Conserve FS, Inc. (Kansasville, WI)
- Docket Number: MM-05-2007-0002
Status: Closed
Statute: MM Multimedia (Multimedia)
Complaint Date: 01/10/2007
Closed Date: 08/14/2007
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(01/10/2007) #1 Complaint
(02/12/2007) # 2 Answer and Affirmative Defenses of Conserv FS, Inc.
(02/16/2007) # 3 Transmittal Letter forwarding Administrative Complaint and Respondent's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Chief ALJ, Susan L. Biro.
(02/26/2007) # 4 Offer of ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(03/01/2007) # 5 Forward e-mail of Jeffery Trevino, for Complainant, Declining use of ADR Process.
(03/07/2007) #6 Order of Designation. ALJ, Carl C. Charneski, presiding.
(03/08/2007) #7 Prehearing Scheduling Order
(04/05/2007) # 8 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange.
(04/06/2007) # 9 Conserv FS, Inc.'s Prehearing Exchange, Affidavit of Service and Privilege Log.1
(04/11/2007) # 10 Order of Redesignation. ALJ, Spencer T. Nissen, presiding.
(05/11/2007) # 11 Complainant Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing.
(05/15/2007) # 12 Faxed Order Granting Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing and directing parties to File CAFO no later than June 15, 2007. Original Received: May 18, 2007.
(06/07/2007) # 13 Complainant's Second Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing.
(06/12/2007) # 14 Faxed Order. Motion for an unopposed Second Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing for an additional 30 days or until July 10, 2007, is hereby Granted. Parties are directed to file a CAFO no later than July 10, 2007. Original Received: June 14, 2007.
(07/10/2007) # 15 Complainant Final Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing.
(07/12/2007) # 16 Faxed Order Granting Continuance. Original Rec'd: July 16, 2007.
(07/31/2007) # 17 Complainant's Status Report
(08/01/2007) # 18 Consent Agreement and Final Order.