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Administrative Law Judges’ E-Docket Database

Closed Dockets

The cases listed below were pending before the Office of The Administrative Law Judges and have been closed. Decisions issued within the last 90 days are available under Recent Additions. The cases that are currently pending are shown on the “Active Dockets” page.

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Date ClosedCan be sorted ascending or descendingCase NameSorted ascending, can be sorted descendingDocket NumberCan be sorted ascending or descending
03/30/2011  122 Chestnut, L.L.C.  TSCA-01-2010-0046
07/01/2010  1810 W. Grace St., LLC (Park Ridge, Illinois)  RCRA-05-2009-0019
04/30/2013  290 Pratt Strret, LLC  TSCA-01-2012-0049
11/04/2010  47TH STREET TOWNHOMES, LLC., JORDAHL CUSTOM HOMES,...  CWA-08-2009-0021
10/08/2015  76 X-Press, LLC  RCRA-10-2015-0108
11/15/2021  930 Port Street, Inc., Easton Point, RCRA, Adminis...  RCRA-03-2021-0090
06/24/2010  99 Cents Only Stores  FIFRA-09-2008-0027
  A Plus Materials Recycling  CWA-09-2010-0003
01/28/2010  Abtech Industries, Inc.  FIFRA-09-2008-0025
12/27/2012  Accu-Care Supply, Inc  FIFRA-01-2012-0109
  ACH Food Companies, Inc. (Champaign, IL)  MM-05-2008-0003
10/28/2014  Advanced Recovery, Inc.  RCRA-02-2013-7106
01/20/2011  Agrimor Int'l Co.  FIFRA-04-2010-3002
12/22/2011  Aguakem Caribe, Inc.  RCRA-02-2009-7110
08/22/2012  Al-Kel Alliance, Inc.  RCRA 06-2012-0926
12/05/2016  Alaska Boat Company, LLC  CWA-10-2016-0116
05/05/2021  Alfaya Estate, LLC, and Karimar Construction, Inc.  CWA-02-2020-3452
03/07/2013  Alfonso D'Amico  TSCA-03-2012-0268
07/01/2013  Allen Enterprises Rental Properties, et al.   TSCA-01-2012-0110
05/03/2011  Allied Waste of Ponce, Inc., (f/k/a BFI of Ponce, ...  CWA-02-2010-3462
08/02/2011  American Acryl N.A., L.L.C.  CAA-06-2011-3302
04/24/2008  AMERICAN BIOTECH LABS, LLC.  FIFRA-08-2007-0013
01/18/2011  American Consumer Products  FIFRA-04-2009-3023
05/21/2009  American Metal and Iron, Inc.  CWA-09-2008-0003
05/15/2008  American Realty & Mortgage Company, Inc.  SDWA-09-2007-0004
07/07/2014  Amerimart Development Company, Inc., Qual-Econ Lea...  RCRA-02-2012-7501
06/05/2008  Amex, Inc.  RCRA-01-2007-0153
05/26/2011  Amocetia Beckford and Beckford Rentals, Inc.  TSCA-03-2011-0029
08/11/2010  Ampacet Corporation  TSCA-02-2009-9243
10/01/2009  Anabec, Inc.  FIFRA-02-2009-5201
12/02/2011  Andrea Simmons, Executrix, The Estate of Roger G. ...  RCRA-03-2011-0197
05/10/2010  Andrew and Yvette Hudyma and Mountaire Farms of De...  CWA-03-2009-0292
06/20/2013  Andrew B. Chase, a/k/a Andy Chase, Chase Services,...  RCRA-02-2011-7503
07/01/2008  Anibal Torres Sepulveda   FIFRA-02-2008-5304
04/12/2011  Anne Arundel County  CWA-03-2010-0404
10/27/2008  Anthony Lerma  CWA-10-2008-0009
06/01/2016  AP Goldshield, LLC (El Paso, Texas)  FIFRA-05-2016-0005
07/29/2010  Apartments R Us  TSCA-02-2009-9168
04/15/2016  Apex Tool Group, LLC  EPCRA 06-2016-0500
01/07/2009  Aretha Marshall (Detroit, MI)  TSCA-05-2008-0008
04/14/2008  Arizona Environmental Container Corporation  EPCRA-09-2007-0028
05/04/2011  ARK Fisheries, Inc. and Lynn Babington  CWA-10-2010-0239
  ASAA, Inc.  CAA-06-2010-3384
09/28/2012  Asnat Realty, LLC and Evergreen Power, LLC  TSCA-01-2011-0125
04/30/2014  Atlantic Funding and Real Estate, LLC and Mr. Alfr...  CWA-02-2013-3401
12/15/2011  Atlas Property Management, Inc., et al.  TSCA-01-2011-0026
09/17/2008  Audubon Communities Management, LLC  TSCA-02-2007-9168
03/20/2023  August Mack Environmental, Inc.  CERCLA-HQ-2017-0001
  Axiall, LLC  TSCA-HQ-2020-5006
  Aylin, Inc., Rt. 58 Food Mart, Inc., Franklin Eag...  RCRA-03-2013-0039
03/26/2012  Babic Rental Ventures, LLC (Believille, Illinois)  TSCA-05-2011-0018
02/24/2010  Bacardi Corporation  CAA-02-2009-1220
10/01/2009  Bailin & Associates, Inc.  CWA-01-2009-0046
08/08/2011  Barbara Koricanek d/b/a Koricanek Poultry Laying F...  CWA-06-2010-1908
06/30/2009  Barnsley Square LP and Selvaggio Enterprises, Inc.  CAA-03-2008-0363
02/01/2013  Barrick Cortez, Inc.  EPCRA-09-2011-0004
01/02/2009  Barron County Waste to Energy Facility (Almena, WI...  CAA-05-2008-0033
03/29/2010  Barton Septic Tank Service (St. Clairsville, Ohio)  CWA-05-2009-0009
06/25/2009  BASF Catalysts, LLC  EPCRA-04-2009-2001
12/09/2019  BASF Corporation  CWA-05-2018-0008
01/19/2011  Batesville Water & Gas Utility and Don Gunter Exca...  CWA-05-2010-0013
12/21/2012  Battery Recycling Company, Inc.  EPCRA-02-2011-4301
06/03/2016  Bayer CropScience LP et al.  FIFRA-HQ-2016-0001
