Strata Enterprises, LLC
- Docket Number: CAA-06-2010-3383
Status: Closed
Statute: CAA Clean Air Act (Expedited Settlement Agreement )
Complaint Date: 09/30/2010
Closed Date: 02/25/2011
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 06
Case Type:
Statute & Section:
State of Facility:
(09/30/2010) #1 Complaint and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing
(11/07/2010) #2 Green Card
(10/04/2010) #3 Green Card
(11/01/2010) #4 Letter
(11/15/2010) #5 Request for an ALJ
(11/30/2010) #6 Offer of ADR
(11/30/2010) #7 Offer of ADR
(12/06/2010) #8 Order Initiating ADR Process and Appointing Neutral
(12/02/2010) #9 Email
(11/30/2010) #10 Email
(02/07/2011) #11 Order Granting Extension of ADR Period
(02/25/2011) #12 Consent Agreement and Final Order
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: CAA-06-2010-3383