Quality Engineers & Constructors, Inc. and Cidra Excavation, Inc.
- Docket Number: CWA-02-2007-3411
Status: Closed
Statute: CWA Clean Water Act (Penalty)
Complaint Date:
Disposition: Payment Received
Location Filed: Region 02
(02/15/2008) # Letter to ALJ requesting assignment of an presiding officer.
(02/05/2008) # Answer #2
(09/21/2007) # Answer #1
(06/08/2007) # Complaint
(05/15/2009) #5 Consent Agreement and Final Order
(02/20/2008) #6 Letter to Atty Carreno regarding ADR.
(02/20/2008) #7 Letter to Atty Martinez-Lorenzo regarding ADR.
(03/11/2008) #8 Order of designation.
(03/17/2008) #9 Prehearing Order.
(06/11/2008) #10 Status report.
(07/22/2008) #11 Motion requesting leave to withdraw complaint without prejudice pursuant to the consolidated rules of practice 22.14 and stay of the prehearing exchange order.
(08/14/2008) #12 Motion opposing request for leave to withdraw complaint without prejudice and requesting dimissal of complaint or rapanos evidentiary hearing on CWA jurisdiction.
(08/26/2008) #13 Reply to respondent's motion opposing request for leave to withdraw complaint without prejudice and requesting dismissal of complaint of rapanos evidentiary hearing on CWA jurisdiction. (w/o attachments scanned)
(09/03/2008) #14 Order denying motion requesting lave to withdraw complaint without prejudice; order denying motion requesting dismissal of complaint or rapanos evidentiary hearing on CWA jurisdiction; and order granting temporary stay of proceedings.
(04/09/2009) #15 Informative Motion regarding progess made in filing an executed consent agreement and final order request for extension of time.
(12/19/2008) #16 Joint motion requesting extension of time to file executed consent agreement and final order.
(01/20/2009) #17 Motion informing removal as counsel of record.
(02/26/2009) #18 Order on complainant's request for extension of time to file executed consent agreement and final order.
(02/27/2009) #19 Informative motion and request for extension of time to file executed consent agreement and final order.
(03/30/2009) #20 Status report.
(05/12/2009) #21 Informative motion regarding progress made in filing an executed consent agreement and final order and third request for extension of time to file.
For more information about this OALJ case, please follow this link: CWA-02-2007-3411