NSHE HI Narcissus, LLC
- Docket Number: UIC-09-2022-0058
Status: Active
Statute: UIC Underground Injection Control ( Penalty )
Complaint Date: 08/02/2022
Location Filed: Region 09
(08/02/2022) #1 Complaint
(08/01/2022) #2 to Respondent
(08/31/2022) #3 Proof of Service (Electronic Receipt/Green Card/UPS Delivery Notification)
(08/29/2022) #4 Answer
(08/31/2022) #5 to Judge Biro from RHC
(09/07/2022) #6 Transmittal to the RJO by the RHC
(12/06/2022) #7 Setting Prehearing Schedule
(12/09/2022) #8 Motion for Extension of Time
(12/19/2022) #9 Granting Extension of Time
(01/05/2023) #10 Notice to the Parties re Filing Date
(01/13/2023) #11 Complainant's Motion's for Accelerated Decision on Liability
(01/13/2023) #12 Certificate of Service
(01/31/2023) #13 NSHE HI Narcissus, LLC's Memorandum in Opposition to Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability
(02/08/2023) #14 Complainant’s Reply to Respondent’s Memorandum in Opposition to Complainant’s Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability
(03/09/2023) #15 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange
(03/09/2023) #16 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits List
(01/10/2023) #17 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits 1 - 10
(03/09/2023) #18 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits 11 - 20
(03/09/2023) #19 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits 21 - 46
(03/13/2023) #20 Respondent's Prehearing Exchange
(03/13/2023) #21 Respondent's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits
(03/21/2023) #22 Complainant's Supplemented Prephearing Exchange
(03/23/2023) #23 Complainant's Statement of Proposed Penalty
(03/23/2023) #24 Request for Other Discovery
(08/28/2023) #25 Partial Accelerated Decision on Liability
(02/07/2024) #26 Prehearing Order
(02/16/2024) #27 Amended Prehearing Order
(04/16/2024) #28 Complainant's Statement of Proposed Penalty
(04/16/2024) #29 Complainant's Prehearing Informatjon Exchange
(04/16/2024) #30 Complainant’s Prehearing Information Exchange Exhibits List
(04/16/2024) #31 Complainant’s Prehearing Information Exchange Exhibits
(04/17/2024) #32 Amended NSHE's Prehearing Information Exhange
(04/17/2024) #33 Amended Prehearing Statement for May 28, 2024 Penalty Hearing
(04/17/2024) #34 NSHE’s Prehearing Information Exchange Exhibits List & Exhibits
(05/06/2024) #35 Second Prehearing Order
(05/13/2024) #36 Submission of Credentials and Report of Finn McCall
(05/16/2024) #37 Complainant’s Mediation Brief
(05/20/2024) #38 NSHE HI Narcissus, LLC's Mediation Brief
(05/20/2024) #39 NSHE HI Narcissus, LLC's Mediation Brief Exhibits
(07/18/2024) #40 Third Prehearing Order
(08/05/2024) #41 Amended Third Prehearing Order
(08/16/2024) #42 Complainant's Motions in Limine
(08/20/2024) #43 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and Appearance of Duke Pontin
(08/21/2024) #44 Fourth Prehearing Order
(09/03/2024) #45 Complainant's Motions for Postponement of Hearing
(09/03/2024) #46 Respondent's Motion to Dismiss
(09/10/2024) #47 Fifth Prehearing Order
(09/17/2024) #48 Motion to Withdraw
(09/25/2024) #49 Respodent's Answer to EPA Motion to Withdraw
(10/04/2024) #50 Complainant's Reply in Support of Motion to Withdraw Complaint Without Prejudice
(10/07/2024) #51 Clarification to EPA's sleight-ofhand interpretation of my answer