US EPA Office of Administrative Law Judges

Case Index for FIFRA-HQ-2023-0001 - Chlorpyrifos; Notice of Intent to Cancel Pesticide Registrations (EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0417)

01/15/2025 04:35:46 AM

Filing #: 1 - 01/10/2023 - Notice of Intent to Cancel

Filing #: 2 - 01/10/2023 - Grower Petitioners' Request for Hearing and Statement of Objections

Filing #: 2.01 - 02/02/2023 - RRVSGA et al. Exhibit List and Exhibits 1-21

Filing #: 2.02 - 02/02/2023 - RRVSGA et al. Exhibits 22-24 and Certificate of Service

Filing #: 3 - 01/13/2023 - Ghardas Request for Hearing, Statement of Objections & Request for Stay

Filing #: 3.01 - 02/02/2023 - Exhibits to Gharda Chemicals International, Inc's Request for Hearing and Statement of Objections and Request for Stay

Filing #: 3.02 - 07/24/2023 - Exhibits to Gharda Chemicals International, Inc's Request for Hearing and Statement of Objections and Request for Stay

Filing #: 4 - 01/27/2023 - Notice of Appearance of Agency Counsel

Filing #: 5 - 02/02/2023 - Order of Designation

Filing #: 6 - 02/08/2023 - Order to Respondent to Respond

Filing #: 7 - 02/22/2023 - Respondents Notice of Delivery of NOITC Pesticide Registrations

Filing #: 8 - 02/23/2023 - Respondents Response to Request for Stay

Filing #: 8.01 - 02/28/2023 - Respondent Response to Request for Stay - Exhibits

Filing #: 9 - 03/28/2023 - Motion to Intervene (filed by Earth Justice)

Filing #: 9.01 - 06/23/2023 - Motion to Intervene Exhibits 1-2

Filing #: 10 - 03/31/2023 - Order on Motion to Stay

Filing #: 11 - 04/06/2023 - Petitioners Preliminary Response to Mot to Intervene Requesting Motion be Held in Abeyance

Filing #: 12 - 04/10/2023 - Order on Request for Abeyance

Filing #: 13 - 04/10/2023 - Petitioners Request for Certification of Order Denying Stay for Appeal to EAB

Filing #: 13.01 - 09/18/2024 - Exhibit 1 - Stephens Declaration - Petitioners' Request for Certification

Filing #: 14 - 04/12/2023 - Order Setting Briefing Schedule

Filing #: 15 - 04/12/2023 - Petitioners Opposition to Motion to Intervene

Filing #: 16 - 04/20/2023 - Respondents Response to Request for Certification of Order Denying Stay for Appeal to EAB

Filing #: 17 - 04/27/2023 - Petitioners Reply in Support of Request for Certification of Order Denying Stay for Appeal to EAB

Filing #: 17.01 - 04/28/2023 - Exhibit 1 - Petitioners' Reply in Support of Request for Certification of Order

Filing #: 18 - 05/22/2023 - Order Granting Motion to Intervene

Filing #: 19 - 05/22/2023 - Order Denying Petitioners Request for Certification to the Environmental Appeals Board

Filing #: 20 - 05/22/2023 - Order to Submit Statement Regarding Hearing Availability and Preferred Location

Filing #: 21 - 06/05/2023 - Order Scheduling Hearing and Prehearing Procedures

Filing #: 23 - 06/09/2023 - Notification of Publication

Filing #: 24 - 07/14/2023 - Respondents Initial Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 24.01 - 07/24/2023 - JX-1 - Chlorpyrifos; Notice of Intent to Cancel Pesticide Registrations

Filing #: 24.02 - 07/24/2023 - JX-2 - Chlorpyrifos; Final Order Denying Objections...

Filing #: 24.03 - 07/24/2023 - JX-3 - Chlorpyrifos; Tolerance Revocations

Filing #: 24.04 - 07/24/2023 - JX-4 - Product Label Reg. No. 33658-17 11.28.11

Filing #: 24.05 - 07/24/2023 - JX-5 - Product Label Reg. No. 33658-26 12.20.12

Filing #: 24.06 - 07/24/2023 - JX-6 - Product Label Reg. No. 33658-27 12.20.12

Filing #: 24.07 - 07/24/2023 - JX-7 - Letter from USEPA to Gharda 3.1.22

Filing #: 24.08 - 07/24/2023 - JX-8 - Letter from Gharda to USEPA 3.30.22

Filing #: 24.09 - 07/24/2023 - JX-9 - Gharda Letter to USEPA Amending Label for 93182-3 6.10.22

