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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
12/13/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0033FC consent agreement and final order and copy of check $420.00 (12/13/2010) (Landmark Services Tourmobile Inc., Field Citation (RCRA))
12/13/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0033FC consent agreement and final order and copy of check $420.00 (12/13/2010) (Landmark Services Tourmobile Inc., Field Citation (RCRA))
12/13/2010  CWA 06-2011-4828 Consent Agreement and Final Order (Williams Gas Pipeline Company, LLC Transco Station 44)
12/11/2010  TSCA-04-2011-2502(b) CAFO (12/11/2010) (Jacqueline Denise Fetner Ford)
12/10/2010  FIFRA-07-2011-0001 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Pathfinder Systems, Inc)
12/10/2010  CWA-07-2010-0169 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Mike Bettin d/b/a Mike Bettin Feedlot)
12/10/2010  CERC-EPC-03-2011-0006 super consent agreement and final order $21,746.00 (12/10/2010) (Basf, Inc., (CERC-EPCRA) SCAFO $21,746.00)
12/10/2010  CWA-05-2011-0002 Proposed Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/10/2010) (Marmar Investors, LLC -CAFO- (Angola, Indiana))
12/10/2010  CWA-03-2010-0283 consent agreement and final order $14,000.00 (12/10/2010) (Shamokin-Coal Township Joint Sewer Authority, CWA (complaint))
12/10/2010  RCRA-09-2011-0002 CAFO (12/10/2010) (The Bumper Shop, Inc.)
12/09/2010  FIFRA-04-2011-3000(b) CAFO (12/09/2010) (C & P Growers, Inc.)
12/09/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0047 super cafo agreeement and final order $23,000.00 (12/09/2010) (Palmer Industrial Coatings, Inc., RCRA, (SCAFO))
12/08/2010  TSCA-04-2010-2908(b) CAFO (12/08/2010) (Arab Electric Cooperative, Inc.)
12/08/2010  CWA-02-2011-3305 Expedited settlement agreement (12/08/2010) (Simone Builders)
12/08/2010  EPCRA 06-2011-0501 Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/08/2010) (OGRE, Inc., dba The Mur-Tex Company)
12/07/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-3029 DEFAULT ORDER (12/07/2010) (Pan American Growers Supply, Inc.)
12/07/2010  CWA-01-2010-0033 and CAA-01-2010-0034 CAFO (12/07/2010) (Promet Marine Services Corporation)
12/07/2010  CWA-02-2011-3309 Expedited Settlement Agreement (12/07/2010) (Village at Cinnaminson Harbour)
12/07/2010  CWA-02-2011-3308 Expedited Settlement Agreement (12/07/2010) (Creekside at Delanco, LLC)
12/03/2010  TSCA-07-2011-0003 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Joseph P Lengyel and Jeffrey P Angus)
12/03/2010  TSCA-07-2011-0004 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Patty Putter)
12/03/2010  CWA-02-2011-3303 Expedited settlement agreement. (12/03/2010) (Platinum Developers)
12/03/2010  CWA-05-2011-0001 Final Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/03/2010) (Deere & Company -CAFO- (Moline, Illinois))
12/03/2010  CWA-02-2010-3314 Consent agreement and final order. (12/03/2010) (Byram Concrete LLC)
12/02/2010  EPCRA-03-2010-0308 cosent agreement and final order (12/02/2010) (Chemical Equipment Labs, Inc., (EPCRA))
12/02/2010  TSCA-03-2011-0004 super consent agreement and final order (12/02/2010) (Frederick County School District, (TSCA) (SCAFO))
12/02/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0043 super consent agreement and final order $3000.00 (12/02/2010) (L.C.W. Inc., d/b/a KWIK LUBE, (SCAFO) RCRA-03-2011-0043)
12/02/2010  CAA-01-2011-0001 CAFO (12/02/2010) (Robinson Plumbing and Heating Supply Co., Inc.)
12/02/2010  RCRA-03-2010-0043 consent agreement and final order $3000.00 (12/02/2010) (L.C.W., Inc.d.b.a. Kwik Lube, RCRA, SCAFO)
12/01/2010  RCRA-05-2011-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/01/2010) (ArcelorMittal Riverdale Inc. -CAFO- (Riverdate, Illinois) )
12/01/2010  CERCLA-05-2011-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/01/2010) (Evergreen FS, Inc. - CAFO- -SEP- (Shirley, Illinois))
12/01/2010  TSCA-05-2011-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (12/01/2010) (Edward F. Vannoller -CAFO- - IN BANKRUPTCY WITH DOJ - (Grand Rapids, Michigan))
11/29/2010  EPCRA-05-2011-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/29/2010) (Rawcar Group, L.L.C. dba as Contour Fabricators, Inc. -CAFO- (Fenton, Michigan))
11/29/2010  FIFRA-09-2011-0007 CAFO (11/29/2010) (Ozotech, Inc.)
