Case Index for RCRA-08-2020-0007 - New Prime, Inc.
02/08/2025 01:07:33 AM
Filing #: 1 - 09/21/2020 - Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing
Filing #: 2 - 10/21/2020 - Answer to Complaint & Request for Hearing
Filing #: 3 - 11/02/2020 - Order of Designation
Filing #: 4 - 11/02/2020 - Prehearing Order
Filing #: 5 - 11/23/2020 - Complainants Status Report
Filing #: 6 - 11/23/2020 - Complainants Preliminary Statement
Filing #: 7 - 11/27/2020 - Respondents Preliminary Statement
Filing #: 8 - 12/18/2020 - Complainants Initial Prehearing Exchange
Filing #: 8.01 - 03/28/2024 - CX01-CX13
Filing #: 8.02 - 03/28/2024 - CX14-CX50
Filing #: 9 - 01/08/2021 - Respondents Initial Prehearing Exchange
Filing #: 9.01 - 04/01/2024 - Respondent's Exhibits 1-19
Filing #: 9.02 - 04/01/2024 - Respondent's Exhibit 20
Filing #: 10 - 01/22/2021 - Complainants Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange
Filing #: 10.01 - 04/01/2024 - Rebuttal Exhibits
Filing #: 11 - 02/22/2021 - Complainants Motion for AD on Liability and Penalty
Filing #: 11.01 - 04/01/2024 - Memorandum in Support of Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability and Penalty
Filing #: 11.02 - 02/02/2023 - Declaration of Linda Jacobson
Filing #: 12 - 02/24/2021 - Motion to Correct Complainants PHE
Filing #: 12.01 - 02/02/2023 - Attachment 1 - Declaration of Linda Jacobson
Filing #: 12.02 - 02/02/2023 - Attachment 2 - EPA’s Explanation of the Proposed Penalty Assessment in the Matter of New Prime, Inc. CX04Cor
Filing #: 12.03 - 02/02/2023 - Attachment 3 - Curriculum Vitae for John J. Reschl CX64Cor
Filing #: 12.04 - 02/02/2023 - Attachment 4 - Corrected Table of Complainant’s Prehearing Exchange Exhibits
Filing #: 13 - 03/09/2021 - Respondents Response to Motion for Accelerated Decision
Filing #: 13.01 - 02/02/2023 - Exhibit A to Respondent's Response to Motion for Acc. Dec.
Filing #: 14 - 03/09/2021 - Respondents Response to Motion to Amend PHE
Filing #: 15 - 03/18/2021 - Complainants Reply to Response to Motion to Correct Complainants PHE
Filing #: 16 - 03/19/2021 - Complainants Reply to Rs Resp to Cs Mot for AD on Liability and Penalty
Filing #: 16.01 - 02/02/2023 - Attachment 5 - Corrected Table of Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Exhibits
Filing #: 17 - 03/31/2021 - Order on Motion to Correct PHE
Filing #: 18 - 07/01/2021 - Respondent Counsels Notice of Change of Address
Filing #: 19 - 07/16/2021 - Complainants Second Supplement to the PHE
Filing #: 20 - 07/21/2021 - Respondents Mot for Suppl Briefing on MAD
Filing #: 20.01 - 04/01/2024 - Respondent's Supplemental Brief re Accelerated Decision
Filing #: 21 - 07/30/2021 - Complainants Response to Rs Mot for Suppl Briefing
Filing #: 22 - 04/04/2022 - Order on Complainants MAD
Filing #: 23 - 04/18/2022 - Complainants NOA (Charles Figur)
Filing #: 24 - 04/18/2022 - Complainants Status Report
Filing #: 25 - 04/18/2022 - Complainants Motion to Amend PHE
Filing #: 25.01 - 02/02/2023 - Complainant's Updated Exhibit Index List
Filing #: 25.02 - 02/02/2023 - CX67 - Resume of Kristin S. McNeill
Filing #: 26 - 04/29/2022 - Respondents Resp to C's Mot to Amend PHE
Filing #: 27 - 05/04/2022 - Order on Complainants Motion to Amend PHE
Filing #: 28 - 05/09/2022 - Notice of Hearing Order
Filing #: 29 - 07/14/2022 - Joint Status Report
Filing #: 30 - 08/22/2022 - Third Supplement to Complainants PHE
Filing #: 30.01 - 04/01/2024 - Complainant's Updated Exhibit Index List Version 3
Filing #: 30.02 - 04/01/2024 - CX68
Filing #: 30.03 - 04/01/2024 - CX69
Filing #: 31 - 08/24/2022 - Respondents Motion to Exclude Suppl Exhs and Witnesses
Filing #: 32 - 08/24/2022 - Order Setting Deadlines
Filing #: 33 - 09/06/2022 - Complainants Resp to Rs Mot to Exclude Suppl Exhs & Rs Mot in Limine & Cross-Motion
Filing #: 34 - 09/14/2022 - Respondents Reply Re Mot to Exclude & Resp. to Cs Mot to Admit
Filing #: 35 - 09/16/2022 - Complainants Reply to Rs Response to Cs Cross-Motion
Filing #: 36 - 09/23/2022 - Joint Status Report
Filing #: 37 - 09/28/2022 - Order on Respondents Motion to Exclude Suppl Exhs and Witnesses and Complainants Cross-Motion to Admit
Filing #: 38 - 09/30/2022 - Joint Set of Stipulated Facts and Exhibits
Filing #: 39 - 10/12/2022 - Order on Complainants Motion for Virtual Testimony
Filing #: 40 - 10/07/2022 - Complainants Unopposed Motion for Virtual Testimony
Filing #: 41 - 10/07/2022 - Respondents Pre-Hearing Brief
Filing #: 42 - 10/27/2022 - Hearing Document Emails and RX 14 A&B
Filing #: 43 - 11/08/2022 - Hearing Transcript Vol. I 10-24-22 (mini)
Filing #: 44 - 11/08/2022 - Hearing Transcript Vol. II 10-25-22 (redacted mini)
Filing #: 45 - 11/08/2022 - Hearing Transcript Vol. III 10-26-22 (mini)
Filing #: 46 - 11/08/2022 - Hearing Transcript Vol. IV 20-27-22 (mini)
Filing #: 47 - 11/09/2022 - Order Scheduling Post-Hearing Submissions
Filing #: 48 - 12/09/2022 - Complainants Motion to Conform Transcript
Filing #: 48.01 - 09/18/2024 - Attachment A - Corrections
Filing #: 49 - 12/09/2022 - Respondents Motion to Conform Transcript
Filing #: 50 - 12/23/2022 - Complainants Post-Hearing Brief
Filing #: 51 - 12/30/2022 - Order on Motions to Conform Transcript to Actual Testimony
Filing #: 52 - 01/12/2023 - Respondents Motion for Extension of Time to File Post HB
Filing #: 53 - 01/12/2023 - Order on Motion for Extension of Time
Filing #: 54 - 02/03/2023 - Respondents Post Hearing Brief
Filing #: 55 - 02/17/2023 - Complainants Post Hearing Reply Brief
Filing #: 56 - 03/03/2023 - Respondents Post Hearing Brief
Filing #: 57 - 03/27/2024 - Initial Decision and Order
Filing #: 58 - 04/01/2024 - Respondent Notice Re Retirement of Counsel Mark Ryan