Filing #: 24.10 - 07/24/2023 - JX-10 - Gharda Letter to USEPA Amending Label for 93182-7 1.11.23

Filing #: 24.11 - 07/24/2023 - JX-11 - Gharda Letter to USEPA Amending Label for 93182-8 6.10.22

Filing #: 24.12 - 07/24/2023 - JX-12 - USEPA Memo from E Messina to S Knott 8.11.22

Filing #: 24.13 - 07/24/2023 - JX-13 - USEPA Memo from S Knott to E Messina 8.23.22

Filing #: 24.14 - 07/24/2023 - JX-14 - USEPA Letter from E Messina to USDA re NOIC 8.11.22

Filing #: 24.15 - 07/24/2023 - JX-15 - USDA Comments on NOIC 9.11.22

Filing #: 24.16 - 07/24/2023 - JX-16 - Chlorpyrifos; Notice of Recpt of Req to Vol Cancel 6.9.23

Filing #: 24.17 - 07/24/2023 - RX-1 - USEPA Letters to Registrants

Filing #: 24.18 - 07/24/2023 - RX-2 - Letter from USEPA to Gharda re Registration Transfer 9.1.17

Filing #: 24.19 - 07/24/2023 - Verified Statement - Friedman

Filing #: 25 - 07/14/2023 - Intervenors Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 25.01 - 07/24/2023 - Certificate of Service

Filing #: 26 - 07/14/2023 - Complainants Initial Prehearing Exchange (redacted)

Filing #: 26.01 - 07/24/2023 - Witness Statement

Filing #: 26.02 - 07/24/2023 - PX Exhibits 1 - 20

Filing #: 26.03 - 07/24/2023 - PX Exhibits 21 - 39

Filing #: 26.04 - 07/24/2023 - PX Exhibits 40 - 60

Filing #: 26.05 - 07/24/2023 - PX Exhibits 61 - 75

Filing #: 27 - 07/24/2023 - Respondents Notice of Substitution of Agency Counsel (F. Pittman)

Filing #: 28 - 07/25/2023 - [Place Holder] Petitioner Unredacted Exhibits

Filing #: 29 - 08/04/2023 - Petitioners Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 30 - 08/04/2023 - Intervenor Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 30.01 - 08/15/2023 - IX 5

Filing #: 30.02 - 08/15/2023 - IX 6

Filing #: 30.03 - 08/15/2023 - IX 7

Filing #: 31 - 08/04/2023 - Respondent Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 31.01 - 08/15/2023 - Verified Statement of Elissa Reaves