11/24/2010  FIFRA-02-2010-5106 Consent agreement and final order. (11/24/2010) (CSL Water Quality, Inc.)
11/24/2010  C WA 06-2011-4501 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (11/24/2010) (Hilcorp Energy)
11/23/2010  CWA-03-2009-0217 consent agreement and final order $23,750.00 (11/23/2010) (J. Willis Smith and Brother, Inc., and A. Smith and Sons Shipyard (complaint) CWA (311))
11/23/2010  CWA-06-2010-4852 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/23/2010) (Conoco Phillips Company)
11/23/2010  RCRA-09-2011-0001 CAFO (11/23/2010) (U.S. Pre-Finished Metals Corp)
11/23/2010  FIFRA-09-2011-0005 CAFO (11/23/2010) (Kinetic Solutions, Inc. dba Rabbit Air)
11/22/2010  CERCLA-04-2011-2000(b) CAFO (11/22/2010) (Starchem, LLC)
11/22/2010  EPCRA-04-2011-2005(b) CAFO (11/22/2010) (SPS Technologies, LLC)
11/22/2010  TSCA-04-2011-2503(b) CAFO (11/22/2010) (ADL Properties)
11/22/2010  TSCA-04-2011-2504(b) CAFO (11/22/2010) (JRK Residential Group d/b/a Flint River Crossing)
11/22/2010  EPCRA-04-2011-2019(b) CAFO (11/22/2010) (Calgon Carbon Corporation)
11/22/2010  CAA-10-2011-0015 Expedited Settlement Agreement (11/22/2010) (TRI-CITY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT - CLACKAMAS COUNTY)
11/22/2010  CWA-06-2010-4817 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/22/2010) (XTO Energy, Inc.)
11/22/2010  CWA-02-2009-3462 Consent agreement (Desarrollos) (11/22/2010) (Desarrollos Altamira I, Inc. and Cidra Excavation, S.E.)
11/19/2010  CAA-04-2010-1539(b) CAFO (11/19/2010) (J.T. Turner Construction Company, Inc.)
11/19/2010  CAA-04-2010-1539(b) CAFO (11/19/2010) (J.T. Turner Construction Company, Inc.)
11/19/2010  CWA-07-2010-0151 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (The Neenan Company, LLLP)
11/19/2010  CAA-04-2010-1536(b) CAFO (11/19/2010) (Eastern Excavating)
11/19/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-9130(b) CAFO (11/19/2010) (Cheminova, Inc.)
11/19/2010  EPCRA-04-2011-2014(b) CAFO (11/19/2010) (Pine Hall Brick Co., Inc.)
11/18/2010  CWA-07-2010-0158 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (River Products Company, Inc)
11/18/2010  TSCA-03-2009-0209 CAFO, $50,000.00 (11/18/2010) (Cycle Chem, Inc., TSCA-03-2009-0209)
11/18/2010  RCRA-05-2010-0019 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/18/2010) (John Sconiers (Maywood, Illinois))
11/18/2010  CAA-05-2011-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement (11/18/2010) (City of Benton Harbor Water Plant (St. Joseph, Michigan))
11/18/2010  CWA-03-2010-0383 Super consent agreement and final order (11/18/2010) (Chester Downs and marina, LLC d/b/a Harrah's Chester Casino & Racetrack, CWA (SCAFO))
11/18/2010  CWA-01-2010-0075 CAFO (11/18/2010) (Town of Brookline )
11/18/2010  CWA-01-2010-0037 CAFO (11/18/2010) (Larry Thuot, Inc. )
11/17/2010  CWA-07-2010-0130 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Ronco Construction Company)
11/17/2010  CAA-02-2011-1201 Expediated Settlement Agreement (11/17/2010) (Middleport Cold Storage)
11/17/2010  CAA-02-2011-1202 Expediated Settlement Agreement (11/17/2010) (Allens Inc. an Arkansas Company)
11/17/2010  CWA-10-2011-0008 Expedited Settlement Agreement (11/17/2010) (MacDONALD'S HUDSON BAY RESORT, INC.)
