Playa Clara, S.E.
- Docket Number: CWA-02-2008-3358
Status: Closed
Statute: CWA Clean Water Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 09/30/2008
Closed Date: 07/19/2016
Disposition: Withdrawn by Region
Location Filed: Region 02
(10/09/2008) # Complaint
(01/05/2009) #2 Respondent filed an aswer to complaint (attachments not scanned).
(01/20/2009) #3 Motion informing removal as counsel of record.
(01/21/2009) #4 Letter to both parties regarding rules of practice from RJO.
(03/11/2009) #5 Order and report on contining status teleconference.
(04/02/2009) #6 Report and order continuing status telephone conference.
(04/02/2009) #7 Report and order continuting status teleconference.
(07/01/2009) #8 Certificate of service to both parties serving RJO's report and order to file joint status report.
(10/28/2009) #9 Ceritificate of service to both parties serving RJO's order to file joint status report.
(11/10/2009) #10 Certificate of service to both parties serving RJO's order allowing additional time to file joint status report.
(01/20/2010) #11 Informative motion requesting extension of time to file executed consent agreement and final order.
(01/20/2010) #12 Certificate of service to both parties serving RJO's order staying proceedings and scheduling status teleconference.
(04/08/2010) #13 Certificate of service to both parties serving RJO's report and order to file joint status report.
(04/05/2012) #14 Certificate of service to both parties serving RJO's third order to file joint status report.
(05/17/2012) #15 Order staying motion.
(03/22/2016) #16 Order to Show Cause
Attachment 16.01
(06/21/2016) #17 Complainant's motion to withdraw Complaint.
(07/19/2016) #18 Order on withdrawal.