Filing #: 31.02 - 08/15/2023 - Verified Statement of Stephen Schaible

Filing #: 31.03 - 08/15/2023 - RX 3

Filing #: 31.05 - 08/15/2023 - RX 5

Filing #: 31.06 - 08/15/2023 - RX 6

Filing #: 31.07 - 08/15/2023 - RX 7

Filing #: 31.08 - 08/15/2023 - RX 8

Filing #: 31.09 - 08/15/2023 - RX 9

Filing #: 31.10 - 08/15/2023 - RX 10

Filing #: 31.11 - 08/15/2023 - RX 11

Filing #: 31.12 - 08/15/2023 - RX 12

Filing #: 31.13 - 08/15/2023 - RX 13

Filing #: 31.14 - 08/15/2023 - RX 14

Filing #: 31.15 - 08/15/2023 - RX 15

Filing #: 31.16 - 08/15/2023 - RX 16

Filing #: 31.17 - 08/15/2023 - RX 17

Filing #: 31.18 - 08/15/2023 - RX 18

Filing #: 31.19 - 08/15/2023 - RX 19

Filing #: 31.20 - 08/15/2023 - RX 20

Filing #: 31.21 - 08/15/2023 - RX 21

Filing #: 31.22 - 08/15/2023 - RX 22

Filing #: 31.23 - 08/15/2023 - RX 23

Filing #: 31.24 - 08/15/2023 - RX 24

Filing #: 31.25 - 08/15/2023 - RX 25

Filing #: 31.26 - 08/15/2023 - RX 26

Filing #: 31.27 - 08/15/2023 - RX 27

Filing #: 31.28 - 08/15/2023 - RX 28

Filing #: 31.29 - 08/15/2023 - RX 29

Filing #: 31.30 - 08/15/2023 - RX 30

Filing #: 31.31 - 08/15/2023 - RX 31

Filing #: 31.32 - 08/15/2023 - RX 32

Filing #: 31.33 - 08/15/2023 - RX 33

Filing #: 31.34 - 08/15/2023 - RX 34

Filing #: 31.35 - 08/15/2023 - RX 35

Filing #: 31.36 - 02/20/2024 - RX 36

Filing #: 31.37 - 02/20/2024 - RX 37

Filing #: 31.38 - 08/15/2023 - RX 38

Filing #: 31.39 - 08/15/2023 - RX 39

Filing #: 31.40 - 08/15/2023 - RX 40

Filing #: 31.41 - 08/15/2023 - RX 41

Filing #: 31.42 - 02/20/2024 - RX 42

Filing #: 31.43 - 08/15/2023 - RX 43

Filing #: 31.44 - 08/15/2023 - RX 44

Filing #: 31.45 - 08/15/2023 - RX 45

Filing #: 31.46 - 08/15/2023 - RX 46

Filing #: 31.47 - 08/15/2023 - RX 47

Filing #: 31.48 - 08/15/2023 - RX 48

Filing #: 31.49 - 08/15/2023 - RX 49

Filing #: 31.50 - 08/15/2023 - RX 50

Filing #: 31.51 - 08/15/2023 - RX 51

Filing #: 31.52 - 08/15/2023 - RX 52

Filing #: 31.53 - 08/15/2023 - RX 53

Filing #: 31.54 - 08/15/2023 - RX 54

Filing #: 31.55 - 08/15/2023 - RX 56

Filing #: 31.56 - 08/15/2023 - RX 55

Filing #: 31.57 - 08/15/2023 - RX 57

Filing #: 31.58 - 08/15/2023 - RX 58

Filing #: 31.59 - 08/15/2023 - RX 59

Filing #: 31.60 - 08/15/2023 - RX 60

Filing #: 31.61 - 08/15/2023 - RX 61

Filing #: 31.62 - 08/15/2023 - RX 62

Filing #: 31.63 - 08/15/2023 - RX 63

Filing #: 32 - 08/07/2023 - Respondents Amended RX 4 to Its Rebuttal Prehearing Exchange

Filing #: 32.01 - 08/15/2023 - Amended RX 4 certificate of service

Filing #: 33 - 08/25/2023 - Intervenors Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 34 - 08/25/2023 - Respondents Motion for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 35 - 09/05/2023 - Petitioners Opposition to Motions for Accelerated Decision

Filing #: 36 - 09/08/2023 - Respondents Motion for Leave to File Reply to Petitioners' Opposition to MADs

Filing #: 37 - 09/08/2023 - Petitioners Notice of Filing in 8th Circuit

Filing #: 37.01 - 09/15/2023 - Exhibit 1

Filing #: 38 - 09/22/2023 - Joint Motion for Entry of Protective Order

Filing #: 38.01 - 09/23/2024 - Stipulated Protective Order

Filing #: 38.02 - 09/23/2024 - Proposed Order

Filing #: 39 - 09/27/2023 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Entry of Protective Order

Filing #: 40 - 10/04/2023 - Respondent Motion to Supplement

Filing #: 40.01 - 09/18/2024 - Reaves Supplemental Statement

Filing #: 41 - 10/16/2023 - Petitioners Response to Respondents Motion to Supplement

Filing #: 42 - 11/03/2023 - Petitioner Notice of Opinion from Eighth Circuit

Filing #: 43 - 11/03/2023 - Respondent Motion for Extension of Time to File Non-Dispositive Motions

Filing #: 44 - 11/08/2023 - Order on Respondents Motion for Extension of Time and Order to Show Cause

Filing #: 45 - 11/22/2023 - Order Setting Briefing Schedule on Respondents Motion for Extension of Time to Show Cause

Filing #: 46 - 11/21/2023 - Respondent Motion for Extension of Time

Filing #: 47 - 11/28/2023 - Petitioners Response to Respondents Motion for Ext of Time to Show Cause

Filing #: 49 - 12/19/2023 - Respondents and Intervenors Response to Order to Show Cause

Filing #: 50 - 12/22/2023 - Petitioners Response to Order to Show Cause

Filing #: 50.01 - 09/23/2024 - Proposed Order Dismissing NOIC

Filing #: 51 - 12/28/2023 - Petitioners Notice of Mandate from Eighth Circuit

Filing #: 51.01 - 09/23/2024 - Exhibit 1 - Mandate Issued in the Eighth Circuit