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CAFOs, ESA's and Stipluated Penalties

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Document DateCase
03/23/2010  CAA-06-2010-3555 Expedited Settlement Agreement (Kahuna Operating - Coalgate Gas Processing Plant)
03/22/2010  CERC-03-2010-0079 Super consent agreement and final order $15,717.00 (03/22/2010) (New Tilapia Company, Inc., CERC-03-2010-0079 (SCAFO))
03/22/2010  CERC-03-2010-0078 Super Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/22/2010) (Schuylkill Energy Resources, Inc., (CERC) SCAFO)
03/22/2010  CWA 06-2010-4324 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/22/2010) (Ronald R. Duncan dba RLD Energy Company)
03/18/2010  CWA-04-2010-5004 CAFO (03/18/2010) (Bridge of Rutherford County, Inc.)
03/18/2010  TSCA-02-2010-9241 Consent agreement and final order. (03/18/2010) (Special Materials Company)
03/18/2010  CAA-02-2009-1221 Consent agreement and final order. (03/18/2010) (Pueto Rico Electric Power Authority)
03/18/2010  CWA-02-2009-3460 Consent agreement and final order. (03/18/2010) (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Company, Inc.)
03/18/2010  CWA-02-2009-3404 Consent agreement and final order. (03/18/2010) (Robinson Concrete, Inc. d/b/a Franklin Street Ready Mix Facility, Robinson Concrete, Inc., Franklin Street Pit Sand and Gravel Mine, and Vitale Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.)
03/17/2010  CWA-06-2010-4328 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/17/2010) (O. D. McGee Battery)
03/17/2010  FIFRA-03-2010-0039 consent agreement and final order $900.00 (03/17/2010) (Lone Maple Agricultural Services, Inc. (FIFRA) SCAFO)
03/17/2010  CWA-06-2010-4327 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/17/2010) (Doris Tank Battery)
03/17/2010  FIFRA-07-2010-0006 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Agri-Producers, Inc)
03/17/2010  CWA-07-2010-0064 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Viking Pump)
03/17/2010  CAA-03-2010-0111 consent agreement and final order (03/17/2010) (First Capital insulation, Inc. and The School District of the City of York (APO))
03/17/2010  CWA-10-2010-0070 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/17/2010) (THOMPSON CREEK METALS COMPANY)
03/17/2010  TSCA-04-2010-2708(b) CAFO (03/17/2010) (Chemence, Inc.)
03/17/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-3028(b) Associated Registrations (03/17/2010) (Associated Registrations)
03/17/2010  CWA-04-2010-5007 Thompson Trucking, Inc. (03/17/2010) (Thompson Trucking, Inc.)
03/17/2010  CWA-04-2010-5008 BreitBurn Management Company, LLC (03/17/2010) (BreitBurn Management Company, LLC)
03/17/2010  CWA-04-2010-5006 CAFO (03/17/2010) (Faulkner Farms)
03/17/2010  FIFRA-07-2010-0007 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Bio Mass Renewable Tech, Inc)
03/17/2010  CAA-04-2010-1505(b) CAFO (03/17/2010) (Parker Young Construction, Inc.)
03/17/2010  TSCA-04-2010-2709(b) CAFO (03/17/2010) (Calgon Carbon Corporation)
03/17/2010  CWA-04-2010-5005 CAFO (03/17/2010) (Pemberton Truck Lines, Inc.)
03/16/2010  RCRA-05-2010-0010 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/16/2010) (Drug & Laboratory Disposal, Inc. (Plainwell, Michigan))
03/16/2010  CWA-07-2010-0006 CONSENT AGREEMENT/FINAL ORDER (E&A Consulting, Inc)
03/15/2010  CWA-07-2010-0007 CONSENT AGREEMENT FINAL ORDER (City of West Liberty)
03/12/2010  RCRA-07-2010-0010 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (University of Central Missouri)
03/12/2010  CERCLA-05-2010-0002 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/12/2010) (Handy Fertilizer, Inc. - SEP - (Millstadt, Illinois))
03/12/2010  CAA-05-2010-0015 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/12/2010) (Handy Fertilizer, Inc. -- SEP -- (Millstadt, Illinois))
03/12/2010  CAA-01-2009-0103 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/12/2010) (Morrison-Clark, Inc. )
03/12/2010  MM-05-2010-0003 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/12/2010) (Handy Fertilizer, Inc. -CAFO- (Millstadt, Illinois))
03/11/2010  EPCRA 06-2010-0504 Complaint and Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/11/2010) (Advanced Food Co., Inc.)
