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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
06/30/2015  FIFRA-03-2015-0172 SCAFO (Carolina Eastern, Inc., FIFRA, SCAFO)
06/30/2015  RCRA-03-2015-0176 Super consent agreement and final order (Kenilworth Maintenance Yard, RCRA, SCAFO)
06/30/2015  TSCA-03-2015-0071 SCAFO (Arlington Baptist Church, Inc., TSCA, SCAFO)
06/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0123 super consent agreement and final order (Grunley Construction Company, Inc., CWA, SCAFO )
06/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0121 Super consent agreement and final order (Balfour Beatty Construction LLC, CWA, SCAFO)
06/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0123 Super CAFO (Grunley Construction Company, Inc., CWA, SCAFO )
06/29/2015  CWA-03-2015-0121 super CAFO (Balfour Beatty Construction LLC, CWA, SCAFO)
06/25/2015  CWA-04-2015-5500(b) CAFO (Glenn Edward Lowe)
06/25/2015  TSCA-04-2015-2506(b) CAFO (W.A. Hoyle, LLC)
06/25/2015  TSCA-04-2015-2505(b) CAFO (Avantor Performance Materials, Inc.)
06/25/2015  CWA-07-2015-0046 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (Platte City, Missouri)
06/25/2015  CAA 06-2015-3319 Consent Agreement (Capitol Aggregates, Inc.)
06/25/2015  TSCA-01-2015-0013 CAFO (The Whalley Glass Company)
06/24/2015  TSCA-04-2015-2500(b) CAFO (Fortron Industries, LLC)
06/24/2015  CAA-07-2015-0027 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (The Dodge City Cooperative Exchange)
06/24/2015  CERCLA-04-2015-2008(b) CAFO (Georgia Power Company - Carrollton, GA)
06/24/2015  RCRA-04-2015-4001(b) CAFO (Florida Transformer, Inc.)
06/24/2015  TSCA-04-2015-2900(b) CAFO (Advanced Disposal Services)
06/24/2015  CAA-07-2015-0026 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Farmers Cooperative Company)
06/24/2015  EPCRA-04-2015-2019(b) CAFO (Equinox Chemical LLC)
06/24/2015  EPCRA-04-2015-2021(b) CAFO (Mohican Mills, Inc.)
06/24/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Brown Restoration, Inc.)
06/24/2015  CWA 06-2015-4814 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Texas Petroleum Investment Co.)
06/24/2015  CWA 06-2015-4500 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (DCP Midstream)
06/24/2015  CWA 06-2015-4813 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Louisiana Energy & Environmental Inc.)
06/23/2015  SPCC-09-2015-0005 (Triangle Truck Stop)
06/22/2015  EPCRA-01-2015-0055 CAFO (BWE, Inc., f/n/a Booth Waltz Enterprise, Inc.)
06/19/2015  CWA-10-2015-0074 ESA (Silver Bay Seafoods, LLC - Sitka Plant)
06/19/2015  CWA-10-2015-0099 CAFO (Cascade Petroleum Transportation, Inc.)
06/19/2015  CWA-10-2015-0094 CAFO (Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC.)
06/19/2015  FIFRA-05-2015-0040 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gerald Grain Center, Inc -CAFO-. (Hamler, Ohio))
06/19/2015  SDWA 06-2015-1121 Transmittal of Final Amended Administrative Order (Chaparral Energy, LLC)
06/18/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Pella Windows & Doors)
06/18/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0023 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Sioux Pharm, Inc. and Sioux Biochemical, Inc.)
06/18/2015  CWA-07-2015-1025 Complaint and Consent Agreement/Final Order (City of St. Peters, Missouri)
06/18/2015  CWA-07-2015-0030 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Village of Spalding, Nebraska)
06/18/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0006 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Line Construction Company)
06/18/2015  FIFRA-01-2015-0010 CAFO (PetEdge, Inc. )
06/18/2015  TSCA-07-2015-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Matthew Young)
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0033 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Ardent Mills - Chester, RMP-15-ESA-32 (Chester, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0036 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Perstorp Polysols, Inc. -CAFO- - SEP - (Toledo, Ohio))
06/17/2015  RCRA-10-2015-0096 ESA (Clover Park Technical College)
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0034 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Ardent Mills - Alton- RMP-15-ESA-25 (Alton, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CWA-10-2015-0106 CAFO (NANA Oilfield Services, Inc.)
06/17/2015  FIFRA-10-2015-0110 CAFO (Marco Industries, Inc., d/b/a American Agriculture)
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0037 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Grainco FS, Inc. - RMP-15-ESA-02- (Coal City, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0042 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Grainco FS, Inc. -RMP-15-ESA-07- (Newark, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0040 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Grainco FS, Inc. -RMP-15-ESA-05- (Lostant, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0039 Consent Agreeement and Final Order (Grainco FS, Inc. - RMP-15-ESA-04 - (Leland, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0043 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Grainco FS, Inc. -RMP-15-ESA-08- (Ottawa, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0035 Expedited Settlement Agreement (R&T Ammonia - RMP-15-ESA-28- (Highland, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-02-2015-1202 Expediated Settlement Agreement (General Chemical LLC - Syracuse (Chemtrade))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0038 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Grainco FS, Inc. - RMP-15-ESA-03- (Dwight, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-02-2015-1204 Expediate settlement agreement (G&C Foods, Inc.)