11/17/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0017FC cafo (field citation) (11/17/2010) (Allingdale Convenience Store, FIN 34-04178 (Field Citation) cafo)
11/17/2010  CWA-01-2010-0060 CAFO (11/17/2010) (American Science & Engineering, Inc.)
11/17/2010  EPCRA-02-2011-4204 Consent agreement and final order. (11/17/2010) (Daimler Buses North America, Inc.)
11/16/2010  CWA-04-2010-5020 CAFO (11/16/2010) (Lance Oil Company)
11/16/2010  SDWA-08-2010-0022 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (11/16/2010) (PEYTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 23-Jt)
11/16/2010  CWA-04-2010-5134(b) CAFO (11/16/2010) (Carolina Power & Light Company d/b/a Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.)
11/16/2010  RCRA-03-2011-0013FC consent agreement and final order (11/16/2010) (1615 L Street LLC #2000089 (SCAFO) RCRA)
11/16/2010  FIFRA-03-2011-0002 consent agreement and final order $11,700.00 (11/16/2010) (Sal Chemical Company, Inc. (FIFRA) SCAFO)
11/16/2010  CWA 06-2010-1878 Expedited Settlement Agreement (11/16/2010) (TLC Company, Inc.)
11/16/2010  CAA-06-2010-3622 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Copano Energy, LLC, Lake Charles Gas Plant)
11/16/2010  CAA-06-2010-3613 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Albermarle Corporation - West Plant)
11/16/2010  CAA-06-2010-3619 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Associated Wholeale Grocers, Inc.)
11/16/2010  SPCC-09-2011-0001 ESA (11/16/2010) (Big Island Energy, Inc.)
11/15/2010  FIFRA-07-2010-0037 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Anderson County Noxious Weed Department)
11/15/2010  CWA-02-2009-3462 Consent agreement (Cidra) (11/15/2010) (Desarrollos Altamira I, Inc. and Cidra Excavation, S.E.)
11/12/2010  RUST-05-2011-0003 Notice of Violation and Compliance Order/Settlement Agreement (11/12/2010) (Grant Gas & Mini Food Mart -NOTICE OF VIOLATION- (Gary, Indiana))
11/10/2010  CWA-04-2010-5023 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Davidson Fuels & Oil, Inc.)
11/10/2010  CWA-04-2010-5026 CAO (11/10/2010) (Atlantic Clean Fuel)
11/10/2010  CWA-04-2010-5024 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Mountain Oil, Inc.)
11/10/2010  CWA-04-2010-5025 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Bluegrass BioDiesel)
11/10/2010  CAA-05-2011-0007 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/10/2010) (City of East Grand Forks (East Grand Forks, Minnesota))
11/10/2010  FIFRA-01-2010-0070 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/10/2010) (EFD International, Inc. c/b/a Specialty Products, Division of EFD, Inc.)
11/10/2010  FIFRA-01-2010-0068 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Harrison Specialty Company, Inc. )
11/10/2010  FIFRA-01-2010-0067 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Old Mill Troy, Inc. )
11/10/2010  FIFRA-09-2011-0004 CAFO (11/10/2010) (Materia, Inc.)
11/09/2010  CAA-05-2011-0006 Expedited Settlement Agreement (11/09/2010) (Dutch Farms, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois))
11/09/2010  CERCLA-04-2011-2006(b) CAFO (11/09/2010) (Nyrstar Clarksville Inc.)
11/09/2010  EPCRA-04-2011-2010(b) CAFO (11/09/2010) (Crop Production Services, Inc.)
11/08/2010  CERCLA-05-2011-0001 Agreement For Recovery Of Past Response Costs (11/08/2010) (Gilberts/Kedzie Site and Glenn J. Kedzie, GTCS Corps. and Big Timber Landscape Company - Agreement For Recovery Of Past Response Costs- (Village of Gilberts, Illinois))
11/05/2010  EPCRA-10-2011-0014 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/05/2010) (PACIFIC FUNCTIONAL FLUIDS, LLC)
11/05/2010  CWA-10-2011-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (11/05/2010) (KRAMER MARINE, INC.)
11/05/2010  CWA 06-2010-4517 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (11/05/2010) (Lion Oil Company)
11/04/2010  SDWA-08-2009-0040 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (11/04/2010) (THE KINNEAR STORE, INC.)

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