098 Town of Dudley, Massachuseets
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0099 Town of Lakeville, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0101 Town of Lanesborough, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0102 Town of Stow, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0103 Town of Medway, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0104 Town of Sudbury, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0106 Town of Rollinsford, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0107 Town of Lancaster, Massachusetts
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0108 Town of Groton
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0109 Town of Boxford, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0110 Town of Auburn, New Hampshire
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0112 Town of Grafton, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0114 Town of Norton, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0115 Town of Rayham, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0116 Town of Westport, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0117 Town of Wayland, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-01-2011-0118 Town of Braintree, MA
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3301 Lori Gardens II, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3302 Roseland Contractors, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3303 Platinum Developers
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3304 Fox Chase Development Corp.
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3305 Simone Builders
2011*ActiveCWA-02-2011-3307 Minoa Farms Development, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3308 Creekside at Delanco, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3309 Village at Cinnaminson Harbour
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3310 Courtland Properties, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3311 Metro Terminals of LI, LLC
2011*ClosedCWA-02-2011-3312 Brownstones at Essex Fells

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