06/10/2009  BBS Builders & Development Company, LLC  CWA-04-2008-4535
12/30/2008  Behnke Lubricants, Inc. (Menominee Falls, WI)  FIFRA-05-2007-0025
03/25/2010  BFS Petroleum Products, Inc., a division of Brucet...  CWA-03-2009-0156
07/26/2012  Bil-Jim Construction Company, Inc. and First Lakew...  CAA-02-2007-1217
05/22/2009  Bilray Demolition Company, Inc.  CAA-01-2008-0105
03/07/2013  BioSensory, Inc.  FIFRA-01-2012-0043
12/20/2018  Birds Eye Foods, LLC  CERCLA-05-2018-0005
12/20/2018  Birds Eye Foods,. LLC  EPCRA-05-2018-0009
12/20/2018  Birds Eyes Foods, LLC  MM-05-2018-0002
08/15/2019  BJZ Development and Construction, L.L.C  TSCA-07-2019-0052
  Borla Performance Industries, Inc.  CAA-09-2020-0044
01/21/2011  Borough of Norristown  TSCA-03-2010-0130
03/10/2015  BP America Production Company  CWA-08-2014-0037
05/08/2018  BP Products North America Inc. (Whiting, Indiana)  CWA-05-2016-0014
05/08/2018  BP Products North America Inc. (Whiting, Indiana)  CWA-05-2016-0015
02/15/2013  Bradford Printing and Finishing, LLC  RCRA-01-2012-0019
05/26/2010  Bug Bam Product  FIFRA-09-2009-0013
04/10/2009  BURKE OIL COMPANY, INC., d/b/a PRESHO OIL CO. (PRE...  CWA-08-2007-0025
04/13/2011  Burnham Associates, Inc.  MPRSA-01-2010-0078
  C & S Enterprise, L.L.C.  CWA-07-2018-0095
04/08/2013  Cactus Hill Ranch Company  CWA-08-2012-0033
06/12/2012  Cameel Halim; Wilmette Real Estate & Management, C...  TSCA-05-2011-0020
02/21/2017  Camtek, Inc. (Bloomington, Illinois)  EPCRA-05-2016-0018
07/12/2024  Candace Stuart-Stephens and Jerrod Stuart  CWA-10-2024-0024
02/26/2010  Caram Construction, Inc.  CWA-02-2009-3452
  Cardinal FG Company  CAA-05-2020-0026
07/25/2017  Caribbean All Metal Recyclers Corp.  RCRA-02-2016-7103
04/06/2011  Caribbean Properties Investment, Inc. and VPI Cons...  CWA-02-2008-3461
09/18/2012  Carimex International Trading Co, Inc. (d/b/a SHCP...  FIFRA-09-2011-0021
  Carl Grissom  CWA-10-2021-0035
03/25/2010  Carley Foundry Inc. (Blaine, Minnesota)  EPCRA-05-2009-0031
10/13/2015  Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Co., LLC  MPRSA-01-2015-0035
10/18/2023  CBD American Shaman, LLC  FIFRA-07-2022-0142
02/23/2009  CDG Technology, Inc.  FIFRA-03-2008-0147
05/31/2012  Cedar's Mediterranean Foods, Inc.  CAA-01-2011-0055
  Charles Bridge, LLC  TSCA-01-2022-0027
11/03/2009  Charles D. Sharp & Associates, Inc. d/b/a Sharp Ho...  CWA-05-2009-0006
10/07/2010  Chem-Way Corporation  EPCRA-04-2010-2015
  Chemical Equipment Labs, Inc.  EPCRA-03-2010-0308
  Chemical Solvents, Inc.  TSCA-HQ-2019-5001
06/05/2014  Chemsolv, Inc., and Austin Holdings-VA, LLC  RCRA-03-2011-0068
06/10/2009  CHEMSTATION OF DENVER  FIFRA-08-2008-0025
09/28/2010  Chester Aytech and 5631 Corporation  RCRA-03-2009-0322
12/30/2011  Chesterfield County, Virginia  CWA-03-2011-0151
04/14/2015  Chevron Mining Inc.  CWA 06-2014-1832
01/19/2010  CHILKOOT FISH AND CAVIAR, INC.  CWA-10-2009-0232
08/03/2011  Chilkoot Lumber Company, Inc. and Mr. L. Edward La...  TSCA-10-2010-0253
01/05/2024  Chlorpyrifos; Notice of Intent to Cancel Pesticide...  FIFRA-HQ-2023-0001
  Chlorpyrifos; Tolerance Revocations (EPA-HQ-OPP-20...  FFDCA-HQ-2021-0001
09/27/2012  Cindy Draher (Akron, Ohio)  TSCA-05-2012-0001
05/21/2015  Citgo Refining and Chemicals Co. LP.  CAA-06-2014-3304
05/26/2011  City of Baltimore  CWA-03-2010-0405
03/04/2015  City Of Breaux Bridge  CWA 06-2014-1774
06/12/2014  City of Buffalo  RCRA-02-2013-7108
04/20/2011  City of Buffalo  RCRA-02-2010-7107
04/26/2012  City of Chesapeake, Virginia  CWA-03-2011-0152
03/12/2010  City of Fall River, MA  CWA-01-2009-0074
  City of Huntington, West Virginia  CWA-03-2011-0235
  City of Newport, Virginia  CWA-03-2011-0162
04/10/2013  City of Polson  CWA-08-2012-0035
12/17/2014  City of Portsmouth, Virginia, CWA, Complaint  CWA-03-2014-0240
09/08/2008  City of St. Charles, A Municipal Corporation, Oper...  CAA-05-2008-0003
12/11/2024  Clean Air Environmental Services, Inc.  TSCA-02-2024-9276
07/09/2013  CLEAN ENERGY TEXAS LNG, LLC  CWA 06-2013-1736
05/27/2016  Clean Harbors Buttonwillow (#1)  RCRA-09-2015-0011
10/24/2023  Clearwater USA, Inc.  CWA-07-2023-0028
04/08/2013  Clinton T. Anderson, Owner CTA Properties (St. Cha...  TSCA-05-2012-0018
03/21/2012  Colin Wentworth  TSCA-01-2011-0037
03/27/2013  Collis, Inc  RCRA-07-2012-0014
  Colorado Quality Painting  TSCA-08-2022-0008
03/20/2013  Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC  CWA-03-2012-0078 & C...
  Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC, CWA, Complaint  CWA-03-2012-0130 & C...