03/11/2010  SDWA-04-2010-1007(b) CAFO (03/11/2010) (Brookston Resources, Inc.)
03/11/2010  CWA-06-2010-4314 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Thunder Bay Marina)
03/10/2010  EPCRA-04-2010-2016(b) CAFI (03/10/2010) (Starchem, LLC)
03/10/2010  RCRA-02-2009-7108 Consent agreement and final order. (03/10/2010) (McHone Industries, Inc.)
03/10/2010  CWA-10-2010-0063 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/10/2010) (SANDPOINT CONSTRUCTION, INC.)
03/10/2010  CAA-04-2010-8005(b) CAFO (03/10/2010) (Denzil Bowman Wastewater Treatment Plant)
03/10/2010  CWA-02-2010-3309a Consent agreement and final order. (03/10/2010) (Lyn Main Berkshire Valley Dairy LLC)
03/10/2010  CWA-04-2010-4503(b) CAFO (03/10/2010) (E.I. Dupont De Nemours and Company Kinston, North Carolina)
03/09/2010  EPCRA-03-2010-0116 SCAFO consent agreement and final order $44,1,100.00 (03/09/2010) (Coopers Creek Chemical Corp., (EPCRA) (SCAFO))
03/09/2010  CWA-01-2010-0005 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/09/2010) (Quality Plumbing and Heating, Inc. operating as Kelly Fuels)
03/09/2010  CWA-01-2009-0074 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/09/2010) (City of Fall River)
03/09/2010  TSCA-03-2010-0013 consent agreement and final order $1,336.00 (03/09/2010) (West Nottingham Presbyterian Church, SCAFO, $1,336.00)
03/09/2010  FIFRA-03-2010-0053 consent agreement and final order ($900.00) (03/09/2010) (Sardo & Sons Warehousing, Inc., (SCAFO) FIFRA-03-2010-0053)
03/09/2010  CWA 06-2009-1816 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/09/2010) (Plaza Rio LLC)
03/08/2010  CWA-01-2010-0011 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/08/2010) (Medway Oil Co.)
03/08/2010  CWA-02-2009-3458 Consent agreement and final order. (03/08/2010) (Municipality of Rio Grande)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4803 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/08/2010) (New Dominion, L.L.C.)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4315 Expedited SPCC Settlment Agreement (Snake Creek Marina)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4325 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Chapman Ranch Water Station)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4313 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (Arrowhead Yacht Club & Marina)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4504 Expedited Spill Settlement Agreement (Enbridge Texas Gathering Pipeline)
03/08/2010  CWA-06-2010-4503 Expedited Spill Settlment Agreement (Meridian Resources)
03/05/2010  Class I - CWA 06-2010-1719 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/05/2010) (Holloway Construction Company)
03/04/2010  CWA-07-2009-0117 EXPECITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Topeka Transit Authority)
03/04/2010  CWA-04-2010-4505(b) CAFO (03/04/2010) (Cleveland Brothers, Inc.)
