Wyndham El Conquistador Resort & Country Club
- Docket Number: CWA-02-2007-3409
Status: Closed
Statute: CWA Clean Water Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date: 05/03/2007
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
(08/07/2008) # Consent agreement and final order.
(02/15/2008) # Letter to ALJ requesting assignment of an presiding officer.
(05/09/2007) # Complaint
(02/15/2007) # Respondent filed an answer to complaint and request for a hearing.
(02/20/2008) #5 Letter to Attorney Flashmann regarding ADR.
(02/20/2008) #6 Letter to Atty Carreno regarding ADR.
(03/05/2008) #7 Order initiating alternative dispute resolution process and appointing neutural.
(03/05/2008) #8 Memo subj: regarding ADR acceptance.
(06/10/2008) #9 Order extending alternative dispute resolution process.