08/30/2011  Columbian Distribution Services, Inc. (Wyoming, Mi...  EPCRA-05-2011-0012
06/02/2010  Commonwealth Oil Refinery Company  CAA-02-2009-1228
02/14/2013  Compania de la Central Roig, Inc.  CAA-02-2012-1210
07/01/2008  Concorde Garment Manufacturing Corporation  RCRA-09-2008-0002
05/13/2014  Consolidated Waste Services, Corp.  CWA-02-2013-3455
11/05/2014  Copar Quarries of Westerly, LLC  CAA-01-2014-0001
04/29/2010  Creative Liquid Coatings, Inc. Formerly Creative C...  RCRA-05-2009-0012
09/21/2012  CRM Rental Management, Inc.  TSCA-02-2012-9268
  Crop Protection Program, Office of the Agricultura...  FIFRA-02-2008-5301
07/23/2008  CRYSTAL PACKAGING, INC.  FIFRA-08-2008-0006
02/26/2010  CSC Trading and Rick Barone d/b/a R&B Recycling  CAA-09-2009-0029
10/15/2010  CUSTOM COMPOUNDERS, INC  FIFRA-07-2009-0042
  Cutting Edge Enterprises, Inc. (Forest Lake, Minne...  CAA-05-2024-0004
11/19/2010  Cycle Chem, Inc.  TSCA-03-2009-0209
03/28/2012  CycleChem Inc.  RCRA-02-2011-7101
12/22/2016  C.E. Bradley Laboratories, Inc.  RCRA-01-2015-0052
07/16/2008  C.P. Burdick & Son, Inc.  CWA-01-2007-0124
07/24/2008  C.P. Burdick & Son, Inc.  EPCRA-01-2007-0125
08/13/2013  Daifuki Trading Corp.  FIFRA-02-2013-5102
05/23/2011  Dal Realty Management Corporation  TSCA-02-2010-9271
05/19/2011  Dana Transport  RCRA-02-2010-7112
08/05/2011  Datom Products, Inc., and Wayne Highlands School D...  CAA-03-2011-0055
04/03/2008  DATOM PRODUCTS, INC., Pocono Environmental Educati...  CAA-03-2007-0261
  Dave Erlanson, Sr.  CWA-10-2016-0109
03/04/2009  David Cohen & Harry Cohen Company, Inc. ( Commerce...  TSCA-05-2008-0021
09/03/2019  David E. Easterday & Co., Inc., d/b/a Woodwright ...  FIFRA-05-2019-0005
12/22/2011  David Griffin  CWA-06-2011-2710
02/26/2009  David R. Sweezey  CWA-10-2008-0131
04/01/2008  Deltech Resin Company  RCRA-02-2007-7111
06/06/2012  Dependable Towing & Recovery, Inc., and David A. W...  CWA-02-2011-3601
04/20/2009  Derecktor Shipyards  RCRA-01-2007-0152
12/02/2010  Desarrollos Altamira I, Inc. and Cidra Excavation,...  CWA-02-2009-3462
06/21/2011  Destileria Serralles, Inc.  CAA-02-2010-1233
06/04/2014  Destination Maui Inc.  TSCA-09-2013-0010
  Detroit Renovations, LLC, and Nicole Curtis  TSCA-HQ-2018-5006
03/13/2009  DIATECT INTERNATIONAL CORP.  FIFRA-08-2008-0029
12/28/2009  Dilbag Khera - AM Food and Gas  RCRA-UST-04-2009-000...
  Dimmid, Inc.  TSCA-02-2023-9226
  Diocese of Scranton, PA and PDG, Inc.  CAA-03-2008-0148
06/28/2010  Dollar Store  FIFRA-09-2009-0012
09/13/2011  Dominion Boulevard Partners, LLC  CWA-03-2011-0089
03/27/2008  Domino's Pizza, L.L.C.  CERC-03-2007-0302
01/25/2023  Double M Properties  CWA-06-2022-1772
  Douglas Products and Packaging Company, LLC  FIFRA-HQ-2019-5002
03/20/2017  Dr. Daniel J. McGowan  CWA-07-2014-0060
02/24/2014  Dr. James Diemer  FIFRA-07-2013-0035
04/07/2009  Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.  CERCLA-05-2008-0009
04/07/2009  Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.  EPCRA-05-2008-0017
12/15/2008  Dunham Farm, LLC and Callahan, Inc.  CWA-01-2008-0046
04/13/2012  Durham School Services, Limited Partnership  CAA-01-2011-0127
03/21/2012  Duvall Development Co., Inc. and Jeffrey H. Duvall  CWA-04-2010-5505
09/12/2008  E-Z Cleaners, LLC  FIFRA-04-2007-3033
02/22/2017  Eagle Brass Company  EPCRA-03-2015-0127
02/16/2016  EarthECycle, LLC, d/b/a United Recylers of America...  RCRA-HQ-2009-0001
03/02/2015  East Baton Rouge Parish/ City Of Baton Rouge  CWA 06-2014-1769
04/06/2015  East Texas Salt Water Disposal Company  CWA 06-2014-1751
12/11/2009  Eastern Alloys, Inc.  EPCRA-02-2009-4002
09/23/2009  Eastman Kodak Company  CAA-02-2009-1212
11/14/2011  Eastman Kodak Company  CAA-02-2011-1209
02/19/2008  EDGEWOOD VILLAGE, INC.,F.O.H.,INC & YEDIDEI HAGAN,...  TSCA-01-2007-0076
07/15/2016  Edward and Theresa Washines, Da Stor at Lillie's C...  RCRA-10-2014-0100
08/12/2008  Edward L. Murray, Jr. (Indianapolis, IN)  TSCA-05-2007-0013
07/25/2013  Eiki World, Inc.  RCRA-09-2013-0001
05/25/2012  El Dorado Chemical Company  CWA-06-2011-1746
02/06/2009  Electro-Max, Inc. (Hampshire, IL)  EPCRA-05-2008-0015
11/12/2013  Elementis Chromium, LP  TSCA-HQ-2010-5022
04/29/2010  Elite Enterprises, Inc. (Fort Wayne, Indiana)  RCRA-05-2009-0013
06/20/2013  Empire Lumber  CAA-10-2012-0054
01/29/2024  Emrich Aerial Spraying, LLC  FIFRA-07-2022-0133
03/11/2022  England's Stove Works, Inc.  CAA-HQ-2022-8422
05/28/2015  Environmental Services, Inc.  TSCA-01-2014-0003
09/10/2008  Envirosafe Services of Ohio, Inc. (Oregon, OH)  CERCLA-05-2008-0006
12/03/2007  ERNEST CLAMAR  FIFRA-03-2007-0154
03/02/2009  Euclid of Virginia, Inc.  RCRA-03-2009-0067
  Evergreen Development, Inc and Mark Schmidt  CWA-07-2022-0134
  Everyday Group  FIFRA-02-2012-5201
01/25/2013  Exergen Corporation  FIFRA-01-2012-0066
07/06/2012  EXIDE TECHNOLOGIES  CWA 06-2012-1730
02/28/2012  FARMERS UNION OF MCLAUGHLIN  RCRA-08-2011-0004
08/09/2011  Feather Crest Farms, Inc.  CWA-06-2011-1702
03/23/2011  Felix Ayala and Silvette Ayala d/b/a Cantera El Ro...  CWA-02-2009-3451
03/24/2009  FIRESTONE PACIFIC FOODS, INC.  EPCRA-10-2007-0204
11/23/2009  FIVESTAR REALTY, INC  TSCA-07-2009-0011
