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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
11/12/2015  CWA 06-2016-4501 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (Sandridge Energy)
11/12/2015  FIFRA-09-2016-0002 (Arysta LifeScience N.A. LLC)
11/12/2015  FIFRA-09-2016-0003 (Consus Chemicals LLC)
11/11/2015  CWA-08-2016-0003 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement (KILGORE COMPANIES, LLC.)
11/10/2015  CWA-10-2016-0001 CAFO (Moyle Mink and Tannery,Inc)
11/10/2015  CAA-03-2014-0092 consent agreement as to Whitehall Township (Madonna Enterprises Inc., Whitehall Township, 896 3rd St., Whitehall, PA, Complaint)
11/10/2015  CWA06-2015-1756 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Wapiti Operating, LLC)
11/10/2015  CERCLA 06-2016-2901 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Shintech Louisiana, LLC)
11/09/2015  CWA-07-2015-0104 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Bauman Oil Bulk Plant)
11/05/2015  RCRA-05-2016-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Houghton International, Inc. -CAFO- (Detroit, Michigan))
11/05/2015  CWA 06-2016-4304 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Clearly Petroleum, LLC)
11/04/2015  RCRA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Metal Improvement Company, LLC d/b/a E/M Coating Services -CAFO- (Shelby Township, Michigan))
11/04/2015  CWA-03-2016-0024 SCAFO (Borough of Clarks Summit, CWA, SCAFO)
11/04/2015  TSCA-02-2015-9226 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Blaser Swisslube, Inc.)
11/03/2015  CAA 06-2015-3337 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Eagle US 2 LLC)
11/03/2015  CWA 06-2016-4301 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Explo Oil, Inc.)
11/02/2015  RCRA-10-2016-0008 ESA (Holiday Alaska, Inc)
11/02/2015  RCRA-10-2016-0007 ESA (Holiday Alaska, Inc)
11/02/2015  CWA-01-2015-0047 CAFO (Borrego Solar Systems, Inc.)
11/02/2015  CAA 06-2015-3364 Expedited Settlement Agreement (KMCO LLC)
10/30/2015  CWA-02-2015-3315 Consent agreement and final order. (Cold Spring Fish and Supply Co.)
10/30/2015  CWA-09-2015-0002 (Caltrans District 2)
10/29/2015  FIFRA 06-2016-0305 Complaint Consent Agreement and Final Order (Wellmark International dba Central Life Science)
10/29/2015  TSCA-09-2016-0003 (CalSpec Enterprises)
10/28/2015  CAA-07-2015-0044 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (F & F Feeds, Inc)
10/28/2015  CWA-08-2015-0027 Combined Complaint, Consent Agreement and Final Order (SAMSON RESOURCES COMPANY)
10/28/2015  CWA-08-2015-0028 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (SAMSON RESOURCES COMPANY)
10/28/2015  EPCRA-01-2015-0054 CAFO (KT Acquistion LLC)
10/27/2015  CAA 06-2015-3501 Consent Agreement and Final Order (City of Tyler Lake Palestine Water Treatment Plant)
10/27/2015  CAA 06-2015-3502 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Sachem, Inc.)
10/26/2015  CAA-07-2015-0038 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (Independent Farm Services)
10/26/2015  CWA-07-2015-0076 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Jay's Oil & Propane)
10/26/2015  CAA-07-2015-0041 Expedited Settlement Agreement (ESA) (City of Gardner, Hillsdale Water Treatment Plant)
10/26/2015  RCRA-03-2015-0243 Super Consent agreement and final order (Baldwin Hardware Corporation, SBD Property Holdings, LLC, RCRA, Complaint)
10/23/2015  TSCA-05-2016-0003 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Great Lakes Construction -ESA- (Monroe, Michigan))
10/23/2015  CAA 06-2015-3326 Consent Agreement and Final Order (East West Copolymer, LLC)
10/23/2015  FIFRA-09-2016-0001 (Four Star Chemical LLC)
10/22/2015  MM-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Watonwan Farm Service Company -CAFO-- SEP - (Blue Earth, Minnesota))
10/22/2015  CERCLA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Watonwan Farm Service Company -CAFO- - SEP - (Blue Earth, Minnesota))
10/22/2015  TSCA-03-2015-0198 Consent agreement and final order (VB Platinum Tile & Carpet, Inc. TSCA, Complaint,)
10/22/2015  EPCRA-05-2016-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Watonwan Farm Service Company -CAFO- - SEP - (Blue Earth, Minnesota))
10/21/2015  SDWA 06-2015-1140 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Performance Energy Resources, LLC)
10/21/2015  SDWA-08-2015-0040 Consent Agreement/Final Order (ARTZ EQUIPMENT, INC.)
10/21/2015  CAA-05-2016-0003 Expedited Settle Agreement (Apex Material Technologies, LLC - RMP-15-ESA-31 - (Joliet, Illinois) )
10/21/2015  FIFRA-05-2016-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Stephan Company -CAFO- (Northfield, Illinois))
10/20/2015  CWA 06-2015-4819 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Fieldwood Energy LLC Grand Bay Field Facilities)
10/20/2015  CWA 06-2015-1754 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Southwest Operating, Inc.)
10/16/2015  RCRA-10-2016-0013 CAFO (UIC ROOFING, LLC.)
10/16/2015  RCRA-10-2016-0012 CAFO (UIC CONSTRUCTION, LLC.)
10/16/2015  SDWA-02-2014-8902 Consent agreement and final order. (FDD, Inc.)
10/15/2015  FIFRA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Farnam Co. Inc. dba Central Life Sciences -CAFO- (Walnut Creek, California))
10/15/2015  CWA-08-2016-0001 Combined Complaint and Consent Agreement (ASPEN VIEW HOMES, LLC.; COLA, LLC.)
