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Complaint DateStatusDocket Number
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0296 Jim Myatt
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0298 Jug Mountain Ranch, LLC
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0302 City of St. Maries, Idaho
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0306 City of Richfield, Idaho
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0309 Coleman Homes
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0310 City of Newport - Newport Municipal Airport
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0311 Silver Bay Seafoods-Metlakatla, LLC
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0318 Boise Hunter Homes
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0320 City of Worley, ID
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0322 City of Kendrick, Idaho
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0334 Brighton Corporation Inc. & Pentalon Construction
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0337 Kenai City Dock
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0338 Pacific Star Seafood, Inc
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0339 Pacific Star Seafood
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0340 Pacific Star Seafood
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0344 Alaska Aerofuel, Inc
2018*ClosedCWA-10-2018-0357 City of Genesee, Idaho
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0006 Smith & Wesson Corp.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0018 Atlantic Footcare, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0026 Masters Machine Company Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0035 Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0037 North Coast Sea-Foods Corp.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-01-2018-0053 New England Sports Management Corp. (Marlborough, MA)
2018*ActiveEPCRA-02-2018-4104 Seidler Chemical & Supply, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-02-2018-4201 Summit Lubricants Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-02-2018-4203 Vulcraft of New York, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-02-2018-4206 Cresent Marketing, Inc. dba Cresent Manufacturing
2018*ClosedEPCRA-03-2018-0139 New Standard Corporation, EPCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0203 Royal Ridge Fruit & Cold Storage, LLC.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0224 Baker Produce Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0238 Quick Market, Inc; DBA Mt. Clemans Chevron
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0245 Pat & Mike's Texaco, Chelan, WA
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0252 Foster Poultry Farms, A California Corporation
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0288 Gossner Foods-Magic Valley, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0289 Travis Industries, Inc.
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0290 Scarsella Brothers, Inc. Kent. WA
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0291 Pacific Service & Manufacturing, LLC
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0292 Cedar Grove Composting
2018*ClosedEPCRA-10-2018-0324 Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Inc.
2018*ClosedFIFRA-01-2018-0006 Acadian Seaplants Limited
2018*ClosedFIFRA-01-2018-0021 Armatron International, Inc.
2018*ClosedFIFRA-01-2018-0022 Deer No No, Inc.
2018*ClosedFIFRA-02-2018-5109 Modern Day Products, LLC & Mobile Pro Gear, LLC
2018*ClosedFIFRA-03-2018-0025 Solenis LLC, FIFRA, SCAFO
2018*ClosedFIFRA-03-2018-0030 Baker Petrolite, LLC, SCAFO
2018*ActiveFIFRA-03-2018-0117SS Alex C. Ferguson, LLC
2018*ClosedFIFRA-03-2018-0132 Kevin A. Evans, FIFRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0199 Wolfkill Feed & Fertilizer Corporation
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0202 Amazon Services LLC
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0204 Concentrates, Inc.
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0267 Newco, Inc., d/b/a Cascade Columbia Distribution
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0307 Tanada Corporation, dba Farma Tech International Corporation
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0336 Wilbur-Ellis Company, LLC
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0359 Varmite Getter, LLC
2018*ClosedFIFRA-10-2018-0364 Chemi-Green Solutions, LLC.
2018*ClosedRCRA-01-2018-0041 Ellison Surface Technologies, Inc.
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7103 Interfaith Medical Center
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7501 Town of North Hempstead
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7701 Carl Hasselback, White Arrow Service Stations, Inc., Hasselback Oil Co., Inc,, Spirits Spot, Inc.
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7702 First Group America, Inc., d/b/a First Student, Inc and First Transit, Inc.
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7703 U.S. Department of Interior
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7704 Meera One LLC d/b/a Lotus Farms
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7705 Blueox Corporation
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7706 S & H Food Mart, LLC d/b/a Sammy Quick Stop
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7707 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. d.b.a. Frontier Telephone of Rochester Operations Center
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7709 Kenyon Limited Partnership
2018*ClosedRCRA-02-2018-7710 473 E. Delavan, Inc., and 1545 Broadway, Inc.
2018*ActiveRCRA-03-2018-0042 The Former Hercules Facility
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0048 Dober Chemical Corporation, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0130 Rust-Oleum Corporation, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0135 Vesuvius, Inc., RCRA, CAFO
2018*ActiveRCRA-03-2018-0143CA ArcelorMittal Weirton LLC, Weirton Steel facility
2018*ActiveRCRA-03-2018-0144CA Mingo Junction Steel Works, LLC, Weirton Steel facilty
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0145 Nathaniel W. Garnett d/b/a East End Spirit Chevron, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0148 3951 Roosevelt Blvd Realty Corporation and Liberty Tradeplus, Inc.,, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0149 Ampak, LLC, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-03-2018-0153 Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, RCRA, CAFO
2018*ClosedRCRA-10-2018-0314 McClarin Plastics
2018*ClosedRCRA-10-2018-0335 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
2018*ClosedRCRA-10-2018-0348 J.H. Baxter & Company
2018*ClosedSDWA-02-2018-8401 Anthony Ferraro
2018*ClosedSDWA-02-2018-8402 Reno Mannio
2018*ActiveSDWA-03-2018-0068DU ARG Resources, Inc.
2018*ClosedSDWA-03-2018-0118DS American Legion Post 907, SDWA, Administrative Order for Compliance
2018*ClosedSDWA-10-2018-0284 Sunset Auto Body
2018*ClosedSDWA-10-2018-0341 Seward Body and Paint
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0005 Maurice Field
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0011 City of Ansonia
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0014 Bartlett Street Condos
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0016 Hachi Group, LLC
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0024 Ricardo Duarte
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0025 Rainbow Painters
2018*ClosedTSCA-01-2018-0029 CMT, Inc.
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9101 ADPP Enterprises, Incorporated
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9102 North River Mews Associates, LLC
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9103 New Jersey Department of Corrections
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9141 Troy Chemical Corporation
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9166 Bogy Construction LLC
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9168 Baxter Construction, Inc.
2018*ClosedTSCA-02-2018-9169 Donald Bucciarelli

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