04/16/2009  Flexabar Corporation and Flexdel Corporation  FIFRA-02-2008-5120
01/29/2009  Florida Avenue Mid Atlantic Petroleum Properties,...  RCRA-03-2008-0430
07/03/2012  Fluoresco Lighting and Signs  RCRA-09-2011-0012
12/21/2017  FMC Corporation  FIFRA-03-2015-0248
01/22/2010  Frame and Leany Resources  CWA-03-2009-0097
  Frank H. Truck Corporation  CWA-02-2008-3306
03/16/2015  Frank Ousley, d/b/a Frank's Flying Service (Morris...  FIFRA-05-2014-0022
12/20/2010  Franklin Non-Ferrous Foundry, Inc.  RCRA-01-2010-0053
  Freedom Performance, LLC  CAA-HQ-2019-8362
10/15/2010  FRM CHEM, INC  FIFRA-07-2008-0035
05/27/2010  FRONTIER REFINING, INC.  RCRA-08-2009-0002
06/03/2024  Frontline Group LLC  FIFRA-09-2023-0096
08/01/2013  Fry's Electronics  FIFRA-09-2012-0006
09/29/2015  Ft. Lincoln Retail, LLC, a/k/a Fort Lincoln Retail...  CWA-03-2015-0037
08/24/2010  Garco Construction, Inc.  CWA-10-2010-0065
01/29/2015  Geason Enterprises, L.L.C., et al.,   CAA-HQ-2013-8050
04/01/2008  General Motors Corporation  RCRA-03-2007-0096
06/24/2011  George E. Goodman, d/b/a Goodman Salvage (Xenia, I...  TSCA-05-2011-0005
07/01/2008  Gilberto Roman Gonzalez  FIFRA-02-2008-5303
10/21/2011  Giles Chemical (Greendale, Indiana)  MM-05-2011-0006
10/21/2011  Giles Chemical (Greendale, Indiana)   CERCLA-05-2011-0012
10/21/2011  Giles Chemicals (Greendale, Indiana)  EPCRA-05-2011-0017
01/28/2009  Global Shipping, LLC and Global Marketing Systems  TSCA-09-2008-0003
05/20/2014  GOLDEN LEAF ENERGY, INC.  CAA 06-2013-3351
06/12/2012  GOWAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. and NORTH DAKOTA DEPT. OF...  CWA-08-2011-0039
  Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, LLC  MPRSA-04-2019-7500
12/12/2022  Greenbuild Design & Construction, LLC  TSCA-10-2021-0006
09/12/2018  Gregory Mull, TSCA, Complaint  TSCA-03-2018-0063
06/15/2012  Grimmel Industries, L.L.C.  CWA-01-2011-0036
08/06/2009  Guaranteed Pool and Spa, Inc.  FIFRA-04-2009-3015
07/09/2015  Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority   CWA 06-2015-1722
03/25/2009  Gulf Oil Limited Partnership  CWA-02-2008-3401
05/14/2009  Habeeba Shariff (Chicago and/or Skokie, Illinois);...  TSCA-05-2008-0007
  Hacienda Miramar, Inc. and Karimar Construction, I...  CWA-02-2022-3451
08/24/2011  Hanson's Window and Construction, Inc. (Madison He...  TSCA-05-2011-0006
08/24/2011  Hanson's Window and Construction, Inc. (Madison He...  TSCA-05-2010-0013
11/27/2013  Harbor Fuel Oil Corporation  CWA-01-2012-0081
04/08/2011  Harford County, Maryland  CWA-03-2010-0406
  Harmony Homes, Inc.  TSCA-03-2010-0403
02/11/2011  Hawaii Stevedores, Inc.  CWA-09-2010-0005
05/07/2012  Henrico County, Virginia  CWA-03-2011-0139
10/11/2011  Henry G. Page, Jr. Development, Ltd.  CWA-02-2011-3404
07/08/2011  Heritage-WTI, Inc. (East Liverpool, Ohio)  CAA-05-2011-0012
01/19/2011  HOLCIM (US), INC.  CWA-08-2010-0037
11/26/2012  Hong Kong Supermarket,Inc.  FIFRA-02-2012-5205
08/06/2009  HOP Energy, LLC d/b/a DDLC Energy  CWA-01-2009-0004
09/22/2020  Howard Gross  TSCA-01-2019-0050
11/19/2013  HPI Products, Inc.  FIFRA-07-2013-0015
01/03/2011  Hudson Color Concentrates,a division of L&A Moldin...  RCRA-01-2010-0026
01/06/2015  Inhance Technologies LLC, formerly Fluoro-Seal Int...  CAA-07-2014-0021 and...
04/07/2009  Inmobiliaria Unibon, Inc.  CWA-02-2008-3457
09/26/2022  ISP Freetown Fine Chemicals, Inc.  RCRA-01-2018-0062
01/03/2011  Jack's Septic Service, LLC (Pomeroy, Ohio)  CWA-05-2010-0012
04/18/2013  James Ganoe (Target Housing)  TSCA-03-2012-0226
04/03/2014  James Ikegwu and Martha Ikegwu, TSCA-(Complaint)
01/21/2014  James J. Welch & Co., Inc.  TSCA-01-2013-0036
06/18/2008  Javier Quiles Torres Javier Quiles Farm  FIFRA-02-2008-5302
06/29/2011  Jazmin Family Trust  UIC-09-2010-0006
02/11/2010  JIDDU/SITTU Trust and CRC Excavating, LLC  CAA-01-2009-0090
11/07/2011  Jipangu International  EPCRA-09-2010-0031
05/21/2009  Joe Johnson & Associates, Inc.  TSCA-06-2008-6107
01/28/2009  John Paul Sopensky d/b/a John Sopensky Properties  TSCA-03-2008-0433
  John R. Bufkin  CWA-06-2008-2732
01/24/2008  John Strong (Grand Rapids, MI)  TSCA-05-2008-0001
12/28/2010  John V. Kane, IV  TSCA-03-2010-0323
01/08/2009  John William Hannah d/b/a CRM Energy Partners  CWA-06-2007-1923
09/12/2008  Johnson Laminating and Coating, Inc.  RCRA-09-2008-0010
  Johnson Matthey, Inc.  CAA-02-2012-1222
07/09/2008  Jose R. Martinez Coello Finca Los Tres Picahos  FIFRA-02-2008-5305
11/13/2012  Joseph L. Bollig & Sons, Inc. (New Lisbon, Wiscons...  CWA-05-2011-0008
11/13/2012  Joseph Oh and Holly Investment, LLC  RCRA-10-2011-0164
03/01/2013  Juan V. Hernandez  TSCA-01-2012-0029
02/27/2013  Judith Kime  TSCA-03-2012-0042
02/13/2008  JULIET ERMITANO  TSCA-01-2007-0093
09/05/2018  Justin Holder, Battlefield Automotive LLC, Enhance...  CAA-HQ-2018-8374
06/26/2012  J.A. Sutherland and Walberg, Inc.  CAA-09-2011-0007
02/03/2009  J.H. Miles and Company, Inc.  EPCRA-03-2008-0379
01/23/2014  Kachina Contractor Solutions, LLC  TSCA-10-2012-0188
02/26/2014  Kahle Company d/b/a K&L Ready Mix, Inc. (Ottawa, O...  EPCRA-05-2013-0017
08/04/2011  Kama'aina Termite and Pest Control  FIFRA-09-2011-0011
12/16/2008  Kanchanlal Patel  RCRA-UST-04-2008-000...
