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Docket NumberStatus Complaint DateCaseNameCan be sorted ascending
12-1988(ADC) - Stip-1ClosedPuerto Rico Land Authority and Vega Baja Landfill Superfund Site
2720603A045-STIP-77ClosedGenera PR LLC agent of PREPA
5-12-CV-05553-JKG - January 31, 2025ActiveGSP Management Company
8:20-cv-00269ClosedHenningsen Foods, Inc.
CAA- 06-2021-3357Closed10/14/2021Equistar Chemicals, LP
CAA-01-2007-0088ClosedArcher Rubber Company
CAA-01-2008-0031ClosedMotiva Enterprises LLC
CAA-01-2008-0068ClosedDragon Products Company, LLC
CAA-01-2008-0071Closed09/08/2008Arkwright Advance Coating, Inc.
CAA-01-2008-0102ClosedWaste Management of MA, Inc.
CAA-01-2008-0103Closed09/08/2008Arkwright Advance Coating, Inc.
CAA-01-2008-0104Closed01/22/2009Southeastern New England Shipbuilding Corporation
CAA-01-2008-0105Closed09/23/2008Bilray Demolition Company, Inc.
CAA-01-2009-0024Closed02/13/2009Cytec Industries Inc.
CAA-01-2009-0035ClosedYankee Fiber Control, Inc.
CAA-01-2009-0038Closed02/13/2009Roberts Chemical Company
CAA-01-2009-0069Closed06/30/2009H. Krevit & Company, Inc
CAA-01-2009-0090Closed07/31/2009JIDDU/SIDDU Trust and CRC Excavation, LLC.
CAA-01-2009-0094ClosedFirst Student, Inc.
CAA-01-2009-0095ClosedUS Naval Station - Newport, Goel Services, Inc., and A.A. Asbestos Abatement Co., Inc.
CAA-01-2009-0103Closed09/28/2009Morrison-Clark, Inc.
CAA-01-2010-0010ClosedRhode Island Airport Corporation, O.R. Colan Associates of Florida, LLC and The Jones Payne Group, Inc.
CAA-01-2010-0013 and EPCRA-01-2010-0014Closed01/04/2011Pharmco Products, Inc.
CAA-01-2010-0061Closed09/20/2010Tanner Industries, Inc.
CAA-01-2010-0062, CWA-01-2010-0065, EPCRA-01-2010-0063ClosedH. Krevit & Company, Inc.
CAA-01-2011-0001Closed10/20/2010Robinson Plumbing and Heating Supply Co., Inc.
CAA-01-2011-0016Closed01/14/2011Harbour Industries, LLC
CAA-01-2011-0021ClosedPreferred Freezer Services, LLC
CAA-01-2011-0031ClosedIn the Matter of Thomas C. Michelson,
CAA-01-2011-0032ClosedAA Asbestos Abatement Co., Inc.
CAA-01-2011-0049ClosedIllinois Tool Works
CAA-01-2011-0055Closed09/22/2011Cedar's Mediterranean Foods, Inc.
CAA-01-2011-0127Closed09/26/2011Durham School Services, Limited Partnership
CAA-01-2011-0128Closed09/30/2011Hubbard-Hall, Inc.
CAA-01-2011-0129Closed09/30/2011Hubbard-Hall Inc.
CAA-01-2012-0002ClosedIn the Matter of Sea-3, Inc., 190 Shattuck Way, Newington, NH
CAA-01-2012-0008ClosedIn the Matter of Sea-3, Inc., 190 Shattuck Way, Newington, NH
CAA-01-2012-0051ClosedSuddekor LLC
CAA-01-2012-0077ClosedNorth East Refrigerated Termials, Inc.
CAA-01-2012-0085Closed09/19/2012The Moore Company
CAA-01-2012-0088ClosedNashua Corporation
CAA-01-2012-0097ClosedOcean State Transit, LLC
CAA-01-2012-0105Closed09/27/2012Rynel, Inc.
CAA-01-2012-0106, CERCLA-01-2012-0107 and EPCRA-01-2012-0108 ClosedConnecticut Freezers, Inc and Maritime Inernational, Inc.
