Rizing Sun, LLC
- Docket Number: FIFRA-09-2004-0024
Status: Closed
Statute: FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/28/2004
Closed Date: 07/21/2021
Disposition: No Further Action Needed
Location Filed: Region 09
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
Order Scheduling Hearing
(09/28/2004) # 1 Complaint
(11/30/2004) # 2 Answer
(12/09/2004) # 3 Transmittal Letter
(01/06/2005) # 4 ADR Letter to Complainant
(01/06/2005) # 5 ADR Letter to Respondent
(01/28/2005) #6 Order of Designation
(02/17/2005) #7 Prehearing Conference Letter
(02/24/2005) #8 Complainant's Status Report
(03/10/2005) #9 Complainant's Prehearing Exchange
(04/12/2005) #10 Order
(04/14/2005) #11 Stop Sale, Use or Removal Order
(04/27/2005) # 12 Respondent's Prehearing Exchange, Orig. Filed Apr.29
(05/03/2005) #13 Motion To Supplement Prehearing Memorandum
(05/03/2005) #14 Addendum To Complainant's Prehearing Exchange Memorandum
(06/13/2005) #15 Order
(07/06/2005) #16 Order
(07/22/2005) #17 Second Motion To Supplement Prehearing Exchange Memorandum
(07/22/2005) #18 Second Addendum To Complainant's Prehearing Exhange Memorandum
(10/21/2005) #19 Notice of Hearing
(11/04/2005) #20 Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability
(11/04/2005) #21 Memorandum in Support of Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability
(11/14/2005) #22 Letter Confirming Courtroom
(11/14/2005) #23 Notification of Courtroom Assignment
(01/17/2006) #24 Order Granting Complainant's Third Motion to Supplement Prehearing Exchange Memorandum
(01/26/2006) #25 Fourth Motion to Supplement Prehearing Exhange Memorandum
(01/26/2006) #26 Fourth Addendum to Complainant's Prehearing Exchange
(01/30/2006) #27 Motion To Postpone Date of Hearing
(01/30/2006) #28 Order Granting In Part Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability & Reducing the Number of Counts..
(02/01/2006) #29 Order on Motions
(02/02/2006) #30 Order Granting in Part Complainant's Motion for Accelerated Decision on Liability & Reducing the Number of Counts...
(02/07/2006) #31 Transcript of Hearing
(02/27/2006) #32 List of Complainant's Exhibits
(03/15/2006) #33 Notice of Transcript
(05/01/2006) #34 Brief in Support of Complainant's Findings of Fact, Conclustions of Law, and Proposed Order
(05/01/2006) #35 Complainant's Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Proposed Order
(05/12/2007) #36 Initial Decision
(06/12/2007) #37 Notice of Appeal
(08/14/2007) #38 Letter Requesting to File a Late Amicus Curiae Brief
(08/31/2007) #39 Brief of Amici Curiae
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: FIFRA-09-2004-0024