10/29/2010  KASHFLOW, INC  TSCA-07-2010-0002
03/02/2012  Keith Mirman (Akron, Ohio)  TSCA-05-2011-0012
05/05/2009  KEN PETSKA  CWA-07-2009-0014
10/26/2010  Kenneth Kosmoski and Kristin Gillan (Shorewood, Wi...  TSCA-05-2010-0006
  Kent Hoggan, Frostwood 6 LLC, and David Jacobsen  CWA-08-2017-0026
12/20/2010  KEVIN VAUGHAN AND BRYCE ANDERSEN  CWA-07-2010-0105
08/19/2022  Keystone Automotive Operations, Inc., CAA, Complai...  CAA-03-2021-0058
09/20/2012  Kilauea Crushers, Inc.  CAA-09-2011-0004
02/08/2011  Kinder Morgan Liquid Terminals, LLC  CAA-02-2010-1226
04/23/2021  Kirk Wilson, an Individual
06/03/2010  Kmart Corporation  RCRA-02-2009-7147
  Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.  CERC-03-2008-0381
  Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.  EPCRA-03-2008-0381
06/10/2009  Kowert Real Estate  TSCA-06-2008-6088
07/03/2018  KT Performance, Inc.  CAA-HQ-2018-8385
09/14/2012  Lafarge Building Material, Inc.  CWA-02-2012-3401
03/05/2009  Lafourche Parish  CWA-06-2007-2725
05/16/2018  Lafourche Parish Government, a Louisiana Municipal...  CWA-06-2017-2704
11/16/2011  Lake's Farm Service LLC (Carlisle, Indiana)  CAA-05-2010-0058
10/13/2010  Lanco Manufacturing Corporation  FIFRA-02-2009-5302
05/13/2014  Landfill Technologies of Fajardo, Corp.  CWA-02-2013-3454
04/20/2023  Landis Collections LLC  TSCA-07-2022-0124
01/26/2010  Landmark at Rahway, LLC  CWA-02-2009-3405
09/13/2012  Laser Products, Inc.  CAA-02-2011-1218
03/23/2016  LHP, LLC  TSCA-07-2014-0029
12/29/2008  Libra Industries, Inc. (Mentor, OH)  EPCRA-05-2008-0005
04/03/2008  Lifestyle Footwear, Inc.  RCRA-02-2007-7115
07/16/2010  Lin-Cor Environmental, LLC  RCRA-01-2009-0081
09/28/2016  Linwood Mining & Minerals Corporation  TSCA-HQ-2016-5015
03/12/2014  Liphatech, Inc. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)  FIFRA-05-2010-0016
09/26/2011  Logitech, Inc.  FIFRA-09-2010-0015
09/30/2014  Lu Yuan, Inc., and Zhejiang Yongkang Luyuan Indust...  CAA-HQ-2014-7829
07/21/2010  Lubricating Specialties  EPCRA-09-2009-0016
06/01/2015  Ludwig, Inc.  EPCRA 06-2015-0502
  M & P Pest Control, Inc.  FIFRA-02-2020-5303
07/25/2008  Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc.  RCRA-02-2008-7103
11/10/2015  Madonna Enterprises, Inc., and Whitehall Township,...  CAA-03-2014-0092
12/17/2019  Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P.  CAA-07-2019-0260
06/04/2018  Magnolia Waco Properties, LLC, d/b/a Magnolia Home...  TSCA-HQ-2018-5004
03/06/2014  Mara Shipping Inc.  FIFRA-02-2013-5111
06/17/2010  Mardaph II, LLC; Mardaph III; and Vinnie Wilson (C...  TSCA-05-2008-0019
05/31/2017  Marina PDR Operations, LLC  CWA-02-2017-3452
06/21/2011  Material Delivery, Inc.  CAA-09-2010-0006
11/04/2013  Mathie Energy Supply Company, Inc. (Morrice, Michi...  FIFRA-05-2012-0022
08/04/2008  Matthew Bupp, an individual, and d/b/a Lenders Gro...  CAA-03-2008-0179
06/22/2015  Matthew Young  TSCA-07-2015-0007
04/18/2017  Mayaguez Medical Center Dr. Ramon Emeterio Betance...  RCRA-02-2016-7106
08/20/2008  Mayo Group Development, LLC, J.M. Realty Managemen...  TSCA-01-2007-0134
09/09/2009  MBH Trucking, L.L.C. (Webberville, Michigan)   CERCLA-05-2009-0005
08/06/2012  McCook Cold Storage Corporation (McCook, Illinois)  EPCRA-05-2012-0005
12/26/2018  McNamara Realty  TSCA-09-2018-0007
12/04/2008  Medford Auto Wreckers, Inc.  CAA-02-2008-1209
06/08/2009  Mehran Nicholas Valiyi (Indianapolis, Indiana)   TSCA-05-2009-0003
  Meleen Corporation (Onamia, Minnesota)  RCRA-05-2013-0013
04/04/2008  MENARD, INC.  CWA-08-2007-0023
12/15/2011  Mercury Vapor Processing Technologies Inc., a/k/a ...  RCRA-05-2010-0015
02/18/2011  METAL MANAGEMENT WEST, INC.  CAA-08-2010-0017
11/18/2011  Metro Metals Corporation and Avista Recycling, Inc...  RCRA-10-2011-0040
05/29/2014  Metzgermeister & Research, Corp.  CWA-02-2013-3453
01/27/2009  Michael Aukerman d/b/a Michael Aukerman Excavating...  CWA-05-2008-0004
12/30/2009  Michael Cannon (Milwaukee, WI)  TSCA-05-2008-0015
08/25/2010  MICHAEL L COLLINS  CWA-07-2009-0074
  Michael Zahner and Zahner Management Company, LLC  CWA-07-2022-0141
02/23/2010  MID-AMERICAN COACHES, INC  CWA-07-2009-0073
02/07/2011  MIDWEST FERTILIZER, INC.  FIFRA-08-2010-0018
07/09/2010  MIKE VIERSTRA d/b/a VIERSTRA DAIRY  CWA-10-2010-0018
04/07/2014  Mille Lacs Soil Service Association (Foreston, Min...  CAA-05-2013-0033
12/21/2010  MilMar Food Group II, LLC  EPCRA-02-2010-4002
11/08/2011  Misch Excavating d/b/a Rooterman (Downs, Illinois)  CWA-05-2011-0003
01/17/2013  Molinos De Puerto Rico, Inc.  CWA-02-2012-3458
06/02/2011  MORAN BEEF, INC  CWA-07-2010-0080
03/16/2010  Morrison-Clark, Inc.  CAA-01-2009-0103
09/15/2008  Mountain States Petroleum Company  UIC-09-2008-0003
01/16/2009  Mountainside Realty, a Pennsylvania General Partne...  TSCA-03-2008-0333
12/21/2011  Mr. Allen Barry, Mr. Tim Barry d/b/a Allen Barry L...  CWA-05-2010-0008
  Mr. Gary Powers and Ms. Angie Powers  CWA-03-2023-0104
02/18/2016  MTJ American, LLC  FIFRA-04-2014-3009
  Mt. Tom Generating Company, LLC  CWA-01-2010-0059
07/07/2011  Municipality of Aguas Buenas  CWA-02-2010-3455
09/07/2011  Municipality of Anasco  CWA-02-2010-3454
05/19/2011  Municipality of Catano  CWA-02-2010-3456
02/12/2010  Municipality of Cayey  CWA-02-2009-3454
02/12/2010  Municipality of Hatillo  CWA-02-2009-3455
06/15/2010  Municipality of Las Piedras  CWA-02-2009-3456
  Municipality of Mayaguez  CWA-02-2011-3453
