Faxed Order. Motion for an unopposed Second Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing for an additional 30 days or until July 10, 2007, is hereby Granted. Parties are directed to file a CAFO no later than July 10, 2007. Original Received: June 14, 2007.
Additional Attachments
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Filing# 14 link: Faxed Order. Motion for an unopposed Second Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing for an additional 30 days or until July 10, 2007, is hereby Granted. Parties are directed to file a CAFO no later than July 10, 2007. Original Received: June 14, 2007., Filing# 14 link: Faxed Order. Motion for an unopposed Second Motion to Postpone Scheduling Hearing for an additional 30 days or until July 10, 2007, is hereby Granted. Parties are directed to file a CAFO no later than July 10, 2007. Original Received: June 14, 2007. (PDF. 81 KB. 5 pages), (PDF. 26 KB. 5 pages)
Filing Date: 06/12/2007
Filing Type: Order (on motion/request)
Docket: Conserve FS, Inc. (Kansasville, WI) (MM-05-2007-0002)
Contact the hearing clerk in Region 5 for more information on this filing