CAA-01-2012-0114Closed09/27/2012The City of Woonsocket, RI
CAA-01-2012-0115Closed09/28/2012Lillis Enterprise
CAA-01-2012-0116Closed09/28/2012In re JP Lillis Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Cape Cod Ice
CAA-01-2013-0012 CAFOClosedAmerican Shipyard Co., LLC
CAA-01-2013-0015ClosedBlount Boats, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0022ClosedNew England Boatworks, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0025ClosedEastern Bus Company
CAA-01-2013-0029ClosedFairhaven Shipyard Companies, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0044 Closed09/30/2013PCA Systems, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0045Closed09/30/2013Holland Company, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0047 and CERCLA-01-2013-0048ClosedJCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0049ClosedDuclos Corporation
CAA-01-2013-0051ClosedNorth Reading Transportation
CAA-01-2013-0053ClosedDragon Products Company, LLC
CAA-01-2013-0061 and EPCRA-01-2013-0062Closed09/30/2013Cold Storage Solutions, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0063Closed09/30/2013Cold Storage Solutions I, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0065 and EPCRA-01-2013-0066Closed09/30/2013Cold Storage Solutions II, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0067 and EPCRA-01-2013-0068 Closed09/13/2013Cold Storage Solutions, Inc.
CAA-01-2013-0073Closed10/30/2013Metal Finishing Technologies, LLC
CAA-01-2014-0001Closed03/12/2014Copar Quarries of Westerly, LLC
CAA-01-2014-0009ClosedUniFirst Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0010ClosedUniFirst Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0011ClosedUniFirst Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0012 CAFOClosedUniFirst Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0013ClosedCintas Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0014ClosedCintas Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0015ClosedCintas Corporation
CAA-01-2014-0020ClosedPioneer Valley Refridgerated Warehouse d/b/a Pioneer cold
CAA-01-2014-0021ClosedThe City of Fall River Mass.
CAA-01-2014-0025Closed143rd Airlift Wing
CAA-01-2014-0040ClosedMereco Technologies Group, Inc.
CAA-01-2014-0045ClosedIn the Matter of: T. Miozzi, Inc.
CAA-01-2014-0048ClosedAssociated Grocers of New England
CAA-01-2014-0050ClosedCrystal Ice Company, Inc.
CAA-01-2014-0051ClosedBozzuto's Inc.
CAA-01-2014-0052ClosedBorden & Remington Corp..
CAA-01-2014-0053ClosedLake Champlain Transportation Company, Burlington, VT
CAA-01-2014-0054ClosedLake Champlain Transportation Company, Shelburne, VT
CAA-01-2014-0058 ClosedDuBrul Family, LLC et al
CAA-01-2014-0063ClosedAmeriPride Services, Inc.
CAA-01-2014-0064ClosedAmeriPride Services, Inc.
CAA-01-2015-0003ClosedPrecise Packahing
CAA-01-2015-0006ClosedChemiplastica, Inc.
CAA-01-2015-0011ClosedTown of Somerset, MA, Water Pollution Control Facility
CAA-01-2015-0025Closed02/13/2015Shelburne Shipyard, Incorporated
CAA-01-2015-0026ClosedAtlantic Union College
CAA-01-2015-0029ClosedMann Distribution LLC and 3134 Post LLC
CAA-01-2015-0039ClosedIn the Matter of Tiverton Power LLC, 304 Progress Road, Tiverton, Rhode Island
CAA-01-2015-0040ClosedThe City of Groton
CAA-01-2015-0041ClosedCity of Norwich, CT
CAA-01-2015-0044ClosedCity of Meriden
CAA-01-2015-0064ClosedU.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
CAA-01-2015-0065Closed09/30/2015Penobscot McCrum, LLC
CAA-01-2016-0005ClosedIn the Matter of Hannaford Brothers Company, 50 Hemco Road, South Portland, Maine
CAA-01-2016-0014, EPCRA-01-2016-0015 and CERCLA-01-2016ClosedSwan Valley Cheese of VT, LLC and Jonergin Realty, LLC

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 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 
 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 
 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 
 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 
 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 [next]

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