09/07/2012  Municipality of Moca  CAA-02-2011-1216
03/09/2010  Municipality of Rio Grande  CWA-02-2009-3458
  Municipality of Toa Alta  CWA-02-2009-3459
06/03/2010  Municipality of Toa Baja  RCRA-02-2009-7111
10/02/2014  My Van Nguyen and Xem Thi Le  TSCA-01-2013-0051
11/18/2009  National Enterprises, Inc. and MA No. 2, LLC  TSCA-01-2009-0059
04/29/2008  National Lime and Stone Company (Findlay, Ohio)   CAA-05-2009-0002
  Navisun, LLC  CWA-01-2024-0001
06/09/2009  Neil R. Kennedy (Boardman, Ohio)  TSCA-05-2008-0016
09/23/2013  Nelcon, Inc.  CWA-08-2012-0025
09/18/2012  Nestle Purina Petcare Company (St. Louis, Missouri...  FIFRA-05-2012-0002
01/21/2014  New Hampshire Glass  TSCA-01-2013-0010
05/08/2024  New Prime, Inc.  RCRA-08-2020-0007
  New York State Department of Transportation  CWA-02-2016-3403
02/22/2017  Nicor Gas  TSCA-HQ-2015-5017
12/02/2009  Nicro Finishing, LLC (Detroit, Michigan)  EPCRA-05-2009-0023
10/30/2024  Norco Corporation  CAA-09-2024-0025
12/23/2010  NORKA Manufacturing, Inc.  RCRA-03-2010-0398
05/15/2020  Norlite, LLC  CAA-02-2020-1004
03/31/2008  North American EN, Inc. (Elk Grove Village, IL)  RCRA-05-2007-0015
08/06/2009  Northern Frozen Foods, Inc. d/b/a Northern Haserot...  FIFRA-05-2009-0004
  Notice of Intent to Suspend (NOITS) Dimethyl Tetra...  FIFRA-HQ-2022-0002
12/27/2011  NOVA ENERGY, INC.  CWA-08-2010-0024
03/26/2015  Nova Mud, Inc.  FIFRA 06-2015-0301
06/10/2009  NRT New England LLC d/b/a Coldwell Banker Real Est...  TSCA-01-2008-0107
  NuChem Corp.  FIFRA-03-2016-0098
06/10/2010  NUSSER OIL COMPANY, INC  CWA-07-2010-0011
07/03/2012  NUSTAR REFINING, INC.  CAA 06-2012-3444
06/17/2010  NUSTAR Terminals Operating Partnership, L.P. and S...  CWA-03-2009-0320
06/16/2009  Oak Hollow Apartments  TSCA-06-2008-6092
11/08/2010  Oakite Products, Inc. d/b/a Chemetall Oakite, and ...  TSCA-02-2009-9148
05/15/2012  Oasis Food Mart, Inc. & Y&A Investments, LLC  RCRA-03-2011-0284
10/03/2012  Oil Energy System, Inc.  RCRA-02-2011-7107
02/12/2014  OILTANKING HOUSTON, L.P.  CAA 06-2013-3312
04/09/2009  Old Colony Company  TSCA-03-2008-0386
02/07/2011  Oliver Exterminating  FIFRA-02-2010-5305
02/07/2008  OMNILYTICS, INC.  FIFRA-08-2007-0014
04/23/2015  Pacific Air Research, Inc.  FIFRA-10-2014-0141
09/07/2012  PACIFIC HIDE AND FUR d/b/a PACIFIC STEEL & RECYCLI...  CAA-08-2012-0006
02/06/2015  Paco Swain Realty, L.L.C  CWA 06-2012-2712
02/06/2015  Paco Swain Realty, L.L.C   CWA 06-2012-2710
04/02/2009  Palmas Lakes, Inc. & F&R Contractors Corporation  CWA-02-2007-3410
10/01/2012  Pan American Grain Co., Inc.  CWA-02-2011-3451
04/08/2011  Pan American Grain Manufacturing Co., Inc.  EPCRA-02-2010-4004
11/30/2010  Pan American Growers Supply, Inc.  FIFRA-04-2010-3029
08/18/2008  Paradigm Labs, Inc.  FIFRA-03-2008-0168
09/22/2010  PARRY FARMS, LLC  CWA-08-2010-0002
02/11/2009  Pat Sargent Real Estate  TSCA-06-2008-6104
08/23/2012  Patick Wilber - YaYa Milwaukee, LLC Sancho Propert...  TSCA-05-2011-0021
12/23/2016  Peace Industry Group (USA), Inc., Zhejiang Peace I...  CAA-HQ-2014-8119
08/03/2015  Peace Power Sports, Inc., d/b/a Luxe USA  CAA-HQ-2014-8063
04/02/2010  Peninsula Oil Company, Inc., Wilco Bulk Plant, bla...  CWA-03-2009-0288
04/17/2009  Pennant Foods Company ( Northlake, Illinois)   EPCRA-05-2009-0005
09/08/2011  Pepsi Cola Puerto Rico Bottling Company LLC  CWA-02-2010-3463
09/09/2009  Peter Galuszka  CWA-01-2008-0089
08/03/2012  PETRA ENERGY INC., and ASHER ASSOCIATES, LLC.   CWA-08-2011-0037
09/18/2008  Petroleum Marketers, Inc.  CWA-03-2008-0103
06/15/2010  Phildelphia Furniture, LLC  CAA-02-2009-1215
05/31/2017  Pike International LLC, et al:  TSCA-01-2016-0034
12/19/2012  Plains Gas Solutions, Inc.  CAA-06-2012-3319
04/02/2012  Port of Authority of New York and New Jersey  RCRA-02-2011-7110
12/22/2011  Portsmouth Boating Center, Inc.  CWA-03-2011-0099
08/03/2012  Potomac Housing Realtors, LLC  TSCA-03-2012-0072
06/10/2011  PRM Concrete Corporation  CWA-01-2010-0050
  Professional Contract Sterilization, Inc.  CAA-01-2022-0059
03/12/2009  Progressive Real Estate, Inc. dba Pro Properties, ...  TSCA-09-2009-0001
12/08/2010  Promet Marine Services Corporation  CWA-01-2010-0033
  Promet Marine Services Corporation  CAA-01-2010-0034
06/11/2010  PropSys Inc.  TSCA-01-2009-0101
06/09/2011  Proto Property Services, LLC  TSCA-02-2010-9266
12/20/2010  PSC, LLC  RCRA-02-2010-7101
06/28/2010  Puerto Rico Air National Guard, U.S. Air Force  RCRA-02-2009-7506
08/22/2013  Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority  CAA-02-2012-1213
03/31/2008  Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority, Ponce Regi...  CWA-02-2008-3451
04/04/2011  Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority  CAA-02-2010-1235
07/22/2008  Puerto Rico Land Authority  CWA-02-2007-3601
05/01/2009  Pueto Rico Army National Guard, Camp Santiago, and...  RCRA-02-2008-7502
03/22/2010  Pueto Rico Electric Power Authority  CAA-02-2009-1221
11/22/2011  Pulsar, Inc. (Franklin Park, Illinois)  RCRA-05-2009-0026
03/01/2013  PZ Painting  TSCA-02-2012-9170
05/15/2009  Quality Engineers & Contractors,Inc., & Cidra Exca...  CWA-02-2007-3411
03/02/2011  Raia & Sirignano Development Co.  TSCA-02-2010-9166
  Ralph Hovannisian c/o Professional Man Property Ma...  TSCA-09-2008-0001
10/20/2011  Ram Energy Resources, Inc.  CWA-06-2011-1710
07/15/2008  RAM, INC.  SWDA-06-2005-5301
02/08/2018  Ravago Chemical Distribution Inc. dba Pacific Coas...  TSCA-HQ-2018-5003
