US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for CAA-07-2014-0021 and EPCRA-07-2014-0003 - Inhance Technologies LLC, formerly Fluoro-Seal International, LP

04/27/2024 04:32:46 PM

Filing #: 5 - 01/06/2015 - Consent Agreement And Final Order

Filing #: 6 - 08/12/2014 - Offer Of ADR

Filing #: 7 - 08/28/2014 - Order Initiating ADR And Appointing Neutral

Filing #: 8 - 10/28/2014 - Report Recommending Continuation Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Process

Filing #: 10 - 01/06/2015 - Consent Agreement And Final Order

Filing #: 11 - 01/08/2015 - Receipt Of Consent Agreement And Final Order And Conclusion Of Case