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0041 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Grainco FS, Inc. -RMP-15-ESA-06- (Mendota, Illinois))
06/17/2015  CAA-05-2015-0040 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Grainco FS, Inc. -RMP-15-ESA-05- (Lostant, Illinois))
06/16/2015  CAA 06-2015-3510 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Del City Water Treatment Plant)
06/16/2015  CWA 06-2015-4811 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Standard Operating Company Bayou Sorrell Field)
06/16/2015  FIFRA-09-2015-0004 (Pivot Chemical Company)
06/15/2015  EPCRA-05-2015-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (ExxonMobil Oil Corporation a/k/a Joliet -CAFO- (Channahon, Illinois ))
06/15/2015  MM-05-2015-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (ExxonMobil Oil Corporation a/k/a Joliet -CAFO- (Channahon, Illinois ))
06/12/2015  TSCA-09-2015-0009 (KCK Builders Inc.)
06/11/2015  EPCRA-05-2015-0017 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Wurst Oil Inc. -CAFO- (Blooming Prairie, Minnesota))
06/11/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0018 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (Gene's Heartland Foods)
06/11/2015  CWA-05-2015-0012 FINAL Consent Agreement and Final Order (Shell Pipeline Company, LP -General Mitchell International Airport- -CAFO- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin))
06/11/2015  CWA-01-2015-0048 CAFO ESA (Davey Oil Company)
06/11/2015  EPCRA-01-2015-0022 CAFO ESA (Specialty Minerals, Inc. and Minteq International Inc.)
06/10/2015  EPCRA-03-2015-0134 super consent agreement and final order (Clendenin Brothers, Inc. EPCRA, SCAFO)
06/10/2015  EPCRA 06-2015-0507 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Georgia-Pacific LLC)
06/09/2015  EPCRA-10-2015-0098 CAFO (Wilcox Farms, Inc.)
06/09/2015  CERCLA-04-2015-2004(b) CAFO (City of Wilson - Toisnot Water Treatment Facility)
06/09/2015  EPCRA-10-2015-0060 CAFO (Shining Ocean, Inc.)
06/09/2015  TSCA-04-2014-2511(b) CAFO (Robert Wichman and Jennifer Wichman)
06/09/2015  EPCRA-02-2015-4301 Consent agreement and final order. (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority)
06/09/2015  CAA-08-2015-0013 Combined Complaint Consent Agreement and Final Order (HUNTER PANELS, LLC.)
06/09/2015  RCRA-10-2015-0064 ESA (Kenmore Air Harbor)
06/09/2015  CAA-05-2015-0032 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Fostoria Ethanol, LLC d/b/a POET Biorefining -CAFO- - Fostoria (Fostoria, Ohio))
06/08/2015  FIFRA-10-2015-0109 CAFO (Huntons' Sure Crop Farm Service, Inc.)
06/08/2015  CWA-03-2015-0122 Super consent agreement and final order (City of Dubois Publically Owned Treatment Works, CWA, SCAFO)
06/08/2015  CWA-03-2015-0122 Super consent agreement and final order (City of Dubois Publically Owned Treatment Works, CWA, SCAFO)
06/08/2015  RCRA-05-2015-0011 Expedited Settlement Agreement (G&S Titanium, Inc. -ESA- (Wooster, Ohio))
06/04/2015  RCRA-07-2014-0018 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (Ray’s Market Basket)
06/04/2015  CWA-03-2015-0099 ESA, CAFO (Riverside Materials, Inc., CWA, SCAFO, ESA)
06/04/2015  RCRA-07-2014-0011 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (Hop N Skip Convenience Store )
06/02/2015  EPCRA-08-2015-0004 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (BRODY CHEMICAL)
06/02/2015  RCRA-05-2015-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Meca & Technology Machine, Inc. -CAFO- -SEP and INSTALLMENTS- (Green Bay, Wisconsin))
06/02/2015  CWA-10-2015-0072 CAFO (City of Burley, Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant)
06/02/2015  FIFRA-05-2015-0039 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Union County Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, Inc. -CAFO- (Liberty, Indiana))
06/02/2015  CWA 06-2015-4316 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Holmes Oil Company)
06/01/2015  CERCLA-05-2015-0004 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Danisco USA Inc. -CAFO- (Terre Haute, Indiana))
06/01/2015  EPCRA 06-2015-0502 Cosent Agreement and FInal Order (Ludwig, Inc.)
05/28/2015  TSCA-01-2014-0003 CAFO (Environmental Services, Inc.)
05/28/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0008 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (KD Shop)
05/28/2015  CWA-07-2015-0019 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Raike’s Oil Company)
05/28/2015  FIFRA-07-2015-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement and Final Order (Midwest Fertilizer, Inc)
05/28/2015  CWA-07-2015-0002 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (W2Fuel, LLC)
05/28/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0006 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (Food Mart B LLC)
05/28/2015  CWA-07-2014-0091 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Contract Transport)
05/28/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0007 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form For Expedited Settlement (Quick Pick)
05/28/2015  CWA-03-2015-0100 Super consent agreement and final order (Quarles Petroleum Inc., CWA, SCAFO)

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