08/07/2014  Reckitt Benckiser LLC  FIFRA 661
08/23/2016  Recycled Aggregates, LLC and John Driggs Company  CWA-03-2016-0040
03/30/2011  Regina Bennett  TSCA-03-2010-0407
08/04/2015  Rego Realty Corporation et al  TSCA-01-2014-0065
07/29/2011  Reliable Galvanizing Company (Chicago, Illinois)  RCRA-05-2010-0026
08/08/2008  Revane Development Company, Inc.  CWA-01-2008-0027
12/18/2013  Revere Plastics Systems, LLC (Clyde, Ohio)  EPCRA-05-2013-0025
05/16/2008  REVIVAL ANIMAL HEALTH, INC  FIFRA-07-2007-0024
12/06/2012  REYNOLDS OIL COMPANY, INC.  RCRA-03-2012-0163
05/27/2009  RE/MAX Suburban Real Estate  TSCA-06-2008-6103
08/15/2012  Rhodes Technologies  RCRA-01-2011-0124
05/15/2007  RIZING SUN, L.L.C  FIFRA-09-2004-0024
11/28/2011  RK Distributing,Inc.  RCRA-06-2011-5601
06/12/2024  Ro Cher Enterprises Inc. (Downers Grove, Illinois)  TSCA-05-2023-0004
04/17/2024  Robert Lauter d/b/a Prime Cut Paint  TSCA-03-2023-0034
04/18/2012  Robert M. Loomis and Nancy M. Loomis  CWA-10-2011-0086
03/30/2012  Roberts Chemical Company, Inc.  RCRA-01-2011-0130
03/24/2010  Robinson Concrete, Inc. d/b/a Franklin Street Read...  CWA-02-2009-3404
03/03/2020  Rockland Industries, Inc.  TSCA-HQ-2020-5004
07/14/2011  Rockview Dairies, Inc.  EPCRA-09-2010-0029
01/07/2010  Rodney O. Corr  CWA-04-2008-5508
03/29/2012  Ronald R. Underwood (Elmore, Ohio)  TSCA-05-2011-0016
01/29/2009  Ronson Consumer Products Corporation  CAA-02-2008-1215
09/14/2012  Roosevelt County Road Shop  RCRA-08-2012-0002
01/18/2012  Rose Real Estate Properties, Inc. (Valdosta, Georg...  TSCA-05-2011-0004
01/20/2012  Rowell Chemical Corporation (Hinsdale, Illinois)  TSCA-05-2011-0011
09/29/2011  Rowley Fuels, Inc.  CWA-01-2011-0017
01/13/2025  RSA Corp.  TSCA-HQ-2024-5001
08/31/2010  Russell Wise  CWA-04-2009-5504
07/08/2015  Ryan Reinke  TSCA-07-2014-0022
07/19/2024  R.H. Capital-Beets, LLC  CWA-07-2023-0067
02/08/2008  R.M.Packer Company, Inc.  CWA-01-2007-0149
03/09/2017  Safetech, Inc.  CAA-02-2015-1215
10/18/2010  Samad Corporation  RCRA-03-2010-0255
01/27/2012  San Pedro Forklift  CWA-09-2009-0006
08/16/2013  Sartorius Stedim Filters, Inc.  RCRA-02-2013-7102
11/10/2009  Sauder Woodworking Cogeneration Facility (Archbold...  CAA-05-2009-0025
01/28/2010  School District of Dublin, Inc. and Sargent Enterp...  CAA-03-2009-0189
01/31/2012  Scmitt Sales, Inc.  RCRA-02-2011-7508
10/08/2008  Scranton Products, Inc., Hoffman & Kozlansky Realt...  CAA-03-2008-0004
12/07/2010  SERVICE OIL, INC.,  CWA-08-2005-0010
01/08/2010  Service Supply of Victoria  CAA-06-2009-3374
  Seward Turkey Enterprises, Inc.  CWA-07-2019-0005
09/16/2008  Shabbir Shaikh and Alishan, Inc. t/a Royal Service...  RCRA-03-2007-0279
09/29/2009  Shell Chemical Yabucoa, Inc.  CWA-02-2009-3461
12/10/2018  Silky Associates, LLC, RCRA, Complaint RCRA-03-201...  RCRA-03-2018-0131
11/01/2016  Sloan Valve Company  RCRA 06-2016-0914
09/10/2008  SMITH FARM ENTERPRISES, LLC  CWA-03-2001-0022
07/21/2008  South Hadley, Massachusetts  CWA-01-2007-0094
06/11/2009  Southgate Apartments  TSCA-06-2008-6098
10/30/2018  Spartan Diesel Technologies, LLC  CAA-HQ-2017-8362
  Special Interest Auto Works, Inc. and Troy Peterso...  CWA-10-2013-0123
07/14/2010  SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS, INC  RCRA-07-2009-0012
02/01/2010  Spring Lake Gardens, Inc.  FIFRA-04-2009-3027
12/18/2014  State of New Jersey Department of Corrections  RCRA-02-2014-7102
07/21/2009  Stevenson Commons Associates, L.P. and Grenadier R...  CAA-02-2008-1220
01/29/2010  STILWELL OIL COMPANY  CWA-07-2009-0093
02/03/2016  Stockton Oil Company - Battlefield Express C-Store  RCRA-08-2014-0002
02/28/2011  Strata Enterprises, LLC  CAA-06-2010-3383
04/07/2011  Sukhjinder S. Virk, Owner -Virks Gas and Grocery (...  RCRA-05-2010-0017
08/06/2012  Summit Cold Storage Corporation (Chicago, Illinois...  EPCRA-05-2012-0006
  Summit, Inc. (Gary, Indiana)  RCRA-05-2014-0006
05/04/2011  Sun Land Materials, LLC  CAA-09-2010-0003
03/06/2008  Sunoco, Inc.  CERCLA-02-2008-2004
08/06/2008  Sunrise Electronics, Incoporated (Elk Grove Villag...  RCRA-05-2007-0013
11/04/2009  SuperClean Brands, Inc. (Eagan, Minnesota)  EPCRA-05-2009-0016
07/28/2011  Superior Tube Company, Inc.  CERCLA-03-2010-0373
07/28/2011  Superior Tube Company, Inc.  EPCRA-03-2010-0373
02/23/2010  Supreme Asset Management and Recovery, Inc. a/k/a ...  RCRA-02-2009-7106
04/24/2009  Swanson's Pest Management, Inc.  FIFRA-10-2009-0012
02/08/2018  Syngenta Seeds LLC  FIFRA-09-2017-0001
10/15/2010  SYNISYS, INC  FIFRA-07-2009-0041
03/27/2017  Tanay, LLC, and Swami, LLC  RCRA-03-2016-0225
08/07/2018  Taotao USA, Inc., Taotao Group Co., Ltd., and Jiny...  CAA-HQ-2015-8065
07/03/2012  TAPI Puerto Rico, Inc.  CAA-02-2011-1204
10/25/2018  Tasman Leather Group, LLC   RCRA-01-2017-0054
07/30/2013  Technical Industrial Sales, Inc.  FIFRA-02-2013-5301
08/20/2009  TELMA ABATE & HOSSEIN FADAVI D/B/A 5803-07-11 CABA...  TSCA-07-2009-0014
12/11/2019  Terravecchia Building & Restoration, Inc.  TSCA-01-2019-0062
09/12/2016  Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company LLC  CAA-10-2016-0044
04/21/2017  The City of Blaine (Blaine, Minnesota)  CWA-05-2016-0019
03/26/2009  The Community Builders, Inc., et al.  TSCA-01-2008-0079
  The Lauren Group, LLC  CWA-06-2010-1772
03/09/2011  The Okonite Company, Inc.  TSCA-02-2010-9104
07/18/2016  The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Electric ...  RCRA-08-2015-0002 an...