03/04/2010  CWA-07-2009-0116 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Topeka Transit Authority)
03/04/2010  CWA-07-2010-0042 EXPEDITED SPCC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Bremer County Board of Trustees)
03/04/2010  CWA-04-2010-4501(b) CAFO (03/04/2010) (Alpine Utilities Inc., South Carolina)
03/03/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-3027(b) CAFO (03/03/2010) (TT&G Enterprises, LLC)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3536 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (Targa Resources, Inc., Gillis Gas Plant)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3538 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (City of Dallas Elm Fork WTP)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3511 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (Lone Star Bakery, Plant No. 2)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3543 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (Enterprise Products Propylene Splitter III)
03/03/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-3026(b) CAFO (03/03/2010) (Crystal Clear Pools of Florida)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3545 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (Global Supply Chain)
03/03/2010  RCRA-04-2010-4001(b) CAFO (03/03/2010) (Master Packaging, Inc.)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3540 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (City of Broken Arrow WTP)
03/03/2010  CAA-06-2010-3546 Expedited Settlement Agreement (03/03/2010) (City of Cleburne Wastewater Treatment Plant)
03/02/2010  FIFRA-07-2010-0001 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Bartlett Grain Company, LP)
03/02/2010  EPCRA-04-2010-2013(b) Air Liquide Industries U.S. LP (03/02/2010) (Air Liquide Industries U.S. LP)
03/02/2010  CWA-06-2010-4310 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/02/2010) (Marine Quest)
03/01/2010  Class I - CWA 06-2010-4311 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/01/2010) (Dolberry Energy Resource Corp.)
03/01/2010  CWA-01-2010-0011 Consent Agreement and Final Order (03/01/2010) (Medway Oil Co.)
03/01/2010  CWA-06-2010-4323 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (03/01/2010) (Paradise Cove Marina)
03/01/2010  TSCA-07-2010-0005 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Mary Pugh)
02/28/2010  RCRA-07-2011-0007 CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER (Albaugh, Inc)
02/26/2010  EPCRA-04-2010-2017(b) CAFO (02/26/2010) (Ceradyne, Inc.)
02/26/2010  CWA-10-2010-0069 Expedited SPCC Settlement Agreement (02/26/2010) (CROWLEY PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTION, INC.)
02/26/2010  CWA-10-2010-0062 Expedited Settlement Agreement (02/26/2010) (IDAHO GRANITE WORKS, LLC AND TIMBER RIDGE INVESTMENTS, LLC)
02/26/2010  EPCRA-10-2010-0018 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/26/2010) (COMPOSITE AQUATIC INNOVATIONS, INC.)
02/26/2010  EPCRA-05-2010-0008 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/26/2010) (Combined Metals of Chicago, L.L.C. d/b/a Elgiloy Specialty Metals (Elgiloy) (Hampshire, Illinois))
02/25/2010  CAA-04-2010-1510(b) CAFO (02/25/2010) (CDP Johnson Ferry LR, LLC)
02/25/2010  CWA-10-2010-0056 Expedited Settlement Agreement (02/25/2010) (CEDARS AT SANDCREEK AND EARTHWORKS NORTHWEST)
02/25/2010  TSCA-04-2009-2900(b) CAFO (02/25/2010) (Graftech International Holdings, Inc.)
02/25/2010  TSCA-01-2010-0016 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/25/2010) (Carabetta Management Company)
02/25/2010  CAA-04-2010-8004(b) CAFO (02/25/2010) (Anniston Water Works & Sewer Board)
02/25/2010  TSCA-04-2009-2913(b) MPD, Inc. (02/25/2010) (MPD, Inc.)
02/25/2010  CWA-10-2009-0270 Consent Agreement and Final Order (02/25/2010) (SAL GALLUCCI, JJS SOUTHWEST LLC AND WHITEHAWK LAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LLC)
02/25/2010  CAA-04-2010-8006(b) CAFO (02/25/2010) (Greeneville Water Treatment Plant)
02/25/2010  TSCA-04-2010-2706(b) Colonial Park Apartments (02/25/2010) (Colonial Park Apartments)
02/25/2010  CWA-04-2010-5503(b) Robert Noonan (02/25/2010) (Robert Noonan)
02/25/2010  FIFRA-04-2010-3011(b) CAFO (02/25/2010) (Changing Paradigms, LLC)
02/25/2010  CAA-04-2010-8002(b) Horizon Milling, LLC (02/25/2010) (Horizon Milling, LLC)
02/24/2010  CWA-07-2010-0038 EXPEDITED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (Cornerstone Church)
02/24/2010  CAA-02-2009-1220 Consent agreement and final order. (02/24/2010) (Bacardi Corporation)

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 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 [next]

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