Case Index for CWA-07-2022-0104 - Tom Villegas and Amy Villegas
01/15/2025 11:40:52 AM
Filing #: 1 - 08/02/2022 - Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing
Filing #: 2 - 09/01/2022 - Answer and Request for Hearing
Filing #: 3 - 09/01/2022 - Transmittal Letter
Filing #: 4 - 09/08/2022 - Order of Designation
Filing #: 5 - 09/08/2022 - Prehearing Order
Filing #: 6 - 09/30/2022 - Status Report
Filing #: 7 - 09/30/2022 - Agencys Preliminary Statement
Filing #: 8 - 09/30/2022 - Respondents Preliminary Statement
Filing #: 9 - 10/21/2022 - Complainants Initial Prehearing Exchange
Filing #: 9.01 - 06/22/2023 - CX1 2022 Inspection
Filing #: 9.02 - 06/22/2023 - CX2 2021 Site Visit
Filing #: 9.03 - 06/22/2023 - CX3 Cease and Desist
Filing #: 9.04 - 06/22/2023 - CX4 Violation Determination Memorandum
Filing #: 9.05 - 06/22/2023 - CX5 Corps Memorandum for Record
Filing #: 9.06 - 06/22/2023 - CX6 Peter Stokely Resume
Filing #: 9.07 - 06/22/2023 - CX7 Tolling agreement
Filing #: 9.08 - 06/22/2023 - CX8 Certified Mail
Filing #: 9.09 - 06/22/2023 - CX9 Public Notice
Filing #: 9.10 - 06/22/2023 - CX10 Findings of Violation and Order for Compliance
Filing #: 9.11 - 06/22/2023 - CX11 Proposed Work Plan
Filing #: 9.12 - 06/22/2023 - CX12 2009 LiDAR
Filing #: 9.13 - 06/22/2023 - CX13 Aerial Photos
Filing #: 9.14 - 06/22/2023 - CX14 2020 LiDAR
Filing #: 9.15 - 06/22/2023 - CX15 USGS topographic map
Filing #: 9.16 - 06/22/2023 - CX16 Literature concerning wetlands
Filing #: 9.17 - 06/22/2023 - CX17 Map of Hydric Soils
Filing #: 9.18 - 06/22/2023 - CX18 Property boundary records
Filing #: 9.19 - 06/22/2023 - CX19 IPaC Printout on Species
Filing #: 9.20 - 06/22/2023 - CX20 Delia Garcia Resume
Filing #: 9.21 - 06/22/2023 - CX21 Aerial image closeups
Filing #: 9.22 - 06/22/2023 - CX22 Broker brochure
Filing #: 9.23 - 06/22/2023 - CX23 David SmithWatts Resume
Filing #: 9.24 - 06/22/2023 - CX24 EPA soil sample locations
Filing #: 9.25 - 06/22/2023 - CX25 Platte River kayaking
Filing #: 9.26 - 06/22/2023 - CX26 NESCAP
Filing #: 9.27 - 06/22/2023 - CX27 Video 0059
Filing #: 9.28 - 06/22/2023 - CX28 Video 0053
Filing #: 9.29 - 06/22/2023 - CX29 Video 0052
Filing #: 10 - 11/11/2022 - Respondents Initial Prehearing Exchange
Filing #: 11 - 11/11/2022 - Respondents Motion for Extension of Time
Filing #: 12 - 11/14/2022 - Order on Respondents Motion for Extension of Time
Filing #: 13 - 12/13/2022 - Respondents Entry of Appearance (Baird Holm LLP)
Filing #: 14 - 12/14/2022 - Respondents Motion to Extend PHE Deadlines
Filing #: 15 - 12/15/2022 - Respondents Motion to Extend PHE Deadline (60 days)
Filing #: 16 - 12/16/2022 - Order on Motion to Extend Respondents Prehearing Exchange Deadline
Filing #: 17 - 02/08/2023 - Respondents Motion to Extend Prehearing Deadlines
Filing #: 18 - 02/09/2023 - Order on Respondents Motion to Extend Prehearing Exchange Deadline
Filing #: 19 - 03/23/2023 - Respondents Motion for Extension of Time for PHE Deadlines
Filing #: 20 - 03/24/2023 - Order on Motion to Extend Respondents Prehearing Exchange Deadline
Filing #: 21 - 05/15/2023 - Complainants Motion to Stay
Filing #: 22 - 05/17/2023 - Order on Agencys Motion to Stay
Filing #: 23 - 05/24/2023 - Agency's Motion for Reconsideration of Order on Motion to Stay or to Forward Order for EAB Review
Filing #: 24 - 05/25/2023 - Order on Agency's Motion for Reconsideration of Order on Agency's Motion to Stay
Filing #: 25 - 07/07/2023 - Complainant Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint
Filing #: 26 - 07/10/2023 - Respondents Response to Agencys Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint
Filing #: 27 - 07/10/2023 - Order on Agency's Motion to Withdraw Administrative Complaint