Sunrise Electronics, Incoporated (Elk Grove Village, IL)
- Docket Number: RCRA-05-2007-0013
Status: Closed
Statute: RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/24/2007
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 05
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(09/24/2007) #1 Complaint and Compliance Order
(10/17/2007) # 2 Notice of Corrected Service of Complaint.
(11/16/2007) # 3 Answer to Complaint and Compliance Order and Certificate of Service.
(11/16/2007) # 4 RHC Transmittal letter Forwarding Case Matter to Chief ALJ's Office for Assignment of an ALJ.
(11/29/2007) # 5 Offer of ADR Process to Facilitate Settlement.
(11/30/2007) # 6 Email forward of Erik Olson, for Complainant dated: November 30, 2007 Accepting Offer of ADR Process.
(12/07/2007) # 7 Email of Respondent, Patrick Joy dated: December 7, 2007 Accepting ADR Process.
(12/10/2007) # 8 Order Initiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Appointing Neutral Spencer T. Nissen, ALJ.
(01/31/2008) # 9 Joint Motion for Extension of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
(02/11/2008) # 10 Order Granting Extension of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process.
(02/29/2008) # 11 Second Joint Motion for Extension of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
(03/07/2008) # 12 Order Granting Second Extension of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process.
(03/20/2008) # 13 Complainant's Status Report
(04/09/2008) # 14 Status Report
(04/15/2008) # 15 Order Terminating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process.
(04/17/2008) # 16 Order of Designation -- Chief ALJ, Susan L. Biro, presiding
(05/02/2008) # 17 Prehearing Order.
(06/04/2008) # 18 Notice of Change of Address.
(06/06/2008) # 19 Complainant's Initial Prehearing Exchange. Note: Exhibits were too large in volume to attach.
(07/11/2008) #20 Motion for Extension of Time to File Respondent's Pre-Hearing Exchange.
(07/14/2008) # 21 Order.
(07/28/2008) #22 Consent Agreement/Final Order
(08/06/2008) # 23 A Letter Correcting the Billing Document Number
(01/27/2010) #27 Payment check number 8618 for $10,475.23 dated 1/25/2010
(08/03/2010) #28 Letter with Penalty Payment
(02/04/2011) #29 Penalty Payment Letter
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: RCRA-05-2007-0013