US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for FIFRA-04-2010-3002 - Agrimor Int'l Co.

02/15/2025 12:40:13 PM

Filing #: 1 - 02/17/2010 - ADR

Filing #: 2 - 03/03/2010 - Order Initiating ADR Process And Appointing Neutral

Filing #: 3 - 05/12/2010 - Order Reassigning ADR Process

Filing #: 4 - 05/14/2010 - Order Termination ADR Process And Returning Proceeding To Chief Administrative Law Judge

Filing #: 5 - 05/27/2010 - Order On Joint Motion To Stay Ruling And For ADR Refferral

Filing #: 6 - 12/01/2010 - Order Granting Complainant's Motion For Leave To File Second Amended Complaint