10/15/2015  CAA 06-2015-3324 Consent Agreement and Final Order (COG Operating LLC)
10/15/2015  CWA-04-2015-5005(b) CAFO (APAC - Atlantic, Inc. d/b/a Harrison Construction)
10/15/2015  CAA 06-2015-3353 Consent Agreement and Final Order (DCP Midstream, LP)
10/15/2015  CAA 06-2015-3525 Expedited Settlement Agreement (The Dodge Company)
10/14/2015  TSCA-05-2016-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Big River Zinc Corporation -CAFO- (Sauget, Illinois))
10/14/2015  CWA-02-2015-3359 Expediated Settlement Agreement. (Bayamon Towne Center, Inc.)
10/14/2015  CWA-05-2016-0001 Proposed: Consent Agreement and Final Order (Gary & Joan Groenhagen George Groenhagen and Robert E. Groenhagen and Larry Groenhagen dba RLG Farms and Circle G Farms & Feedlots Inc. -CAFO- (Oregon Illinois))
10/14/2015  EPCRA-05-2015-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Allegan Metal Finishing Company -CAFO- (Allegan, Michgan))
10/14/2015  CAA-02-2015-1211 Consent agreement and final order. (E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company)
10/14/2015  EPCRA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Van Keppel Redi-Mix, Inc.-CAFO- INSTALLMENTS (DeMotte, Indiana))
10/14/2015  CAA-02-2015-1213 Consent agreement and final order. (Vanchlor Company, Inc.)
10/14/2015  EPCRA 06-2015-0512 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Superior COS Machining & Fabrication Division)
10/14/2015  CAA 06-2015-3354 Notice of Determination (Halcon Resources Corporation and its subsidiary Halcon Operating Co., Inc.)
10/14/2015  CAA-06-2016-0002 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Pecos Gas Plant)
10/14/2015  CAA 06-2015-3526 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Pecos Gas Plant)
10/13/2015  TSCA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Miller Compressing Company -CAFO- (Milwaukee, Wisconsin))
10/13/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0030 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form for Expedited Settlement (KMN Express Inc.)
10/13/2015  CAA-04-2015-1515(b) CAFO (Dothan Downtown Redevelopment Authority)
10/13/2015  MPRSA-01-2015-0035 CAFO (Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Co., LLC)
10/09/2015  FIFRA-01-2015-0078 CAFO (Nutrico, Inc. )
10/09/2015  CWA 06-2015-2709 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Atlanta Exploration Company)
10/08/2015  RCRA-10-2015-0108 CAFO (76 X-Press, LLC)
10/08/2015  CAA-05-2016-0002 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Berkshire Refrigerated Warehousing, LLC -ESA- (Chicago, Illinois))
10/08/2015  CAA-04-201601500(B) -R5 Consent Agreement and Final Order (H.G. Refrigeration Supply, Inc. -CAFO- REGION 4- (Miami, Florida))
10/08/2015  CAA-04-2016-1500(b) CAFO (H.G. Refrigeration Supply, Inc.)
10/08/2015  FIFRA 06-2016-0304 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Global Environmental Restoration, Inc.)
10/08/2015  TSCA-09-2016-0002 (USS Cal Builders Inc.)
10/07/2015  CWA 06-2015-4328 ExpeditedSPCC Settlement Agreement (Warren American Oil Company)
10/06/2015  FIFRA-01-2015-0077 CAFO (P.R. Russell)
10/06/2015  TSCA-01-2015-0085 CAFO (Hatillo, L.L.C.)
10/05/2015  RCRA-07-2015-0001 Underground Storage Tank Field Citation Form (Mac’s Kwik Stop, Inc.)
10/02/2015  EPCRA-02-2015-4001 Consent agreement and final order. (Goldman Titanium, Inc.)
10/01/2015  EPCRA-02-2015-4103 Consent agreement and final order. (Adron Inc.)
10/01/2015  CAA-04-2016-1574 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Roane Metals Group, LLC -CAFO- (Rockwood, Tennessee))
10/01/2015  CAA-05-2016-0001 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Miller Compressing Company -CAFO- - SEP - (Milwaukee, Wisconsin))
10/01/2015  CERCLA-01-2014-0007 CAFO (Town of Bennington, VT)
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-5501(b) CAFO (Drew St. John)
09/30/2015  RCRA-02-2014-7106 Consent agreement and final order. (Eurofins Product Safety Labs Inc.)
09/30/2015  TSCA-03-2015-0242 Exp. CAFO (Only Bathrooms, LLC, Exp. CAFO, TSCA)
09/30/2015  EPCRA 06-2015-0511 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Republic Industries, Inc. )
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4507(b) CAFO (Taylor Family Welding Services, Inc., Atlanta, GA)
09/30/2015  RCRA-04-2015-4008(b) CAFO (Con-Way Freight, Inc.)
09/30/2015  CWA-04-2015-4508(b) CAFO (Ennis Paint, Inc., Atlanta, GA)
09/30/2015  RCRA-04-2015-4006(b) CAFO (Con-Way Freight, Inc.)
09/30/2015  TSCA-01-2015-0042 CAFO (JPAA Chen Services, LLC)
09/30/2015  CWA-02-2015-3304 Expediated settlement agreement. (Swain Recreation, LLC)
09/30/2015  RCRA-03-2015-0233 Super CAFO (Government of the Dstrict of Columbia Depart of General Services, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium, SCAFO, RCRA)
09/30/2015  RCRA-04-2015-4007(b) CAFO (Con-Way Freight, Inc.)

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 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 
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