US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for FIFRA-HQ-2016-0001 - Bayer CropScience LP et al.

04/24/2024 09:07:57 PM

Filing #: 1 - 03/31/2016 - Bayer & Nichino Objections And Request For Hearing

Filing #: 1.01 - 02/02/2023 - Bayer & Nichino Exhibit List And Exhibits 01-17 EPA-FIFRA-HQ-0001

Filing #: 1.02 - 02/02/2023 - Bayer & Nichino Exhibits 18-28 And Certificate Of Service EPA-FIFRA-HQ-0001

Filing #: 3 - 04/01/2016 - Joint Stipulation For Extension Of Time

Filing #: 4 - 04/04/2016 - Letter From HQ's Hearing Clerk Requesting An Alj

Filing #: 5 - 04/04/2016 - Amended Order Of Designation

Filing #: 6 - 04/04/2016 - Joint Stipulation For Extension Of Time

Filing #: 7 - 04/04/2016 - Order Scheduling Hearing And Prehearing Procedures

Filing #: 8 - 04/07/2016 - Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief and Brief ofThe Grower Groups in Support of Objections to EPA’s Notice of Cancellation

Filing #: 9 - 04/08/2016 - Order Granting Motion to File Amicus Brief

Filing #: 10 - 04/11/2016 - Motion to File an Amicus Brief & Memo of Amicus Croplife America in Support of Bayer Cropscience LP's Request for Hearing and Statement of Objection

Filing #: 11 - 04/11/2016 - Order Granting CropLife Amicus Brief

Filing #: 12 - 04/11/2016 - Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 13 - 04/13/2016 - Notice of Respondent's Filing of the Notice of Intent to Cancel Registrations of Flubendiamide

Filing #: 14 - 04/15/2016 - Motion to Leave to File Amicus Brief & Memo of Amicus Biological Diversity in Support of Defendent EPA Cancellation of Conditional Registration for Pesticide Products the Active Ingredient Flubendiamide

Filing #: 15 - 04/15/2016 - Respondent's Notice of Appearance

Filing #: 16 - 04/18/2016 - Order Granting CBD Amicus Motion

Filing #: 17 - 04/18/2016 - Response to Motion: Respondent's Opposition to Bayer CropScience LP and Nichino America, Inc. 's Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 18 - 04/18/2016 - Motion: Motion to Limit Scope of Testimony

Filing #: 19 - 04/21/2016 - Reply to Response to Motion: Reply in Support of Petitioners' Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 20 - 04/22/2016 - Respondent’s Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 21 - 04/22/2016 - Motion: Respondent's Response to Amicus Briefs filed by CropLife and Grower Groups

Filing #: 22 - 04/22/2016 - Complainant’s Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 23 - 04/22/2016 - Registrants' Response to Amicus Curiae Brief of the Center for Biological Diversity

Filing #: 24 - 04/25/2016 - Order on Petitioners' Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 25 - 04/26/2016 - Response to Motion: Registrants' Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Limit Scope of Testimony

Filing #: 26 - 04/27/2016 - Respondent’s Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 27 - 05/03/2016 - Order on Respondent's Motion to Limit Scope of Testimony

Filing #: 28 - 05/09/2016 - Notice of Objection

Filing #: 29 - 05/13/2016 - Transcripts

Filing #: 30 - 05/16/2016 - Motion to Conform Transcript

Filing #: 31 - 05/17/2016 - Order Granting Motion to Conform Transcript

Filing #: 32 - 05/18/2016 - Transcripts

Filing #: 33 - 05/19/2016 - Post-Hearing Brief of Bayer CropScience LP and Nichino America, Inc

Filing #: 34 - 05/19/2016 - Offer of Proof by Bayer CropScience LP and Nichino America, Inc.

Filing #: 35 - 05/19/2016 - Respondent's Post-Hearing Brief

Filing #: 35.01 - 02/02/2023 - Certificate of Service

Filing #: 36 - 06/01/2016 - Initial Decision

Filing #: 37 - 06/03/2016 - Motion to Correct Initial Decision

Filing #: 39 - 06/03/2016 - Corrected Initial Decision