US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for RCRA-02-2016-7101 - Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C.

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Filing #: 1 - 04/28/2016 - Complaint

Filing #: 2 - 05/26/2016 - Answer

Filing #: 3 - 05/26/2016 - Letter to Chief ALJ Biro Requesting Assignment of an Presiding Officer.

Filing #: 4 - 06/01/2016 - ADR Offer Letter

Filing #: 5 - 06/17/2016 - Order of Designation

Filing #: 6 - 06/23/2016 - Prehearing Order

Filing #: 8 - 07/15/2016 - Order on Requesting Extension of Time

Filing #: 9 - 08/26/2016 - Change of Complainant's Counsel and Status Report

Filing #: 10 - 09/08/2016 - Consent Agreement and Final Order (CAFO)