US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for RCRA-01-2018-0062 - ISP Freetown Fine Chemicals, Inc.

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Filing #: 1 - 09/26/2018 - Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing

Filing #: 2 - 10/18/2018 - Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer

Filing #: 3 - 10/24/2018 - Order Granting Extension of Time to File Answer to the Complaint

Filing #: 4 - 11/16/2018 - Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer

Filing #: 5 - 11/21/2018 - Order Granting Second Extension of Time to Flie Answer

Filing #: 6 - 12/18/2018 - Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer

Filing #: 7 - 12/19/2018 - Order Granting Third Extension of Time to File Answer

Filing #: 8 - 03/26/2019 - Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer

Filing #: 9 - 03/22/2019 - Respondent's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 10 - 06/07/2019 - Amended Complaint

Filing #: 11 - 06/26/2019 - Respondent's Answer and Reaffirmation of Request for Hearing, and Motion to Dismiss Counts 2-8

Filing #: 12 - 07/01/2019 - Letter to Judge Biro Transmitting Docket No. RCRA-01-2018-0062

Filing #: 13 - 07/11/2019 - Order of Designation

Filing #: 14 - 07/11/2019 - Complainant's Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss

Filing #: 15 - 07/11/2019 - Order on Complainant's Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 16 - 07/29/2019 - Agency's Motion to Strike and Response to Motion to Dismiss

Filing #: 17 - 07/29/2019 - Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 18 - 07/30/2019 - Order on Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 19 - 08/01/2019 - Order of Redesignation

Filing #: 20 - 08/23/2019 - Respondent's Joint Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss and Opposition to Motion to Strike

Filing #: 21 - 08/29/2019 - Agency's Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 22 - 08/29/2019 - Order on Complainant's Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 23 - 09/27/2019 - Complainant's Reply to Respondent's Opposition to Motion to Strike

Filing #: 24 - 10/01/2019 - Joint Motion to Defer Scheduling Pre-Hearing Exchange

Filing #: 25 - 10/03/2019 - Order on Joint Motion to Defer Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 26 - 10/31/2019 - Complainant's Preliminary Statement

Filing #: 27 - 10/31/2019 - Respondent's Preliminary Statement

Filing #: 28 - 11/01/2019 - First Joint Status Report

Filing #: 29 - 12/02/2019 - Second Joint Status Report

Filing #: 30 - 12/03/2019 - Order on Joint Request for Extension

Filing #: 31 - 01/03/2020 - Third Joint Status Report

Filing #: 32 - 01/16/2020 - Joint Motion Requesting ADR

Filing #: 33 - 01/23/2020 - Order on Joint Motion for Alternative Dispute Resolution

Filing #: 34 - 01/29/2020 - Order to Submit Joint Statement Regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution

Filing #: 35 - 02/07/2020 - Joint Statement Regarding ADR

Filing #: 36 - 02/10/2020 - Order Initiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Appointing Neutral

Filing #: 37 - 04/09/2020 - Report Recommending Continuation Alternative Dispute Resolution Process

Filing #: 38 - 06/10/2020 - Report Recommending Continuation of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process

Filing #: 39 - 07/13/2020 - Report Recommending Termination of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process and Assignment of a Judge for Litigation

Filing #: 40 - 07/16/2020 - Order of Designation

Filing #: 41 - 07/22/2020 - Order to Submit Joint Status Report

Filing #: 42 - 07/31/2020 - Status Report

Filing #: 43 - 08/07/2020 - Order Establishing Filing Deadlines

Filing #: 44 - 10/01/2020 - Joint Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 45 - 10/02/2020 - Order Granting Extension of Time

Filing #: 46 - 10/19/2020 - Partial CAFO, Joint Proposed Plan and Certificate of Service

Filing #: 47 - 10/22/2020 - Prehearing Order

Filing #: 48 - 11/20/2020 - Joint Status Report

Filing #: 49 - 12/18/2020 - Complainant’s Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 50 - 01/08/2021 - Respondent’s Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 51 - 01/15/2021 - Complainant's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Complainant's Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 52 - 01/14/2021 - Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 53 - 01/19/2021 - Order Granting Extension of Time for Filing Complainant's Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 54 - 01/22/2021 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 55 - 01/27/2021 - Complainant's Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 56 - 01/27/2021 - [Place Holder] Respondent's Unredacted PHE Exhibits

Filing #: 57 - 02/18/2021 - Joint Motion for Extension of Dispositive Motion of Deadline

Filing #: 58 - 02/19/2021 - Notice of Appearances and Withdrawal of Counsel (A. Simpson & S. Viggiani)

Filing #: 59 - 02/24/2021 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Extension of Dispositive Motion Deadline

Filing #: 60 - 03/12/2021 - Respondent's Supplemental Prehearing Exchange Documents

Filing #: 61 - 03/22/2021 - [Place Holder] Respondent's Cover Letter and CD's for Unredacted Supplemental PHE Exhibits

Filing #: 62 - 03/26/2021 - Joint Status Report

Filing #: 62.01 - 02/02/2023 - Certificate of Service

Filing #: 63 - 04/23/2021 - Joint Status Report and Joint Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 64 - 05/03/2021 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 66 - 06/23/2021 - Respondent ISP's Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 67 - 06/24/2021 - Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 68 - 06/25/2021 - (Place Holder) Cover Letter for Respondent's Unredacted Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 69 - 06/26/2021 - Complainant's Supplemental Prehearing Exchange Documents

Filing #: 70 - 07/08/2021 - Respondent ISP's Opposition to Region 1's Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 71 - 07/08/2021 - Complainant's Response to Respondent's Motion for Accelerated Decision (Redacted)

Filing #: 72 - 07/19/2021 - Respondent ISP's Reply in Support of Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 73 - 07/19/2021 - Complainants Reply to Responden's Response to ADM (Redacted Version)

Filing #: 74 - 07/20/2021 - Complainant's Redacted with Corrected Table of Contents EPA Response to Respondent's MAD (refiled)

Filing #: 75 - 11/05/2021 - Complainant's 2nd Notice of Appearance and Withdrawal of Counsel

Filing #: 75 - 11/15/2021 - [Place Holder] Respondent's Unredacted PHE and Suppl. PHE Exhs. in CD's

Filing #: 76 - 08/15/2022 - Order Granting Respondent's Motion for Accelerated Decision/Order Denying Complainant's MAD/Initial Decision

Filing #: 77 - 09/22/2022 - EAB Order Declining to Exercise Sua Sponte Review