07/18/2016  The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, National Electric ...  CAA-08-2015-0014 and...
07/18/2011  Thomas Caracio, Leonard N. Zito, Trustee, & Scotta...  CAA-03-2010-0408
08/31/2020  Thomas Petroleum, LLC  EPCRA 06-2019-0501
06/28/2011  TMW Corporation/aka Crown Chrome Plating Corp.  RCRA-09-2010-0014
01/30/2014  TNT General Contracting, INC; Webb Minerals, LLC; ...  RCRA-07-2012-0020; C...
07/10/2023  Tom Villegas and Amy Villegas  CWA-07-2022-0104
08/06/2010  Tonawanda Coke Corporation  RCRA-02-2010-7104
  Tony L. Brown and Joshua A. Brown d/b/a Riverview ...  CWA-07-2016-0053
06/30/2009  Tony Papadimitriou  TSCA-03-2008-0035
03/18/2020  Top Gas and Mini Mart, LLC, and Ezra Reuven, Admi...  RCRA-03-2019-0103
  Total Petroleum Puerto Rico Corp.  RCRA-02-2018-7101
07/02/2010  Town of North Providence, Department of Public Wor...  CWA-01-2009-0093
03/11/2009  TRANS-WEST, INC.  CAA-08-2008-0030
03/28/2017  Tri-iso TryLine LLC, f/k/a The TryLine Group LLC (...  TSCA-HQ-2017-5001
01/05/2012  Tri-Stella Development Group, Inc. and Dynamics En...  CWA-02-2011-3454
09/15/2017  TRInternational, Inc. (Seattle, WA)  TSCA-HQ-2017-5002
  TW SERVICES, INC.  TSCA-08-2007-0017
  TW SERVICES, INC.  TSCA-08-2007-0015
04/01/2022  TWDS, Inc., a/k/a My Last Bath, Windows Direct of ...  TSCA-05-2021-0013
12/29/2008  T.Bradley Lam d/b/a Lam's Lumber Company and D's M...  RCRA-03-2008-0354
07/31/2014  T.C. Dunham Paint Company, Inc.  RCRA-02-2013-7105
04/17/2008  Unified Western Grocers, Inc.  FIFRA-09-2007-0024
10/06/2014  United Abrasives, Inc.  RCRA-01-2013-0072
02/28/2014  United Global Trading, Inc.  FIFRA-04-2011-3020
10/28/2024  United States Department of the Army, Rocky Mounta...  CERCLA-08-2020-0001
03/22/2011  United States Postal Service  RCRA-02-2010-7503
09/18/2008  United States Veterans Administration, Canandaigua...  RCRA-02-2008-7504
  University of Vermont State and Agricultural Colle...  RCRA-01-2016-0077
02/03/2014  US Virgin Islands Water and Power Authortiy  RCRA-02-2012-7108
03/12/2012  USVI Department of Health - Division of Environmen...  RCRA-02-2010-7111
04/23/2015  UTA of KJ, Inc.  CWA-02-2014-3401
04/23/2015  UTA of KJ, Inc.  CWA-02-2014-3402
  U.S. Department of the Army and Army & Air Force E...  RCRA-02-2009-7507
01/27/2010  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  RCRA-02-2008-7507
08/10/2012  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs  RCRA-02-2012-7502
  Valiant Aluminum Products Co., Inc.  TSCA-02-2011-9166
06/30/2009  Valimet, Inc.  EPCRA-09-2007-0021
06/03/2010  VALLEY REALTY, INC.  CWA-08-2009-0023
11/23/2012  Valvo Convenience and Gas, Inc. and Stephen M. Val...  RCRA-02-2011-7507
  Venquest Trading, Inc.  FIFRA-09-2008-0001
09/30/2013  Veolia ES Techincal Soutions L.L.C.  TSCA-09-2013-0004
  Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC  RCRA-02-2019-7106
09/28/2016  Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C.  RCRA-02-2016-7101
01/31/2012  Vico Construction Corporation  CWA-03-2011-0083
04/20/2022  Vorbeck Materials  TSCA-HQ-2022-5003
  VSS International Inc.  OPA-09-2018-0002
06/13/2011  Wade Taatjes, a/k/a Dennis Wade Taatjes (Grand Rap...  TSCA-05-2010-0011
02/23/2009  Wallace Silversmiths de Puerto Rico, Ltd.  RCRA-02-2008-7109
03/19/2009  Warehouse99 of Miami, Inc. (d/b/a Dollar Star Logi...  FIFRA-04-2009-3001
01/12/2008  WASATCH METAL RECYCLING  CAA-08-2008-0016
11/04/2015  Waterway Realty, LLC   TSCA-01-2014-0066
07/30/2009  Wayne Metals, LLC (Markle, Indiana)   CAA-05-2009-0014
08/20/2014  Wayne R. Erickson (Novelty, Ohio)  CWA-05-2014-0003
03/25/2010  Welch Foods, Inc.  CERCLA-02-2009-2030
01/18/2011  WENDY MEALER and DENNIS STOKEBRAND  FIFRA-08-2010-0017
10/26/2018  Wesco Construction Co., CAA, Complaint   CAA-03-2018-0054
11/07/2018  Wheeler Rock Products & Trina Wheeler  CAA-10-2018-0260
05/02/2016  Whipple Construction Company  CWA-01-2015-0032
  Wilkins Dairy Farm, LLC  CWA-02-2010-3404
09/15/2010  William R. Oates, Jr.  TSCA-03-2010-0249
09/27/2024  William T Burnett & Co.  TSCA-HQ-2024-5020
07/16/2009  Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Inc. (Racine, W...  CAA-05-2008-0037
08/26/2009  Wisconsin Plating Works of Racine, Wisconsin Plati...  RCRA-05-2009-0009
03/30/2009  Wisconsin Veneer and Plywood, Inc. (Mattoon, WI)   CAA-05-2008-0038
04/11/2013  Wismarq Corporation  RCRA-05-2012-0015
01/06/2009  Wolf Paving Co., Inc.  CAA-05-2008-0029
04/05/2010  Wolfe Landau  TSCA-02-2009-9267
03/04/2014  Woodstock Resort Corporation  TSCA-01-2013-0018
07/25/2011  W.M. Jordan Company, Inc.  CWA-03-2011-0081
04/25/2007  Zierick Manufacturing Corporation  EPCRA-02-2007-4006

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